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1、考研作文英语二大作文高频表达英语二大作文一、社科类(网络、科技、旅游等)网恋 cyber romanceWith the development of internet ,cyber romancehas gradually become increasingly popular among people .随着网络的发展,网恋在人们中逐渐流行起来。网购 online shoppingOnline shoppinghas revolutionized the consumer experience .网购已经使消费者的购物体验发生了革命性的变化。团购 group buyingNot every

2、one thinksgroup-buyingand shopping online is the best way to save money .并非所有的人都认为团购和网上购物是省钱的最佳途径。秒杀 sec-kill网店 online shop/storeTo give our customers a greater choice , we keep updating our range of products on ouronline shopregularly .网上商店的货品亦会定期更新,为我们的顾客提供新鲜感。Whether youre working on a portfolio

3、website ,online storeor Web app , making your pages easy and enjoyable for your visitors to use is key .无论你是在做一个作品集网站、网上商店还是网络应用,让你的页面对用户来说可以容易和快乐的使用是一个关键。信誉 creditCreditis the life-blood of the consumer society .信誉是消费界的生命线。退款 refundAsk for arefundif the goods are faulty .商品如有缺陷,可要求退款。科学技术 science a

4、nd technologyScience and technologyhave made major changes to the way we live .科技极大地改变了我们的生活方式。电脑犯罪 computer crimeSabotage is also an increasingly common type ofcomputer crime.蓄意破坏也是日益增加的普遍的电脑犯罪。电子商务 e-commerceThe first law ofe-commerceis that if users cannot find the product , they cannot buy it ei

5、ther .电子商务的第一法则是,如果用户不能找到商品,他们就不会购买它。虚拟生活 virtual lifeMost players live outvirtual lifewith more than one character , as if they are trying out various facets of their persona .另外,绝大多数的玩家都会在他们的虚拟生活中扮演多个角色,就好象他们要去尝试其人格中的多种面貌一样。信息时代 information eraAlong with the coming ofinformation era, cellphone has

6、 become necessary consumer goods .随着信息时代的到来,手机已成为人们离不开的消费品。网上冲浪 surf the InternetBut keeping in mind that the netbook is primarily used tosurf the Internet, those dangers are possibly multiplied many-fold , especially if there is no anti-virus software installed in the machine .尤其需要提高警惕的是,上网本的主要用途是网

7、上冲浪,因此其遭遇危险的可能性加倍,尤其是如果上网本没有安装反病毒软件的话。电子书 electronic bookTheelectronic bookis a new type of book which is developing rapidly , and its appearance is a challenge to the mode of traditional knowledge propagation and copyright protection .电子书是近年来快速发展的新型图书形式,它的出现对传统的著作权及其保护方式提出了尖锐的挑战。网拍麻豆 net model浏览器购物

8、 monitor shopping橱窗购物 window shoppingAlmost every shop is full of special offers and bargains , which can make it hard to just gowindow shopping.几乎每家商店都有特价,打折活动,这使得要做到光看不买的去逛商店变得太难了。网络书评 internet book reviewHis paper takesinternet book reviewas an example to analyse present situation of library and

9、give several suggestions for librarys internet book review .文章以网络书评服务为例,分析了目前图书馆网络书评工作的现状,提出了加强图书馆网络书评服务工作的几点建议。网上纠纷 online disputeWith the rapid development of electronic commerce , more and moreonline disputesappear . Because the characteristic of online dispute , network becomes the best choice .

