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1、市场营销毕业论文外文翻译提高服务质量的十项建议市场营销毕业论文外文翻译-提高服务质量的十项建议市场营销毕业论文外文翻译-提高服务质量的十项建议 Ten Lessons for Improving Service Quality Leonard Berry, A. Parasuraman, and Valarie Zeithaml, 2003 03-104 Between 1983 and 1993, Berry, Parasuraman, and Zeithaml conducted a comprehensive, five-phase study of service quality in

2、 America under the sponsorship of the Marketing Science Institute. They have published a series of MSI monographs, journal articles, and several books based on this research. They reflected on their research journey in an MSI commentary that was published in 1993 and republished in 1994 by the Acade

3、my of Management Executive, and is now reprinted here. In the preface below they re-visit their reflections of ten years ago. Preface Quality service helps a company to imize benefits and minimize burdens for customersthe essence of delivering value. Because it is important to most customers and def

4、ies imitation by competitors, quality service offers a key competitive advantage. Indeed, firms in every industry have demonstrated the differentiating power of excellent service. Yet, despite this, price competition seems to dominate company efforts to provide value. The meteoric growth of Wal-Mart

5、 Storesand the tendency of many firms to lower prices as a first response to softening demandhas focused so much marketing energy on price competition that it has become difficult not to assume that customers care only about price. A singular focus on price competition means that the firm is competi

6、ng only on the “burden” component of value and ignoring the “benefit” component. Rather than investing in quality service to “decommoditize” the business, firms are emphasizing low price which serves to further “commoditize” the business. Service in America would be much improved if managers would e

7、mbrace one central operating principle: the tougher the price competition in our industry, the more important quality service is to our companybecause superb service gives customers non-price reasons to do business with us. In 1993, our purpose in writing a commentary was to consider our research fi

8、ndings and experience holistically as a foundation for offering guidelines to managers on improving service. We presented our guidance in the form of service quality “lessons,” identifying ten that applied across service industries and were essential to service improvement. They are as follows: 1.Le

9、sson of listening ,understand what customers really want through continuous learning about the expectations and perceptions of customers and noncustomers means of a service quality information system . 2.Lesson of reliability,reliability is the single most important dimension of service quali

10、ty and must be a service priority. 3.Lesson of basic service,service companies must deliver the basics and do what they are supposed to do?,keep promises, use common sense, listen to customers informed, and be determined to deliver value to customers. 4.Lesson of service design,develop a holistic vi

11、ew of the service while managing its many details. 5.Lesson of recovery,to satisfy customers who encounter a service problem, service companies should encourage customers to complain and make it easy for them to do so , respond quickly and personality, and develop a problem resolution system. 6.Less

12、on of surprising customers,although reliability is the most important dimension in meeting customers service expectations, process dimensions e.g. assurance responsiveness, and empathy are most important in exceeding customer expectations, for example, by surprising them with uncommon swiftness, gra

13、ce, courtesy, competence, commitment, and understanding. 7.Lesson of fair play ,service companies must make special efforts to be fair and to demonstrate fairness to customers and employees. 8.Lesson of teamwork,teamwork is what enable large organizations to deliver service with care and attentivene

14、ss by improving employee motivation and capabilities. 9.Lesson of employee research,conduct research with employees to reveal why service problems occur and what companies must do to solve problems. 10.Lesson of servant leadership,quality service comes from inspired leadership throughout the organiz

15、ation; from the effective use of information and technology; and from a slow-to-change, invisible, all-powerful, internal force called corporate culture. In our view, these ten lessons represented the foundation for service improvement. The potential for service improvement is diminished if even one

16、 of these ten essentials is missing. In our view, these ten lessons represented the foundation for service improvement. The potential for service improvement is diminished if even one of these ten essentials is missing. After ten years, the question of course is, Are the lessons still relevant? Do t

