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1、山东大学研究生英语课文翻译Unit 1:cyberspace :if you dont love it ,leave it信息空间:出入随愿something in the American psyche loves new frontiers. We hanker after wide-open spaces ;we like to explore ;we like to make rules but refuse to follow them .But in this age its hard to find a place where you can go and be yourself

2、 without worrying about he neighbours .美国人的内心深处具有一种酷爱探索新领域的气质。我们渴求宽敞的场地,我们喜欢探索,喜欢制定规章制度,却不愿去遵守。在当今时代,却很难找到一块空间,可以供你任意驰骋,又不必担心影响你的邻居。 There is such a place : cyberspace . Formerly a playground for computer fans ,cyberspace . Formely a playground for computer fans ,cyberspace now embraces every concei

3、vable constituency : school lchildren , flirtatious ,singles ,dirty pictures behind their bedroom doors provoke a crackdown ? 确实有这样一个空间,那就是信息空间。这里原本是计算机迷的游戏天地,但如今只要想像得到的各类人群应有尽有,包括少年儿童、轻佻的单身汉、美籍匈牙利人、会计等。问题是他们都能和睦相处吗?人们是否会因为害怕孩子们躲在卧室里看网上的淫秽图片而将它封杀?The first order of business is to grasp what cyberspa

4、ce is . It might help to leave beind metaphors 隐喻 of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real estate . Real estate ,remember ,is an intellectual ,legal ,artificial environment constructed on top of land. Real estate recognizes the difference between parkland and shopping mall ,between red

5、-light zone and school district ,between church ,state and drugstore .首先要解决的问题是,什么是信息空间。我们可以抛开高速公路、前沿新领域等比喻,把信息空间看作一个巨大的房地产。请记住,庄园是人们智慧的结晶,是合法的、人工营造的氛围,它建立在土地之上。在房地产业中,公园和商业中心、红灯区与学校、教堂、政府机构与杂货店都能区分开来。in the same way , you could think of cyberspace as a giant and unbounded world of virtual real esta

6、te .Some property is privatedly owned and rented out ; other property is common land ; some places are suitable for children , and others are best avoided by all citizens . Unfortunately ,its those places that are now capturing the popular imagination ,places that offer bombmaking instructions ,porn

7、ography, advice on how to steal credit cards .They make cyberspace sound like a nasty place . Good citizens jump to a conclusion : Better regulate it .你可以用同样的方法把信息空间想像为一个巨大的、无边无际的虚拟房地产业。其中有些房产为私人拥有并已租出,有些是公共场所;有的场所适合儿童出人,而有些地方人们最好避开。遗憾的是,正是这些应该避开的地方使得人们心向神往。这些地方教唆你如何制造炸弹、为你提供淫秽材料、告诉你如何窃取信用卡。所有这些使信息空

8、间听起来像是一个十分肮脏的地方。正直的公民纷纷作出这样的结论:最好对它严加管理。But before using regulations to counter indecency ,it is fundamental to interpret the nature of cyberspace . Cyberspace isnt a frontier where wicked people can grab unsuspecting children ,nor is it a giant television system that can beam offensive messages at

9、unwilling viewers . In this kind of real estate ,users have to choose where thy visit ,what they see ,what they do .Its optiona .In other words,cyberspace is a voluntary destination -in reality ,many destinations .You dont just get onto the Net ;you have to go someplace in particular . That means th

10、at people can choose where to go and what to see .Yes , community standards should be enforced ,but those standards set by cyberspace communities themselves ,not by the courts or by politicians in Washington .但是,在利用规章制度来反击下流之举之前,关键是从根本上理解信息空间的性质。恶棍并不能在信息空间抢走毫无提防之心的儿童;信息空间也不像一台巨大的电视机,向不情愿的观众播放令人作呕的节目

11、。在信息空间这个房地产业中,用户对他们所去之处、所见所闻、所做所为都要作出选择,一切都出于自愿。换句话说,信息空间是个出入自便的地方,实际上,信息空间里有很多可去之处。人们不能盲目上网,必须带着具体的目标上网。这意味着人们可以选择去哪个网址、看什么内容。不错,规章制度应该在群体内得以实施,但这些规章制度必须由信息空间内各个群体自己来制定,而不是由法庭或华盛顿的政客们来制定。what makes cyberspace so alluring is precisely the way in which its different from shopping malls , television ,

