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七年级英语Unit 10 The Swedish rock band人教四年制版知识精讲.docx

1、七年级英语Unit 10 The Swedish rock band人教四年制版知识精讲七年级英语Unit 10 The Swedish rock band人教四年制【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Unit 10 The Swedish rock band学习过程一. 重点、难点:1. They are going to give a concert in Kunming tonight. 今晚,他们将在昆明举办一场音乐会。 give a concert意为“举办音乐会”。音乐厅为a concert hall; 去听音乐为go to a concert; 在音乐会上为at the conc

2、ert。例如: (1)Zhou Huajian gave a concert in Beijing last month. 上个月周华健在北京举行了一场音乐会。(2)I went to a concert last night. 昨天晚上我去听音乐会了。2. There was a famous band called “The Beatles”. 有一个有名的乐队叫“披头士”乐队。famous用作形容词,意为“著名的”可作表语和定语,例如:a famous singer 一位著名的歌手;be famous for 以而著名、出名;be famous as 以身份而出名;be famous t

3、o 对某人来说是著名的。例如:(1)Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake. 杭州以西湖而闻名。(2)Xu Beihong was famous as an artist in the world. 徐悲鸿以画家而闻名于世。(3)He is famous to us all as a good teacher. 作为一个好老师,对我们所有人来说,他是有名的。3. More than five thousand people were there. 有五千多人去了那里。more than 意为“超过,多于”。相当于over。如:(1)It took more t

4、han 1000 men 20 years to finish the wall. 一千多人花了二十多年时间才修完了城墙。(2)He is more than twenty. 他二十多岁了。more than 的反义短语是less than少于,不到(3)There are less than ten students in the classroom. 教室里不到十个学生。请同学们注意一个关于more than 容易出错的句子。错误:More than one student are in the classroom.正确:More than one student is in the cl

5、assroom. 不止一个学生在教室里。4. In the middle of the concert, one of the singers, Max, had an accident. 在音乐会进行到一半时,有一位名叫Max歌手发生了意外。in the middle of 意为“在中间,在当中”,如:in the middle of the night 在半夜时in the middle of the river 在河中间have an accident 意为出事,发生意外,又如:have a car accident 出车祸have a traffic accident 发生交通事故in

6、 the accident 在事故中by accident 同by chance 意为“碰巧,偶然”5. They didnt want to stop the concert, so they went on. 他们不想停止音乐会所以他们继续进行。stop作及物动词时,意为“停止,阻止,拦住”,例如:(1)Stop what you are doing. 把你正在做的事停下来。(2)The man stood in the street to stop a taxi. 那个人站在街上拦出租车。stop组成的短语,常用的有:stop doing, 停止干某事,stop to do sth 停下

7、来去做某事,stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事。例如:(3)They stopped talking and went to bed. 他们停止了谈话,去睡觉了。(4)He stopped to buy some food on his way home. 回家的路上,他停下来买了一些食物。(5)Nobody can stop him from going there. 没人能阻止他去那。go on 意为“继续”常用的短语有go on doing sth, go on with + n, 和go on to do sth. 例如:(6)She finished his

8、 homework, then she went on to do the housework. 她做完了作业,接下来干家务活。(7)He just went on working. = He just went on with his work. 他还是继续不停的工作。6. He met my mother in Liverpool, and they got married in 1967. 他们在Liverpool和我妈妈相遇,他们在1967年结婚。meet在此句中意为“见面,遇见”,如:(1)They met each other for the first time in 1998.

9、 他们在1998年第一次相遇。作为及物动词,meet还有“迎接,满足”之意,如:(2)He is going to meet his uncle at the station. 他要去火车站接他叔叔。(3)The government is trying to meet peoples needs. 政府正尽力满足人民的需要。get married 意为“结婚”表示动作,可以和具体的时间状语连用,be married表示状态。例如:(4)They are going to get married next month. 他们打算下个月结婚。(5)Mary is married. Mary已经结

10、婚了。和结婚应用短语:marry sb 或get married to sb, 如:(6)She is going to marry John. 她要跟John结婚了。二. 本单元短语:1. 瑞典摇滚乐队 the Swedish rock band 2. 举行音乐会 give a concert 3. 在音乐会上 at the concert 4. 用英语起个名字 name in English 5. 多于 more than 6. 在音乐会进行中 in the middle of the concert7. 跳上跳下 jump up and down 8. 摔倒,跌倒 fall down 9

11、. 摔坏了腿 break ones leg 10. 带某人去看病 take sb to hospital 11. 有病住院 be ill in hospital 12. 继续 go on 13. 继续干某事 go on doing sth / go on with 14. 在音乐会结束时 at the end of the concert 15. 在音乐会开始时 at the start / beginning of the concert 16. 在某人心中 in ones heart 17. 丧失信心 lose heart 18. 中国的其他地方 other parts of China

12、19. 匆忙 in a hurry 20. 世界杯足球赛 the Football World Cup 21. 为踢球 play for 22. 结婚 get married 23. 和结婚 marry sb / get married to sb 24. 出发 start off 【模拟试题】一. 语音与词汇:A)找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项:( )1. A. grape B. marry C. accident D. happen( )2. A. rock B. month C. popular D. along( )3. A. east B. break C. wheat D.

