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全国海船船员 新规则考试轮机部轮机英语试题及答案.docx

1、全国海船船员 新规则考试轮机部轮机英语试题及答案全国海船船员11新规则考试(轮机部(轮机英语)试题及答案(一)第一部分 船舶主推进装置第一章 船舶动力装置概述1.Marine power plant is a plant that propels a( )vessel.A.submarineB.suspendingC.ship-borneD.waterborne答案:D解析:marine power plant:船舶动力装置;propel:驱动;submarine:水下的;ship-borne:船 上的;waterborne:水上的,水运的【译文】:船舶动力装置是驱动水上船舶的装置。2.( )

2、is the prime important characteristic for a marine power plant.A.ReliabilityB.Fuel economyC.Low maintenanceD.Long life答案:A解析:prime:首位的,首要的;characteristic:特性,性能;reliability:可靠性【译文】:可靠性是船舶动力装置的首要特征。3.There are four main types of marine power plants: ( ).A.the diesel engine, the steam turbine, the gaso

3、line engine and the marine nuclear plantB.the diesel engine, the steam turbine, the gas turbine and the marine nuclear plantC.the diesel engine, the internal combustion engine, the external combustion engine and the marine nuclear plantD.the diesel engine, the steam turbine, the exhaust turbine and

4、the marine nuclear plant答案:B解析:marine power plant:船舶动力装置;steam turbine:蒸汽轮机;gas tur-bine:燃气轮机 ;nuclear plant:核动力装置;internal combustion engine:内燃机;external combustion engine:外燃机【译文】:船舶动力装置主要有四种:柴油机动力装置、蒸汽轮机动力装置、燃气轮机动力装 置和核动力装置。4.Gas turbines differ from steam turbines in that( ).A.steam rather than g

5、as is used to turn a shaftB.vapor rather than gas is used to turn a shaftC.the former uses gas to turn a shaftD.the latter uses gas to turn a shaft答案:C解析:gas turbine:燃气轮机;differ from:与不同;steam turbine:蒸汽轮机【译文】:燃气轮机与蒸汽轮机的不同之处在于前者是由燃气驱动轴的。5.The diesel engine is similar to the gasoline engine in that(

6、).A.both of them are ignited by compressed airB.both of them are the forms of external combustion enginesC.both of them have spark plugsD.the power is developed by the piston in the cylinder答案:D解析:similar to:与相似,相似于;spark plug:火花塞【译文】:柴油机与汽油机的相似点在于都是由气缸内活塞产生功率的。6.The reason why more and more the lar

7、ge merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines is( ).A.they operate between 150 and 450 r/minB.they are connected to the propeller by gearingC.their smaller size and weightD.they can be connected directly to the propeller without gearing答案:C解析:merchant vessel:商船;medium:中等,介质【译文

8、】:越来越多的商船使用中速柴油机来驱动,原因在于它们体积小、重量轻。7.( )are increasingly used as main engine on merchant vessels, because they havea higher Hp/Weight ratio.A.Slow speed diesel enginesB.Medium speed diesel enginesC.Steam enginesD.Gasoline engines答案:B解析:ratio:比;medium:中等,介质;gasoline:汽油【译文】:中速机作为商船的主机有增加的趋势是因为其具有较高的功率重

9、量比(即单位重 量的动力装置功率较高)。8.The slow speed main propulsion diesel operates on two-stroke cycle.At this low speed the engine requires no reduction gear box between it and( ).A.thrust blocksB.propellerC.flying wheelD.rudder答案:B解析:block:块,滑轮(组),堵塞;rudder:舵叶【译文】:低速主推迸柴油机以二冲程循环工作,在此低速时,发动机和螺旋桨之间不需要减 速齿轮箱。9.Typ

10、ical marine propulsion plants include( )directly coupled to the vessels single large-diameter, fixed-pitch propeller.A.a single, long-stroke, slow-speed, turbocharged, two-stroke diesel engineB.a single, long-stroke, medium-speed, turbocharged, four-stroke diesel engineC.two medium-speed, turbocharg

11、ed, four-stroke diesel engineD.a variable-speed AC generator答案:A解析:typical:典型的;couple:对,连接;fix:固定;pitch:螺距;medium:中等,介质; variable:可变的【译文】:典型的船舶推进装置包括一台长冲程低速增压二冲程柴油机和一个大直径定距桨, 两者直接连接。10.( )allows the engine to be placed wherever is the most suitable, as they no longer have to be aligned with reductio

