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1、浅析中西方文化差异英语学习的影响毕业论文 吉 林 农 业 科 技 学 院学 士 学 位 论 文 论 文 题 目:浅析中西方文化差异英语学习的影响 年 级 专 业:10级英语本科2班 学 生 姓 名:田学龄 学 号:1009603206 指 导 教 师: 可微 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期:2014年5月20日 农业科技学院Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology UniversityThesis for Bachelors DegreeTitle: Analyzing the influence of Chinese and western cul

2、ture differences in learning English language Major:English Name: TIanXueling Number: 06 Tutor: Fan Kewei Date: 05/ 20/2014 摘 要本文探讨了中西方文化差异对英语学习的影响,认为跨文化交际是影响学生学习英语的最主要障碍,包括种族不同、政治文化不同、信仰不同以及社会生活不同。并提出了提高学习能力的有效策略,如:充分了解西方文化背景、忌讳等。关键词:中西方;文化;差异;英语;学生 AbstractThis paper probes into the difference bet

3、ween Chinese and Western countries which influence our English learning, analyzing such elements as ethnic customs, political and cultural difference, religious belief, and social life .Besides, this paper proposes the effective strategies of how to improve English , such as knowing the background o

4、f western countries and taboo.Key words: Chinese and Western; culture; difference; learningContent摘 要 IAbstract IIContent IIIChapter 1 Introduction 1Chapter 2 The relationship between language and culture 22.1 Language is a very important part of culture. 22.2 Language reflects the culture of a nati

5、on. 32.3 Language and cultural happened at the same time. 32.4. Language is a tool of thinking, and the composition of the culturewithout thinking. 32.5 Different language have different useful because of the different culture background. 3Chapter 3 The influence of English learning between the diff

6、erence of Chinese and western countries 43.1. The influence of ethnic customs difference to the English learning 43.2 Political differences on the impact of learning English 53.3 The influence of religious beliefs different to the English learning 53.4 The differences of social life impact on Englis

7、h learning 73.4.1 Different values 83.4.2 Different in Wine 93.4.3 Different in Wedding 93.5 The influence of the geographical regional differences in English learning . 103.6 The historical allusion differences to English learning 11Conclusion 12Bibliography 13Acknowledgement 15Chapter 1 Introducti

8、on In this rapidly developing society, diversified economies need meeting, negotiations. Each nation has its own unique cultural backgrounds, lead to the difference values, thinking mode, and social rules. The cross-cultural communication burgeons fast, and becomes the key point of our study, and tu

9、rns to the most important point in English learning. English education is too important to help Chinese go out of the world. Most people is confused for the English learning. A lot of words and solid grammar can not make people communicate flexible; on the contrary people can understand the meaning

10、but can not to say. There are appeared “chinglish” in Chinese, and appeared a series of joke, even the misunderstanding. And then why we have no way to communication, the answer is the difference between hinese and the western countries, it contains the different language words, different background

11、s, and different language communications.In communication, according to the research of scholars at home .And abroad,the influence of cultural is more important than language. Rosst(1974) claimed information that is of only 35%,and Cross-cultural communication message is as high as 65%.Me Brabia (19

12、68) thought, about 93%of the information effect factors derived Chinese and western cultural differences.As we know, there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects. I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching syst

13、em. For your better understanding, I will set examples of China and America.Chapter 2 The relationship between language and cultureLanguage and culture has a close relationship. From the perspective of the institutional features of language, language is a symbol system; it is include the phonemes, m

14、orphemes, words and phrases. Sentence and article constitute of the hierarchy system. From the perspective of the features of language, language is a tool of thinking, or a tool for communication. In a broad sense, culture is created by human in the process of social and historical development of th

15、e sum total of material wealth and spiritual wealth. From the narrow sense, cultural is knowledge system from human cultural values. Early in the 20 s of this century, American linguist E.Sapir in his Language (Language) (1921) pointed out: Language is something behind, and the Language cant leave c

