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全国100所名校高三英语单元综合测试示范卷4 新人教版.docx

1、全国100所名校高三英语单元综合测试示范卷4 新人教版全国100所名校高三英语单元综合测试示范卷4 新人教版(120分钟150分)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What do you know about the camera?A.It􀆳s dear. B.It􀆳s bought through the Inte

2、rnet.C.It􀆳s not nice.2.Where does the woman most probably work?A.In a music store. B.In a computer lab. C.In a school library.3.What did the man see?A.A mouse. B.A cat. C.A stone.4.What time is Animal World on?A.6:30. B.8:20. C.9:30.5.Where will the man go this Sunday?A.The Central Park. B.

3、The Central Zoo. C.The Western Zoo.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What might be the relationship between the two speakers? A.Workmates. B.Friends. C.Mother and son.7.What

4、 are they talking about? A.The man􀆳s major in college. B.The man􀆳s favorite subjects. C.The man􀆳s future job.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Where does the man work now? A.In a school. B.In a factory. C.In a computer company. 9.Why does the man want a new job? A.To earn more money. B.To

5、try something different. C.To improve his computer skills.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Where are the speakers planning to go in the morning? A.A park. B.An art museum. C.A shopping center.11.Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?A.The zoo will be closed for the rest of the week.B.The zoo is

6、 free to visitors only on that day.C.There are unusual animals.12.How do they plan to get to the seashore? A.By taxi. B.By subway. C.By bus.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Where are the speakers most probably talking? A.In a garden. B.In a restaurant. C.In a zoo.14.How does the woman feel about the polar bear?

7、A.Pitiful. B.Glad. C.Satisfied.15.What does the man want to do? A.Look at the monkeys. B.Get some iced coffee. C.Look at that polar bear.16.How does the zoo treat the polar bear according to the man? A.Well. B.Just so-so. C.Badly.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.How many kinds of electronics are among the top f

8、ive holiday gifts? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.18.What are the most popular electronic gifts? A.The e-readers. B.The iPads. C.The notebook computers.19.What has changed the way people relate? A.Modern technology. B.Various products. C.Developing economy.20.What do people want most according to Barry? A.E

9、lectronics. B.Cars and clothes. C.Peace and happiness.试题答案15BACAC610BCBAB1115CBCAA1620CBCAC附:听力部分录音材料(Text 1)M:Your camera is so wonderful. Is it very expensive?W:No, it􀆳s cheap. I shopped it online last Sunday.(Text 2)W:Good morning, Mickel music.M:Hello, I􀆳d like to know if I can

10、 order the CD I asked yesterday.W:Certainly. The order number is CD392BK, the price is 13 pounds.(Text 3)M:I thought I saw something in our yard.W:A cat? To tell the truth, I can see nothing.M:A mouse under the tree!W:Oh, dear! That􀆳s a stone like a mouse.(Text 4)M:Shall we watch TV tonight

11、?W:All right. What􀆳s on tonight?M:Animal World on Channel One is at 6:30.A pop show on Channel Six is at 8:20.W:What􀆳s on at 9:30 then?(Text 5)W:Which place would you like to go to this Sunday, the Central Park or the Western Zoo?M:The Western Zoo. The price there is cheap.(Text 6)

12、W:What do you think you are going to do when you graduate, John?M:I􀆳m not sure. My dad says I should work in information technology.W:Is that what your dad does?M:Not really. He is an engineer.W:How about you? What are you interested in doing?M:Well. I􀆳m interested in medicine. I&#

13、1049011;d love to be a doctor.W:Yeah, what subject are you good at?M:Math is my best subject. And I􀆳m also pretty good at science.(Text 7)W:Mr Johnson, what job are you applying for? M:A computer programmer.W:Do you have any experience? M:No, but I􀆳m a fast learner.W:Which kind of

14、computer do you use? M:Umm, let me see. I use Apple. I am also familiar with using Windows XP.W:Oh, I see. But why do you want to be a computer programmer? M:Well, I􀆳m tired of working in a factory, and I want to make more money. Madam, will I be able to find a job as a computer programmer?

15、W:Umm, err, ah.(Text 8)W:Well, let􀆳s look at this city guide here. Why don􀆳t we first visit the art museum in the morning?M:OK. I like that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?W:How about going to an Indian restaurant? The guide recommends one, which is a few blocks from the m

16、useum.M:That sounds great. What about visiting the zoo after that?W:Oh.Umm.M:Well, it says that there are some very unique animals that can􀆳t be found anywhere else.W:To tell you the truth, I􀆳m not really interested in going there. Why don􀆳t we going shopping instead? Ther

17、e are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.M:Err, I don􀆳t think that􀆳s a good idea. We only have a few travelers checks left, and I only have fifty dollars left in cash.W:OK. Let􀆳s take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.M:That

18、sounds like a wonderful plan.(Text 9)W:It􀆳s too hot. I􀆳m not sure whether I can walk any further.M:Oh, come on. You􀆳re not too old. I want to go to the Monkey Island and look at the monkeys.W:What? There is a monkey island here?M:Of course. This is an excellent zoo. We can

