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1、国际商务英语国际商务英语 本套测试试卷共 40 题,共 100 分。答题得分:11 分 【题型:名词解释】【分数:3分】 得分:3 1 答: 答案: Transferable credit The credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parties. 分 The credit can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more parti 分 【题型:名词解释】【分数:3分】 得分:3 2 Contribution 答:

2、It holds that a person cannot be allowed to insure twice for the same risk, and claim compensation from both insu do cover the same event, the insurance companies contribute pro rata to the loss, and the insured is only restoposition. 答案: It holds that a person cannot be allowed to insure twice for

3、the same risk, and cla from both insurers. If two policies do cover the same event, the insurance companpro rata to the loss, and the insured is only restored to the indemnity position 分 【题型:简答】【分数:5分】 得分:5 3 What is a free trade area? Make a brief account of the most notable free trade area in the

4、world. 答: Free trade area is the loosest form in the regional economic integration. Members in this form removes barriers and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsideone is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the largest fr

5、ee market formed by the United States, 1991 with over 360 million consumers and total GDP of more than 6 trillion US dollars. 答案: A: Free trade area is the loosest form in the regional economic integration. Memberemoves barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each membits o

6、wn policy as regards to trade with outsiders. The most notable one is the NortTrade Agreement (NAFTA), the largest free market formed by the United States, Cain 1991 with over 360 million consumers and total GDP of more than 6 trillion US 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 4 分 The poorer developing countries are t

7、he major targets of _. A IDA IFC IBRD MIGA B C D 答: 答案: A 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:30分】 得分:0 5 答: 答案: Income distribution 收入分布 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 6 Under _, one company offers managerial or other specialized services to another within a particul payment or a percentage of the relevant business volume. 答: 答案:

8、 A B C D Licensing agreement management contract turnkey project international franchising B 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 7 答: 答案: Contract proper 合同本身、合同正文 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 8 The three main principles of insurance include_. A the insurable interest, the utmost good faith and proximate cause B the ins

9、urable interst, utmost food faith and indemnity C the indemnity, contribution and subrogation D the indemnity, proximate cause and the utmost good faith 答: 答案: B 分 【题型:名词解释】【分数:3分】 得分:0 9 答: 答案: High-income countries those enjoying annual per capita income of $9386 and above. In this group compr of

10、countries; most members of OECD, rich oil producing countries of the Middle Esmall-industrialized countries or regions. 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 10 Through all the Bretton Woods participants agreed _ their currencies _ gold. A attach, to peg, to adjust, to glue, to B C D 答: 答案: B 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0

11、11 A confirmed credit is_. A credit that is confirmed by the issuing bank. B a L/C that can be cancelled without the consent of the involving parties C credit that is confirmed by the negotiating bank D a L/C that is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bank 答: 答案: D 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 12 有

12、效期对于确盘是必不可少的。在规定的时间之前,或在被对方接受或拒绝之前确盘一直是有效的。 答: 答案: validity|firm|before|prescribed|accept|refuse|remain|valid 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 13 The floating rate system allows the exchange rate to _ from day to day totally depending on the supply on the market. A fluctuate, demand flexible,provide fluctuatio

13、n, demanding flexiblility,providing B C D 答: 答案: A 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 14 Visible trade 答: 答案: 有形贸易 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 15 NIEs 答: 答案: 亚洲四小虎: Newly Industrialized Economies 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 16 Which country is not a member of APEC? A Malaysia Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea Idonesia Br

14、unei B C D 答: 答案: B 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 17 Six OECD members that not up to the level of high income countries include_ A Saudi Arabia Mexico Nigeria Malaysia B C D 答: 答案: B 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 18 Which one of the following is not included in D term? A DAF DDT B C D 答: 答案: DDP DDU B 分 【题型:单选】【分数:

15、1分】 得分:0 19 _the less-developed countries, endeavors must be made to ensure the stabilization of comm access to the markets of developed countries. A In the interest of With the concern of At the sight of In terms of B C D 答: 答案: A 分 【题型:填空】【分数:10分】 得分:0 20 Floating rate gradually came into (1)_ in

