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1、高中英语模块18短语整理Module 1 Unit 11.低矮的楼房 2. 和愉快相处 3. 另外三天 4.领某人参观 5.感到舒适 6.以命名 7.一次难忘的经历 8.比平常 9.上学 10.赢得尊重11.实现目标 12.最喜爱的科目 13.平均 14.过去常常 15.非常16.发电子邮件17.免费 18. 一点也不 19放弃物理 20.失踪的孩子21.看上去轻松22.大意 23.关键词 24.追溯到 25.首先26. 一直向前走 27. 方便上网 28. 有经验的护士 29. 设备30.以前的学生 31.一到家 32.在展出 33.错过机会 34. 大学毕业35. 捐赠,捐献 36. 交通

2、标志 37. 注意,关注 38. 轮流做某事39. 遗憾地通知 40. 后悔做某事 41.告之 42. 国营工厂 43.不只是44.满足要求 45. 赞同,赞许 46. 在休息时间 47. 作准备48. 留口信 49.传口信 50.大声朗读 51.要求某人做某事52. 关于大自然的诗歌 53. 培养的兴趣,爱好 54.(书的)封底 55. 去短途旅行56. 继续做某事1. low-rise buildings 2. get on/ along well with sb. 3. another three days 4. show sb around5. at ease with sb 6. n

3、ame after 7. an unforgettable experience 8. than usual 9. attend school 10. win respect 11. achieve ones goal 12. my favorite subject 13. on average 14. used to do 15. not a little 16. send e-mails 17. for free 18. not a little 19. drop physics 20. lost children 21. look relaxed 22. general idea 23.

4、 key words 24. date back to / date from 25. first of all 26. go straight on27. have/ gain Internet access 28. experienced nurses 29. a piece of equipment30. former students 31. upon / on arriving home 32. on show 33. miss the chance34. after graduation 35. donateto 36. traffic signs 37. pay attentio

5、n to38. take turns to do sth 39. regret to inform 40. regret doing sth41. inform sb of sth 42. state-run factories 43. more than 44. meet/ satisfy ones requirements 45. approve of 46. during break time47. do sth for preparation 48. leave a message 49. take a message 50. read sth out aloud 51. requir

6、e sb to do sth 52. a poem about nature53. develop ones interest in 54. back cover 55. go outing 56. continue doing Unit 21.不遗余力 2. 露面 3.浪费时间 4. 强迫某人做某事 5. 不迟于六点6.比预料好 7.进入房间 8.迫不及待 9.应该 10.期望某人某事 11.处理 12.一团糟 13.负责 14.的原因 15.挑的毛病 16.灯灭了17.Tom和Peter的房间 18.过街 19.对疯狂 20.对严格21.对苛刻 22.既然 23.正常体温 24.养成习惯

7、25.口语26. 受惩罚 27. 更糟的是 28.用完了 29.误拿了. 30.达成共识31.下倾盆大雨 32.小题大作 33.熬夜 34.担心 35.混淆36.事实上 37.牢记 38.整理屋子 39.和。混淆 40. 征求意见41. 把当作 42. 解决问题 43.拒绝做某事 44.坚决要做某事 45.好象46.目前 47.阻止, 禁止 48.弹钢琴 49. 在网吧 50.对负责51.毕竟 52. 边喝茶边聊天 53.拼命地 54. 允许做某事1. spare no efforts to do sth 2. turn up 3. a waste of time 4. force sb to

8、 do sth / force sb into doing sth 5. by 6 oclock 6. better than expected 7. enter the room 8. cant wait to do sth 9. be supposed to do sth 10. expect sth from sb 11. do with / deal with 12. in a mess 13. take charge of / leave sb in charge of sth 14. the reasons for / the cause of 15. find faults wi

9、th 16. go out 17. Tom and Peters bedroom 18. cross the street 19. be crazy about sth 20. be strict with21. be hard on 22. now that / since 23. normal temperature 24. fall into the habit of 25. spoken English 26. deserve punishment 27. what make matters worse 28. run out 29. by mistake 30. reach an a

10、greement 31. rain cats and dogs 32. make a mountain out of a molehill 35.get mixed up 36. in actual fact / actually 37. keep/ bear in mind 38. tidy up the house 39. mix upwith 40. ask sb for advice 41. think of as 42. fix/ solve/ handle a problem 43. refuse to do sth 44. insist on/ upon doing sth45.

11、 as if / as though 46. at present / for the present 47. forbid doing sth/ forbid sb to do sth48. play the piano 49. at the Internet caf 50. be responsible for 51. after all52. chat over the tea 53. like crazy 54. allow doing/ allow sb to do sth Unit 31.保持健康 2.渴望 3.减肥 4.感到惭愧 5.受喜爱6.无价之宝 7.给.动手术 8正好匹配

12、 9.损害 10.很值得一看11.节食 12.偶遇 13.给树立榜样 14.在对面15.为了 16.每次 17.推迟 18.副作用 19.脱落20.冒险做 21.故意 22.顺便问一句 23.应请求 24. 强身健体 25. 单独,独自地 26.英年早逝 27. 从中康复 28.充分利用 29. 心脏衰竭30. 对有害的 31. 听从某人的意见 32. 特价 33.过健康的生活34. 一个动人的故事 35. 秘密地 36. 考虑做某事37. 某人被认为做过某事 38. 体重增加 39. 事实上,实际上40.推荐 41.连同 42.从长远看 43.吸收 44.不吃早饭45. 放弃运动 46.感到

13、轻松 47.分秒必争 48. 集中精力 49. 在未来的岁月50. 缺少睡眠 51. 立即,马上1. stay healthy / keep fit 2. be dying to do / be dying for 3. lose weight4. feel ashamed 5. be popular among / with 6. be priceless7. operate on sb 8. an exact match for 9. damage sth10. be worth a visit / be worth visiting 11. be / go on diets 12. co

14、me across13. set a good example 14. on the opposite side 15. in order to/ so as to16. every time 17. delay doing sth 18. side effects19. fall out 20. risk doing sth 21. on purpose22. by the way 23. at ones request 24. build up strength25. on ones own 26. die at a young age 27. recover from28. make f

15、ull use of 29. heart failure 30. be harmful to/ do harm to31. follow ones advice 32. special offer 33. live healthy lives34. a touching story 35. in secret 36. consider doing sth37. be considered to have done sth 38. put on weight 39. as a matter of fact40. recommend doing sth 41. along with 42. in the long term/ run43. take in 44. skip breakfast 45. give up on sport46. feel relaxed 47. Minutes count! 48. concentrate on/ upon49. the years to come 50. loss of sleep 51. in no time Module 2 Unit 11.预先 2.撞上 3.沉船 4.困惑的表情 5.加紧6.对有兴趣 7.由于 8.炫耀 9.直接回家 10.对进行研究11.满月 12.象貌普通的人 13.出现

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