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1、中考英语专题讲练定语从句解析版中考英语专题讲练:定语从句(解析版)定语从句知识精讲一、定义在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,通常位于定语从句之前。引导定语从句的有关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that等和关系副词where, when, why等,关系代词和关系副词,既起到连接作用,又在定语从句中担任句子成份。总结定语从句的一般结构为:先行词+关系词+定语从句。一、关系代词1. 关系代词指代先行词,在从句中作主语,宾语或表语,基本用法如下表:关系词作用先行词例句who主语/宾语人This is the boy who often

2、 helps me. 这就是帮我的那个男孩。I happened to meet the professor (who/ whom) I got to know at a party in the shopping center yesterday. 昨天在购物中心,我碰巧遇到了那位我在一次聚会上认识的教授。whom宾语人The man whom you are waiting for has gone home.你等那个人已经回家了。that主语/宾语人或物This is the pen that writes well. 这是那支很好写的笔。This is the pen that you

3、 want. 这是你想要的钢笔。The tallest player that plays football for our team is from Fujian. 在为我们队踢足球的最高哪个运动员来自福建。which主语/宾语物The room in which there is a machine is a work shop.有个机器的房间是车间。The river which is in front of my house is very clean.从我家前面流过的河流非常清澈。whose定语人或物The room whose door is blue is mine.蓝色房门的那

4、个房间是我的房间。注意:一般情况下,that既可以指人又可以指物,可以代替who, whom和which,在句子中充当主语,宾语或表语;which指物,在从句中也做主语,宾语或表语,所以which和that在指物时,大多时候可以互换,如:This is the movie that I like best.=This is the movie which I like best.这就是我最喜欢的电影。2. 关系代词的省略一般情况下,关系代词作宾语时可以省略,但若关系代词在从句中作介词宾语,且介词在关系代词前,不能省略,如:Ill never forget the day that we spe

5、nt together.我永远都不会忘记与你共度的时光。(可省略)Ill never forget the day on which we met each other.我永远不会忘记我们初次见面那一天。(不可省)二、关系副词关系词作用先行词例句when状语时间Ill never forget the day when I met you for the first time.我永远不会忘记初次见你的那一天。where状语地点This is the place where we have lived for 5 years.这就是我们住了五年的地方。why状语原因I dont know the

6、 reason why he was late. 我不知道他迟到的原因。注意:与关系代词不同,关系副词在从句中作状语,状语并不是句子必须成分,所以即使没有关系副词,从句的内容也完整。这是关系副词与关系代词最大的不同,也是我们选题的关键。同时,关系副词大多可以拆分成介词+which的形式,如:This is the house where Luxun once lived.=This is the house in which Luxun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。三点剖析一、重难点:定语从句考查形式比较单一,单选一般考关系词的选择,按照上表,我们很容易根据先行词判断出关系词

7、选谁最合适。高中会系统讲解定语从句,所以我们在初中阶段还要了解从句中的各个成分,为之后的学习做好准备。二、易错点:前文我们提到若先行词为物,关系词可以用that或which,而且大多数可以互换。但以下几种情况,必须用 that引导定语从句:1. 先行词是不定代词all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything等,如:All that we have to do is to practice English.我们要做的事情就是去练习英语。2. 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,如:The first letter that I got f

8、rom him will be kept.我收到他的第一封信将会被保存起来。3. 先行词被all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some等修饰,如:Ive eaten up all the food that you gave me.我把你给我的所有事物都吃光了。4. 先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时,如:He is the only person that I want to talk with.他是我唯一想与之交谈的人。5. 先行词既有人又有物时,如:They talked about pe

9、rsons and things that they met.他们谈论了他们见到的人和事。题模精选题模一:关系代词例1.1.1 -What shall we do next?-Take the advice _ is given by Dr. Bloch.A whoB whichC whoseD whom例1.1.2 The Palace Museum is the best place _ Ive ever visited.A whoB whenC thatD where例1.1.3 完成句子1. 你有什么要对自己说的吗?Do you have _ _ you want to say for

10、 yourself?2. 这是我父亲曾经住过的房子。This is a house in _ my father once lived.题模二:关系副词例1.2.1 This is the primary school _ I studied three years ago.A whereB whenC thatD which例1.2.2 Do you remember the days _ we spent in Sanya?A whenB thatC whatD where例1.2.3 完成句子你知道他缺席的原因吗?Do you know the reason _ he is absent