17、hey still apply to American firms? We believe they do and wish more businesses had heeded them during the past ten years. Indeed, these lessons have stood the test of time; our regret is that so many firms have ignored them. Read, for example, the “Fair Play” section and ask yourself, Would the majo

18、r airlines be in such financial distress today had they paid more attention to fundamental fairness? Many point to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack as the beginning of the airline industrys troubles. In fact, the airlines began alienating frequent business travelers long before that, with ant

19、i-consumer policies that took advantage of business travelers inability to plan their travel weeks in advance. An industry that charges one customer $300 and another $1,300 for seats in the same class on the same flightwith the only difference the timing of the reservationcannot and will not earn th

20、e confidence and loyalty of customers. As we write in the paper, “Customers expect service companies to play fair, and they become resentful and mistrustful when they perceive unfairness.” If we were rewriting our paper today, we would emphasize the significance of quality service to all companies.

21、We would argue that all companies are service companies in that all companies create customer value through services. Some firms create value strictly through services and others through goods and services, but all stake their future on the quality of their service. We would stress even more than we

22、 did the importance of service reliability to earn the customers confidence and the importance of pleasant surprise to exceed customers expectations and establish strong relationships. We would stress the role of service quality in creating a differentiated brand; in services, the company is the bra

23、nd and nothing is more powerful than customers actual experiences with the service in creating the brand. We also would stress the role of quality service in improving the quality of work life. Service excellence requires building an achievement culture in the organization, and achieving in ones wor

24、k is energizing and satisfying. Excellence is more fun than mediocrity for employees as well as customers. Yes, the ten service quality lessons still ring true ten years later. Indeed, in this post-Enron business climate, they seem to apply more than ever. The lessons remind us that excellent compan

25、ies are excellent in the fundamentals. They listen to their customers and employees. They stand behind what they sell. They keep their promises. They invest in service “extras” that competitors ignore. They play fair and they play together. They view quality as a journey, not a destinationas a missi

26、on, not a program. 提高服务质量的十项建议 里奥纳德?贝利,A?帕拉休拉曼,V?齐塞尔. 2003 03-104从1983年到1993年之间,贝利,帕拉休拉曼和齐塞尔等学者在美国营销科学协会的资助下对服务质量的五种差异进行了全面的研究,并且据此在MSI专栏、专业杂志和许多著作上发表文章。他们把自己的研究过程发表在MSI 1993年的一期专栏评论里,并且在1994年由美国行政管理协会再版。现在,它再次出版,下面让我们从序言中简单重访一下他们十年前的思考吧。 序言 优质的服务可以帮助企业实现利益的最大化和顾客成本的最小化,即实现价值传递的本质回归。优质的服务是竞争的关键,它对于大

27、部分顾客和防止竞争对手的仿效有着重要的作用。事实上,每个行业中都有公司展现出优质的差异化服务所特有的魅力。然而,尽管如此,价格竞争仍然是个公司向顾客提供价值的有效主导。随着沃尔玛的迅速崛起和近年来更多的公司对于疲软的需求所采取的低价竞争策略使得越来越多的营销资源向价格的竞争倾斜,很难说人们只考虑价格。 对价格竞争的特别关注,意味着公司仅仅在顾客负担的价值部分进行竞争,而忽略了价值链中的利益部分。公司为了提升专业化往往强调进行降价而不是在服务质量上进行投资以改善其专业业务。如果管理人员都接受一个如下为中心的经营主旨,那么美国的服务行业将大大的改善。这个主旨是:更为激烈的价格竞争是我们的行业,我们

28、公司的优质服务更为重要。这因为一流的服务可以使顾客因为价格因素而和我们合作。 1993年,我们在写评论的目的是考虑到我们的研究成果和经验可以给管理者提供从整体上改善服务的指导方针打下良好的理论基础。 我们根据服务质量差距的形式简述我们对于在整个服务行业以及服务改善的十个建议,它们是: 倾听 通过不断的了解顾客以及非顾客群的期望来了解顾客的真正需求(例如:通过服务质量信息系统)。 可靠可靠是衡量服务质量的重要标准,是优质服务的体现。 基本服务 服务公司必须以此为基础并且做他们应该做的。例如:保持承诺,运用常识,倾听顾客需求,让用户获得必要消息,并且保证让用户体验的价值。 服务设计在管理服务的众多