12、highways and other terrestrial jurisdictions.But lets define the territor:信息空间之所以具有如此大的诱惑力,正是因为它不同于商场、电视、公路或地球上的其他地方。那么,让我们来描述一下这个空间。First ,there are private e-malil conversations ,similar to the conversations you have over the teleophone .These are private and consensualand require no regulation at

13、 all .首先,信息空间里人与人之间可以进行电子邮件交流。这种交流类似于电话交谈,都是私人之间的、两相情愿的谈话,不需要任何规章制度加以限制。Second , there are information and entertainment services , wehre people can download anytihing from legal texts and lists of great new restaurants to game software or dirty pictures . These places are like bookstores ,malls and

14、 movie houses -places whre you go to buy something .The customer needs to request an item or sign up for a subscription; stuff (especially pornography ) is not sent out to people who dont ask for it .Some of these services are free or included as part of a broader service like ComputerServe or Ameri

15、ca Online ; others charge may and may bill their customers directly .其次,信息空间提供信息与娱乐服务。人们可以从中下载各种信息,从法律文件、“大型新饭店”名单,到游戏软件、下流图片,无奇不有。这里如同书店、商场和电影院,属购物区域。顾客必须通过索求或者登记来购物,物品(特别是淫秽之物)不会发送给那些没有索取的人。有些服务可以免费,或作为总服务费用的一部分计算,如“计算机服务”和“美国在线”就是如此。而有些服务要向顾客收费,而且可能会让顾客直接支付账单。Third ,there are real communities -gr

16、oups of people who communicate among themselves . In real-estate terms ,theyre like bars or restaurants or bathhouses . Each active participate contributes to a general conversation ,generally through posted messages . Other participant may simply listen or watch Some services are supervised by a mo

17、derator ; others are more like bulletin boards -anyone is free to post anything .Many of these services started out unmoderated but are now imposing rules to keep out unwanted advertising ,extraneous discussions or increasingly rude participants .三,信息空间里还有真正意义上的群体,那就是在内部互相交流思想的人群。从庄园的角度来看,这些群体就像酒吧、饭

18、店或公共浴室。每个活跃的人都积极参与谈话,谈话一般通过邮件方式进行;而有的人也许只充当旁观者或旁听者。有些活动由专人监督,有些则像公告牌,任何人可以任意在上面张贴。很多活动起初都无人监督,但现在实行强制管理,用规章制度来扫除那些不受欢迎的广告、不相干的讨论或日渐粗鲁的成员。cyberspace communitis evolve just the way terrestrial ommunities do : people with like-minded interests band together . Every cyberspace community has its own char

19、acter . Overall , the communities on CompuServe tend t be more professsional ; those on AmericaOnline , affluent young singles ;Prodigy family-oriented itself there are lots of passionate non-commercial discussion groups on topics ranging from Hungarian politics (hungary Online ) copyright law .信息空间

20、里群体的演变过程正如陆地社会团体的演变过程,即情趣相投的人们聚在一起。信息空间里每一个团体都各具特色。总的来说,“计算机服务”上的团体一般由专业技术人员组成;“美国在线”上的团体一般为富有的独身者;“奇才”主要面向家庭。另外还有一些具有独到见解的服务机构,“共鸣”为其中之一,是纽约市中心一家时髦的服务机构。再如“妇女专线”,是专为女性开辟的,她们希望逃避网上其他地方盛行的男性文化。就因特网本身也有大量情绪激昂的讨论小组,都属非商业性质,讨论话题广泛,从匈牙利政治(匈牙利在线)到版权法,无所不及。whats unique about cyberspace is that it allows co

21、mmunities of any size and kind to flourish ; in cyberspace ,communities are chosen by the users , not forced on them by accidents of geography . This freedom gives the rules that precise in cyberspace a moral authority that rules in terrestrialenvironments dont have . Most people are stuck in the co

22、untry of their birth, but if you dont like the rules of a given cyberspace community ,they can restrict their childrens access to it . 信息空间的独特之处在于允许任何规模、任何种类的团体发展繁荣。在信息空间,用户自愿参加任何团体,而不是因为地理位置的巧合而被迫参加某个团体。这种自由赋予主宰信息空间的准则一种道义上的权威,这种权威是地球空间里的准则所没有的。多数人呆在自己出生的国土上动弹不得,而在信息空间,假若你不喜欢某一群体的准则,脱离这个群体即可。出入自由。同