11、?随堂练习随练1.1 The second book _ I want to read is Business the Speed of Thought.A whichB whatC thatD as随练1.2 The book_ is sold out at the moment.A you needB what you needC which you need itD that you need it随练1.3 完成句子1. 人们都喜欢那些有礼貌的人。People all like those _ have good manners.2. 这是我障碍寻找的那本书。This is the b

12、ook _ Im looking for.3. 这是我看过的最有趣的电影。This is _ _ interesting _ _ Ive ever seen.4. 我还记得第一次来北京的那一天。I still remember the day _ I first came to Beijing.5. 你能告诉我他上班的办公室吗?Can you tell me the office _ he works?随练1.4 Ill never forget the days _ I stayed with you.A whenB in whichC thatD for which随练1.5 Is thi

13、s the place _ Lincoln once lived.A thatB whichC whereD when自我总结课后作业作业1 -Do you know the man _ is talking with your father?-Yes, hes our headmaster.A heB whoC whichD whom作业2 Is this the river _ I can swim?A whichB in whichC thatD the one作业3 This is the best hotel in the city _ I know.A whereB whichC

14、thatD it作业4 Her sister, _ you met at my home, was a teacher of English.A whomB thatC whichD who is作业5 These books are for students _ mother language is not English.A of whomB thatC whichD whose作业6 完成句子1. 有一些想去海南度假的人。There are some people _ want to have a holiday in Hainan.2. 刚才天空中一闪而过的是什么?Whats that

15、 _ flashed in the sky just now.3. 这是去武汉的最后一趟火车。The train is _ _ _ will go to Wuhan.4. 我永远都不会忘记我在北京度过的那些日子。Ill never forget the days _ I spent in Beijing.5. 中国是风筝的故乡,从这里放风筝传到了日本、朝鲜、泰国和印度。China is the birthplace of kites, from _ kite flying spreads to Japan, Korea, Thailand and India.答案解析定语从句题模精选题模一:关

16、系代词例1.1.1【答案】B【解析】 考查定语从句关系代词选择。先行词为advice,排除AD;又从句缺主语而不是定语,故选B。例1.1.2【答案】C【解析】 考查定语从句关系代词选择。首先根据从句缺少宾语,所以要选择关系代词作宾语,又先行词被best修饰,故选C。例1.1.3【答案】 1. something; that2. which【解析】 1. 考查定语从句先行词和关系词。这里对自己说话的内容不确定,所以要用something做先行词,那么关系词一定要用that。2. 考查关系代词选择。先行词为house,应该用which或that;又跟在介词后,只能用which。题模二:关系副词例1

17、.2.1【答案】A【解析】 考查关系副词的选择。从句是完整的句子,选关系副词,排除CD;又先行词为primary school为地点,故选A。例1.2.2【答案】B【解析】 考查关系副词和关系代词区分。虽然先行词为时间,但并不一定选when,我们看到从句中缺少spent的宾语,故选B。例1.2.3【答案】 why【解析】 考查关系副词的选择。从句句子完整,要填关系副词,又先行词为reason,所以填why。随堂练习随练1.1【答案】C【解析】 考查关系代词的选择。先行词book被序数词修饰时要用that引导定语从句,故选C。随练1.2【答案】A【解析】 考查定语从句的运用。定语从句关系词中没有

18、what,首先排除B;CD中的it多余,故选A。随练1.3【答案】 1. who2. that/which3. the most; movie that4. when5. where【解析】 1. 考查关系代词。从句缺少主语,再结合语境,此处those指那些人,所以填who。2. 考查关系代词。从句缺少宾语,需要关系代词;又先行词为book,所以填which和that都可以。3. 考查关系代词。最高级修饰只能用that。4. 考查关系副词。从句成分完整,填关系副词,先行词为day表时间,故填when。5. 考查关系副词。从句中动词为work,为不及物动词,所以不缺宾语,用关系副词;又先行词为o

