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1、中考代词代词 用来代替名词、名词短语或句子的词称为代词。代词可分为:人称代词、指示代词、疑问代词、反身代词和不定代词等。第一节 知识点概述一、人称代词数 人称 格单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称第二人称第三人称句子的成份例句作主语(代替上文中提到的人或物)Mrs. Suen is an English teacher. She teaches us geography.I cant read the story. It is written in Russian.作宾语用宾格直接宾语Let her play now.We often meet him at the school gate间接宾

2、语Granny offered us fruit.The sun gives us light and heat.介词宾语Please sit between him and me. The teacher took good care of us.作表语 (用主格或宾格)Who is that? Its me.It was I whom you saw at the station.注意1 人称代词不仅仅指人,也可以指事或物。2 人称代词主格单数he, she和it的复数,都是they,宾格形式也相同,为them。3 第三人称的人称代词分阳性he(him),阴性she(her)和中性it(i

3、t),复数只有一个形式they(them),不分性别。4 选用人称代词,取决于所要代替的名词。在数和性上要与所代替的名词保持一致。二、物主代词物主代词是用来表示所有关系的,分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。形容词性物主代词放在名词前作定语,相当于形容词;名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,相当于名词,可以作主语、表语或宾语。物主代词的用法:(1)形容词性物主代词放在名词前作定语。例如:His pencil box is on the desk. This is our school.(2)名词性物主代词作名词用,相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,后面不可再加名词。 作主语:

4、 Richards school bag is blue and mine is black. 里查德的书包是蓝色的,我的书包是黑色的。(mine=my school bag) 作表语: Its his. 这是他的(东西)。 作宾语: He borrows your dictionary and you may borrow mine. 他借你的字典,你可以借我的。(作及物动词的宾语) “of+名词性物主代词”可以放在名词后作定语,表示强调: He is a friend of mine. 他是我的一个朋友。注意:试比较下面两句句子:This is a photo of mine. 这是我的一

5、张照片。(照片是我拥有的,但不一定照的是我本人)This is a photo of me. 这是一张我本人的照片。(照片上是我本人)物主代词形容词性数人称单数复数第一人称我的我们的第二人称你的你们的第三人称他的 , 她的 ,它的他们的物主代词名词性数人称单数复数第一人称我的我们的第二人称你的你们的第三人称他的 , 她的 , 它的 他们的三、反身代词反身代词用于所强调的动作与动作执行者的关系,强调主语或宾语为同一人或物。反身代词的形式:单数我自己你自己他自己她自己它自己复数我们自己你们自己他们自己反身代词的用法:句子成分例句宾语直接宾语My father taught himself Japa

6、nese.Please help yourselves to some fruit, everyone.介词宾语The twelve-year-old boy can take care of himself.Dont think too much of yourself.同位语主语同位语She taught Thomas Edison herself.The detective story itself is worth reading.宾语同位语 Li Ming, I want to ask for leave. Youd better ask the teacher herself /

7、himself.表语同位语 Who is the man? It was Mr. Yang himself.表语Im not quite myself today itself. 今天我感到不舒服。四、指示代词(一)指示代词是具有指示概念的代词这 ; 那 ;这些 ;那些 ;如此的 ;同样的(二)指示代词的用法(1)this、 that、 these、 those 在句子中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。(2)such 作定语或主语。such “这样”,such a 这样一个,such as 像这样的。(3)same 可作定语、表语、主语和宾语。例如:1) That is our English te

8、acher. (主语)2) This storybook is thicker than that one. (定语)3) I prefer this (these) to that (those). (宾语)4) What he like best is this/that? (表语)5) I have never read such an excited book. (定语)6) I like such sports as basketball and swimming. (定语)7) Such is our trip plan. (主语) (指上文提到过或刚说过的内容)。8) She w

