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1、四年英语一. 选词填空。 1.Nice to meet you ._ A. See you. B.Nice to see you, too. 2.Where are you from?_ A. Im from America. B.Im fine. 3.This is our new teacher, Mr Zhang._ A. Goodbye! B.Welcome. 4.Hi,Li Ming._ A. Hello,Linda. B.Hello!Im Linda. 5._ Im Bob. A. Whats your name? B.Good afternoon.二.连词成句. 1.

2、/ 2.teacher / / 4.this /5.our ( . ) _ 2. / / 3. nice / 4/meet / 5too (. ) _ 3. 1.from /2.are /3. where / (?) _ 4. / 2. my /3. Iohn Hill /4. is (.) _ 5. 1.I /2.your / 3.teacher / 4. am / 5. new / 6.English (.) _三.将下列句子排序,使其成为一段完整的对话。 A.Nice to meet you, too. B.Oh,really?

3、 Welcome ,Mr Hill ! C.Im from America. Im your new English teacher. D.Hello! Im John Hill. E.Where are you from? F.Hi, my name is Li Ming.Nice to meet you . 排后的顺序是_四.将下列意思相对应的英汉短语连线。 1. how old A.在四年一班 2. in Class 1 .Grade 4. B.光明小学 3.Guangming Primary School C.一个好名字 4. a nice name D.试一试 5. have a t

4、ry E.多大了五.根据所给的情境,选择正确的选项。 ( )1.当别人对你说“Your English is good ”时,你应该说:_ A. Yes , I am B.Thank you. C. You are right . ( )2.当你想夸别人的东西很漂亮时,你应该说:_ A. Oh B.OK. C. How beautiful! . ( )3.别人到你们学校来表示欢迎时,你应该说:_ A.Welcome to our school B.Nice to meet you. C.Come in , please . ( )4.当别人夸你的衣服漂亮时,你应该说:_ A.How nice

5、! B.No. C. Thank you. ( )5.当你给别人引路的时候,你应该说:_ A. Lets go B.This way please. C. Oh, sorry.六.在方框中选择合适的选项完成对话,将答案标号写在横线上。 A way B.beautiful C.our D.Welcome A.Oh,Guang Ming Primary School. B. This is 1._ school A. How 2. _! B.3._ to our school . This 4. _ , please.七.圈出下列句子中的错误。 1.Hou old is you ? A B C D

6、 2.You name is nice. A B C D 3.I name is XiaoHui. A B C D 4.Thank you. A B 八. 根据所给的情境,选择正确的选项。 ( )1.当你想问别人问题时,你应礼貌地说:_ A. Im sorry B.Excuse me. ( )2.当你想知道Billy在哪里的时候,你会问:_ A. Show me the small letter “ a ” B. Give me look the small letter “ a ”. ( )3.当你想让对方给你看小写字母a的时候,你会说:_ A.Whats your name? B.What

7、 class are you in? ( )4.当你问对方在几班时,你会说:_ A.Whats your name? B.What class are you in? ( )5.当你认错人了,你会说:_ A. No B.Sorry九.根据汉语意思,完成句子。1.我是一名新学生。 _ _ a new student.2.我在四年二班。 _ _ _ Class 2 , Grade 4.3.你是一个男孩吗?是的,我是。 Are _ a _? Yes, _ _.4.给我看看小写字母b. Show _ the small letter “ b”.5.这是三年二班。 _ _ Class 2 , Grade

8、 3 .十.根据句意圈出正确的单词。 1.What class _( are / am ) you in? 2._ ( Are /Is ) you a new student? 3._( Our / My) name is Henry . 4.Im _ ( at / in ) Class 3, Grade 4. 5. Show _ ( me / I ) the capital letter B.十一.写出每组单词中相同字母的大小写形式。1. cat _ 2. ant _ 3. dog _ 4.bear _ _ _ _ _ Color_ album_ deer_ bus_ _ _ _ _十二.选