19、 see all kinds of monkeys here.W:Great! Let􀆳s go. I love monkeys. That􀆳s why I started going out with you.M:You􀆳re very funny today.W:I wish we could get some iced coffee somewhere.M:Yes. I could buy you an iced cream and, if you climbed over the fence into the lion cage,

20、I wouldn􀆳t have to worry about you any more.W:Hah, hah, hah. Hey, look at that polar bear.M:Oh, maybe they have him out in the sun like this. Isn􀆳t it too hot?W:Yes, I can􀆳t believe they have him out in the sun like this.M:It􀆳s very sad. Sometimes I think zoos sho

21、uld treat animals better.(Text 10)A report by the Consumer Electronics Association says electronics are among the most popular gifts this holiday season. Jim Barry says the CEA study found that electronic represents three of the top five things on its Holiday Gift Wish List this year. Notebook compu

22、ters are at the top, followed by iPads and then e-readers. People use the touch-screen computers to surf the Web, write e-mails, watch movies and read books. Several other companies have come out with their own tablet computers just in time for Christmas. Still, Jim Barry says these devices are faci

23、ng tough competition this year from another Christmas favorite. Another hot category right behind that are the e-readers. Modern technology is changing the way people relate and increasing their expectations for their electronic devices. The Consumer Electronics Association report found that iPad mu

24、sic players are also in high demand this holiday season. So are video game systems and digital cameras. But not all of the things on the Holiday Gift Wish List involve electronics. Clothes, cars and motorcycles also made the list. So did family togetherness and good health. And the one thing that pe

25、ople wanted most? Barry says:“At the top of the list was peace and happiness.”第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.Sir, may I have a seat here?Sorry. These seats are for special guests.A.deservedB.desertedC.reservedD.preserved【答案与解析】C考查动词。句意:先生,我可以坐在这儿吗?非常抱歉

26、。这些座位是留给贵宾的。deserve“值得;配得上”;desert“遗弃”;reserve“保留;储存;贮备”;preserve“保护”。22.We􀆳ve read many books on education, this is suitable for us young teachers, I which B.from which C.of which D.about which【答案与解析】C考查定语从句。句意:我们已经读了很多关于教育的书,我认为其中这本是最适合我们年轻教师的。this和many books是所属关系,因此用of which。2

27、3.Hearing the students came back to school, the headmaster breathed a sigh of . A.relief B.challenge D.panic【答案与解析】A考查名词。句意:听到学生们安全回到了学校,校长如释重负地松了口气。relief “安慰;宽慰”;challenge“挑战”;safety“安全”;panic“惊慌”。24.Two heads are better than one, so surely it would be to get a second opinion. A.sensitive

28、 B.sensible C.confident D.acceptable【答案与解析】B考查形容词。句意:两人智慧胜一人,因此多听取一种意见肯定是明智的。sensitive“敏感的;灵敏的”;sensible“明智的;合理的”;confident“自信的;确信的”;acceptable“可接受的”。25.Before I begin to write the report, I need lots of time to my thoughts thoroughly. A.make out B.figure out C.leave out D.sort out【答案与解析】D考查动词短语。句意:

29、在写报告之前,我需要时间来仔细整理我的思路。make out“理解;分辨出”;figure out“解决;理解”;leave out“遗漏;省去”;sort out“分类;理清思路”。26. in the voluntary work, Mr Smith had no time to think of himself. A.To employ B.Employing C.Employed D.Being employed【答案与解析】C考查非谓语动词。句意:由于他的时间全花在做义工上,所以史密斯先生根本没时间去考虑自己的事情。be employed in doing sth意为“忙于做某事”,

30、此处为形容词性的过去分词作状语表原因。 27.We don􀆳t know why you are so nervous about the issue, it is none of your business. A.after all B.above all all D.first of all【答案与解析】A考查插入语用法。句意:我们不知道你为什么对这件事情那么紧张,毕竟那与你无关。after all“毕竟;终究”;above all“首先;最重要的是”;in all“总共”;first of all“首先”。28.Nowadays, people pay mor

31、e attention to their health, so organic food in the market very sold B.sells C.has sold D.has been sold【答案与解析】B考查时态和语态。句意:现如今,人们非常关注健康,因此超市里的有机食品非常畅销。事物本身所固有的属性,主动形式表被动含义,因此答案为B项。29.As we sped down the highway, the lights of the city before us. A.arose B.aroused C.rose D.raised【答案与解析】A考查动词

32、。句意:我们在公路上疾驰,城市的灯光映入眼帘。arise“出现;发生”;arouse“激发;唤起”;rise“升起”;raise“提出;饲养”。30.I was satisfied with the apartment I rented last month it was kind of small. though B.even though that case【答案与解析】B考查状语从句。句意:我非常满意我上个月租的公寓,尽管那所公寓有点小。as though“好像”;even though“虽然;尽管”;so that“以至于;结果”;in case“假使;免得;以防”。此处用even though表示让步。31.Now I have the highest regard and respect for all of the wonderful people I have worked together happily over the past 10 years.A.with him B.on whom C.with whom D.whom【答

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