9、ants the book and I want the same. (宾语)9) We were born on the same day. (定语)注意:1)this、 these 指空间上离说话人较近的人或物,可以与 here 连用;that、 those 指空间上离说话人 较远的人或物,可以与 there 连用。2)打电话或其他场合,看得到的一方用 this 或 these. 反之用 that 或 those。3)such 作定语时,如名词前有不定冠词,则用 such a/an + 名词。4)在 same 之前必须加冠词 the.。五、疑问代词疑问代词的用法:句子成分例句主语Who i

10、nvited you to dinner? Whose is the best?Whats in the bag? Which of them will win the prize?宾语直接宾语Whom did you meet on your way home?Which do you want, the red one or the blue one? What is she doing?间接宾语Whom are you waiting for? From whom should we learn?What are you talking about?表语Who are those wom

11、en? What are you? Whose is the new bike?定语Which class are you in? Whose report is this? What subjects do you study?注意:1Who 用于询问别人姓名,身份或关系。What 用于询问别人职业。2Which 指的物有范围限制,侧重于哪一个;What 指的物无范围限制,侧重于种类。3Whose 用于明确所有者,Whom 在口语中,whom 多为 who 代替。六、不定代词 不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫不定代词。常见的不定代词有all, both, each, every, some,

12、 any, many, much, (a)few, (a)little, one, ones, either, neither, other, another, no, none以及含有some-, any-, no-等的合成代词(如:anybody, something, no one)。大都可以代替名词和形容词,在句子中作主语、宾语、表语和定语。但none和由some, any, no, every thing, -body, -one构成的复合不定代词(如somebody等)只能作主语、宾语和表语;而every和no只能作定语。不定代词的形式:不定代词词义复合形式说 明some一些(可数

13、或不可数)something 某物、某事someone somebody 某人一般用于肯定句any一些,任何(可数或不可数)anything 任何事物anyoneanybody 任何人一般用于否定句,疑问句或条件状语从句中no没有,无nothing 无物nobody 无人 no one 无一人修饰可数或不可数名词,复合形式只具有名词的作用every每个,所有的everything 每一个事物,一切everyone 每人everybody 人人强调共性,词义和 all 相近all全体、所有的代替或修饰可数或不可数名词,指两个以上的人或物each每个强调个体,指两个或两个以上的人或物。few很少(

14、可数)表示否定a few一些,几个(可数)表示否定little很少(不可数)表示否定a little一些(不可数)表示否定many很多(可数)_much很多(不可数)_both两个,两者都仅指两个人或物neither没有人或物仅指两个人或物none没有人或物指两个以上的人或物,当指可数名词时,谓语动词单、复数都可either每个强调个性,指两个或两个以上的人或物。other(s)另一个(些)_another另外一个,又一个相当于 an otherone一个(人或物)one 的复数形式是 ones不定代词的用法:1. 不定代词可作主语,当作主语时,要明确这一不定代词究竟是单数还是复数,以确定它和

15、谓语动词在人和数的一致。2. 不定代词还可作定语,当作定语时,应该注意其所修饰的名词是可数还是不可数,以确定这个名词用单数还是复数。第二节 实战演练一、例题选讲例1 We should learn to get on well with A other B others C the other D the others例2 Would you like some coffee? Yes, just A a little B little C a few D few例3 of the students passed the examThey all failed A Neither B None

16、 C Both D All例4 Let Lin Tao do it by , He is no longer a kid A him B his C himself D he例5 -Why dont we take a little break -Didnt we just have ? A it B that C one D this例6 leaves the classroom last ought to turn off the lights. A Anyone B The person C Whoever D Who二、复习时需要注意的要点(1)some 和any的用法 some常用于

17、肯定句,any常用于疑问句、否定句及条件状语从句。但在表示请求、建议、反问的疑问句里,则用some。例如:1)Would you like some coffee or some tea?2)If you have questions, you can come any time.(2)all指物时,谓语动词用单数,在语法上是单数,而在概念上是复数。指人时,一般作复数。 例如: 1)All is not gold that glitters. 2)All are here.(3)each和every都是单数概念,但every只能作形容词;each可以作代词和形容词。例如:1)Each of u

