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1、六年级英语教案都匀四小20162017学年度第一学期电子备课教案 学科:英 语授课班级:六年级教师姓名: 林丽娜时间:2016年9月都匀四小20162017年度第一学期英语学科电子备课教案主备教师林丽娜授课教师林丽娜班级六年级备课时间2016.8第一单元教材简析 本单元的教材是根据教育部制定的国家英语课程标准编写而成的,供小学6年级的学生使用,教材的特点是:1.强调语言运用;2.注重能力培养;3.突出兴趣激发;4.重视双向交流;5.融合学科内容;6.重视灵活扩展;7.实现整体设计。学情分析 六年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以应做好后进生的转化工作。激发学生学习英语的

2、兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心,培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯,使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。教师在教学过程中应强调语言的综合运用,注意学生能力的培养,突出对学生学习兴趣的激发,重视知识的灵活扩展,真正将英语教学的目标落实到实处。在五年级的对话的基础上,增加了阅读的内容和难度。单元目标 1.复习What day is it today?/Its . . 2.能够运用主题句型Are you going to . ? 进行交际。3.学习单词:party weath

3、er sunny will begin bring do some shopping 4.学习重点句型Are you going to .?Yes,I am.No, Im not. 5.运用自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情感态度。课时安排:6教 学 过 程第一课时课时内容:Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?(Lets talk)课时目标 1.复习What day is it today?/Its . .2.通过音标认读本课新单词.3.运用自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情感态度。4.通过创设

4、情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。5.能够运用主题句型Are you going to . ? 进行交际。重难点1.运用新单词就本课句型进行替换练习。2.通过音标认读新单词。教学准备:录音 多媒体 教学步骤Step1 Warm-up Free talk about personal information (自由对话营造英语会话氛围,个人信息话题为本课 主题句奠定下基础)Step2 Revision Review summary of last bookStep3 Presentation 1.Learn new words of lesson one Rea

5、d all the words of lesson one according to the phonetic syllables by themselves.(让学生根据音标自学单词,培养学生自学意识) 2. Learn black words.(Read and spelling) 3. Practice(read the word cards)Step4 Presentation(Lets talk)1. GuidingTake out a calendar and ask :What day is it today?The student will answer: Its . . Th

6、en the teacher says:Oh, yes, its my birthday.Im going to have a birthday party. The teacher asks: Do you want to go to my birthday party? Help the students answer:Yes, I do.2. Show the topic OK,today we will learn lesson one: Are you going to have a birthday party?(Write the topic on the blackboard,

7、以旧引新,循序渐进的导入,减低学习难度)3Lets talk_new dialoguea.Read the dialogue by themselves for one time b.Look at the books and listen to the tape C. Listen to the tape and repeat for twice.(学生先自读可发现自己不会的地方,便会有目的的去听,然后再重点跟读自己不会的句子,有目的的去听会很有效的提高学生的听力。) d.Understand Explain difficult sentences: Are you going to hav

8、e a birthday party? Im going to have a birthday party at home next Sunday evening. Are you going to ask Eve to come?e.Present_reading(为学生解决难点后再练读可提高学生阅读兴趣及能力)Step4 Practice Reading在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读,通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、语调,而小组内的合作学习,更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现Step 5 Consolidation and Creation(巩固与创新) 1.Act

9、the dialogue on the book(电脑操作:屏幕显示本课对话画面,学生看画面进行对话) 2Make up new dialogue(学生仿照以上对话编排新的对话,培养学生创新精神及新知识运用能力)二次修改课时作业: 复习整理所学的知识。板书设计Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party? Are you going to have a birthday party? Im going to have a birthday party at home next Sunday evening. Are you going to a

10、sk Eve to come?教 学 过 程第二课时课时内容:lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?(Lets learn)课时目标1.掌握本课主题句型,并进行替换练习。2.运用新句型编排对话。3.培养学生创造性思维。重难点1.掌握本课句型。并进行替换练习。2.让学生创造性的学习新知。教学准备:录音机 多媒体教学步骤Step1. Revision1. Read the “lets talk”of this lesson2. Free talk about daily life.Step2. Presentation1.Guide Sho

