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教育资料Unit 4 Period Four学习精品.docx

1、教育资料Unit 4 Period Four学习精品Period FourLesson 4Virtual Tourism.重点单词1.tourism n.观光,游览 n.指南;导游,向导3.settle vi.定居settlement n.(新)定居地4.central adj.中央的,中心的centre n.中央,中心 n.地域,地区6.volcano n.火山7.view n.景色,风景8.sunshine n.阳光9.average adj.平均的;n.平均数10.regular adj.定期的;规则的.重点短语 located in/on坐落于,位于2

2、.go back (to)回去;追溯到3.protest against反对,抗议 well as 也,又 known as 被认为是.重点句式1.with复合结构It is also the most exciting city in New Zealand with people of many different cultures living(live) there.它也是新西兰最具活力的多元文化交融的城市。2.make宾语宾语补足语In 1985,the New Zealand government made the whole country a nuclear-f

3、ree zone and since then Auckland has been a centre for protest against nuclear testing in Asia Pacific.在1985年,新西兰政府把全国变成无核区,自那以来,奥克兰成为亚太地区反对核试验的中心。.根据课文内容判断正(T)、误(F)1.Auckland is the capital of New Zealand.(F)2.Auckland is located on South Island.(F)3.Sky Tower is Aucklands tallest Tower.(T)4.Maoris

4、 were the first people of New Zealand.(T)5.The climate in Auckland is wet and rainy.(F)6.Auckland is the paradise(天堂) for water lovers.(T).课文阅读理解1.Auckland is the most exciting city in New Zealand because .A.its the largest city in the doesnt have a large populationC.its a seaside city c

5、alled “the city of sails”D.people of different cultures live there答案D2.Paragraph Two shows us many facts about Aucklands history.From the paragraph,we can infer that .A.the Maoris were the only human living on the islandB.the British were the first Europeans living in AucklandC.Auckland is less impo

6、rtant than Wellington in geographyD.Auckland has grown and now has large modern suburbs because its a nuclear-free city答案B3.If you are going to pay a visit to Auckland,the sights you cant miss may include .A.Mt EdenB.the Auckland Harbour BridgeC.the Sky TowerD.all of the above答案D4.Which is NOT menti

7、oned in the passage?A.Aucklands customs.B.Aucklands history.C.Aucklands transportation.D.Aucklands tourism.答案A5.The author wrote the passage mainly to .A.amuse readersB.attract visitorsC.tell people about the cityD.tell people about the country 答案C小组讨论With the improvement of peoples living condition

8、s, we make travelling our best choice for the holidays.Please discuss in groups and list some dos and donts while polite and friendly to others; aware of safety;Donts:1.speak loudly;2.destroy our environment;重点词汇1.It has a population of just under a million people and is loca

9、ted on North Island.这座城市人口不到一百万,位于北岛。(1)be located in/on坐落于,位于(2)locate vt.确定的位置;坐落于;位于(3)location n.位置,地点;场所(1)The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information Desk.储物柜位于一号楼的服务台旁边。(2019全国)(2)If I could locate the nest,I might have been able to put it back,but no luck.如果能确定鸟巢的位置,我可能就把它放回去了

10、,但是运气不好(没找到)。(2019全国)(3)The map shows the exact location(locate) of the crash.地图上标出了车祸发生的确切位置。单句改错(4) on top of the mountain,the temple is accessible to tourists only on foot.2.The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area.这个城市的历史可追溯到650年前,那时毛利人开始在这个地方定居。(1)settle v

11、.定居;结束(争论、争端等);解决(分歧、纠纷等);(最终)决定;安排好settle down定居,安顿下来;定下心来settle (down) to (doing) sth. 认真做某事,定下心来做某事settle in/settle into sth. 安顿下来,习惯于(2)settler n.定居者;殖民者(3)settlement n.(新)定居地;解决;协议(1)Mr and Mrs Brown would like to see their daughter settle down,get married,and have kids.布朗夫妇希望看到女儿安顿下来,结婚成家,生儿育女

