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1、小学英语教学中的师生互动研究小学英语教学中的师生互动研究The interaction between the primary school English teaching一、小学英语课堂互动教学的概念.Primary English classroom teaching concepts存在于课堂上,师生、生生间的一种人际相互作用和影响,教师和学生是互动的主体,师生在互动中的关系是平等的,互为主客体的,一种相互作用和相互影响的过程,但这种互动不是教师与学生或学生与学生的单项互动,而是师生、生生以及学生和学习内容间的多项交互影响,而且这种相互作用和影响不是一次性或间断的,而是一个链状、循环的

2、连续过程,师生在这个过程中不断地相互作用、相互影响。简而言之,互动教学是指建立在师生人格平等基础上,学生能够积极参与,发挥能动性,展现创造性,在交际中掌握语言,师生和谐、共进的一种教学过程。Exist in class,Between students and a human interaction and influence,Interaction between teachers and students is the subject,In the interactive relationship between teachers and students are equal,Each o

3、f the object,A kind of interaction and mutual influence of process,But this kind of interaction between teachers and students, or is the single interaction between students and students,But teachers and students and learning and the interaction between the contents of many,And this kind of interacti

4、on and the influence of one-time or not,But a chain of continuous process, circulation,Teachers and students in the process of continuously interaction and mutual influence,In short, interactive teaching is established on the basis of equality and personality, students can actively participate, init

5、iative, creativity, show in communication and language, harmonious, of a kind of teaching process.二、小学英语课堂互动教学的意义和特点 Primary English classroom teaching characteristics and significance(一)互动教学对于小学英语课堂的意义The elementary school English classroom teaching1、激发学习兴趣1、Stimulate interest in learning小学生的年龄特点决定

6、了他们的学习动机来自于兴趣,小学阶段英语教学的目的也是培养学生学习英语的兴趣。一个人只有当他对某一事物发生兴趣时,才会对其产生好奇心并产生对其进行探究的心理欲望。这种欲望一旦被激发,它就会成为一种学习的自觉性和内动力。一旦有了浓厚的学习兴趣,学习者就会自觉、主动地参与到学习中,把学习看成是一种乐趣而不是一种负担。反之,如果对学习丧失了兴趣,它不仅会成为学习的阻力,甚至还会引发心理障碍。学习者学习兴趣的高低会对学习效果产生直接影响。由此可知,兴趣与教学的成败是密不可分的,对教学和学习效果有着至关重要的作用。Pupils age characteristics of learning determ

7、ines their interest and motivation comes from primary school English teaching aim is to cultivate students interest in learning English. A person only when he interested in one thing, when will the curiosity of the inquiry and the psychological desire. This desire, it was once a learning self-consci

8、ousness and power. Once you have a strong interest in learning, the learners will consciously, actively participate in the study, the study as a fun and not a burden. Conversely, if learn to lose interest in learning, it will not only be the resistance, even can cause psychological barriers. Learner

9、 interest for learning effect of discretion will have a direct impact. Thus, the success or failure of interest and teaching is closely tied to the teaching and learning effects, which plays an important role.2、促进听说能力2、Promotes listening ability人类语言的重要功能之一就是传递信息与表达思想,而听说是人与人交际中最主要的语言交际形式。儿童具有学习语言的先天


11、乃至师生与环境的多维互动。One of the important function of human language is information and express ideas, and that is the main communication language communication. Children with congenital advantage of learning a language, and this advantage is mainly manifested in the childrens language of listening and spea

12、king of congenital potential advantage. Primary school English teaching is the most basic grasp of English skills, and the main way in this way, the English textbook on how the language into elementary English ability, using the potential advantages of childhood, promote its language communicative a

13、bility raise? Teaching practice proves that develop diverse forms and meaningful communication activities to cultivate students ability to use language plays an important role. Through the communication activities can not only to the students in the new language knowledge, and infiltration can impro

14、ve students interest in learning English, and promote their wholeheartedly actively into English learning, especially the mutual exchange activities, and then get more knowledge. Therefore, the communicative activities to promote students ability to use language is the development of effective teach

15、ing methods, and the essence of communication between people is in the classroom interaction, the teachers and students, teachers and environmental movement and multidimensional interaction.3、回归学生生活3、Returning student life“回归生活”是新课程的生长点。我国大教育家陶行之先生提倡“生活化教育”。著名教育学家杜威也说过,“教育即生活、即生长,即经验改造。”对于语言学习者来说,学习

16、语言,是为了表达和交流。英语是人们在生活中进行交流表达的一种活的语言。它来自于生活,并为生活所用。因此,在日常的英语教学工作中,作为英语教师必须努力创设生活化的教学氛围,让学生沉浸其中,潜移默化地受到感染,这不但有助于学生用真实的方式来应用所学的知识,同时也有助于学生认识他们所学知识的作用和意义。Return to life is a new course of growing. Our big TaoHangZhi educators advocate life education, Mr. Famous education experts Dewey also said, life education namely, namely growth, namely the experience. For language learners, learning a language is to express and communication. English is to

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