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本文(自学考试江苏省自考英语语言学概论27037填空题与选择题题库及中文翻译好资料doc.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、自学考试江苏省自考英语语言学概论27037填空题与选择题题库及中文翻译好资料doc第一章绪论填空题或选择题1. A symbol consists of two parts : a concrete form and the meaning which it conveys.一个符号由两个部分组成:一个具体的形式和它所表达的意思。2.By saying language is arbitrary ,we mean we cant give a sound reason why such a form is pronounced in this way rather than in that w

2、ay, and why a particular meaning should be indicated by this form rather than by that form.当说语言是任意的,我们指我们不能合理地解释为什么这个音以这种形式而不是以那种形式发音。并且为什么以这种形式而不是以那种形式来表明某种特殊的意义。3. Language has two levels .They are grammatically meaningful level and sound meaningless level.语言有两个层次:语法上有意义的层次和声音上无意义的层次。4.Human langu

3、ages have such design features as productivity ,discreteness ,displacement ,arbitrariness ,cultural transmission ,duality and interchangeability . 人类语言具有以下的甄别性特征:能产性,离散性,不受时空限制的特性,任意性,文化传递性,双重性和互换性。5.Language is a system because every language consists of a set of rules which underlie peoples actual

4、 speech or writing .语言是一种体系,因为每种语言都是由一套规则组成的,这些规则表明了人们的真正语言或书面形式。(2009年10月考题)6. By saying language is creative ,we mean that every language contains an infinite number of sentences ,which ,however are generated by a small set of rules and a finite set of words .当说语言具有创造性的时候,我们指每种语言都包括无数的句子,而这些句子由有限的

5、规则和有限的单词所构造的。第二章语言学填空题或选择题1. According to John Lyons , general linguistics deals with language in general and descriptive linguistics(描写语言学) is concerned with one particular language .根据约翰,普遍语言学把语言作为一个整体进行研究,而描写语言学关注一种特定的语言。(2009年10月考题)2. In de Saussures term, langue refers to the system of language

6、 and parole refers to the speakers speech . 根据索绪尔的定义,语言指的是语言的体系,而言语指的是说话者的语言。(2009年10月考题)3. Phonology is the science that deals with the sound system.音位学是研究语音系统的科学。4. Syntax studies two kinds of rules : phrase structure rules and transformational rules .句法学研究两种规则:短语结构规则和转换规则。5. According to Chomsky

7、,competence is “the speaker-hearers knowledge of his language ”.while performance is “the actual use of language in concrete situations”.根据乔姆斯基,语言能力是语言使用者所具有的知识,而语言运用是这种知识在具体情况下的实际运用。6. Langue or competence is abstract and not directly observed ,while parole or performance is concrete and directly o

8、bservable . 语言或者语言能力是抽象的,是不能直接观察的,而言语或者语言语用是具体的,是能直接观察的。7. The scientific method involves four stages:collecting data ,forming a hypothesis , testing the hypothesis , drawing conclusions. 科学的研究方法涉及四个阶段:收集材料,提出假设,验证假设,得出结论。8. Saussure is the father of modern linguistics .索绪尔是“现代语言学之父”。9. The synchron

9、ic study of a language is concerned with a “state” of a language at a particular point of time.语言的共时性研究关注的是处于某一时间点的语言所做的描述。10. A syntagmatic relation (横组合关系)refers to the sequential characteristic of speech.横组合关系指的是语言的序列特点。11. Phonological knowledge is a native speakers intuition about the sounds an

10、d sound patterns of his language .音位知识是当地语言者关于他语言的语音和语音模式的知识。12. Morphological knowledge is a native speakers intuition about how a word is formed .形态学知识是当地语言者关于单词是如何形成的知识。13. Syntactic knowledge is a native speakers intuition about whether a sentence is grammatical or not .句法知识是当地语言者关于一个句子是否合乎语法的知识

11、。14. Semantic knowledge is a native speakers intuition about the meaning of language ,including meaning of words and meaning of sentences.语义知识是当地语言者关于语言意义的知识,包括单词意义和句子意义。15. Phonetics is the study of speech sounds of all human languages.语音学是对所有人类语言的语音研究。(2009年10月考题)16. Morphology examines word forma