19、ffice,表地点,故填where。随练1.4【答案】A【解析】 考查关系副词的选择。本题从句完整,要选关系副词;先行词指时间,故选 A。随练1.5【答案】C【解析】 考查关系副词的选择。live一词为不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语,所以要选关系副词,排除AB;又本题先行词为地点,故选 C。课后作业作业1【答案】B【解析】 考查关系代词的选择。从句缺主语,选关系代词;又先行词是人,故选B。作业2【答案】B【解析】 考查关系代词的选择。从句为完整句子,要选关系副词,选项中没有关系副词,B选项表示“在河里”能够表达相同的意思,故选B。作业3【答案】C【解析】 考查关系代词的选择。从句缺少宾语,选关系代

20、词,排除AD;又先行词被最高级best修饰,故选C。作业4【答案】A【解析】 考查关系代词的选择。本句先行词为人,且在从句中作宾语,用whom,故选A。作业5【答案】D【解析】 考查关系代词的选择。whose引导的定语从句中,whose用作定语,表示“谁的”,符合题意,故选D。作业6【答案】 1. who2. which3. the last one that4. that5. which【解析】 1. 考查关系代词。从句缺主语,选关系代词;又先行词是人,所以用who。2. 考查关系代词。从句缺少主语,先行词为物,用that和which都可以;又先行词为that,避免重复造成歧义,所以填whi

21、ch。3. 考查关系代词。先行词中包含last的物,只能用that。4. 考查关系代词和关系副词的区分。从句spent明显缺少宾语,所以尽管先行词是时间,当做事物看待,故填that。5. 考查关系代词。介词后只能用which来指代先行词。一、英语阅读理解专项练习试卷1阅读理解 I did something wrong today. While at the beach this afternoon. I met a boy called Bob We talked a lot. He said that it was fun playing on the cliffs (悬崖). I tol

22、d him that I was not allowed to go near that place(Mum and Dad had always told me it was dangerous to play there). He called me a coward. I wanted to prove to him that I was just as brave, so I agreed to go with him. We wanted to make our way down to explore (探索)the area, so Bob started to climb dow

23、n and I followed him. Unluckily, some rocks came down after us. One of them nearly hit my head. We could not get back up. We shouted and shouted for help, but for a long time no help came. I was really scared. I wanted to cry. Then, we heard some sounds. Someone had heard us. A woman tied (系 )a rope

24、 around herself while a man at the cliff top held the rope. She made her way down to save us. My parents were relieved (宽慰的)that I was unhurt, but they were angry that I had done such a risky thing. I apologized and promised that I would not do anything like that again.(1)Where did the writer meet B

25、ob? A.At schoolB.In the parkC.At the beachD.On the cliffs(2)In Paragraph 2. “a coward” means_. A.a person who is not braveB.a person who is not cleverC.a person who is not strongD.a person who is not polite(3)What had the writer s parents always warned him about? A.The wind was very strong.B.The bea

26、ch was too far away.C.The cliffs were not a safe place.D.Bob was difficult to get on with.(4)Put the sentences in the right order according to the passage.a. Some rocks came downb. The writer followed Bobc. The writer wanted to cryd. A man and a woman saved theme. The writer and Bob heard some sound

27、sA.a-b-c-d-eB.b-a-c-e-dC.a-c-b-e-dD.b-c-a-e-d(5)How did the writer feel about what he had done? A.SurprisedB.ExcitedC.GladD.Sorry【答案】(1)C(2)A(3)C(4)B(5)D 【解析】【分析】本文主要是叙述了作者的一次冒险经历,并为此而感到难过。并表示再也不做那样冒险的事情了。(1)细节理解题。根据第二段第一句While at the beach this afternoon. I met a boy called Bob可知作者在沙滩上遇见Bob,故选C。(2)

28、推断题。根据下句I wanted to prove to him that I was just as brave, so I agreed to go with him我想向他证明我也一样勇敢,于是我同意和他一起去。可推断出He called me a coward他称我.是“不勇敢的人”,故选A。(3)细节理解题。根据Mum and Dad had always told me it was dangerous to play there父母总是告诉我在那里(悬崖)玩是危险的,可知悬崖不是一个安全的地方,故选C。(4)通读第二段可知作者跟随Bob去探索海洋,(b)一些石头下来了 (a),他们回不去了,大声呼救,作者害怕了想哭(c),然后听到了一些声音 (e),一个男士和一个妇女救了他们(d)。故选B。(5)推断题。由开头I did something wrong today.我今天做了一件错事。和结尾but they were angry t

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