13、team( )4. A. band B. concert C. science D. thank( )5. A. jumped B. worked C. lived D. stoppedB)根据句意及所给首字母,完成下列单词:1. Naying is a f woman singer. Many young people like her songs very much.2. We went to a concert last night. We enjoyed the m very much.3. Max was very careless. He had an a . He broke h

14、is leg. 4. Freda lives at the e of the street.5. My uncle is a businessman. He visits many p of the world every year.6. Are you good at language or s ? C)用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空:1. How many (singer)are there in the Swedish rock band?2. This is their (one)visit to China for the members of “Yesterday”.3. Elsa

15、s father was born in Stockholm. He (live)there for eighteen years.4. When I (be)young, my favourite sport (be)football.5. Can Erik sing a (China)song?6. Every year (lot)of tourists come to visit China.7. Last week more than five (thousand)people went to the concert in Kunming.8. Your English is (goo

16、d)than mine. My English is just so-so.9. The memory robot is really a very (use)machine.10. Do you enjoy (listen)to English songs? D)用适当的介词填空:1. I was born May 4, 1979.2. How many people were the concert?3. Who gave you a talk at the start the meeting?4. Erik and Elsa didnt want to stop the concert,

17、 so they went on it.5. How did you go to Xinjiang? I went there plane.6. I would like to ride to the farm. I am not a hurry.7. Zhang Xiaori plays football Teda(泰达).8. My grand parents got married 1927.9. I often go to Home Club my mother on Sundays.10. Our teacher asked us to write a member of our f

18、amily in English.二. 选择填空:( )1. Yesterday is .A. a persons name B. a journalistC. the name of a Swedish rock band D. a famous singer( )2. If you want to listen to music or songs, you can go to .A. a concert B. Kunming C. Sweden D. a jounlist( )3. There four singers in the band last year, but there th

19、ree this year.A. were, were B. were, are C. are, are D. are, were( )4. There a car accident on the road yesterday. Someone his leg.A. was, break B. was, broke C. is, breaking D. is, broke( )5. I lost my ticket to the concert. I was too .A. happy B. worried C. careful D. careless( )6. In the class ou

20、r teachers often give us some to discuss.A. problems B. problem C. questions D. question( )7. One of my classmates to be a journalist when he grows up.A. wants B. want C. wanted D. wanting( )8. Do you know the young man Wu Gang?A. calls B. called C. call D. calling( )9. Turfan(吐鲁番)is famous for its

21、.A. tourists B. dancing C. music D. grapes( )10. you any other parts of China before you came here?A. Did, visited B. Do, visited C. Did, visit D. Were, visit( )11. Dont worry. We still have time.A. few B. a little C. a few D. little( )12. I am coming back a minute.A. in B. on C. after D. for( )13.

22、The girl has one apple, but she wants .A. more some B. some more C. any more D. more any( )14. I was born a spring morning in April, 1966.A. in B. on C. at D. of( )15. the end of the class, we sang an English son.A. In B. On C. At D. After( )16. There is going to a sports meeting next week.A. have B

23、. has C. be D. hold( )17. Its today than yesterday.A. more colder B. much cold C. much colder D. more cold( )18. My mother is ill. .A. It doesnt matter B. She should go to see a doctorC. I am sorry to hear that D. A, B and C are all right三. 用括号内所给动词的正确时态填空:1. he (watch)TV every day?2. How long (be)y

24、ou not at school last year?3. Look! The boys (swim)in the river.4. What time you (get)home yesterday morning?5. Li Hong (go)to bed at ten last night.6. They (play)football tomorrow.7. Tom usually (walk)to school.8. Lucy (listen)to the teacher now.9. We (help)the farmers pick apples next week.10. Li

25、Ying (be)fifteen years old last year.四. 按要求改写下列各句1. May I see your drawing? (同义句) Can you your drawing?2. He came to school last week.(改否定句) He to school last week.3. They are never late for school. (对划线部分提问) are they late for school?4. The students are listening to the teacher. (同上) are the student

26、s listening ?5. The building is tall. (改感叹句) the building is!6. His brother was at home because he was ill. (就划线部分提问) his brother at home?7. She did her homework after school. (改否定句) She her homework after school.8. Tom went to school on foot this morning. (同义句) Tom school this morning.五. 汉译英: 1. 在回

27、家的路上,我遇到了一位我的老朋友。 I an old friend of mine home.2. 休息后,他继续做作业。 he had a rest, he his homework.3. 我父亲小时候喜欢音乐和足球。 my father was young, he liked and .4. 你参观过中国的其他的地方吗? Did you parts of China?5. 他非常粗心,以致于撞坏了脚。 He was that he his leg.六. 完形填空:Once a great boxer(拳击家), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant for 1 .

28、 He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would 2 it. 3 he got 4 a pen and a piece of paper and wrote 5 it, “The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here. Hell come back 6 a few minutes.” He put the paper on his bag and went to 7 his dinner. 8 he came back, his bag wasnt 9 . But

29、 he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said, “A great runner took away your bag, and he will 10 come back.”( )1. A. dinner B. a coat C. a pen D. a film( )2. A. bring B. carry C. take D. get( )3. A. If B. Because C. But D. So( )4. A. away B. near C. out D. in( )5. A. to B. on C. at D. for( )6.

30、A. before B. after C. for D. in( )7. A. have B. has C. had D. having( )8. A. Before B. If C. When D. So( )9. A. here B. there C. home D. door( )10. A. no B. be C. not D. not any七. 阅读理解:ADick was a clever college student, but his family was poor, so he had to work after class and during his holidays to get enough money for his studies.One summer he got a job in a butchers shop(肉店)during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night. I

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