1、问卷 英文Q1.What is your gender?():male_(1),female_(2)。Q2. What is your marital status: single_(1), married_(2), or divorced_(3)Q3. What is your birth year:_(please write down)。 Q4. How many years did you study in school?_(years)Q5. Education level (): School _ (1), primary school, junior high school_ _
2、 (2) (3), (4), high school, technical school _ _ (5), secondary_ (6), (7), University College _ _ (8), Graduate _ (9). Q5A. What is your political affiliation?: people _ (1), the Youth League _ (2), a member of the Communist Party of _ (3), other _ (4) (please specify)Q5Aa. If you are a Communist Yo
3、uth League member or communist, in the past year, how many times do you participate in the Organizational life in this enterprise?_ (time)z1 Do you have brothers and sisters ():. NO _; (skip z2) YES_ total brother _ (Number), brother _ (Number), sister _ (Number), sister _ (Number). z2 what is your
4、parents occupation: Father _; mother _. z3. Did your parents work outside before you go out to work it? No _ have _. If yes, z3a. _ Father had gone out to work, the mother had gone out to work _ (can be double optional)Provinces / autonomous regions / municipalitiesprefecture-level cityDistrict / co
5、unty / Flag / county-level cityDistrict / county / Flag / county-level cityAdministrative villagesQ6.Where is your hometown?Q7. Where did you work?Q8. How many years do you work at this place ? _ (years) Q9.Wha tis the name of the enterprise you work in? _ (name)Q10. How long did you work in the ent
6、erprise ? _(years) Q11. What do the enterprise mainly to do ? _ (please fill in) Q11A.what is the industry that your enterprise belong to _(selection)Q12. how many people in your enterprise ? _ (Number) Q12b. Do you and enterprises signed labor contract? () didnt sign _; signed_ (years)Q12c. Do you
7、want to sign labor contracts with the enterprise? Willing to _(1) no _ (2) do not want to _ (3). Q12d. If willing to sign, how long do you want to check ? _ (years)Q13. Before came to the factory, what is your jod ? () students _ (1), _ farm(2), work _ (3), other _(please fill in)Q14. In the enterpr
8、ise, what work do you mainly to do ?_ (please fill in); Q14A.what is the occupation _(selection)Q15. How long do you do this kind of work ? _ (years) Q16. The first time you work out what year? _ (please fill in)Q17. Are you satisfied with your present job? () Very dissatisfied _ (1), dissatisfied_
9、(2), Indifferent_ (3), satisfactory _ (4),particularly satisfied _ (5).Q18. What technology do you need in work ? () none_ (1); a little _ (2)high technical _ (3); very high technology _ (4).Q18b. How about your technical mastery degree in your work ? () very strange _ (1);relatively unfamiliar _ (2
10、); more skilled _ (3); very skilled _ (4).Q19. Did your enterprise provide job training for you? () no _; yes, a total of _ (day).Q20. Do you have a specific title? () no _; a specific title, is_ (please fill in)Z4.: where do you live: the dormitory _ (1); the rental _ (2); the other_ (please specif
11、y)Z5. Do you belong to which of the following conditions: (1) _ contract work_(1);dispatched workers _ (2); the student internships _ (3); the other_ (4) (please specify)Z6. If you are a contract worker ,you signed with the enterprise is: A the number of your _ (number); B during the second contract
12、 is the first contract _ enterprisesrequire re endorse;C no fixed term contract _; D other _ (please specify)Z7a.Do you have a mobile phone? yes_ / no _ (jump Z9A); z7f. Do you often used text messages? Often receive _ hair _ / not commonly used _Z8. Using a mobile phone for work after than before:
13、the more convenient_ (1) convenient _ (2) almost _ (3)Z9a. you can surf the net? Will _/ not _ (jump Z10); if z9b., is _year average _ hours online per week; z9c.Z9d. usually the Internet, is mainly used: computer _ (1) your computer_ (2) his mobile phone _ (3) a friends computer _ (3) other _ (4)(p
14、lease specify)Z10 do you usually watch TV? Dont look _ (1) (jump z11a) rarely see_ (2) sometimes watch _ (3) (where do you watch_ )z11a. The female in your organization / company employees accounted for _%(number);z11b. Is the your direct leader are male / female _ _.z12. The main machine / equipmen
15、t / instrument using in you work is_(please specify)Q22. how much you earn each month ? _ (yuan)Q22-1. How often do your company / business / owner / boss send you a wage: each _ day_ week _ month _ quarter _ half _ years (numbers), other_ (please specify)Q22a.how is your salary: A. piecework wage _