16、1970s due to increase of foreign economic disturbances. The fthe exchange rate to (2)_ from day to day totally depending on the supply and (3)_ situation on the fixed rate, the floating rate system is more (5)_ to traders, especially exporters and importers, thesimply offset by the discount incurred

17、 due to (6)_ rate fluctuation. Where the supply of foreign currencthe value of this foreign currency will (8)_ and the price of the national currency in terms of this foreiup. In this (9)_, exchange rate of foreign currency is called floating downward. Oppositely, the exchange rawould be called floa

18、ting (10)_ if demand exceeds supply. 答: 答案: existence fluctuate demand to risky exchange exceeds depreciate case upward 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 Creditor country 答: 答案: 债权国 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 22 Which one of the following statement is INCORRECT? A The fixed exchange rate system increases the risknes

19、s of international business B Flexible exchange rate can prevent the drain of foreign exchange reserve C The fixed exchange rate system is vulnerable to changes in currency value. D The fixed exchange rate system can curb inflation. 答: 答案: A 分 【题型:简答】【分数:5分】 得分:0 23 Can the letter of credit provide

20、absolute security for the contracting parties? What losses may the seller or the答: 答案: A: It cannot provide absolute security for the contraction parties. The seller maybecause of the buyers delay or even failure in the establishment of credit. The blosses as result of the documents presented by the

21、 seller which do not truly reprshipped. And it is not absolutely avoidable that the bank may become insolvent o 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 24 分 What is the defination of the word non-tariff barrier? A All forms of man-made obstructions to international trade. B A person or company granting a licence. C A s

22、pecial right to an inventor to be the only person to make and sell it. D Expert knowledge or skills. 答案: A 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 25 enquiry 答: 答案: 询盘、询价 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 26 The purpose of Incoterms is to _. A provide a common understanding B set down agreement between buyers and sellers C regul

23、ate the terms used in international transaction D promote the economic integration 答: 答案: A 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 27 答: 答案: Cash in advance 预付现金 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 28 Despite all the archievements, China still faces big challenges coming from the following aspects_ A trade protectionism regional

24、integration trade globalization currency devaluation B C D 答案: A 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 29 Domestic Equity Market do not include _. A the listed market the third market the unlisted market the traded options market B C D 答: 答案: D 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 30 答: 答案: Port of shipment 发货港、装运港、起运港 分 【题型:名词解释

25、】【分数:3分】 得分:0 31 答: 答案: firm offer Statement that you are willing to pay a certain amount of money to by sometime 分 【题型:名词解释】【分数:3分】 得分:0 32 答: 答案: economic union The economic union is the highest form of economic integration, which is characterizedof the domestic policies of its members in respect

26、of economy, finance etc. in addiof trade barriers, practice of common external policy and free production factor 【题型:简答】【分数:5分】 得分:0 33 分 What is the best policy for China to develop business opportunities? 答: 答案: A: So far as China is concerned, other markets we should pay particular attentiaround

27、us: the Four Tigers, the ASEAN countries, Russia, India and a bit farther These countries or regions either have rich consumers and offer good business oppordeveloping fast with very promising market potential. And their geographical prois a great advantage for us in developing business relations wi

28、th them. 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 34 L/C could not provide absolute security because _. A the seller may sustain losses because of the buyers delay in opening L/C B it is not absolutely avoidable that the bank may become bankrupt C the buyer may suffer losses as a result of the documents presented may

29、be problematic D A,B,C 答: 答案: D 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 35 A country may develop a particular _ purely through its own actions, independent of the endowm A comparative advantage comparative disadvantage absolute advantage absolute advantage B C D 答: 答案: A 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 36 The draft is a/an_ to

30、 a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or ar a finxe A B C D 答: 答案: conditional demand conditional application unconditional order unconditional offer C 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 37 答: 答案: Certificate of deposit 大额存单 分 【题型:单选】【分数:1分】 得分:0 38 A foreign country may have lower land prices, tax rates or cost of labor, all of which _. A will reduce the production costs could reducing the production costs reducing the production costs may well be reducing the production costs B C D 答: 答案: A 分 【题型:翻译】【分数:1分】 得分:0 39 Large-scale foreign ret

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