10、电子商务的飞速发展使得以其为基础的网上纠纷也越来越多,网上纠纷的特殊性使得其通过特殊的方式即网络来解决成为首选。恶性骚扰 malicious harassmentMalicious harassmentas the development of the telecommunications industry has become intensified , result in serious harm to society .恶意短信骚扰随着电信行业的发展变得愈演愈烈,给社会带来严重的危害。品质保证 quality guaranteeGood management of classroom d

11、iscipline problems is to develop the teaching job premise , harmonious classroom environment is to improve the classroom teachingquality guarantee.管理好课堂纪律问题是开展教学工作的前提,和谐的课堂环境是提高课堂教学质量的保证。二、教育类(就业率、毕业生工资、留学人数等)培养 cultivateWe mustcultivatetheir ability to analyze and solve problems .我们必须培养他们分析问题,解决问题的

12、能力。课余的 extracurricularA great many American campuses and communities have organized specialextracurricularactivities for students from other countries .许多美国校园和社团都为来自其他国家的学生组织了特别的课外活动。填鸭式 duck-stuffingSimultaneously , the great pressure of college entrance examination and duck-stuffing teaching cause

13、 the loss of senior students happiness in learning English .同时,巨大的升学压力和“填鸭式”课堂教学,造成高中学生英语学习幸福感的缺失。文凭热 diploma craze教学改革 educational reformAs collegeeducational reformgoes further and further , the disadvantaged groups in college were paid extensive attention .随着高校教育改革的不断深入,高校中弱势群体得到了社会的广泛关注。学术的 acad

14、emicStudents interests are mostly limited to theacademicrealm .学生们的兴趣大多限于学术领域。创新学习 innovative learningThe evaluation of students innovative learning behaviors is an important link and effective means of guiding studentsinnovative learning.学生创新学习行为评价是创新学习指导的一个重要环节和有效手段。高等教育 higher educationWe improve

15、d the overall quality ofhigher education, and enhanced the innovation capacity of colleges and universities .全面提高高等教育质量和水平,增强高校创新能力。考研热 the craze for graduate school贫困学生 poverty-stricken studentsIn recent years , the succor ofpoverty-strickencollegestudentshas become a hot issue , which has attracte

16、d great concern of the society .贫困生救助问题是近几年广受社会关注的热点问题。全体教员 facultyFor thefaculty, there exists the triad of responsibilities : teaching , research , and service .教员要承担三重责任:教学、研究与服务。深造 further ones studyIn 2002 he was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Dance Scholarship tofurther his studyat the Nati

17、onal Conservatoire of Music and Dance in Paris .在校期间,黎氏曾获取多项奖学金,2002年考获香港赛马会舞蹈基金,远赴巴黎国家音乐及舞蹈学院深造。素质教育 quality educationThe essence ofquality educationis an educational ideology , a philosophy of education .素质教育是我国教育方针精神实质的一种教育思想,一种教育理念。培养能力 foster abilitiesThe tasks of prose teaching are to acquire

18、knowledge ,foster abilities, edify sentiment and irradiate the mind .散文教学的任务是获取知识,培养能力,陶冶情操,启迪心智。品学兼优 be a students of fine qualities and fine scholar适应社会的改变 adjust to the social changes quickly满足社会的急需 meet the urgent need of the society努力获得精神文明 make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress

19、三、经济类经济 economyTheeconomyis expanding , notching up high growth rates .经济在发展,实现了高增长率。繁荣 boomAn economicboomfollowed , especially in housing and construction .接着出现了经济繁荣,尤其是在房地产业和建筑业。零售 retailUnemployment is rising again andretailbuying has fallen off .失业率再次上升,零售品购买量下降。促销 promote salesDespite the shor

20、t-term cost burden , the development of the economy willpromote sales, bringing more opportunities to enterprises .虽然对企业有短期成本压力,但经济持续发展,市场销售增加能给企业带来更多机会。管理 managementScientificmanagementpromotes production .科学管理推动了生产。金融 finance , commerce/commercialReform infinance, taxation , banking , distribution

21、 , housing , government institutions and other areas has continued to deepen .财税、金融、流通、住房和政府机构等改革继续深化。Region economy andCommercecollectivize are one of fundamental trends that current world economy grows .区域经济和贸易集团化是当今世界经济发展的重要趋势之一。Universities are turning from academic tocommercialsponsorship .各大学正

