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1、英国议会制辩论规则及辩论方法IDEA Four-Team Parliamentary Debate RulesIDEA议会制四队辩论赛规则The rules of IDEA Four-Team Parliamentary Debate are intended to closely follow those of the Worlds Universities Debating Championships (WUDC). They differ in some places to provide tournament directors options of deviating from th

2、e WUDC rules when they need to do so.IDEA议会制四队辩论赛谨遵循世界大专辩论赛(WUDC)的规则。两者略有不同之处,以便比赛主办方根据需要灵活操作。The Teams and MotionsThe teams supporting the motion in the IDEA Four-Team Parliamentary Debate are referred to as the Proposition. The teams arguing against the motion are known as the Opposition teams.A “

3、motion” is the statement around which the debate takes place. The motion divides the ground in the debate between the Proposition and Opposition teams and should allow for reasonable arguments both for and against.Ordinarily, motions are announced shortly before each debate begins. A different motio

4、n will be used for each debate and will be presented to the debaters at a specified time, usually fifteen to thirty minutes prior to the debate. In some situations general topic areas (for example “environment” or “international relations”) or even specific motions themselves may be announced prior

5、to the tournament.参赛队伍及辩题在IDEA议会制四队辩论赛中,支持辩题的队伍为“正方”,反对辩题的队伍为“反方”。“辩题”,即辩论所围绕展开的议题。辩题将辩手分为正反两方,且双方均有合理辩论的余地。通常,辩题于各轮比赛开始前十五或三十分钟公布;每轮辩题均不相同。有时,辩题范围(如“环境问题”,“国际关系”等)甚至辩题本身也会在大赛开始前公布。The motion will be announced to all debaters simultaneously in a central location. Preparation time will be between fif

6、teen and thirty minutes, at the discretion of the tournament director. In general, debaters may confer with their debate partner during preparation time. In some cases, a Tournament Director may allow debaters to confer with their coach or tutor. During this time the debaters may consult any written

7、 materials. The rules of the World Universities Debating Championships permit debaters to access any written material during the debate; other tournaments permit the debaters to access only the notes they made in preparation time. Electronic retrieval devices typically are not allowed during prepara

8、tion, though electronic dictionaries typically are permitted for second-language speakers.辩题将在一个中央地点向所有辩手公布。准备时间为十五至三十分钟,由大赛主办方规定。通常,辩手在准备时间内可以与自己的搭档讨论。某些情况下,主办方也允许辩手与教练或带队老师讨论。此间,辩手可以参阅任何纸质资料。世界大专辩论赛允许辩手在辩论过程中使用任何纸质材料;而其他比赛仅允许辩手在准备时间内使用事前准备好的资料。准备期间,通常可以使用电子词典,但禁止使用其它一切电子设备。The Debate FormatFour te

9、ams participate in each debate: two on the Proposition and two on the Opposition. Each team works independently to either support or oppose the motion. Each team is made up of two speakers; each speaker will present a speech not to exceed 7 minutes in the order prescribed below. 辩论模式每场辩论由四队参加:正方两队,反

10、方两队。各队独立准备。每队两名辩手,每位辩手按如下顺序陈词,不超过7分钟。Summary of the Debate FormatTeamCommon Titles for SpeakerTime1st Proposition, 1st Speaker“Prime Minister”7 minutes1st Opposition, 1st Speaker“Leader of the Opposition”7 minutes1st Proposition, 2nd Speaker“Deputy Prime Minister7 minutes1st Opposition, 2nd Speaker“

11、Deputy Leader of the Opposition”7 minutes2nd Proposition, 1st Speaker“Member for the Government”7 minutes2nd Opposition, 1st Speaker“Member for the Opposition”7 minutes2nd Proposition, 2nd Speaker“Government Whip”7 minutes2nd Opposition, 2nd Speaker“Opposition Whip7 minutes辩论模式简要辩手辩手名称时间正方一队,一辩首相Pri

12、me Minister7 分钟反方一队,一辩反对党领袖Leader of the Opposition7 分钟正方一队,二辩副首相Deputy Prime Minister7 分钟反方一队,二辩反对党副领袖Deputy Leader of the Opposition7 分钟正方二队,一辩内阁成员Member for the Government7 分钟反方二队,一辩反对党成员Member for the Opposition7 分钟正方二队,二辩内阁党鞭陈词Government Whip7 分钟反方二队,二辩反对党党鞭陈词Opposition Whip7 分钟Parliamentary Po

13、ints of InformationDebaters may offer a point of information (either verbally or by rising) at any time after the first minute, and before the last minute, of any speech. The debater holding the floor may accept or refuse points of information. If accepted, the debater making the request has fifteen

