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新目标英语九年级Unit fourteen.docx

1、新目标英语九年级Unit fourteenUnit FourteenI remember meeting all of you in Grade SevenStep One一个难忘的老师An unforgettable teacher1. 感谢你们Thank you for2.出席毕业典礼attend the graduation ceremony3.首先First of all4.祝贺congratulate5.记住遇见remember meeting6.都精力充沛were all so full of energy7.渴望知识be thirsty for knowledge8.有点难对付b

2、e kind of difficult to deal with9.已经长大have grown up10.对未来充满希望be full hope for the future11.以自豪be proud of12.记住在你生活中曾经帮助过和支持过你的人remember the people who helped and supported you in your life13.初中的结束是新生活的开始The end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life14.学习的关键是从错误中吸取教训The key of study is

3、to learn from your mistakes15.永不放弃Never give upStep Two我难忘的同学My unforgettable classmate1.在我的生活中in my life2.已经遇见have met3.值得记住 are worth remembering4.最难忘的人the most unforgettable person5.同学中的一个one of my classmates6.在第一天on the first day 7.走在我前面walked before me8.高又瘦tall and thin9.长发long hair10.发现我found

4、me11.微笑smiled13.有耐心,乐于助人又聪明was patient , talented and helpful14.英语考试不及格failed in an English test15.使我悲伤made me sad16.使我哭made me cry17.每天放学就帮我学英语helped me with my English after school every day18.要求我每天和她一起复习笔记本asked me to review the notes with her every day19.犯错误made mistakes20.教我怎样订正taught me how to

5、 correct them21.多亏她thanks to her22.提高了很多improved a lot23.已经变成最好的朋友have become the best friends24.永远不会忘记never forgetStep ThreeGrammar1.rememberforget + Ving +to all so full of thirsty for kind of difficult to deal full hope for the proud worth

6、 rememberingStep FourAsk and answer1. A:谁是你最难忘的人?Who is your most unforgettable person?B:我的一位同学是我最难忘的人One of my classmates is my most unforgettable person.2. A:你第一次在哪,什么时候见到她?When and where did you meet her for the first time?B:我第一次第一天在校大门见到她。I met her at the gate of our school on the first day for

7、the first time.3. A:遇见她时感觉如何?How did you feel when you met her?B:我遇见她时觉得他很美。I felt that she was beautiful when I met her.4. A:她怎样帮你的?How did she help you?B:每天放学后她都帮我学英语。 She helped me with my English after school every day.她教我怎样订正错误。She taught me how to correct my mistakes.5: A:什么改变了你的生活?What change

8、d your life?B:她的帮助改变了我的生活。Her help changed my life.Step FiveHow to write?Section B3bWrite a passage about the person who you thought about in 3a.1. Who is your most unforgettable person?2. When and where did you meet her for the first time?3. How did you feel when you met her?4. How did she help you

9、?5. What changed your life?My most unforgettable classmate头:I have met many people in my life. Many people are worth remembering, but one of my classmates is my most unforgettable person for me.中:On the first day of Grade Seven, I met her at the gate of the school. She walked before me. I found that

10、 she was tall and thin. She had long hair. She turned back and found me. She smiled. She was patient , talented and helpful. I failed in an English test . It made me sad. It made me cry. She helped me with my English after school every day. She asked me to review the notes with her every day. When I

11、 made mistakes, She taught me how to correct them. 尾:Thanks to her, My English has improved a lot. We have become the best friends since then. I will never forget her.Step SixSection A2aListen to the conversation. Check the facts you hear.2bListen again. Match each question with the name of the person.Step EightSection B2cRead the passage again and answer the questions.2dFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.

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