22、从学术赞助转而寻求商业赞助。经济全球化 economic globalizationThe world is moving further toward multi-polarization andeconomic globalization.世界多极化和经济全球化趋势进一步发展。可持续发展 sustainable developmentSustainable developmentof circular economy is an inevitable choice .循环经济是可持续发展的必然选择。不正当竞争 unfair competitionNo functionary may sup

23、port or cover upunfair competitionacts .国家官员不得支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。假冒伪劣产品 fake and inferior productIn my opinion , several strong measures should be adopted to deal withfake and inferior products.依我看,必须采取若干有力措施来对付假冒伪劣产品。打假 crack down on fake commoditiesWe should unswervinglycrack down onillegal activities s

24、uch as manufacturing and marketingfake commodities, tax evasion and smuggling .坚持不懈地打击制售假冒伪劣产品、偷税、走私等违法犯罪活动。购买力 purchasing powerInflation reduces thepurchasing powerof people living on fixed incomes .靠固定收入生活的人其购买力因通货膨胀而下降。激烈竞争 fierce competitionIt has thus indirectly promotedfierce competitionin int

25、ernational banking .因此,这间接促进了国际银行市场的激烈竞争。售后服务 after-sale serviceComplaint is piling up about theafter-sale service.人们对售后服务抱怨日益增多。生计问题 bread-and-butter issueHe doesnt just write for fun ; writing is hisbread and butter.他写作并不只是为了乐趣,那是他的谋生方式。企业形象 enterprise imageAccording to the reasons of the enterpri

26、se crisis , this essay argues how to prevent the enterprise crisis , how to deal with it and how to restore theenterprise imageafter the crisis .文章针对企业危机产生的原因,就如何进行企业危机预防、企业危机发生后如何处理、危机结束后如何恢复企业形象等问题进行了论述。信用危机 credit crisisThecredit crisishas produced an avalanche of problems and also of explanation

27、s .信贷危机带来了成堆的问题,也带来了各种解释。稳定物价 stabilize pricesThe chief issue of stabilizing the economy is how tostabilize prices.稳定经济的首要问题是稳定物价。品牌效应 brand effectThere has been a growing awareness among company owners in the importance ofbrand effect.企业家越来越意识到品牌效应的重要性。流行的消遣方式 popular pastimeBlowing cyberkisses has

28、 become apopular pastimein emerging markets too .网上恋爱也成为新兴市场中的流行消遣。四、管理类资本 capitalLand , labor andcapitalare all productive of wealth .土地、劳动和资本都能创造财富。债券 bondThe eight-yearbondwill bear annual interest of 10.5% .这种8年期的债券年利率为10.5%。预算 budgetThisbudgetwill have a net expansionary effect on the economy .

29、本预算对经济的发展最终会有促进作用。没收 confiscateThe copyright administrative authorities mayconfiscatetheir illegal income or impose a fine on them .由著作权行政管理部门给予没收非法所得、罚款等行政处分。拨款 appropriateThe legislatureappropriatedfunds for the university .立法机关拨款作为大学经费。公司 corporationIt takes brains to administer upon a largecorpo

30、ration.管理一家大公司需要智慧。贸易顺差 active trade balanceWe also have faced a serious problem ofactive trade balancewhich has lasted for 14 years began from year 1994 and is presenting an enlarging trend recently .自1994年以来,我国已经保持了14年的贸易顺差,并且呈现出不断扩大的态势。贸易逆差 adverse trade balanceThe total trade volume in imports a

31、nd exports of mineral products reached US$160 billion in 2003 in China with theadverse trade balancegrowing .伴随着贸易逆差的不断扩大,2003年中国进出口矿产品贸易总额达1600亿美元。审计员、查帐员 auditorThe audit report has been used to influence theauditorslegal liability .审计报告对审计人员的法律责任同样会产生重要影响。资产负债表 balance sheetCash is listed first in thebalance sheet, because it is the most liquid of all current assets .在所有的资产中,现金最具有流动性,因此,它作为流动资产的第一项列示于资产负债表上。便宜货 bargainSometimes I like hunting abargainat T

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