12、n gearing and shafting as is the case with conventional installations.A.Diesel engine propulsionB.Diesel electric propulsionC.Steam engine propulsionD.Gas turbine propulsion答案:B解析:align:对中;conventional:传统的,常规的【译文】:柴油机电力推进系统允许柴油机布置在最合适的位置,而不用像传统装置那样需要与减速齿轮和轴系对中。11.A low speed engine requires( )reduct

13、ion gearbox( )it and propeller.A.none/答案:D解析:低速发动机不需要在发动机和螺旋桨之间安装减速齿轮箱。12.Among the main propulsion units on board ships with the same capacity, thelightest one is( ).A.steam engineB.steam turbineC.gas turbineD.diesel engine答案:C解析:capacity:能力,容量【译文】:船舶主推进装置中,功率

14、相同时,重量最轻的是燃气轮机。13.Diesel engines instead of steam engines were used as main engine on board ships ismainly because( ).A.they have a higher mechanical efficiencyB.they have a higher thermal efficiencyC.they are more reliableD.they are safer答案:B解析:efficiency:效率;thermal:热的;reliable:可靠的【译文】:柴油机取代蒸汽机作为船舶

15、主机的主要原因是其热效率高。14.Owing to its( ), the low speed cross-head diesel engine is widely used on boardship as a main engine.A.smaller size and simple constructionB.long life, lower cost and reliabilityC.easier operation and managementD.simple construction and easier management答案:B解析:reliability:可靠性【译文】:低速

16、十字头式柴油机被广泛用作船舶主机的原因是寿命长、费用低和使用可靠。15.Propulsion of the vast majority of contemporary merchant ship (especiallycontainer ships and VLCCs) utilizes( )as prime mover.A.gas turbineB.diesel engineC.steam engineD.gasoline engine答案:B解析:vast:巨大的;majority:多数;contemporary:当代;container:集装箱VL-CC:大型油船;utilize:利用;

17、gasoline:汽油【译文】: 当代大多数商船(特别是集装箱船和大型油船)都采用柴油机作为船舶的推进装置。16.( )can be found on most medium to large merchant vessels even if the main engineis either a steam turbine or a 2-stroke crosshead engine.A.The medium speed 4-stroke trunk piston engineB.The low speed 2-stroke crosshead engineC.The medium speed

18、 2-stroke crosshead engineD.The low speed 4-stoke piston engine答案:A解析:trunk piston:筒状式活塞;even if:即使【译文】:即使主机采用蒸汽透平或是二冲程十字头柴油机,中速四冲程筒状活塞式柴油机在大、中型商船上都可以见到(即用作发电柴油机)。17.Medium speed engines have a( )power to weight ratio than the slow speed twostrokes, but tlue to the higher speeds tend to have( )maint

19、enance intervals.A.higher / reducedB.higher / increasedC.lower / reducedD.lower / increased答案:A解析:power to weight ratio:功率重量比;tend to:倾向于;maintenanceinterval:保养间隔【译文】:中速机与低速二冲程机相比有较高的功率重量比,但由于转速较高,使得维修间隔缩短。18.A.g/teu/n mileB.g/teu/dwtC.g/dwt/n mileD.g/dwt/teu答案:C解析:第二章 船舶柴油机装置19.(piston area)(piston

20、 stroke)(numbers of the cylinders)=engine( ).A.brake horsepowerB.displacementC.cylinder volumeD.cylinder clearance答案:B解析:brake:制动;displacement:排量,位移;clearance:间隙【译文】: 活塞面积活塞冲程气缸数=发动机排量20.The main factor determining the output of each cylinder is the cylinder( ).A.densityB.boreC.weightD.material答案:B解

21、析:factor:因素;density:密度【译文】:决定每个气缸输出功率的主要因素是缸径。21.The abbreviation “MIP” stands for( ).A.Middle Indicating PressureB.Mean Indicated PressureC.Mean Indicated PitchD.Middle Indicated Power答案:B解析:abbreviation:缩写;MIP:平均指示压力;pitch:螺距【译文】:术语“MIP”,是指气缸的“平均指示压力”。22.The figure that the volume of air at BDC is