12、tion and the internal structure of words .形态学研究的是单词的构成和单词的内在结构。17. Syntax is concerned with how words are combined to form phrases and how phrases are combined by rules to form sentences .句法学关注单词是如何组合成短语以及短语是如何通过规则形成句子的。18. Semantics is the study of the meaning of words and sentences .语义学是对单词和句子的意义研

13、究。(2010年1月考题)19. A diachronic study is concerned with the historical development of a language over a period of time.历时性研究关注的是语言经过一定时间阶段所发生的历史变化。20. A paradigmatic relation is a relation between a linguistic element in an utterance and linguistic elements outside that utterance, but belonging to the

14、 same sub-system of the language .纵聚合关系是话语中的一种语言成分和话语之外的语言成分之间的一种关系,但是都属于语言的同一种子系统。(2009年10月考题)第三章语音学填空题或选择题1. Phonetics has three sub-branches :acoustic phonetics ,auditory phonetics and articulatory phonetics .语音学有三种分支:声学语音学,听觉语音学和发音语音学。2. The vocal tract (发音系统)can be divided into two parts: the o

15、ral cavity and nasal cavity .发音系统可以被分成两种:口腔和鼻腔。3. A consonant is a speech sound in which the air-stream from the lungs is either completely blocked or partially or where the opening is so narrow that the air escapes with audible frication .A vowel is usually produced with vibration of the vocal cord

16、s.辅音是发音的时候从肺部呼出的气流要么是全部阻塞或者部分阻塞,出气口过窄以至于可以听到摩擦的声音。一个元音一般是通过声带振动所形成的。4. Articulatory phonetics is concerned with how a sound is produced by the vocal organs.发音语音学研究声音是如何通过发音器官形成的。5. Acoustic phonetics deals with how a sound is transmitted from the speakers mouth to the listeners ears.声学语音学研究声音是如何从说话者

17、的口中传入听话者的耳朵中的。(2009年10月考题)6. Auditory phonetics investigates how a sound is perceived by the listener.听觉语音学研究声音是如何被听话者所接收的。(2010年1月考题)7. According to the position of the velum, consonants are divided into oral consonants and nasal consonants .根据软腭的位置,辅音被分成口腔辅音和鼻腔辅音。8. The production of a stop consis

18、ts of three stages :closure stage ,hold stage and release stage .一个塞音或者闭止音的形成包括三个阶段:闭合阶段,保持阶段和释放阶段。9. The raising of the soft palate causes the production of oral consonants while the lowering of the soft palate brings about the production of nasal consonants. 软腭的上提会导致口腔辅音的形成,而软腭的下降会导致鼻腔辅音的形成。10. In

19、 English ,there are three nasal consonants .They are m ,n ,n . 在英语中有三个鼻腔辅音,它们是m, n, n.11. According to the presence or absence of vocal cord vibration (声带振动),the English consonants can be classified into two groups :voiced consonants and voiceless consonants .根据声带振动的有无,英语辅音可以被分成两种:浊辅音和清辅音。12. In ter

20、ms of lip rounding ,vowels are classified into rounded vowels and unrounded vowels .根据口形,元音被分成圆唇元音和非圆唇元音。13. The space between the vocal cords is called glottis .声带中间的位置被称为声门。14. When the vocal cords are spread apart ,the air-stream is not blocked at the glottis and it passes freely into the vocal t

21、ract(声带系统) without vocal-cord vibration(声带振动) .The sounds produced in this way are called voiceless consonants .当声带被分开,气流在声门处没有阻碍,并且没有经过声带振动就自由进入到发音系统,以这种方式所发出的音被称为清辅音。15. When the vocal cords are nearly touching each other but not completely closed ,the air-stream passing through the glottis has to

