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1、河北省保定市高考英语阅读理解选练6河北省保定市2016高考英语阅读理解选练(6)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on fact or reason. Examples of prejudice in schools include believing that some students are particular type of people simply because of the way they dress or act, or bel

2、ieving that a certain group is good at sports simply because many peop1e in that group are goad at sports. Another example is believing that a boy is good at science because many boys are good at science. I would like to cite more examples from the English literature. The best example of “prejudice”

3、 can be found in Jane Austens novels. Her novels in the history of English literature are popularly known as novels of manners.Thus you can clearly understand that where manners and social behavior are concerned,prejudice is inevitable ! Austen s famous novel Pride and Prejudice is the best example

4、in this respect. When you read the novel, the very first line that would strike you is “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”It is an example of 18th century English middle class prejudice that eventually looked upon wom

5、en just as an object that would serve as the basic sign for a man to establish his manliness and his superior and well acquired financial status. This novel is chiefly about class division,social norms and the consequent human behavior. The characters Elizabeth and Darcy,in their journey of 1ife thr

6、ough the course of the novel, highlight their personal prejudices towards one another that arise from their different social strata(阶层).Darcy,a rich man , at first ,fails to admire the beauty and intelligence of Elizabeth because of her low social status:she is tolerable; but not handsome enough to

7、tempt me;”and Elizabeth,proud of her first impressions,failed to understand the well natured man under the proud and unfriendly Darcy.1. What is prejudice defined in this passage? A. Prejudice is a reasonable idea that is based on ones own experience. B. Prejudice is a preference for one group of pe

8、ople or things over another. C. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion before becoming aware of fact or reason. D. Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things.2. The underlined word inevitable in the second paragraph probably_means_ . A. unavoidable B. reasonable C. u

9、nbelievable D. valuable3.From the novel Pride and Prejudice,we cant learn that . A. where manners and social behavior are concerned prejudice is inevitable B. prejudice was defined and compared with“pride” in 18th century C. its about class division,social norms and the consequent human behavior D.

10、personal prejudices towards one another arise from different social strata【参考答案】13、CAB 【2014高考英语广东省佛山市质测试题】 Being honest are fundamental requirements if you want to grow spiritually and follow your true destination of personal development. Its not simply about being honest with people. While that wi

11、ll make you a better person and a more accepted one its more importantly about being honest with yourself. Living your life honestly means that youve decided to live openly and to show your true self to others and that you can be relied upon to be trustworthy. On the other hand, dishonesty is all ab

12、out shade and concealment and living your life in dark corners. When youre dishonest, it means that you remain living in the dark and cannot grow spiritually. Honesty produces trust-trust in ourselves and in all those around us. Trust in turn produces confidence which we all need to overcome lifes p

13、roblems and which also encourages us to take risks in order to achieve our goals. Youll have no doubt heard expressions such as what goes around, comes around and you get back, what you give out in life and thats very true. If you dont live your lives honestly, you can be assured that the people you

14、ll attract will turn out to be very similar to you and its therefore unavoidable that one day you11 be on the receiving end of someones dishonest actions or words. There may be situations where telling the whole truth causes you to bring a lot of pain on somebody else. For example, John may have tol

15、d Paul that he cant go on a weekend fishing trip with him because he has a family commitment arranged that weekend. You know differently and that the real reason John isnt going is because he hates Paul. When Paul asks you if you know whether the reason is true, what do you say? Well, in situations

16、like this, its often better to be economical(经济的) with the truth. You might say that you dont know why John cant go or that you think he has something on that weekend. Of course, this isnt telling the complete truth but you are sparing Pauls feelings on something that wont, after all, have strong in

17、fluence on Pauls future.36. If you want to grow spiritually, it is best for you to_. A. follow your destination B. be true to yourself C. plan your personal development D. accept honest people as衔ends 37. What does a dishonest man probably do? A. He keeps all his things secret. B. He doesnt want to