22、 divided by the volume of air at TDC istermed as( ).A.ignition ratioB.power ratioC.compression ratioD.injection ratio答案:C解析:figure:数字;term:术语,期,把称为;ratio:比【译文】:下死点时的空气体积除以上死点时的空气体积,即为“压缩比”。23.( )the supercharge pressure is, ( )power an engine develops.A.The higher/the moreB.Higher/moreC.Higher/littl

23、eD.The higher/the less答案:A解析:增压压力越高,发动机发出的功率也就越大。24.( )power is the power developed within the cylinder and can be measured by anengine indicator.A.The shaftB.The mechanicalC.The electricD.The indicated答案:D解析:indicator:示功器【译文】:指示功率是气缸发出的功率,并可通过发动机示功器来测量。25.The most important factor in engine perform

24、ance is the actual power output at theend of the crankshaft available for doing work.This is known as( ).A.indicated horsepowerB.brake horsepowerD.friction horsepower答案:B解析:factor:因素;actual:实际的;available:可用的.brake:制动【译文】:发动机性能中最重要的参数是曲轴尾端的实际输出功率,即“制动马力”(BHP)。26.The ratio of the brake

25、 horsepower to the indicated horsepower of a diesel engineis its( ).A.thermal efficiencyB.mechanical efficiencyC.brake thermal efficiencyD.volumetric efficiency答案:B解析:ratio:比-brake:制动;thermal:热的;efficiency:效率;volumetric:体积的,容积的;efficiency:效率【译文】:制动马力(功率)与柴油机指示马力的比值称为机械效率。27.The indicated power of an

26、 engine can be obtained by taking the( ).A.precautionsB.r/minC.indicator cardsD.B and C答案:D解析:obtain:获得;precaution:防范;indicator:示功器【译文】:发动机的指示功率可通过测取示功图和发动机每分钟转数(r/min)得到。28.The work fuel does in each working cycle can be obtained by taking the( ).A.precautionsB.r/minC.indicator cardsD.B and C答案:C解析

27、:obtain:获得;precaution:防范,indicator:示功器【译文】:每个工作循环燃油做的功可直接通过测取示功图来得到。29.Which of the following can be dinectly obtained by means of an indicator card? ( )A.PowerB.Maximum (peak) pressure in a cylinderC.Mean pressure in a cylinderD.The fuel consumption答案:B解析:obtain:获得;indicator:示功器;peak:高峰【译文】:气缸的最大爆炸

28、压力可直接由示功图得到。30.If the compression ratio is increased on any diesel engine, ( ).A.the expansion ratio will decreaseB.combustion will be slowed downC.thermal efficiency will decreaseD.thermal efficiency will increase答案:D解析:ratio:比;decrease:减少;thermal:热的;efficiency:效率【译文】:对于任何一台柴油机,如果压缩比增加了,那么热效率将会增加。3

29、1.Increasing the compression ratio of a diesel engine while maintaining the designedrate of fuel flow will result in( ).A.increased horsepowerB.reduced efficiencyC.increased heat lossD.lower cylinder pressures答案:A解析:ratio:比;efficiency:效率【译文】:在保持设定燃油输送速率的同时,提高柴油机的压缩比,将会导致功率增加。32.Modern marine diesel

30、engines using mechanical fuel injection, operate on acombustion cycle which is( ).A.a combination of constant volume and constant pressureB.a combination of constant temperature and constant pressureC.entirely constant pressureD.entirely constant volume答案:A解析:combination:结合;constant:恒定的;entirely:整个地

31、【译文】:使用机械式燃油喷射的现代船用柴油机,其燃烧循环是定容和定压两个、热力过程的结合。33.Suppose the rated capacity of the main engine of a ship is 10 000 kW at 100 ratedr/min, then when at 80 r/min its capacity should be( ).A.800 kWB.5 120 kWC.6 400 kWD.4 180 kW答案:B解析:34.The average pressure exerted on a piston during each power stroke istermed( ).A.indicated horsepowerB.mean effective pressureC.exhaust back pressureD.compression pressure答案:B解析:average:平均;exert:施加;term:术语,期,把称为【译文】:在每个做功冲程施加在活塞上的平均压力被定义为平均有效压力。35.The cubic inch (or

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