16、, hourly wages _; B. basic components of your salary: basic salary _ (yuan);C. average monthly overtime _ (yuan); the highest D. months of this year as overtime _ (yuan); e. this year and year-end bonus,the red_ (yuan)Q23. How much is the average monthly income should be much more reasonable? _ (yua
17、n).Q28. Do you have to work overtime in the past three months? () dont have to_,have _ day(s) to work overtime every month, _ day(s) to work overtime every week,_ hour(s) to work overtime every day.Q29. How should the ideal condition be? Dont have to work overtime _;or_ day(s) to work overtime every
18、 month, _ day(s) to work overtime every week,_ hour(s) to work overtime every day.Q30a How did your business run this year?() Basically no shutdown _(1),seasonal shutdown_(2),Almost shutdown every month _(3).Q30b. Total shutdown this year _day(s).Q31. Relatively ,those as bellow who tends to be one
19、of mind with you(Interest is consistent)in the enterprise?Do you agree the following statement or not?(Evaluate term by term).Extremely opposeTend to opposeHard to explainTend to agreeExtremely agreeFellow workers in the same workplaceFellow-townsman in the same workplaceJob foreman线段长/ workshop man
20、agerOffice staff in the enterpriseBoss/enterprise leaderQ32. Do your job relates to chemical materials?() No_(1),Yes_(2)。Q33. Situation of serious injury over the past yeara. Yourselfb. Your team No one ()(Jump toQ33.3a)oneself/someone,_(person(s)) in total ()b2._(person(s)Q33.1. If you yourself had
21、 suffered a serious injury in the past year ,please describe briefly:_Q33.2a. How many days to rest after the injury:_(day(s); Q33.2b.Whether with salary :Yes_(1);No_(2). Q33.2c.Whether with compensation:Yes_(1),No_(2).Q33.2d. If with compensation, how much:_(yuan).Q33.2.Source of the compensation:W
22、ork-relatedinjuryinsurance _(1),Enterprise_(2),Other source_(3)(please illustrate).Q33.3a. Whether there is a lot of dust or toxic gases in your workplace:Yes_(1),No_(2)(Jump toQ34);Q33.3b. If there is dust or toxic gas,what is the safeguard procedures:None_(1);Allocate general respirator _(2);Alloc
23、ate professional respirator_(3);Other measurers: _.Q33.3c. If workers dont take these safeguard procedures, what is the main reason in your opinion:Workers think it is a trouble_(1);Workers are afraid of delaying work_(2);Enterprise doesnt provide_(3);Other reasons_(Please illustrate)Q34. Whether yo
24、u have a work-related insurance? No_(1);Yes_(2); Have no idea_(3).Q35A. Whether a Union exists in your enterprise?No_(1)(Jump toQ35C);Yes_(2);Have no idea_(3)(Jump toQ35C)。Q35B. If there is a Union, whether the chairman of the Union is elected?Yes_(1);No_(2)。Q35Ba. If “Yes”,whether the workers elect
25、 representatives first,then representatives elect Union leader_(1)? or workers elect Union leader directly_(2)? Other procedures_(Please illustrate)?Q35Bb. If “No”, is he/she appointed by the superior Union_(1)?Or appointed by the enterprise administration_(2)?Or other_(Please illustrate)Q35Bc. As y
26、ou know, whether the Union had conducted a collective negotiation on wages with the enterprise administration in 2013? Yes_ (1); No_ (2)(Jump toQ35Bd); Have no idea_(3)(Jump toQ35Bd)。Q35Bc1. If there was any collective negotiation on wages, under what situation it happened?Collective strike already
27、happened_(1);Workers were planning a collective strike_(2);No sign of strike, the Union and the enterprise just conduct negotiation according to rule regularly _(3)Q35Bc2. If ever collective negotiation on wages happened in 2013, how much have your income increased as its result? Monthly income incr
28、eased _(yuan);annual bonus increased_(yuan).Q35Bc3. If there is a collective negotiation, Will the Union ask for workers advice? Yes_(1); No_(2); Have no idea_(3).Q35Bd. If there is a Union, whether the Union will collect workers advice and reflect their reasonable requirements to the enterprise adm
29、inistration? Yes_(1);No_(2)。Q35C. No matter there is a Union or not in your enterprise, what is the role of the existing Union play on maintaining workers legitimate rights in your opinion? Entirely no effect_(1), Basically no effect_(2),A little effect_(3),Very much effect_(4)。Q35Ca.Do you have confidence on the institution which is presided over by the governments labor department, and under
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