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1、外商投资企业名称预先核准须知外商投资企业名称预先核准和设立登记办理指南 外商投资企业名称预先核准Prior Approval of the Name of Foreign-Invested Enterprise一、项目概述One. Project Overview 1、项目名称:外商投资企业名称预先核准1. Project overview: Prior approval of the name of foreign-invested enterprise 2、办理窗口:区政务服务中心市工商局窗口2. Service Window: Window of Chengdu Administrati

2、on for Industry & Commerce within Chengdu Municipal Government Affairs Service Center 3、承诺时限:0个工作日(申请人须提供名称查重报告)3. Time Limit: 0 working day (the applicants should provide a duplicate checking report on enterprise name) 4、收费标准:不收费 4. Charging standard: Free of charge 5、窗口电话:88450846、88450946二、法定依据Tw

3、o. Legal Basis1、企业名称登记管理规定;1. Provisions on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration;2、企业名称登记管理实施办法;2, Measures for the Implementation of Administration of Enterprise Name Registration; 3、企业登记程序规定。3. Regulations on the Procedures of Enterprise Registration三、办理程序Three. Handling Procedures第一

4、步:申请人持相关材料向区政务服务中心工商局窗口提出申请,经受理审查员初审通过,开具受理通知书或者申请材料接收单;不符合受理条件的,在当场或者5个工作日内一次性告知申请人应当补正的全部材料(出具告知单)。Step 1: The applicant shall submit relevant application materials to the service window of Chengdu Administration for Industry & Commerce within Chengdu Municipal Government Affairs Service Center. I

5、f the materials pass the preliminary examination by the reviewer, an Acceptance Notice or Receipt of Application Materials will be issued; if they dont comply with the acceptance conditions, all materials to be supplemented shall be declared to the applicant on the spot or within 5 working days (a n

6、otice shall be issued).第二步:对申请人申请材料齐全、符合法定形式的,当场作出核准或者驳回申请的决定。Step 2: If the application materials provided by the applicant are complete and compliant with the legal form, a decision on whether to approve the registration may be made on the spot. 第三步:在承诺时限内,申请人可以凭受理通知书到外资登记窗口领取外商投资企业名称预先核准通知书。Step

7、3: Within the time limit, the applicant may receive its Notice on Prior Approval of the Name of Foreign-Invested Enterprise at the foreign-invested registration window via the Acceptance Notice.四、申请材料Four. Application Materials1、全体投资人签署的外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书;1. Application for Prior Approval of the Name o

8、f Foreign-Invested Enterprise signed by all investors;2、全体投资人的资格证明复印件;2. Copies of qualification certificates of all investors;注 :1、外商投资企业名称预先核准申请书可以登录成都市政务服务中心网址: 成都市工商行政管理局网址:下载或者到工商行政管理机关领取;Note: 1. Application for Prior Approval of the Name of Foreign-Invested Enterprise could be downloaded from

9、 the official website of Chengdu Municipal Government Affairs Service Center () or from that of Chengdu Administration for Industry & Commerce (), or obtained from industry & commerce administration authorities. 2、提交的申请书与其他申请材料应当使用型纸。以上各项未注明提交复印件的,应当提交原件,提交复印件的,应当注明“与原件一致”并由企业盖章或由其指定的代表或委托的代理人加盖鲜章或签

10、字。2. Application and other materials submitted should be made with A4-size papers. If no copies indicated in the aforementioned are to be submitted, originals shall be submitted; when copy is submitted, it should be marked with consistent with the original and signed and stamped by the investor or s

11、tamped or signed by the designated representative or authorized agent. 3、以上所提交的文件若用外文书写,需提交中文译本,并加盖翻译单位鲜章。 3. If the documents mentioned above are written in a foreign language, the Chinese translation version shall be submitted, and stamped by the related translation company. 4、企业申请预先核准的名称(字号)在同行业中

12、是否重复,是否符合企业名称登记管理规定第六、七、八条要求。4. Its required to make sure if the enterprise name (trade name) applied for prior approval is repeated in the same industry, or complies with the requirements of Articles 6, 7 and 8 of Provisions on Administration of Enterprise Name Registration. 5、企业申请在预先核准的名称中冠以“中国”、“

13、中华”、“全国”、“国际”等字样的,需国务院决定。5. Application for use of “China”, “Chinese”, “National” or “International”, etc, in the name for prior approval shall be decided by the State Council. 6、企业申请在预先核准的名称中间使用(中国)的,应符合下列条件:外商独资企业或外方控股企业;使用外方出资企业字号;符合无行政区划的条件。6. Application for use of the word (“China”) in the nam

14、e for prior approval shall comply with the following conditions: a wholly foreign-owned enterprise or foreign holding enterprise; use the trade name of foreign-invested enterprise; meet the condition “without administrative region”. 7、企业申请无行政区划的名称应符合企业名称登记管理规定实施办法第十三条规定。7. Application for approval o

15、f enterprise name without administrative region shall be in conformity with Article 13 of Measures for Implementation of Administration of Enterprise Name Registration. 8、企业申请预先核准的名称中不使用国民经济行业类别用语表述的,应符合企业名称登记管理规定实施办法第十八条规定。8. Application for prior approval without using expression of national economy industry category shall meet the requirement of Article 18 of Measures for Implementation of Administration of Enterprise Name Registration. 9、企业申请预先核准的名称中的行业表述应代表其主要经营范围,企业名称不应当明示或者暗示有超越其经营范围的业务。9. The industry expression in enterprise name applied for prior approval shall reflect i

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