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1、闸北新王牌 预初暑假班 吕N老师 What is worth doing at all is worth doing well凡是值得的事情就应好好去做绕口令:So it was better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter. 【成语来源】Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌There was a state calledzhou(周) in the chinese history.中国历史上有一个国家名叫“周”。One day, the king of zhou asked his officials for advice

2、ondeal withprisonersof war.一天,周王问他的官员,应该怎样处理战俘。An official said, i once heard if you love someone, you areintendedto love even the crows on theroofof his house; if you hate someone, you are intended to hate even the walls and theparapetsof his. The prisoners of war were enemies fighting against us.

3、In my opinion, wed better kill them all.一个官员说:“我以前曾听说:如果喜欢某个人,就连停留在那人住的屋顶上的乌鸦都喜欢;如果厌恶某个人,就连那人家里的墙壁和围墙都厌恶。战俘是我们的敌人,和我们是对立的,我觉得最好把他们全部杀了。”But the king didnt agree with him.I think we should treat the prisoners of war differently bydifferingthem into those who areguiltyand those who are not. The guilty

4、 ones will besentencedto death in order to avoid future disasters. Another officialput forwardhis suggestion.周王认为这样做不行。另外一个官员也提出了自己的意见:“依我看应该把战俘区分对待,把有罪的和无罪的、好的和坏的区分开来。有罪的战俘要处死,不能留下祸患。”The king didnt think it was a proper way, either.周王认为这样做也不大妥当。Then a third one said, Your majesty, I think all the

5、prisoners should be set free and sent backhome to workin the fields and support themselves by their own labor.Moreover, you should keep strictly the rules for reward andpunishmentand treat yourrelativesand friendsimpartially.The people are sure to believe in you if you administer our country by mora

6、ls and laws.接着,又有一个官员说:“大王,我认为应该把这些战俘全都放了,让他们回到自己的家里,耕种田地,自食其力。而大王对自己的亲人和朋友,也要赏罚分明,不能偏心。通过道德和法律来治理国家,人民肯定会对大王信服的。”The king thought the officials proposal was quitereasonableso he accepted and followed it.As a result, thedomesticsituationsoon settled down andgraduallythe country became morestableand

7、stronger.周王听后觉得很有道理,就按这个办法去做,结果国家真的很快安定下来了,变得越来越稳定和强大。The idiom is then used to mean that if you love someone,youll love people and things relative to him as well.成语“爱屋及乌”后来就被用来比喻:因为喜爱一个人,连带和他有关的人或事物也喜爱、关心。【文化链接】“爱屋及乌”的英语表达大家也一定都有所耳闻了吧就是“Love me, love my dog.”字面意思就是“爱我,就要爱我的狗”,比喻一个人如果喜欢一样事物或者人,他就会喜爱

8、关于这个事物或是人的一切,也就是“爱屋及乌”的意思啦这里向大家介绍一首好听的英文歌曲,就叫做“Love me, love my dog.”是由Peter Shelley演唱的,相信大家听完,一定会牢牢记住这一个有趣的英文表达。 新世纪教材:Lesson three Talking about familiesVocabulary丈夫 n. 妻子 n. 父亲(或母亲) n. 孩子(单/复) n. n. 叔父;舅父 n. 姨母;姑母;伯母 n. 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 n. 祖父、外公 n. 祖母;外婆 n. 告诉;讲,说 vt. 唯一的;只有,仅仅 a. / ad. 像;喜欢 prep. /

9、 vt. 黑色的;黑暗的 a. 苗条的;纤细的 a. 金黄的;公平的 a. 经理 n. 公司 n. 美国国际商用机器公司中国分公司 the IBM Company in China (综合性)大学 n. 人 n. 外貌,外观;出现 n. 描写,描述 vt. 工作;职业 n. 雇主 n. 单身的,单一的 a. 在后面 工程师 n. (男)销售员 n. 艺术家 n. 秘书 n. 会计 n. 在之间 prep. 伦敦 n. 计算机,电脑 n. 网友 Net-pal n. 好看的,漂亮的 a. 两者(都) a. / pron. / ad. 娇小可爱的;聪明伶俐的 a. 1. Family (家庭,家人

10、)2. Make(做使役动词“使,让”;制作)3. Have/has got 和 have/has (变否定形式和疑问句形式时的区别)4. One of your family members5. How many + 可数名词复数6. This is + 单数 these are+复数7. Else8. With for from9. Talk to / with sb talk about sth10. Not .at all 和 Not at all11. Other people = others12. Like to be together13. At night at noon i

11、n the morning/afternoon/evening14. Be late for.15. Be friendly/kind to sb16. Be angry get angry17. Tell lies tell a lie18. Share sth with sb19. 频度副词的位置(be动词后面,行为动词前面)20. For the first time21. Ask sb about sth22. Have /has been to + 地点 Have /has been there / here23. What about24. On + 星期25. Look afte

12、r take care of26. Keep(make) sb/sth +形容词27. Pick up28. Tell sb ( not) to do sth29. Promise 30. Want ( sb ) to do sth31. Already yet 32. Visit 33. At weekends34. Far away from 和 near35. A photo of 36. Have + lunch/37. Plan 38. Lets do sth39. How about40. Come back41. Shall we ?42. An important day43.