23、样,如果做父母的不喜欢某一群体的准则,便可以限制孩子,不让他们参与。whats likely to happen in cyberspace is the formation of new communities ,free of the constraits that cause conflict on earth . Instead of a global village ,which is a nice dream but impossible to manage , well have invented another world of self-contained communiti

24、es that cater to their own members inclinations without interfering with anyoneelses The possibility of a real market-style evolution of governance is at hand .In cyberpace ,well be able to test and evolve rules governing what needs to be governed -intellectual property ,content and access control ,

25、 rules about privacy and free speech .Some communities will allow anyone in ;others will restrict access to members who qualify on one basis or another .Those communites that prove self-sustaining will prosper (and perhaps grow and split into subsets wiht ever-more-particular interests and identitie

26、s ) Those that cant survive -either because people lose interest or get scared off -will simply wither away .在信息空间,可能会发生的情况是形成新的群体,新群体的形成不像在地球上那样受到限制,产生冲突。我们不是要建立一个梦寐以求、而又难以管理的全球村,而是要建立一个由各种独立的、不受外界影响的群体组成的世界,这些群体将投其成员所好,而又不干涉他人。一种真正的市场型管理模式很快成为可能。在信息空间,我们将能够检验并完善所需要的管理制度知识产权制度、服务内容与使用权的控制制度、个人隐私权与自

27、由言论制度等。有些群体允许任何人加入,而有些则只允许符合这样或那样条件的人加入。能够自立的群体会兴旺发展(或许也会因为志趣与身份日趋特殊,而发展成为几个分支)。有些群体或因为成员失去兴趣,或因为成员被吓跑而不能幸存下来,它们将渐渐萎缩消亡。in the near future ,explorers in cyberspace will need to get better at defining and identifying their communities . they will need to put in place -and accept -their own local gove

28、rnments apart from terrestrial governments ,just as the owners of expensive real estatet often have their own security guards though they can call in the police to get ride of undesirable customers . 在不久的将来,信息空间的探索者应该更善于解释和辨别各群体的性质。除了现实中的政府之外,他们将有必要安置并接受自己的地方政府,就如同豪华庄园的业主一样尽管可以叫警察来驱逐不受欢迎的顾客,但还是宁愿雇佣自

29、己的保安。then what should be done about undesirable material in cyberspace ? What to do ,for instance ,about pornography . The answer is labeling ,besides banning ,questionable material .it makes sense for cyberspace participants themselves to agree on a scheme for uestionable items ,so that people or a

30、utomatic filters can avoid them . Its easy enough for software manufacturers to build an automatioc filter that would prevent you or your child from ever seeing the undesired item on a menu . (its as if all the items were wrapped , with labels on the wrapper.)Someone who posted pornographic material

31、 under the title Kid-Fun could be sued for mislabeling . 那么,该如何处置信息空间不受欢迎的材料呢?例如,淫秽材料该怎么办?答案除了禁止以外,就是在有问题的材料上贴上标签。信息空间的成员对有问题的内容应该达成共识,拿出一个解决方案来,使人们或自动过滤系统避开这些内容,这样可能会有助于解决问题。软件制造商很容易建立一套自动过滤系统,使你和孩子们在菜单上见不到不想见到的内容。(就好像所有的内容都被包装了起来,并在包装纸上贴有标签。)如果有人在色情材料上贴上“童趣”的标签,便可能会因错贴标签而被起诉。Without a lot of fanfa

32、re , private enterprises and local groups are already producing a variety of labeling services ,along with kid-oriented sites like Kidlink and Kids Space .People differin their tastes and values and can find services on the Net that suit them in the same way they select books and magazines . Or they can wonder freely if they prefer , making up their own itinerary .一些私人组织和地方团体已经在不声不晌地建立各种标签服务系统,并建立了适合儿童的网站,如“儿童连接”、“儿童空间”等。具有不同品味和抱有不同价值观念的人如同挑选书刊、杂志一样,可以从网上挑选出适合自己的服务机构。如果愿意,他们还可以在网上无拘无束地逍遥漫游,完成自己的旅程。In the end , our society needs to grow up . Growing up means understanding thtat th

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