9、出每组单词中与其他两个不同的选项。 ( )1. B.bear C.bus ( )2. A.album C.deer ( )3. A.cookies B.chocolates C.clock ( )4. A.rabbit B.antr C.school十三.判断每个句子与其下面的图片意思是否相符,若相符在括号内写“T”,不相符写“F”。 ( ) 1.Its the capital letter D. ( ) 2. Im in Class 2, Grade 4. B 二年四班 ( ) 3. Have a banana. ( ) 4.This is an ant. 桃子 蚂蚁

10、十四.在右栏中找出左栏各句子的相应译文,将其标号写在提前括号内。 ( )1.Welcome to our home . A. 是D 吗? ( )2.Im from America. A.吃一些饼干吧。 ( )3.This is my father. A. 欢迎你来我们家。 ( )4.Have some cookies. A. 我从美国来。 ( )5.Is it D? A.这是我的父亲。十五.将下列句子排序,使其成为一段完整的对话。1. Im from America.2. Hi,Henry. Where are you from?3. Dad,Mom,this is Henry, my new

11、 friend. Henry, this is my father.4. Welcome to our home, Have some cookies.5. He likes chocolates.6. No,thanks. 排后的顺序是_十六.给下列字母找邻居。 1._b_ 2. _Cc _ 3. _D _ 4. _Ee _十七.用“a”或“an”填空。 1. This is _elephant. 2. Thats _egg. 3. Is it _ fish? 4.Is that _ album?十八.根据句意选词填空。 Afish B.elephant C.bed D.eggs

12、 1.The _ has a long nose ,big ears and body. 2.It lives (居住) in the water. It can swim . Its a _. 3.The hens ( 母鸡) can give us _. 4.If ( 如果) youre hot ( 热的),turn on ( 打开) the _. 5.You sleep (睡觉) on the _.十九. 根据所给的情境,选择正确的选项。 ( )1.当你想介绍离你近的一辆玩具小汽车时,你会说:_ A. That is my toy car B.This is ma toy car. (

13、)2.当你想请别人进来时,你会说:_ A. This way ,please. B. Come in , please. ( )3.当你对听到的内容表示吃惊时,你会说:_ A.Really ? B. Why not ? ( )4.当别人对你说Niceto meet you 时,你应该说:_ A.How do you do ? B.Nice to meet you ,too.二十.判断下列各组字母是否是一对,是在括号中写“T”,否在括号中写“F”。 1.Ac ( _) 2. Bd ( ) 3. F f ( ) 4. Ee ( ) 5. Db ( )二十一.圈出合适的词完成句子。1. This i

14、s _( we/ our ) school.2. Nice _ ( see / to see ) you again.3. _(You / Your ) English is good.4. Billy _ ( like / likes) chocolates.5. Your father is _( I/ my ) English teacher.二十二.选择填空。 ( )1. _ is it ? Oh, its you , Billy. A. Where B.Who C.What ( ) 2. Are you a student? Yes,_. A.Im B.Im not C.I am (

15、 ) 3. Have some cookies. _. A.Very good B.No,thanks C.Fine ( ) 4.Welcome _our school. A.from B.are ( ) 5._ your English teacher Mr Hill? A.Is B.Am C.Are ( ) 6.Shall we _computer games? B.plays C.playing ( ) 7.What class _ you in? B.are ( ) 8. Is this your toy car? No ,_ _.

16、is isnt B.that isnt isnt ( ) 9._ you Li Ming? A.Am B.Is C.Are ( ) 10Show me the _ letter “b”. A.big B.small C.good二十三.选词填空。 Awhat B. how old D.where E.who 1._ are you from? Im from America.2_ are you? Im ten .3This is my bedroom.Come in, please. _ nice !4_ is it ? Its me .5_class are you

17、in? Im in Class 5, Grade 4.二十四.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 My name is Li Ming ,Im10.Im in Guangming Primary School. I have a new friend, Luck . She is 11. She is a lovely (可爱的) girl. She is from America.She has (有)two big eyes, a small nose and long hair.( 长头发).She is very friendly ( 友好的)to us. We all like her ve

18、ry much. ( ) 1.Li Mings friend is _. A.Li Ming B.Lucy C.Kate ( ) 2._ is in GuangMing Primary School. A.Linda B.Li Ming C.Kate ( ) 3.Lucy is _ A.10 B.11 C.12 ( ) 4.Lucys hair is _. A.big B.small C.long ( ) 5.Is Lucy from America? _. A.Yes, shes B.No,she is C.Yes , she is二十五.阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的在括号中写“T”,错误