18、be trustworthy. C. He depends much on others. D. He stops growing any taller. 38. The passage tells us that if you choose to live a dishonest life, you will_. A. suffer from dishonesty B. become very attractive C. influence honest people D. have attractive friends 39. The example in the last paragra

19、ph is used to prove that_. A. we should always tell the truth B. John is not a trustworthy person C. telling lies causes pain on someone else D. sometimes we cant be completely honest 40. What is the main idea of the passage? A. We should be economical with the truth. B. People can gain from dishone

20、sty. C. Honesty helps you develop. D. Trust produces confidence.【参考答案】BAADC【2014高考英语广东省佛山市质测试题】 Ever get that feeling youre being watched? Well, if youre a dog-owner, you may have a point. Dogs are able to watch peoples interactions with one another to determine who holds yummier treats, according t

21、o a new study. This study joins others that show dogs are good observers of human behaviors and feelings. It offers evidence dogs use information not only from peoples direct interactions with them, but also their interactions with one another. In the study, dogs watched a man ask two women for some

22、 of their corns. Both women gave the man corns when he asked, but in response to one woman, the man showed his enthusiasm and said the corns were so delicious. In response to the other woman, he gave the corns back and called them gross (in Spanish; the study was conducted in Argentina). After these

23、 interactions, the man left and an assistant holding the dog let the dog go. While many dogs didnt approach either woman, the dogs that did have a preference tended to prefer the woman with the yummier food. Other studies of dogs people-watching ability have found dogs are able to tell thedifference

24、 between happy and sad faces in their owners. They prefer people who give others food when asked over people who dont give others food. And in one study, dogs turned toward crying people more often than toward talking people. So how much do dogs really understand about the humans around them? Thats

25、not totally settled yet. In a strange twist to the Argentine study above, when the researchers tried an experiment in which they put two plates of corns on a table and had a man react to each plate, dogs didnt preferentially approach the tastier plate afterward. You could say dogs watch for the inte

26、raction between two people, not just how a person reacts. Yet a previous study found dogs will choose boxes that people reacted to happily, but not boxes people reacted to with a disgusted face. Well, either way, you can be sure Fluffs is keeping an eye on you, to the best of her ability. The study

27、was published in the journal PLOS One.41. What does the study mentioned in Paragraph l show? A. Dogs prefer yummier foods. B. Dogs like to copy humans behavior. C. Dogs can interact with humans easily. D. Dogs can read human actions and feelings.42. What does the underlined word gross probably mean?

28、 A. Disgusting. B. Healthy.C. Yummy. D. Hot.43. Which is one of the procedures of the Argentine study? A. One of the women didnt give the food to the man. B. The man had different reactions to the food received. C. The assistant accompanied the dogs to get the food. D. Many dogs went to one of the w

29、omen.44. What can be concluded from Paragraph 4? A. Interactions between two people confuse dogs. B. Dogs never understand the reaction of one person. C. Dogs have good interactions with one another. D. The findings of some studies are controversial.45. Which is the best title for the passage? A. Ma

30、ns Best Friend. B. Be Kind To Your Dog C. Dogs Amazing Ability D. Dogs Are Observing You【参考答案】DABDD【浙江省金华十校2014高考英语 模拟试题】单项填空(共20小题;每小题05分,满分10分) 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。1Sally, do you mind if I take off my jacket? Of course not AIt doesnt matter BMake yourself at home CEnjoy yours

31、elf DForget it2Thanks to drama currently on air, Man From the Stars, South Korean TV dramas have attracted wider audience Athe; the Ba;a C a; the D a; /3Heavy smog blankets Beijing ,city authorities start using its new smog warning system AIn turn BIn time C In response D In return4Days of snowstorm

32、s have left the city under thick layers of ice and some 50,000 homes without power Ato be trapped Btrapped Chaving trapped Dbeing trapped5Sinking in the cheers of people, David walked off the stage, tears dropping he could stop them Aafter Bwhen Cuntil Dbefore6If it the climate, I would stay here much longer Ais not for Bhad not been for Cwere not for Dwould not be for7

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