22、 cause vibration .The sounds made in this way are called voiced consonants.当声带几乎要合但是没有完全合闭,从声门所通过的气流一定会发生振动,以这种方式所形成的音被称为浊辅音。(2009年10月考题)16. Stops can be divided into two types: oral stops and nasal stops .塞音或者闭止音可以分成两种:口腔闭止音和鼻腔闭止音。17. According to the state of the velum ,vowels are divided into ora

23、l vowels and nasal vowels.根据软腭的状态,元音被分成口腔元音和鼻腔元音。18. In English ,nasal vowels occur only before nasal consonants ,and oral vowels before oral consonants。在英语中,鼻腔元音只发生在鼻腔辅音之前,而口腔元音发生在口腔辅音之前。(2010年1月考题)19. In English ,all the back vowels except a: are rounded vowels. 在英语中,除了a:之外所有的后元音都是圆唇音。20. In terms

24、 of tongue position ,vowels can be classified into front ,central ,back ,high ,mid and low vowels .根据舌头的位置,元音可以分成前元音,中元音,后元音,高元音,中元音和低元音。(2009年10月考题)(2010年1月考题)第四章音位学填空题或选择题1. English phonology investigates the sound system of English .It is different from English phonetics, which is concerned with

25、the speech sounds that occurs in the English language .English phonology studies the abstract aspects :the functions of sounds and the sound combination patterns.英语音位学研究的是英语的语音系统。它不同于英语语音学,英语语音学关注的是英语语言中所发生的语音现象。英语音位学研究是抽象的方面:声音的功能和声音的组合方式。2. A phoneme is defined as a minimal distinctive unit in the

26、 sound system of a language .音位被定义成在语言的发音系统中最小的具有甄别性特征的单位。(2009年10月考题)3. Two forms are a minimal pair when they meet three conditions :1)they are different in meaning ,2) they differ only in one sound segment ,3)the different sounds occur in the same position in the strings .When a group of words me

27、et all the three conditions ,they are called a minimal set.当两种形式符合三种条件他们就是最小对立体或者最小对立对,第一,他们的意思不一样,第二,他们只有一个语音切分不一样,第三,不同的语音在同一个位置。当一组单词满足这三个条件,他们就是最小对立集。4. There are three types of distribution :contrastive distribution ,complementary distribution and free variation .英语中有三种分布,对比分布,互补分布和自由变异。(2010年1

28、月考题)5. If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for another brings about a change of meaning they are in contrastive distribution .如果两个或者更多的音在同一种环境下能够发生,并且一个语音代替另一个语音会产生意义的改变,他们就是对比分布。6. If two or more sounds never appear in the same environment ,they

29、 are said to be in complementary distribution .如果两个或者更多的音从不会在同一种环境下发生,他们就是互补分布。(2009年10月考题)7. If two sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of one sound for the other does not cause a change of meaning ,then they are said to be in free variation .如果两个音能在同一环境下发生,并且一个语音代替另一个不会导致

30、意义的改变,那么他们就是自由变异。8. The distinctive features are the features that can contrast words .甄别性特征或者区别性特征是能够区别单词的特征。9. Distinctive features are used to describe phonemes ,while phonetic features(语音特征) are used to describe their allophones .区别性特征是用来描述音位的,而语音特征是用来描述他们的音位变体的。10. The distinctive features whic

31、h can only have an effect on one sound segment are called segmental features. 只对一种声音切分有影响的区别性特征被称为切分特征。(2009年10月考题)11. The distinctive features that can affect more than one sound segment and can also contrast meaning are called suprasegmental features .There are three kinds of them: stress ,intonat

32、ion and juncture .能够影响的不止一个语音切分,而且能区别意义的区别性特征被称为超切分特征。超切分特征有三种,重音,音调和连音或者音渡。12. The position of stress can bring about a change of meaning in a word.。重音的位置会导致单词意义的变化。13. Tone languages are languages that use pitch to contrast meaning at word level ,whereas intonation languages are languages that use pitch to distinguish different meanings at phrase level or sentence level .声调语言是在单词的水平上用音高来区别意义的语言,然而语调语言是在短语或者句子的水平上用音高来区别不同意义的语言。14. Juncture refers to the phonetic boundary features that may mark grammatical unit

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