19、的写“F”。 Hello! My name is Bill. I am an English boy . Im in Class 1,Grade 4.There are 50 students in my class. Miss Green is my teacher.She is a good teacher.I like her. ( ) 1.Bill is an English boy . ( ) 2.Miss Green is a good teacher. ( ) 3. Bill is in Class 3. Grade 3. ( ) 4.Bill likes his teacher

20、. ( ) 5.There are 45 students in bills class.二十六. 根据所给的情境,选择正确的选项。 ( )1.当你想说该上英语课了,你会说:_A. Time for English class. B.Time to English class. C.Its time to English class. ( )2.当你想告诉大家回教室了,你会说:_ A. Lets go B.Lets go to the classroom. C.Lets go the classroom. ( )3.当你想表达“来了”,你会说:_ A.I come B.Come . C.Com

21、ing. ( )4.当你提问10加12等于多少时,你会说:_A. What 10 and 12 ? B.Whats 10 and 12?C.What 10 minus12? ( )5.当你想说8:30了,你会说:_ A. It 8:30 B.Its 8:30 C. Its 8 and 30.二十七. 连词成句. 1. 1. time/ 2. English /3.class/4. for ( . ) _ 2. 1.lets / 2.go / 3.the/ /5.classroom (.) _ 3. 1.what/ 2.15/3.and / 4. is/ 5. 5(? ) _ 4. 1

22、.is /2. it /3.8:30(.) _二十八.选择正确的译文。 ( )1.Time for English class. A.10加15等于几? ( ) 2.Coming. B.让我们去教室吧。 ( ) 3.Whats 10 ang 15 ? C.来了。 ( ) 4.Lets go to the classroom. D.让我们数一数。 ( ) 5.Lets count. E.该上英语课了。二十九.将下列句子排序,使其成为一段完整的对话。A Whats 10 and 5?B Hello,boys ang girls. Lets count.C Good!D 15.E Ok! 1,2,3

23、,.30! 排后的顺序是_.三十.阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的在括号内写“T”,错误的写“F”。 A:Its 8:00. Time for English class. B: Ok.Let s go to the classroom. C:Coming. A:Hello,boys and girls. BC:Hello! A:Whats 7 and 10? BC:17. A.Good! ( ) 1. Its 7:30. ( ) 2.Time for English class. ( ) 3.Lets go to the park. ( )Whats 7 and 10? 17.三十一.在右栏中

24、找出左栏各句的正确答语。 ( )1. Whats the time,please? A. OK! ( ) 2. Im late .I must go . B.Its 7:30. ( ) 3.How about tomorrow? C.See you. ( ) 4.See you tomorrow! D.Dont hurry.三十二.选词填空。 ( )1._the time,please? Its 8:00. A.What B. Whats C.What is it ( )2.当你想说别着急时,你会说:_ A.Hurry up B. Hurry C.Dont hurry. ( )3.Shall

25、we _now? football B. play the basketball the soccer ( )4.Oh,Its _ late . B. two C. too ( )5.See you tomorrow!_ A.Yes, I can see . B. OK. C.See you 三十三.选择错误选项并改正。 ( ) 1. What the time, please?_ A B C ( ) 2. Is too late. _ A BC( ) 3. I must going. _ A B C ( ) 4. Shall we play the fo

26、otball now?_ A B C ( ) 5. Hows about tomorrow?_ A B C三十四.选词填空,补全对话。 Alate B.hurry C.must D.Whats A: 1._ the time , please? B: 7:30 A: Oh, Im 2._ . I 3. _ go . B: Dont 4._三十五.把下列句子排序,使其成为一段完整的对话。A How about tomorrow?B OK! See you tomorrow!C Oh,Its too late.D 5:00.E Whats the time, please?F See you.G. Shall we play basketball now? 排后顺序是_.三十六.将下列单词补充完整。 K_te ( 风筝) Kangar_ _ ( 袋鼠) _etter (信件)

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