12、。(2019天津)(2)With a lot of problems to settle(settle),Ill have a busy weekend.有很多问题要解决,我周末会很忙。(3)African Americans were the first settlers(settle) in the USA.非裔美国人是美国的首批定居者。(4)The settlement(settle) of the matter made us very happy.这个事件的解决让我们很开心。单句改错(5)She must settle down to an article.3.In the city

13、,you can enjoy an amazing view from the Sky Tower,which is the citys tallest Tower.在城里,站在该市最高的塔天塔上,你可以欣赏到令人惊叹的景色。view n.景色,风景;视野,眼界;观点;v.把视为;考虑in/out of view在视线范围内/外in view of鉴于;考虑到come into view出现在眼前point of view观点,看法in ones view(from ones point of view)在某人看来(1)We can broaden our view and gain know

14、ledge we cannot get from books.我们可以拓宽我们的视野,并且获得我们不能从书本上获得的知识。(2019全国)(2)From the teachers point of view,children should be left to decide what to read and how to read.老师认为应该让孩子们自己来决定读什么以及怎么读。(2019浙江)(3)In view of the weather,we should give up the plan.考虑到天气的缘故,我们应该放弃这项计划。(4)After I turned a corner,a

15、 small river came into view.我转了个弯之后,一条小河出现在眼前。(5)In his view/From his point of view,it was the best poem that he had ever written.在他看来,它是他写出的最好的一首诗。4.the average temperature in January (summer) is 23.4.一月份(夏季)的平均气温是23.4摄氏度average adj.平均的;普通的;平常的;典型的;n.平均数;平均水平;v.平均为;计算出的平均数above/below (the) average高

16、于/低于平均水平on (an/the) average平均;一般地;通常注意:“an average of复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数;“the average of复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数。(1)Freddy was an average student,but not an average person.弗雷迪是一名普通的学生,但不是一个普通人。(2019全国)(2)Women,on average,get fewer colds than men.一般说来,女性比男性更少得感冒。(2019四川)(3)Toms work at school is above (the) ave

17、rage,while Harrys is below (the) average.汤姆在学校的成绩在平均水平以上,而亨利低于平均水平。(4)The average of these numbers is(be) 40.这些数的平均值是40。5.There are regular international flights,too.也有很多定期的国际航班。(1)regular adj.定期的;规则的;常规的on a regular basis定期地;经常地(2)regularly adv.有规律地;正常地;往常(1)I do exercise in the open air on a regul

18、ar basis.我定期在户外做运动。(2)Take the medicine regularly(regular) three times a day.一天三次定期服药。易混辨析regular,normal,ordinaryregular定期的,规则的,指已有模式是有规律的或定期的。normal正常的,标准的,指不超过某种限度,符合某种标准或常规。ordinary普通的,平常的,强调一般性和普遍性,含不突出的意味。选词填空regular,normal,ordinary(3)Its normal to feel tired after such a long trip.(4)There is

19、a regular bus service to the airport.(5)The book is based on ordinary peoples life.6.It is also known as “the city of sails” because of all the boats there.它因其拥有众多帆船被公认为“风帆之都”。be known as(be famous as)被称作,以著称;被认为是be known for(be famous for)因而著名,后接表示某人/物的特点、特长等内容be known to(be famous to)为所了解/知道,后接表示人

20、的词语(1)In the light of candle I saw the black man who was known as Uncle Tom.在烛光中,我看到了那个黑人,大家都管他叫汤姆大叔。(2)Where Li Bai,a great Chinese poet,was born is known to the public,but some wont accept it.中国伟大的诗人李白的出生地大家都知道,但是一些人不接受。(2019江苏)(3)Famous as a writer,Lu Xun is well-known to the Chinese for his wond

