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第19课时 九年级全 Unit 7Unit 8.docx

1、第19课时 九年级全 Unit 7Unit 8第19课时九年级(全) Unit 7Unit 8一、单项选择1.Listen!Who is singing?Its Betty.She has a sweet.A.sound B.voice C.noise D.throat2.(2018河北石家庄28中三模)My father asked the Whites to helpto some fish during the dinner.A.herself B.himselfC.themselves D.ourselves3.(2017河北升学模拟压轴二)Do you know this iPhon

2、e 5 belongs to?Let me see. Oh, its .A.whose;her B.whose;hersC.who;her D.who;hers4.We can be thankful every day,not justThanksgiving B.on D.by5.Why are you lookingin class all day long?Because I stay up late to do my homework every night.A.angry B.nervousC.sleepy D.active6.Jim his frien

3、ds invitation to the picnic in order to stay at home and have a good rest.A.expected B.refused C.received D.took 7.(2017河北石家庄裕华区二模)Mum, Ive signed the box. Whats in it?Im not sure. It be a present from your uncle.A.need B.must C.may D.will8.(2017河北邯郸一模)No noise, please. Your brotherhis homework in t

4、he next room.A.does doing C.did D.has done9.We should try to save water, theres not enough water on the B.becauseC.until D.although10.(2017湖北孝感中考)Could you please tell meget to Xiaogan East Station?You can take the NO.2 Bus over there.A.when we can we canC.when can we can

5、 we二、完形填空(2018河北中考)Once there was a king and his daughter. The king asked his daughter how much she loved him. She said that she loved him as much as she loved1. Her answer made the king very happy. Salt is a simple thing, 2it is very important. So the king thought his daughter cared a lot about him

6、.Salt has many3. Our bodies need salt. If we dont have enough, our bodies cant work properly. We put salt on icy roads to make them4. We also use salt to produce other products, like paper and glass. But for many years, salts most important job was to5food. Like other living things, most bacteria(细菌

7、)need water to live. Salt takes in plenty of water, so most bacteria cannot live6a salty environment. As a result, salt protects food and many other things. For much of human history, this ability has made salt7. Every ancient culture from Egypt to China depended on salt. Even today, the hard-workin

8、g, useful people are8as “the salt of the earth”.For centuries, salt was also hard to9. Its usefulness, together with rarity(稀有)made it very expensive. Salt could even be used like10. In fact, the word salary(薪水)comes from the word salt.Today, salt is used more widely and it still plays an important

9、role in our life.1.A.salt B.air D.sugar2.A.or C.and D.but3.A.forms B.secrets C.uses D.skills4.A.wide C.smooth D.thick5.A.protect B.provide C.produce B.outside C.for D.without7.A.hopeful B.comfortable C.valuable D.successful8.A.saved B.dreamed C.invited D.described9

10、.A.sell B.get C.take B.medicine D.food三、任务型阅读(2018河北邯郸二模)There are many great works of art in museums, including some priceless pieces that can never be replaced. When we get a chance to enjoy them, we need to respect the art and other visitors. Here are several rules we sho

11、uld follow in museums.Respect the spaceKeep the museum space clean and throw away all rubbish.Remember that large things are not allowed in museums. But we can put our coats, bags, backpacks and umbrellas into the storage(储物柜) near the entrance.No eating or drinking is allowed inside museums. Finish

12、 all food and drinks before entering the museum.Respect the artDont touch the art by hands, fingers, heads or any other body part, though some people think a small touch wont hurt a painting or other pieces of works. But imagine how those “touches” would add up in museum with thousands or millions o

13、f visitors each year!And even the smallest hurt might be too difficult, or too expensive to fix. So remember the museums golden rule:No touching the art.Respect other visitorsShow consideration by not blocking the view of others who are also there to enjoy the art.Complete silence isnt necessary, bu

14、t keep as quiet as possible.Most of these rules aim to protect the art. Following them can help make our museum experience safe and enjoyable.1、2题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1.Finish allbefore entering the museum.2.In fact, even a small touch willa painting or other pieces of works.3.W

15、hats the museums golden rule? 4. 5. 四、词语运用(2018河北承德双桥区二模)根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。In early January this year, a Chinese boys fate(命运)has caught millions of peoples attention. The boy named Wang Fuman is known to people 1.a“frost boy”(冰花男孩).On 2.very cold winter morning, Wang spent more than an hour walking 4.5 3.(kilometer)to school. Wearing a thin jacket, he braved -9 weather to take an

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