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1、仁爱版英语七年级上册期末复习资料全七年级英语晚读材料2018年1月15日( 读、记、背、完成横线)Unit1 Topic1一、元音字母: AaEeIiOoUu二、包含有以下元音的字母:1. ei AaHhJjKk 2. i: EeBbCcDdGgPpTtVv3. ai IiYy 4. ju: UuQq Ww 5. eFfLlMmNnSsXxZz三、以元音开头的字母有:Aa Ee Ii OoHh Rr Ff LlMmNn SsXx以上12个字母前冠词须用an须用冠词an修饰的名词有:apple, orange, egg, eraser, animal, elephant, 须用冠词an修饰的形容

2、词有:old, English四、哪些词出现,所跟名词须用复数形式?1Good morning/afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好(回答一样)2.Welcome to+地名。欢迎来到(回答Thank you)3.Nice/Glad to meet you.见到你很 高兴。(回答Nice Glad/to meet you ,too) 4. How do you do? 您好?(回答.How do you do)5How are you? 问身体好吗?(回答Im fine/ok/well)语法小结:含有Be动词的句子变否定句,在be之后加not .变一般疑问句,将Be提前放句首

3、,遇到一人称变二人称(IYou, weyou, myyour, our-your_)Im from China.(变否定句)_. Thats my new book.(变一般疑问句)_.Unit1 Topic2有用的表达语1. Tom is tall. He has a round face. =Tom is tall with a round face.2. 同义句Jane has big eyes=Janes eyes are big.3. I have a wide mouth. =My mouth is wide.4What class are you in? Im in Class

4、Five Grade Seven. (注意首字母要大写)语法归纳:特殊疑问句(特殊疑问词+一般疑问句)方法:一代(用特殊疑问词代替划线部分) 二移(把疑问词移到句首) 三倒(颠倒主谓变一般疑问句结构) 四抄(照抄其他部分)问地点用where. 问什么用what 问名字 Whats your/his/her name?问班级用What class? 问年级What grade? 问号码Whatsnumber?问人是谁用who? 问身体How are you ? 问年龄用 How old?问谁的用Whose? 问外貌用What do/doeslook like? 问颜色用What color? 问

5、价钱用How much is/are? 问职业:What do/doesdo? What +be+sb? Whats ones job?问看法:What do you think of?=How do you like? 问时间用What time is it?/Whats the time?Unit 1 Topic 31. 掌握数词1-20的构成。2. What this/that (in English?) 回答Its +a/an+单数名词(用it代替this/that 回答)3. Is this/that a/an+单数名词? 回答用:Yes, it is. No ,It isnt4.

6、What are these/those? 答They are+名复。5. Are these/those? 答 Yes, they are . No, they arent6. 冠词 a+辅音音标开头的单词 冠词an+以原音音标开头的单词(an apple/orange/egg/eraser/old man/aunt/uncle)7. 名词单数变复数规则(P117-118)8. 单数句变复数句。将this-these that-those he/she/it-they is-are 去掉a/an9. 复数句变单数句将 these-this those-that they-he/she/it

7、are-is 添加a/sanUnit 2 Topic1一实义动词要么原形要么单三 否定、疑问句:do / does + 动词原形1. I have some friends here in China. I dont have any friends here in China.-Do you have any friends here in China?-Yes, I do. / No, I dont.2Tom has a wide mouth.-Tom doesnt have a wide mouth.Does Tom have a wide mouth? Yes, he does. No

8、, he doesnt.2.He speaks Chinese. He doesnt speak Chinese.-Does he speak Chinese? -Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.3.Jane likes the English corner. Jane doesnt like the English corner .-Does Jane like the English corner? -Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.4. 写出以下动词的单三形式:like- want- speak- guess- teach-wa

9、tch- wash- do- go- have-play- buy- say- fly- try-study- carry- worry-总结:实义动词单三的构成形式:(1)在动词后加-s( 2 ) 以_结尾的加-es teach-_ catch-_(3) 以o结尾的动词一般加es do-_ go-_(4) 以_字母+y结尾,去y 改为i 加-es try-_ fly-_ carry-_Unit2 Topic21. look like 看上去像 look at 看某物 look the same 看上去一样 look for 寻找 look after 照顾 look different看上去

10、不一样2. They dont look the same. =They look different.他们看 起不一样。3. What color is it? Its +颜色(不加a/an)What color are they? They are +颜色4. give sth to sb=give sb sth 给某人某物 show sth to sb=show sb sth 给某人看某物5. buy sth for sb =buy sb sth给某人买某物6. In+语言(Whats this in English?) in+地点(in a school/shop) in+颜色 或in

11、+(a/an/the)+颜色+服装 “穿着,戴着七年级英语晚读材料2018年1月16日( 读、记、背、完成横线)Unit 2 Topic31. 形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词 (This is my book=This book is mine)2. They are your shoes=The shoes are yours3. 对谁的提问用whose ? Those are Lucys books.-Whose books are those?4. Be from=come from 来自。5. Jane isnt from China.=_.6. 名词所以格,在人名之后加s 如

12、Tom s book Janes pen 以s 结尾的加如 boys toys TeachersDay 教师节 students desks 两人共有一样东西用后一个人加s 如Lily and Lucys mother They are Toms and Jims bikes.Unit3 Topic1Useful expres sions :有用的表达语1.-Could you please tell me your name ? -Sure . My name is Michael .Could you ( please ) do sth ? 请问,你能、吗?-Sure . / _ _. /

13、 OK.2.-May I study English with you ? -No problem .我可以、吗? -_ _ .没问题。3. sb. like / likes a lot 非常喜欢 = sb. like / likes very much sb. like / likes a little 有点喜欢 sb. dont / doesnt like at all 一点也不喜欢注意:at all 必须放于句末notat all 其中not 不会单独使用要么dont at all / 要么 doesnt at all4. like sth. / like to do sth. / like doing sth.喜欢做、他有点喜欢游泳,但一点都不喜欢踢足球。_5.-Where does / do sb. live ? 他住哪?(注意:Where提问,结尾不可加in)-sb. live / lives in + 地点 live with sb. 和.住一起6.-Who is the letter from? 信是谁写来的? -Its from my pen pal .7.-What _ he _ in the letter ? 信里说了些什么?

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