18、s has got a new book. 2)Every student is doing his best at school.(4)one, the other, another, others和the other的用法 总共只有两个人或两样东西时,其中的一个是one,另一个是the other。例如: 1)I have two uncles, one is a teacher, the other is an engineer. 总共有两个以上的人或事物,其中的第一个为one,其他的两个或两个以上为the others。 例如:1)There are only ten boy stud

19、ents in Class One. The others are girl students.中考英语专题训练-代词考点1、人称代词1. Hell show _ _beautiful photos. A. me, he B. me, his C. I, his 2. All the students went to the zoo except _.A. she and I B. me and her C. her and me3. The socks are on the floor. _, please.A. Put them away B. Put away them C. Put i

20、t away4. Have you got a CD player? Sorry, I havent got_.A. it B. one C. the one5. The little girl has never been to Japan, _?A. has she B. doesnt she C. hasnt she 6. Shall I ask shopkeeper if I can _? A. try on it B. try it on C. to try it on7. I find _ impossible to get there before 8 oclock. A. it

21、 B. one C. this8. -I dont think it very expensive to buy a family computer here.- Really? Ill buy _ next week. A. it B. this C. one 9. Your shoes are worn out. Youd better buy a new_. A. pair B. shoes C. one10. _ not easy to speak in public. AIts BIts CIt 1. _ enjoy going sightseeing. AHe, you and I

22、 BYou, he and I CI, you and he12. _ is about five hundred meters from my home to the school. A. It B. ThisC. That 考点2、物主代词 of 所有格 -s 所有格 (双重所有格)1. _ schoolbag is much better than _. A. Hers, he B. Hers, his C. Her, his 2. Is this skirt_? -No, its _. A. her, mine B. yours, hisC. hers, my3. A friend o

23、f _ is waiting for _ outside. A. mine, me B. my, mine C. I, me 4. -Paul, do you know the man standing at the door? -Yes, he is one of _ friends.A. me B. my C. mine 5. He is a brother of _. A. my father B. my fathers C. mine fathers 考点3、反身代词1. You must look after _, girls. A. yourselves B. yourself C

24、. herself2. Lily, what would you do if you cut _? A. yourselves B. herself C. yourself 3. -Who taught _ French? -Nobody. She learned all by _.A. herself, her B. she, herself C. her, herself4. She is too busy to help us finish the work. Lets do it by_.A. herself B. my self C. ourselves5. -Can John dr

25、ive a plane by _? - Im afraid not. He is only ten years old.A. herself B. himself C. themselves考点4、指示代词1. The color of her skirt is different from _ of mine. A. one B. that C. it 2. The population of Tianjin is smaller than _ of Shanghai.A. this B. that C. those3. The cars made in Guangzhou are bett

26、er than _ made in Changchun.A. this B. that C. those4. Tom, you can play the piano like _. A. this B. that C. those5. Whos that at the door? -_ is John. A. It B. He C. This6. Lily and Lucy study Chinese well, _.A. so is Kate B. Kate does so C. so does Kate7. - Lily and Lucy are good at Chinese. - _.

27、A. So are they B. So is Lucy C. So they are8. -I like fried chicken very much. -_.A. So am I B. So do I C. I do so9. They all said that they have never seen_.A. such large a building B. such a large building C. so a large building10. The film was _ interesting _ all of us wanted to see it again.Aas,

28、 as Bso, that Csuch, that11. Is Mr. Green really very ill? -_. Hes in hospital.A. I dont think so B. Im afraid so C. I hope so12. She read the letter loudly _ all the families could hear her.A. because B. since C. so that13. He likes playing sports, _ basketball, football and volleyball.A. for examp

29、le B. such as C. like14. -Is that your backpack? -_. A. No, thats not B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is考点5、不定代词和不定副词1. I like to drink _ coffee and tea? A. both B. either C. neither2. -Which would you like, rice or noodles? -_is OK. Im hungry.A. Either B. Neither C. Both 3. We have got two TV sets, but _ works well. A. both B. neither C. either4. We cant buy anything because _of the shops are open at this time.A. all B. none C. a

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