21、erful works.鲁迅以作家著称,他因其精彩的作品而为中国人所熟知。经典句式1.It is also the most exciting city in New Zealand with people of many different cultures living there.它也是新西兰最具活力的多元文化交融的城市。(1)本句是一个“主系表”结构的简单句。in New Zealand作地点状语;with people of many different cultures living there是“with复合结构”,作定语,修饰city。(2)with复合结构,即“with宾语宾

22、补”,常见形式如下:with宾语(1)Mr Brown was thinking for a while with his eyes shut.布朗先生闭着眼睛思考了片刻。(2)Miss Green said goodbye with tears in her eyes.格林小姐眼含泪水说再见。(3)The old couple often take a walk after super in the park with their pet dog following(follow) them.这对老夫妇经常晚饭后在公园散步,他们的宠物狗跟着他们。(4)With a lot of homewo

23、rk to do(do),I cant go to the cinema with you after school.有很多作业要做,我放学后不能和你们一起去看电影了。(5)With all the things she needed bought(buy),she went home happily.所有需要的东西都买了,她高兴地回家了。2.In 1985,the New Zealand government made the whole country a nuclear-free zone and since then Auckland has been a centre for pro

24、test against nuclear testing in Asia Pacific.在1985年,新西兰政府把全国变成无核区,从那以来,奥克兰就成为亚太地区反对核试验的中心。句中made the whole country a nuclear-free zone是“make宾语宾语补足语”的复合结构,a nuclear-free zone是名词短语作宾语补足语。(1)“make宾语宾语补足语”结构中,可用作宾语补足语的有名词、代词、形容词、不带to的动词不定式、过去分词、介词短语等。当此结构变为被动语态时,不定式作主语补足语要带to。(2)当宾语为不定式或从句时,常用it作形式宾语,即使

25、用以下结构:make itn./adj.(1)We made him captain of our football team.我们推选他作为我们足球队队长。(2)Our teacher makes us feel more confident.我们老师使得我们感到更自信了。(3)The news that the earthquake happened there made us amazed(amaze).那里地震的消息让我们震惊。(4)The heavy rain made it impossible for us to go(go) out.大雨使得我们无法出去。单句改错(5)I wa

26、s made sing a song at the party.单句语法填空1.The office is in the central(centre) part of the city.2.I go to the supermarket quite regularly(regular).3.His being late made it impossible for the meeting to be held on time.4.Their family goes back to the time of the gold rush.5.In my view,it was a waste of

27、 time.6.On average,women live between five and seven years longer than men.7.Were sure youll be well-known as an artist.8.One cannot settle down to reading(read) when he is very angry.9.She as well as we is(be) going to the zoo tomorrow.10.The first thing he looked at was his offices location(locate

28、).完成句子11.印度有超过十亿的人口。India has a population of more than one billion.12.从山顶上你可以看到这个城市的好风景。From the top of the mountain you can have a good view of the city.13.现在改变决定是不可能的了。It is impossible to change the decision now.14.她必须大喊才能使自己被听到。She had to shout to make herself heard.15.参观了许多景点,我们又累又饿。With many t

29、ourist attractions visited,we felt tired and hungry.课文短文改错Auckland is the larger city in New Zealand,it has a population of just under a million people.It is the most excited city in New Zealand with people of many different cultures live there.Its history went back 650 years when the Maoris settled

30、 there.Auckland was capital of New Zealand for a some time.In the city,you can enjoy a amazing view from the Sky Tower and can also see Maori tradition dances at the Auckland Museum.It is easy to travel between Auckland or the rest of New Zealand.答案Auckland is the city in New Zealand, has a populati

31、on of just under a million people.It is the most city in New Zealand with people of many different cultures there.Its history back 650 years when the Maoris settled there.Auckland was capital of New Zealand for a some time.In the city,you can enjoy amazing view from the Sky Tower and can also see Maori dances at the Auckland Museum.It is easy to travel between Auckland the rest of New Zealand.阅读理解A(

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