16、ulture. Linguist Palmer said in An Introduction to Modern Linguistics “language is the history of the history and culture of coordinate, they can help and inspiration to each other.” The relationship between language and culture is roughly divided into four points:2.1 Language is a very important pa

17、rt of culture. Mainly because of the language have the characteristics of the culture. Firstly, language is not like biological genetic, but what they learn in the future, like culture. Secondly, culture is the common wealth, ethical languages too. Thirdly, from the perspective of the connotation of

18、 culture, language includes the human material wealth and spiritual wealth. Language is the human created a kind of spiritual wealth in the process of its evolution is a part of culture, both as a unique human society. Gdels once said: a societys language is one aspect of the culture of the society.

19、 The relationship between language and culture is part and whole. The obtainment of knowledge is mainly based on books, so the wide-ranging reading plays a very important role in improving listening comprehension. It not only can enlarge your field of vision, increase your knowledge, enliven your wa

20、y of thinking, strengthen language sense, but also have a great advantage of expanding vocabulary. It is very important for all listeners. Few reading will lead to poor knowledge, which makes rigid way of thinking and low ability of judging, summing up, inferring and forecasting. Language as a part

21、of culture, its particularity displays in: it is the important tool of learning culture, people in the study and application of the whole process of developing culture.2.2 Language reflects the culture of a nation. Through the language of a nation people can understand that the national customs, lif

22、e style and thinking characteristics of cultural characteristics. For example, in two lines to parents brothers and sisters the appellation the performance forms of the language, there are big differences in English and Chinese. In English, only uncle, aunt two words, in Chinese, there are “bo, shu,

23、 gu, jiu, yi” not to mix. This phenomenon reflects the Chinese clan concept and the characteristics of the patriarchal culture. Language as a part of culture, its particularity displays in: it is the important tool of learning culture; people own the whole culture in the study and application.2.3 La

24、nguage and cultural happened at the same time. Language is the premise of cultural formation and development, cultural development also promoted the development of the language is rich, the language own up, people have culture. Language is the important symbols from people and animal. Human created

25、culture in language, and in turn, culture affects the human, cause humans to greater progress. Human language is the language of human society, it has many close relationship,with human society and human culture 2.4. Language is a tool of thinking, and the composition of the culturewithout thinking.

26、As the tool of thinking, language affects and restricts the way, the scope and depth of thinking. However, when thinking development to a certain degree, language form cant meet their needs or hinder its development, people will consciously or unconsciously transformation thinking tool, to make lang

27、uage change, in this sense, thinking is influences and restricts the language. 2.5 Different language have different useful because of the different culture background. For example, when people meet at the special place, they also ask “are you eat?” when they meet at restaurant or “which book have y

28、ou read” when they meet at library. But the western people only say “hello” In the United States, to invite others is equivalent to borrow someone else time, so invited around the time. In China, to invite others to activity is considered to be the sacrifice of their own time or give others face Cha

29、pter 3 The influence of English learning between the difference of Chinese and western countriesDifferent nations of language are different culture. We must attach importance to culture, can eliminate the different between languages, so as to truly achieve the goal of cultural communication. It incl

30、udes ethnic customs, political and cultural differences, religious beliefs, social life and geographic regional differences.3.1. The influence of ethnic customs difference to the English learningCustoms is people to communicate with you in our daily life. Language is different due to people differen

31、t live environment. Chinese is also like that. Chinese people emphasis on eating, eating problem has long been particularly concerned about people ,so this topic has become one of the favorite discussion topic. People always polite to say “are you eat?” when they meeting. Most of the Chinese people

32、all know eating or not eating are not important, just greet, but if you ask the British people “are you eat?” His first reaction is he is going to invite me to have a meal? In fact, the Chinese ask ate when you meet is the same meaning as British people always ask the weather good today. But just according to their customs to foreign communication could make each other off.Chinese people hear praise from others always say “where, where!

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