11、w pictures(电脑操作,屏幕显示lets learn.图片) 2.Listen to the tape ,listen how do they talk about the same topic about the pictures .(通过本环节来拓展学生思维,同时有可把话题引入现实生活,使得学有所用)3. PracticeAsk and answer questions about the other pictures,as same as the models.4. CheckAsk some students to stand up and act their dialogue

12、s.SmunicationTalk about the same topic about yourself.(通过本环节来拓展学生思维,同时有可把话题引入现实生活,使得学有所用)Step4 Writing Copy the model dialogue of lets learn on the exercise books.(学生问答,听说操练到一定程度,让学生练习一些句子的书写,进一步加强对该句子的理解和巩固,以真正达到听说为先,读写跟上。)Step5.完成Lets make, Listen and choose, Read and write, Make and say.二次修改课时作业:

13、Finish off writing about lets learn.板书设计 Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?Are you going to make a cake? invite some friends? sing and dance? eat noodles?Yes,I am.No, Im not.教 学 过 程第三课时课时内容 Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?(Read)课时目标1.Read and understand “Read”2.Answer s

14、ome questions about “Read ”3.Grasp some phrasesImprove the reading and comprehension ability.重难点Improve the reading and comprehension ability教学准备 录音 多媒体 图片教学步骤Step1.Warm up (free talk)What day is it today?Are you going to have breakfast at seven?Are you going to buy some fruit?.Step2.New content1. G

15、uideT: OK, Mary is going to buy many things.Why? Now please listen to the story.2. IntroduceAsk the Ss look at their books, the teacher introduces “read ”,picture by picture. (学生知道故事大概意思)3.Listen to the tape If you dont know the story so well now ,please listen to the tape carefully.(学生再次了解课文)1 Read

16、ing and comprehensiona. If you want to understand it well enough,you must read it by yourself. (进一步了解课文,同时训练学生的阅读能力)b. Reading the questions at first then read the text again, then answer the questions.(带着问题去读,促使学生在阅读的同时加以理解,培养学生的阅读理解能力)Questions:1. What is the weather like today?2. Whom are they go

17、ing to have a birthday party for?3. Whats Mary going to buy?4. Whats Marys mother going to buy? Whats she going to do?5. What time will the party begin?6. Who will come to the party?7. Who is Tim?Step3.Practice 1.学生听音跟读。 2. 由学生集体读,注意单词的发音以及句子的停顿和连贯。 3.同桌两人练习读对话,互相纠正读音。 4. 找个别学生读,每人读一部分,可以提高学生的课堂注意力。

18、 5. 读熟后,根据课文内容回答问题。Step4 Check up 教师订正问题答案。二次修改课时作业熟读课文。板书设计Fathers birthday party1.What is the weather like today?2.Whom are they going to have a birthday party for?3.Whats Mary going to buy?4.Whats Marys mother going to buy? Whats she going to do?5.What time will the party begin?6.Who will come to

19、 the party?7.Who is Tim?二次修改教学反思教 学 过 程第四课时课时内容: Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow?(Lets learn)课时目标1.学习单词:map,China, crayon, Saturday, son, never, another2. 掌握主题句型What are you going to do ? Im going to .3.学习Lets learn的重点句型。4.通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。5.能够运用主题句型What are you going

20、 to do ? Im going to .进行交际。重难点掌握主题句型What are you going to do ? Im going to .并能用替换词造句和做出正确回答。教学准备:录音、单词图片教学步骤Free talk:学生表演课前准备的对话(叫三组学生)学生养成良好的习惯,在课下也能主动的和同组的同学练习口语,激发学生学英语的兴趣。Step1 Revision1.学习单词:map,China, crayon, Saturday, son, never, another 2.复习句型Are you going to .?Yes,I am.No, Im not.(用短语watch

