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1、第1周第一部分 听力(共四节)第一节 听句子,选择与句子内容相关的图画,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题) ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. 第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题)( ) 6. A. I feel angry. B. I feel tired. C. I feel well.( ) 7. A. Im sure of it. B. That sounds good. C. I dont know.( ) 8. A. Yes, Id love to.

2、B. No, thanks. C. Either is OK. ( ) 9. A. Last winter. B. On December 25th. C. At night.( ) 10. A. Dont be late again. B. It doesnt matter. C. Sorry. My alarm clock didnt go off. 第三节 听对话, 选出能回答问题的正确选项,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。每段对话听两遍。(共10小题)听第一段对话, 回答第11、12小题。( ) 11. Whos Kate?A. The mans sister. B. The m

3、ans daughter. C. The mans classmate.( ) 12. Where is Kate?A. On B Street. B. O n T Street. C. At the corner of T Street.听第二段对话, 回答第13、14小题。( ) 13. What will she have for lunch?A. Pizza, vegetable, tea. B. Pizza, salad, cola. C. Tomato, rice, large drink.( ) 14. How much is her lunch?A. 50 dollars. B

4、. 25 dollars. C. 15 dollars.( ) 15 How soon will she receive her lunch?A. In 15 minutes. B. In 13 minutes. C. In half an hour. 第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格。并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。短文听两遍。(共5小题)The kind of the pet in the passage16._The meals the pet need17._The pets favorite food18._The place the pet sleeps19._The one

5、 that gives you more pleasure20._( ) 16. A. Cats. B. Birds. C. Dogs.( ) 17. A. Two. B. Three. C. More.( )18. A. Small bones. B. Large bones. C. Chicken bones.( ) 19. A. A clean box. B. A dry box. C. A clean and dry box.( )20. A. A healthy pet. B. A sick pet. C. A friendly pet.第二部分 英语知识运用 ( 共两节 )第一节

6、单项填空 (共15小题)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的正确答案,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。( ) 21. This is _ only expensive dress Ive got.A. a B. an C. the D. 不填( ) 22. How are you today, Francis? Much_, but my doctor says Ill still have to rest for another few days.A. wel1 B. better C. good D. best( ) 23. Is Simon coming by train?

7、 He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car. A. may B. shall C. need D. must( ) 24. There are more than two _ languages spoken in Nigeria. A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred D. hundred of( ) 25. Could I ask you a rather personal question? Of course, _.A. good idea B. thats right C. never m

8、ind D. go ahead( )26. Why not _ money by yourself for your mothers birthday present? Good idea. Ill not let a cent go to waste.A. save B. spend C. keep D. make( ) 27. Mum, Ive got an A in the English exam today!Great! And you are sure to win a second time because this is a good_A. report B. result C

9、. skill D. start( ) 28. We have an English class every day, _in the morning _in the afternoon.A. not, but B. neither, nor C. either, or D. both, and ( ) 29. _a Chinese, Im looking forward the 2008 Olympic Games.A. For, at B. As, to C. With, for D. Of, to( ) 30. If you meet with any difficult words,

10、you can a dictionary.A. look after B. turn to C. look up D. go for( ) 31.Im very sorry to have given you so much trouble. .A. Id love to B. Thats right C. Dont mention it D. Thats all right( ) 32. Hurry up. The bus is coming.Oh, no. We mustnt cross the street _ the traffic lights are green.A. after

11、B. since C. until D. while ( ) 33. How about going shopping on Hunan Road this evening? _, but Ive to prepare for tomorrows exam.A. I cant B. Sounds great C. Thats right D. No, Im terribly sorry( )34. Now, where is my school bag? _! Well be late for school.A. Just a minute B. Take it easy C. Dont wo

12、rry D. Come on( )35. To our great surprise, the blind girl learned to music so well just by ear. A. give B. take C. play D. carry第二节 完形填空 ( 共10小题 )通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择能填入空白处的正确答案,并将所选答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。Dear Dad, Happy birthday to you! On this special day Id like to talk to you 36 aspecial way.

13、I dont think Im good at 37 you my thought face to face with you, so Im writing to show my deep love for you.Youre not a rich man or a famous person. But in my heart, you are one of the greatest 38 in the world. Im 39 you. Youre 40 interested in fame and wealth(名利). You do 41 things like paying phone

14、 bills on time, and working as a worker in your factory. The smile on your face shows youre pleased with the family. You take good care of my grandparents. You help me with my schoolwork and do some shopping with Mom on Sundays. In the past, I didnt care 42 you were with me or not. Now I am sorry to say I 43 you the respect(尊重) before. But I am thankful for what you have done for me. I am quite lucky that I have 44 a great father. And I feel happy that now I can let you 45 how much I love you. You are successful as a son, a husband, a father, and a friend. Wis

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