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1、初三词组总汇1. as soon as 一 就 Mary一见到她弟弟就会告诉他这个消息。 Mary will tell her brother this message as soon as he sees him. 我们一到那儿就去爬山了。 We went climbing as soon as we arrived / got / reached there. 2. as + adj./adv.+ as 和一样(的 / 地) not as(so)as 不如 / 不比 . 李雷和吉母跑得一样快。 Li Lei runs as fast as Jim. 约翰和你的年龄不一样大。 John is

2、 not as (so) old as you. 这部电视剧不如那部有趣。(TV series) This TV series is not as (so) interesting as that one. 3. as +adj./adv.+ as possible 尽可能 的 / 地 我们在英语课上应该尽可能地多讲英语。 We should speak English as much as possible in English class. 你能不能尽可能慢一些读这个句子? Can you read the sentence as slowly as possible? 4. ask sb

3、 for sth 向某人要求某物 当你迷路时,你可以向警察需求帮助。 When you get lost, you can ask the police for help. 一些学生经常向父母要钱去玩电子游戏。(video games) Some students often ask their parents for money to play video games. 他向父母要一辆自行车作为生日礼物。 He asked his parents for a bicycle as his birthday present. 5. ask/ tell sb. (how) to do sth 询

4、问 / 告诉 某人如何做某事 许多学生经常问老师如何才能学好英语。 Many students often ask their teachers how to learn English well. 让我来告诉你如何发邮件。 Let me tell you how to send an e-mail. 6. ask / tell /want sb (not) to do sth. 要求(让)/ 告诉 / 想要 某人 做(不做)某事 护士告诉我服用此药需一日三次,饭后服用。 The nurse told me to take this medicine three times a day aft

5、er meals. 老师经常告诉我要更加努力地学习。 The teacher often tells me to study harder. 他让我不要再犯同样的错误。 He asked me not to make the same mistake again. 7. make/ let /have sb. (not) do sth 使 / 让 某人做(不做)某事 他使得孩子哭得很厉害。 He made the child cry loudly. 昨天他使我在影院门口等了很长时间。 He made me wait for long (for a long time) at the gate

6、of the cinema yesterday. 直到我们做完了作业,妈妈才让我们去玩球。 Mother didnt let us play football until we finished our homework. 那个老板迫使工人们每天工作10小时。 That boss made the workers work (for) ten hours a day. 8. be afraid of doing / to do/that 害怕 / 不敢 做某事 这个小女孩不敢晚上出去。 The little girl is afraid to go out in the evening / a

7、t night. 他害怕独自呆在家里。 He is afraid of staying at home alone. 许多人担心他们会失去工作。(be afraid that) Many people are afraid that they will lose their jobs. 9. be busy with sth. / doing sth. 忙于某事 / 做某事 现在学生们忙于准备考试。 Now students are busy preparing for the exams. 昨天下午妈妈都在忙着做家务。(两种) Mother was busy with housework y

8、esterday afternoon. Mother was busy doing housework yesterday afternoon. 10. be famous / late /ready / sorry for sth. 因而著名 / (做)迟到了 / 晚了 / 为准备 / 为 而抱歉 如果你不快点,你就会上班迟到。 If you dont hurry, you will be late for work. 杭州以丝绸而出名。 Hangzhou is famous for silk. 我们已经准备好迎接奥运会了。 We have been ready for the Olympi

9、c Games. 我为我的错误而抱歉。 I am sorry for my mistake. 11. be glad that 很高兴 我很高兴你能来参加晚会。 I am very glad that you can come to the evening party. 老师很高兴我们班得了第一名。 The teacher was very glad that our class was the first / won the first prize. 12. give/ show/ bring/ lend/ send/ pass/ tell / offer sth to sb buy/giv

10、e/ show/ send/ pass/ bring/ lend/ tell sb. sth 给某人某物;给某人看某物;给某人带来某物;借给某人某物;送给某人某物;递给某人某物;把某事告诉给某人;主动给某人某物 请递给我一张纸。 Please pass me a piece of paper. =Please pass a piece of paper to me. 请把你的画给我看看。 Please show me your picture. =Please show your picture to me 他借给我一辆自行车。 He lent me a bike. =He lent a bi

11、ke to me. 别忘了下次来给我带点儿钱。 Dont forget to bring me some money when you come here next time. = Dont forget to bring some money to me when you come here next time. 13. eitheror 或 或, 不是 就是, 要么要么 不是你,就是他是对的。 Either you or he is right. V. 就近原则 每个周末,我们要么去公园,要么呆在家里。 We either go to a park or stay at home ever

12、y weekend. (at/on weekends.) 要了解世界,人们既可以读报纸,也可以看电视。 People can either read newspapers or watch TV to get to know the world. 14. neithernor 既不 也不, 两者都不 我和他都没有读过这本书。 Neither he nor I have ever read this book. V. 就近原则 这个女孩已经十岁了,但她既不会读书,也不会写字。 The girl is already ten, but she can neither read nor write.

13、 15. enjoy/ finish/mind/ keep/ practise/go on doing sth. 享受做之乐;做完某事;介意做某事;一直做某事;练习做某事;继续做 我们应该经常练习讲英语。 We should often practice speaking English. 我奶奶一直坚持早晨锻炼身体已经有十年了。 My grandma has kept doing exercise in the morning for ten years. 16. find /think / feel + it + adj. (for sb.)to do sth. 发现/ 认为/觉得 做某事

14、 如何 越来越多的人发现吃太多汉堡包不利于健康。 More and more people have found it unhealthy to eat too many hamburgers. 很多大学生发现在大学中交友很难。 A lot of students have found it very hard to make friends at college. 17. get + adj. 的比较级 + and + adj. 的比较级 变得越来越 地球变得越来越暖和了。 It gets warmer and warmer on the earth. 春天到了,天气变得越来越热了。 Spr

15、ing is coming and its getting warmer and warmer. 北京变得越来越美丽了。 Beijing is becoming more and more beautiful. 18. The + adj./adv.的比较级, the + adj./adv.的比较级。 越., 就越。 天气越冷,人们穿得就越多。 The colder it is, the more people wear. 我们种的树越多,空气就会越干净。 The more trees we plant, the cleaner the air will be. 英语,我们练习得越多,说得就越好。 The more we practice speaking English, the better we can speak. 你越强健,患感冒的机会就越少。 The stronger you are, the less chance you will catch a cold. 19. It is + 序数词+ adj.

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