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1、人教版高中英语必修二Unit2TheOlympicGames语言点教学案含答案语文Unit 2 The Olympic Games语言点目标认知重点词汇compete, admit, magical, interview, replace, bargain, deserve重点短语take part in, stand for, used to, as well, in charge,重点句型 1. 祈使句and/or陈述句2. 介词+名词从句3. so.that.句型4. 过去分词作状语5. 原级比较级句型知识讲解重点词汇compete【原句回放】 How many countries co

2、mpeted in the ancient Olympic Games? 有多少个国家参加了古代奥运会?【点拨】compete vi. 比赛,竞争 compete in 在比赛中竞争 Who could compete in the Olympics? 什么样人可以参加奥运会? compete against/with 与竞赛 He thought that nobody could compete with him. 他认为没人能跟他抗衡。 We cant compete against them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。 compete for 为而竞赛 These

3、 young men competed for the gold medal. 这些年轻人为夺取金牌而比赛。 Young children will usually compete for their mothers attention. 小孩子通常都会在母亲面前争宠。【拓展】competition n. 竞赛 competitor n. 竞赛者 competitive adj. 竞争的 admit【原句回放】Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as compet

4、itors. 只有达到他们各自项目的统一标准的运动员才会被允许参加奥运会。【点拨】admit vt. 接纳;允许进入(某组织、机构、单位等),常与介词to/ into连用。 be admitted to/into. 被允许/接纳进入 He was admitted to Beijing University, which made his parents very happy. 他被北大所录取,这使他父母非常高兴。 admit vt. 允许进入(地区或场地) The ticket will admit you to the concert. 凭这张票你可以去听音乐会。 admit vt. 承认

5、(错了、坏了等),后接名词、动名词或从句。 Dont be afraid to admit your mistakes. 不要怕认错。 vt. 容许有;有的余地(后接介词of,其主语为事物) The meeting admits of no delay 这次会议不得迟误。 注意:admit后接动名词作宾语,不接不定式。 admitdoing/having done sth.承认做了某事 admit . to be. .承认为 be admitted as. 作为被接受magical 【原句回放】.has come on a magical journey on March 18th, 2019

6、 to find out about the present-day Olympic Games. 在2007年3月18日进行了一次魔幻旅行,以搞清现代奥运会的有关问题。【点拨】magical adj. (像)魔法的,奇妙的 I used to believe my mother had magical powers. 我以前一直相信我母亲有奇妙的魔力。 Then one day a magical thing occurred. 一天一件不可思议的事情发生了。 magically adv. 魔法似地,不可思议地 magic n. 魔法 magician n. 魔术师 interview 【原

7、句回放】He is now interviewing Li Yan, a volunteer for the 2019 Olympic Games. 他正在采访一个叫李彦的2019奥运会志愿者。【点拨】interview vt. (记者等)采访,访问 We must interview the Minister of Education about the policy. 我们必须就这项政策采访教育部长。 interview vt. 与面试,面谈 We interviewed 8 people for the job. 我们对谋求这份工作的八个人进行了面试。 interview n. 面试;(

8、两人之间的)会晤 Dont be late for your job interview. 求职面试不能迟到。 a TV interview 电视采访; give an interview 接受采访 interviewee n. 被接见者,被采访者 interviewer n. 主持面试者,接见者,采访者replace【原句回放】So even the olive wreath has been replaced! 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了!【点拨】replace vt. 代替;取代;替换 take the place of replace 取代,代替 replace A with/by B

9、用B代替/替换A Nothing can replace a mothers love. 什么都无法取代母爱。 The door was broken, so we replaced it with/by a new one. 这门坏了,所以我们换上了新门。 replace vt. 放回原地 He picked them up and replaced them in the bag. 他把它们捡了起来, 放回包里。 Ill replace the cup I broke. 我会赔偿我打碎的杯子。 bargain【原句回放】Her father said that she must marry

10、, so Atlanta made a bargain with him.她的父亲说她必须嫁人,于是亚特兰大就和父亲达成了协议。【点拨】bargain vi. 讨价还价,讲条件;n. 便宜货;协议; bargain with sb. about/ over/ for sth. 和某人讨价还价/商谈条件 She hated to bargain with the fisherman about the price. 她不喜欢和渔夫讨价还价。 make a bargain with sb. 与某人达成协议,与某人商谈条件 a real bargain 便宜货 The coat is a real

11、bargain at such a low price. 这件外套售价这么低,真是便宜货。deserve【原句回放】Do you think Hippomenes deserved to win the race? 你认为希波墨涅斯应该赢得这次比赛吗?【点拨】deserve vi . vt. 意为“应受(报答或惩罚);值得”。 deserve attention/consideration 值得注意/考虑 After all that hard work, you deserve a holiday. 辛苦工作后,你理应有个假期。 deserve to do. 值得做,应该 They cert

12、ainly deserved to win that match. 他们当然应该赢得那场比赛。 deserve doing.= deserve to be done 值得被 这份报告值得认真考虑。 The report deserves careful consideration. The report deserves to be considered carefully. The report deserves careful considering.重点短语take part in【原句回放】 Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic

13、Games? 谁不能参加古代奥运会?【点拨】take part in 参加, 参与活动 John takes part in many school activities. 约翰参加很多学校里的活动。 Did you take part in the fighting? 你参与打架了吗?【拓展】take part in, join, attend辨析 take part in侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。 join为普通用词,指加入党派、团体或某群人当中等,并成为其中一员。 attend侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。并不强调参加者在活动中起的作

14、用,比如attend school, attend a lecture。stand for【原句回放】What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? 奥运会会旗上的五环代表什么?【点拨】stand for 代表,象征,表示;拥护,支持 Dictatorship stands for the denial of individual freedom. 独裁意味着否定个人自由。 I stand for freedom of speech for everyone. 我主张人人都有言论自由。【拓展】stand 构成的短语: stand as

15、ide 站开;让开 stand back 退后 stand by 袖手旁观 stand off 疏远 stand out 杰出 stand over 延期 stand up for sth. 支持、维护used to 过去常常 【原句回放】.and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。【点拨】used to do/be 表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不再如此。在肯定句中,表示现在已经不再发生、不复存在的过去的行为或存在的状态。 There used to be a building there. 那里曾经有座大楼。 used to通常只能跟不定式,但偶尔也能跟进行时,意思一样。 He used to be always making jokes. 他过去总爱开玩笑。 在疑问句、否定句或强调句中,可以有两种形式: Used you to go t

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