29、细节的同时发展整体服务观念。 意见反馈 为了使那些遇到服务问题的顾客满意,服务公司应该鼓励顾客多提意见(并且要让顾客能够方便的提出意见),并且快速而且人性化的回应顾客的意见以及建立一套意见反馈系统。 使顾客惊讶 尽管在顾客的服务期望中可靠是最重要的衡量标准,而要超越顾客需求(例如:服务承诺,响应性以及人性化)就需要分析那些顾客的满意标准。例如:通过迅速的反馈速度、额外的优惠、礼貌服务、承诺以及对顾客的了解,使顾客感到惊讶。 公正 服务公司必须采取特殊措施来保证顾客与员工的公平。 团队合作 团队合作能够使得大集团通过改进员工工作动力和能力来提升服务。 员工研究 对员工进行研究揭示了服务问题为什么

30、发生以及公司为解决问题应该做什么。 领导的作用 高品质服务来源于组织中领导的激励,良好的服务系统设计,信息和技术的有效运用,以及长期的、无形的、有力的、全面的力量即企业文化。 我们认为,这十个方面是改善服务的基础。如果连这十个要素都没有完全做好的话,那么改善服务质量的空间将会大大减少。十年过去了,我们不禁会问这些建议还有用吗,它们是否仍然适用于美国公司呢,我们坚信,它们仍然可以,并且希望在过去的十年里有更多的企业听取了他们的建议。事实上,这些建议都经受住了时间的考验,令我们遗憾的是,许多的企业都忽略了他们。举个例子,阅读本书公平竞争一章,并问自己如果各大航空公司能够更注重其本的公正,他们能有今

31、天这样的财务危机吗,许多观点认为,2001年9.11的恐怖袭击事件是航空公司麻烦的开始。然而事实上,在那之前航空公司就开始忽略经常出差的顾客群体的利益。他们利用商务旅客不能提前数周安排行程的特点制定了不利于消费者的政策。同一航班上相同座位对一个顾客收费300美元,而对于另外一个顾客收费1300美元的唯一区别是他不能。这样的航空公司是不会赢得顾客的信任和忠诚的。当顾客感觉到不公平时,它就会产生不满和不信任。因此,我们在撰文时认为顾客期望企业能够在服务中予以公平。 如果今天我们重写我们的,我们要强调优质服务的意义。我们认为,所公司都是服务公司,所有公司都是通过服务为顾客创造价值。一些公司通过建立严

32、格的服务体系,一些是通过货物和服务为他人提供价值,但这都是其评价服务质量的一部分。我们要强调不仅仅是我们通过获得顾客的信任以建立服务的可靠性,努力超越顾客的期望以创造顾客惊喜以及建立牢固的关系的重要性我们要强调服务质量在创造差异化品牌的作用。在服务方面,公司是品牌,没有什么比让顾客在创建品牌过程中的实际经验更有说服力。我们也将强调优质的服务在提高工作生活质量的作用。卓越服务的与优秀的组织文化,不断的激励和满足。我们相信,对于员工和顾客来说,卓越比平庸更有吸引力。 是的,回头看过去的十年,这些关于改善服务质量的建议仍然应用不广。但是,在这个后安然的商业环境,他们似乎比以往更多的应用。这些建议我们,在优秀的公司里往往是它们的基本层次做的优秀。他们能够倾听他们的顾客和员工,他们站在所卖的商品的深层次进行经营他们信守承诺他们投资于竞争对手忽视的 额外服务他们公平经营,和平相处。在看来,质量是一个旅程,不是一个目标是一种使命,而不是一个方案。

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