14、 seconds present the point of information. During the point of information, the speaking time of the floor debater continues.If accepted, the debater offering the point of information is allowed to ask a question, offer a brief argument, or offer a brief refutation of some point. The debater who acc

15、epted the point of information should respond to the point immediately. No other parliamentary points such as points of order or points of personal privilege are allowed.议会制辩论质询在所有陈词中,除第一分钟及最后一分钟外,辩手都可以口头示意或直接起立提出质询。正在发言的辩手可以接受或拒绝该质询。一旦质询被接受,质询者有15秒的时间陈述自己的意见。质询时间将被计算在陈词时间内。如质询被接受,质询者可以提问、提出一个简要论点或者

16、对某一观点进行简要反驳。正在发言的辩手应该立即对质询作出回应。议会制辩论中只允许质询这一种干预形式。Speaker Roles and Speech PurposesEach speaker has a role and each speech should have a purpose. The descriptions of speaker roles and speech purposes listed below are suggestive and are not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. For reasons that var

17、y from debate to debate, speakers may sometimes need to fulfill roles not mentioned here and speeches may be constructed to serve other purposes as long as proposition speakers affirm the proposition and opposition speakers oppose it. Debaters will be judged on the overall strength of each teams arg

18、uments, not simply on whether or not they fulfilled the roles and responsibilities listed in the table below. All speakers, except the final speakers for the proposition and opposition (Proposition and Opposition Whips), should introduce new material into the debate. All debaters, except the opening

19、 speaker (Prime Minister), should engage in refutation.Summary of Speaker Roles and ResponsibilitiesTeamSpeakerRoles and ResponsibilitiesFirst Proposition“Prime Minister”The primary role of First Proposition team, initiated in this speech, is to establish the foundation for meaningful debate on the

20、motion. The Prime Ministers responsibilities may include some or all of the following: 1) offer a reasonable interpretation of the motion, 2) to present a case supporting that interpretation. A case is simply one or more arguments supporting the First Propositions interpretation of the motion, and3)

21、 other strategies deemed important by the Prime Minister.First Opposition“Leader of the Opposition”The primary roles of the First Opposition team are to confront the First Governments case and to establish the First Oppositions strategy for opposing this case.The Leader of the Oppositions responsibi

22、lities may include some or all of the following: 1) to directly or indirectly refute part or all of the governments case, 2) to make at least one argument that demonstrates why the First Opposition team opposes the motion as interpreted by the Prime Minister, and 3) to pursue other strategies deemed

23、 important by the “Leader of the Opposition.” The opposition speaker may also challenge the interpretation of the governments case if it is unreasonable, that is, if it completely misinterprets the motion the motion or severely inhibits meaningful debate.First Proposition“Deputy Prime Minister”The D

24、eputy Prime Ministers responsibilities may include some or all of the following:1) to reestablish the First Propositions case by confronting any refutation presented by the Leader of the Opposition, 2) to refute some or all of the arguments presented by the Leader of the Opposition. 3) to further de

25、velop the case presented by the Prime Minister, and 4) other strategies deemed important by the Deputy Prime Minister.First OppositionDeputy Leader of the OppositionThe Deputy Leader of the Oppositions responsibilities may include some or all of the following: 1) to continue refutation initiated by

26、the Leader of the Opposition, 2) to reestablish the Leader of Oppositions arguments against the motion, 3) to initiate a new argument against the motion as interpreted by the First Proposition team, and4) to purse other strategies as deemed important by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition.Second Pro

27、position“Member of the Government”The primary roles of the Second Proposition team are to support the First Proposition team while simultaneously moving the proposition position in a new and positive direction. The responsibilities of the Member of the Government may include some or all of the follo

28、wing: 1) to briefly support the case developed by the First Proposition team, 2) to introduce a different argument, sometimes called a “case extension” which is consistent with yet different from the case introduced by the First Proposition team, and 3) to pursue other strategies deemed important by

29、 the Member of the Government. Second Opposition“Member of the Opposition”The primary roles of the Second Opposition team are to support the First Opposition team while simultaneously moving the opposition position in a new and positive direction. The responsibilities of the Member of the Opposition

30、 may include some or all of the following: 1) to briefly support one or more arguments introduced by the First Opposition team, 2) to introduce direct and/or indirect refutation to the case extension presented by the Member of Government, 3) to introduce some new argument, compatible with, but diffe

31、rent from that of the First Opposition Team, and 4) to pursue other strategies deemed important by the Member of Opposition.Second Proposition“Government Whip”The responsibilities of the Government Whip may include some or all of the following: 1) to support any new arguments introduced by the Membe

32、r of Government, 2) to reply to any new arguments introduced by the Member of Opposition, 3) to summarize the debate from the perspective of the Proposition Teams, especially from that of the Second Proposition team, and 4) to pursue other strategies deemed important by the Government Whip. The Government Whip should not i

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