13、 Sixtieth44. Enough food45. What would you like to be?46. Would you like to be? Yes, I would. No, I wouldnt. 47. Make sick people better48. Put out49. Make our city a safe place50. Whats your job? What do you do? What are you?51. Job 和 work52. Id = I would 53. on ones way to help sb ( to ) do sth一、F

14、amily members 1)表示和自己有直系血缘关系的: Father(父亲,爸爸)mother ( 母亲,妈妈) sister (姐姐,妹妹) brother (哥哥,弟弟)等 以上称谓对于我来说都是家人,即my family members2) 表示和自己有或无血缘关系得: Grandfather(祖父,外祖父) grandmother(祖母,外祖母),grandson(孙子,外孙)granddaughter (孙女外孙女),uncle(叔叔,舅舅),aunt(姨父,姑父 阿姨,姑妈,婶婶),cousin(堂表兄,堂表第,堂表姐 堂表妹 )练习:1) My fathers brothe

15、r is my_2) My mothers father is my_3) My aunts daughter is my_ 4) My fathers mother is my_5) My mothers sister is my_二、This is . /These are.来介绍家人1) This is a photo of my family. _ _ _of my family. (改为复数句) _ _a photo of _ family? 改为一般疑问句2) This is a red apple. _ _ _red _. 改为复数句This _ a red apple. 改为否

16、定句3) These are birthday cards from my relatives. _ _ _ birthday card from, my relative. (改为单数句These _birthday cards from my relatives. 改为否定句 4) These are presents for you._ _ _ present for you. (改为单数句 _ these presents for _ ? 改为一般疑问句 三、频度副词: alwaysusuallyoftensometimesseldomneveralways 总是,一直 usually

17、 经常,常常 sometimes有时根据所给的星级和活动 提示造句 1) I/play football with my cousins (always)_-2) I/go to the park with my aunt (sometimes)_-3) she/wash the dishes after dinner (usually)_四、how many 来询问数量,后接可数名词的复数形式就划线部分提问1) I have got a lot of presents from my friends._-2) Mary has got many Chinese stamps._3) Alic

18、e has two cousins._4) We have eighty teachers in our school._五、else adj. 别的; 其他的What else do you do with your. ?1) I always finish my homework before dinner time. _ _you always _before dinner time?2) My father usually reads China Daily after dinner. _ _ your father usually_ after dinner?3) My mother

19、 sometimes has dinner in her office._4) My parents usually take me to see my grandparents at weekends._-六、only (仅仅)七、一些常见活动或事情的惯用表达:1) play games 玩游戏;play footbal踢足球;play badminton(打羽毛球)2) go后面常跟动词的 doing形式,表示去做某件事情 3) go to a restaurant 去饭馆吃饭 ;go to the park去公园4) watch TV去看电视 ;watch a film(看电影) 此处,

20、watch意思为观看,又如 watch 看卡通,动画片; watch carefully(仔细观察)活学活用1)We can play _ football in the playground in the P. E. lesson.2) lets me play _ piano for one hour every day.3) I like playing table tennis with my father.4) This summer Im going to learn to play _ violin.5) We go to ; park every Sunday.6) Stude

21、nts go to , school from Monday to Friday.7) Theres little food at home. Lets go to supermarket and do some shopping.8) Father reads newspaper after dinner every evening.八、职业问法1) What are you?2) What is yourjob?3) What do you do?4) What job do you do?( ) I have got a bad headache. I want to see the_.

22、A. dentist assistant C. bank clerk D. doctor1. My mother uses_ to cook the dishes. (cook) 2. Tom drives a taxi for living. He is a taxi _. (drive) 3. We need to find two new_to type the letters. (secret) 4. Look! The _are catching fish. (fish) 5. Jack is a _. He runs a company. (busy) 九、助动词(

23、) Tims father _ work on Sundays.A. didnt B. dont C. doesnt D. wouldnt They work on the farm with their parents every weekend. . (改为一般疑问句) _they _ on the farm with their parents every weekend?(2009上海) 十、like的用法( ) My good friend Bob is good at sports. He_to go to the volleyball team.A. like B. liking

24、 C. would do D. would like十一、人称代词( ) _ mother is a teacher. She likes to teach children English.A.I B. My C.She D. Their十二、时态The TV reporter is _ (interviews; interviewing) a pop singer now.十三、动词Could you _ (find out; find) the differences between the two girls?十四、从句Would you help me _ (if; or) you

25、are free(空闲的) ?十五、动词-名词1. My mother uses_ to cook the dishes. (cook) 2. Tom drives a taxi for living. He is a taxi _. (drive) 3. We need to find two new_to type the letters. (secret) 4. Look! The _are catching fish. (fish) 5. Jack is a _. He runs a company. (busy) 十六、非谓语Richard turned off the comput

26、er after he had finished_the e-mail.A. write B. to write C. writing D. wrote(2010 上海) 十七、连词Visitors love this city because it has historical sights and delicious food. (改为简单句) Visitors love this city_ _ its historical sights and delicious food. 十八、wh- questionsWhere?哪里?Which place?哪个地方?When? 什么时候?Wh

27、at time?什么时间? (具体的时刻)How? 怎样?How much?多少钱?How aboutWhat about? 怎么样?(建议或提议)时态一般将来时一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。句式结构:1) sb. shall/will do2) be going to do表示即将发生的或最近打算做的事(plan to do sth.)3) 现在进行时表将来(用于瞬间性动词,如leave, come, arrive等)Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms (用所给动词的适当形式填空) 1. I _ (leave) in a minute. I_(finish) all my work before I _(leave) .2. How long _you_

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