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1、初二上必背词汇全册初二(上)必背词汇(1-4)初二(上) Unit 1 必背词汇1,look up 查阅 2,an Italian painter pent 一个意大利画家3,painting 画作4,paint 绘画5,inventor nvent 发明家6,invent nvent 发明;创造7,invention nven()n 发明;发明物8,musician mjuz()n 音乐家9,musical mjuzk()l 音乐的;悦耳的10,engineer endn 工程师11,scientist santst 科学家12,scientific santfk 科学的13,science

2、 sans 科学14,be born in the countryside kntrsad 出生于农村15,from an early age 从早期开始16,show great intelligence nteld()ns 表现出很大的智慧17,intelligent nteld()nt 聪明的;智慧的18,artistic ability tstk blti 艺术才能19,artist tst 艺术家20,as he grew older 随着他长得更大的时候21,grow-grew-grown 成长,生长22,grow up 长大23,growth gr 成长,生长24,the mos

3、t famous painting in the world 世界上最著名的画25,notebook ntbk 笔记本 26,take note 注意到;记笔记27,notice nts 通知,布告;注意28,include nklud 包括29,including 包括 (介词,逗号后) 30,some interesting drawingsdr(r) 一些有趣的绘画31,flying machines min 飞行器32,live on Earth 生活在地球上33,more than 超过34,human beings 人类35,some others 一些其它的36,as small

4、 as 与一样小37,as +adj adv + as 与一样38,some could even fly iv()n 一些甚至能够飞39,ate plants plnt 吃植物40,eat ate eaten 吃41,eat up 吃光42,eat out 在外面吃43,suddenly sd()nl 突然地44,all of a sudden 突然45,die out 灭绝46,learn about them from their fossils fs()l. 从他们的化石了解他们47,big attractions trk()n 大的景点48,attract trkt 吸引49,was

5、 made in 1964 制作于1964年50,took pictures of 拍照 51,take took taken 拿52,take away 拿走53,take off 起飞,脱下衣服54,people all over Australia 整个澳大利亚的人55,a type of = a kind of 一种56,live in dry weather we 生活在干燥天气中57,be very important to the farmers 对农民很重要58,a small museum mjuzm 一个小的博物馆59,in the history 在历史上60,histo

6、rical hstrk()l 历史的61,wool wl 羊毛62,woolen wln 羊毛的63,climb up 爬上去64,climb mountains mantn 爬山65,look at the view through its eyes vju ru 通过它的眼睛看 风景66,through ru 通过(里面)67,across krs 在表面穿过68,walk across the road 走过马路初二(上) Unit 2 必背词汇1,a long time ago 很久以前2,India nd 印度3,Indian ndn 印度人,印度的4, favorite game

7、fevrt 最喜欢的游戏5, play chess tes 下象棋6,a wise old man waz 一个聪明的老人7,wisdom wzdm 智慧8,the king challenged him to a game tln(d) 国王挑战他下棋9,promise prms 答应10,make a promise 许诺;允诺11,keep ones promise 信守承诺12,have any prizepraz 有任何奖品13,win the game 赢得比赛14,win-won-won 获胜,赢得15,winner wn 获胜者16,beat sb bit 击败某人17,Id

8、like one grain of ricegren 我想要一粒米18,would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事 19,double the amount db()l mant 数量翻倍20,a large amount of 大量的(修饰不可数名词)21,a number of 大量的 (修饰可数名词)22,the rest of the squares skwez 剩下的格子23,gold gld 金子24,golden gld()n 金色的,金制的25, silver slv 银子26,instead nsted 相反27,instead o

9、f sth 代替28,instead of doing sth 代替做某事29,replied the old man riplaid 这个老人回答道30,reply to the question = answer the question 回答问题31,play the game for a long time 玩游戏很长时间32,finallyfanl = at last = in the end 最后33,order sb to do sth d 命令某人做某事 34,in order to 为了35,in order that 为了;以便36,collect a bag of ric

10、e klekt 收集一袋米37,collection klek()n 采集;收集;收藏38,collector klekt 收藏家39,so on 等等40,realize the problem rilaz 意识到问题41,realize ones dream 实现梦想42,in the country 在国家,在乡下43,count kant 数数44,invention nven()n 发明45,inventor nvent 发明家46,written numbers rtn 书写数字47,write- wrote written 写48,write down 写下来49,use man

11、y different ways 用很多不同的方法50,at first= in the beginning 首先51,however 然而52,in this way 用这种方法53,by the way 顺便说下54,on the way to school 在去学校路上55,make small marksmk 制作小的符号56,be made from 用.做(看不出原材料)57,be made of 用制作(看得出原材料)58,be made in 在生产59,be made into 制成60,a piece of string pis str 一根 绳子 61,so that 所

12、以62,so +adj adv + that 如此以至于63,such + n. + that 如此以至于64,carry them around easily 很容易地四处携带65,develop intodvelp 发展成66,developed countries 发达国家67,developing countries 发展中国家68,development dvelpm()nt 发展;开发69,lead toled 导致70,lead led led 导致初二(上) Unit 3 必背词汇1,fact fkt 事实2,in fact 事实上;实际上3,as a matter of fa

13、ct mt 事实上4,In the 1940s 在20世纪30年代5,be unaware of nwe 没注意到6,be aware of 注意到了7,probably 或许8,depend on computers dpend 依赖电脑9,be dependent on 依赖,依靠;取决于10,independent ,ndpendnt 独立的11,realize rilaz 意识到,实现12,realize ones dream 实现梦想13,calculate klkjlet 计算14,calculation klkjle()n 计算15,do a calculation 进行一次运算16,at a faster speed spid 以一个更快的速度17,at a speed of 以的速度18,in addition d()n 另外;此外19,never give wrong answers 从来不会给出错误的答案20,draw things with computers 用电脑画画21,draw-drew-drawn 画画22,do important jobs d

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