21、 Tv do ones homework do sports play football进行替换练习)同时进行板书。复习上课学过的重点句型,为传授新知,做对比练习做准备Step2 Presentation1.Learn the short phrases: do some shopping, buy some school things, see a film, listen to music, wash some clothes, clean his room, do sports, play football. 2.Practice 教师说汉语学生说英语或反之3.Practice this

22、 sentences with these short sentences: What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to do some shopping.What s he going to do?Hes going to buy some school things.采用师生问答、生生问答的形式练习新学的短语。4.Practice with the pictures. (学生利用书中Lets learn中的短语同桌两个人先进行练习,然后小组内进行)Step3 Practice 教师检查练习的效果 教师根据生活中的实际进行问答:如 问同桌两个

23、人不同的问题: (还是利用口语对练的方法来强化本课知识的难点,让学生处处注意到本课的难点.)Step4 Look and say.学生看图进行一般将来时句子的练习,在句子前使用时间:after school, this evening, tomorrow, this Sunday, next week, etc.二次修改课时作业:利用Lets learn 中的短语编对话写在作业本上.板书设计Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow?(Lets learn)What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to d

24、o some shopping.What s he going to do?Hes going to buy some school things.二次修改教 学 过 程第五课时课时内容 Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow?(Let talk)课时目标1.学习Lettalk. 2.运用自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情感态度。3.通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯4.巩固练习重难点1.对本课知识点的巩固2.培养学生的语感教学准备录音 多媒体教学步骤Free talk:日常交际对话(包含

25、第一课中的主题句)Step1 Revision1. Revise the short phrases of “Lets learn”. do some shopping, buy some school things, see a film, listen to music, wash some clothes, clean his room, do sports, play football.2. Revise the sentences of last lesson.What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to .What s he goin

26、g to do?Hes going to .Step2 Presentation (Lets talk)1. Listen to the tape2. Repeat.3. 让学生勾画出本课的主题句:What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to do some shopping.What are you going to buy?Im going to buy a map of China. (学生翻译句子教师强调本主题句需注意的地方)4. 以小组合作的形式翻译其余的句子 5. 教师讲解知识点:a map of ChinaStep3 Practic

27、e ReadingRead after the teacher.Read together在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读,通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、语调,而小组内的合作学习,更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现Step 5 Consolidation and Creation1. Act the dialogue on the book(出示多媒体,男女生分开角色读)2. Act the dialogue (学生不看书来表演)Step 6 Make and say 先让学生准备好一张硬纸板,然后按照书上所示画好交叉线,写好时间和动词短语,并用一只铅笔在中间交叉点穿过。

28、将铅笔旋转,哪组短语朝向正上方,就针对哪组短语进行问答练习。二次修改课时作业背诵本课单词,下次听写。板书设计Lets talk What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to do some shopping.What are you going to buy?Im going to buy a map of China.二次修改第六课时课时内容 Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow?(Listen and choose, Read ,A game)课时目标 1.复习单词:map,China, cra

29、yon, Saturday, son, never, another2.复习句子: What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to .What are you going to buy?Im going to buy . 3.学习Read “Mr Going-to-do”4.完成 Listen and choose,A game。重难点 1. 能听懂、读懂阅读内容,并会回答问题。 2.能知道本课新出现的知识点。教学准备:录音机,单词图片教学步骤Free talk: 学生表演课前准备的对话(叫三组学生)学生养成良好的习惯,在课下也能主动的和同组的同学

30、练习口语,激发学生学英语的兴趣。Step1 Revision 1.听写单词:map,China, crayon, Saturday, son, never, another2.复习句型What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to .What are you going to buy?Im going to buy .3.完成Listen and choose。Step2 PresentationLearn the new words: Mr Going-to-do ,call him, talk with, or, be1.学生默读5分钟阅读内容,教师简单介绍本课阅读的大概内容.2.Listen to the tape If you dont know the story so well now ,please listen to the tape carefully.(学生再次了解课文)3.Reading an

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