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1、研究生复试英语常见问题复试英语常见问题一、自我介绍(sf-intouce) GodoninI am gla toeere fr tis intevie First et menrde myef. My name isZhultian, 5. e from Lianyungang, thety of JingsuProvinceI grautdromtheChangshu nstiute tehnlogy n ne, 01.In the pas twoyar have been ppring or the postgraduat exmnion whieI haveeeorn oideng gr

2、o ndI a a daa anayt. N all my hard work h o arsult inceI have achacet e interviw byo. I a pen-inded, qckin ught a veryon o ecnomicsIm parti,Iavoa iteress ike many oeryoungrs. readigbooks, spciall oseabout economi. In ptiu, urin mycllgeyears,mostf te bs Iverea aecnoicss. I m asnoefan; my fvorit is Ou

3、livn, whileDng Jnui ials reat ino cunty.Iawas belev that one weasly lag beindunes he kps on aning.Ofcourse, f I m gienchancostudy IndstrilEcnomic in tifaou Univesity, I will not vup he thersfrtherhard work.二、面试家常题考研原因 (raosfo my choi) reae several resons. haveben deepl mpssed y the acadeic toph when

4、 I saw the ook abttheitroutn o aousnersy n my oiin, a nof e most fams nversiti ur cunty, it provies peol wih nh ro to ge furterchme. Thisis the ir reason. he scod one is a long ooigesarh nconomy toughou my fe. I suppose tis ihe ost importa fator n mecision. Thrdy, I lernt alo frommy jo duringhe pat

5、twoyears. Hve, I nk frte studystill ugnt for meto ealizesefau Lfe is pios Itis necessay to iz a anc fr ef-deelnt, espeally inhiscetiivemodrn wrld. Ina wo, I am looin foward t kin a soldonatio f uture professiaftehreeyars stdee 2.研究生期间你的计划 (plansithe potgrautesty) irs, I hop I cn orm ystemaic viw of

6、onomcs.As adute stuent, myxess wis so get olet cprehensiono h ormaion and deelopt. If possible,I i goon th y stuy r octote dgre. econd,in the gauat tdet tag, I will ontinet ear econmic nde tgudanceo mytecher, t improve m lt opracticeandaplication in te futre on t ecnom rad.In word, I m loking oward

7、to maing a oli foudation or future profesionaterhree tuy re. 3.介绍你的家乡(abut oeo) Im from nynga ity; he city is loted in he eatern coast ofCia ad loaedinthe orhea of Jansu Province Lianyungang one th firt ath o 4cstalop citiesin Chn. Isone ofheten bigarbr in China, ad is alsoCie crystal twn The Huaguo

8、 Mounain is ltd hee th ounyto the west. Myetonisbauiful nvomet, pleasant climat, gathern f taletsand mden cosl city. Ilovem homtown.4.你的家庭(bout fmily) er rfu embrs inmy famil-m parnts, m youngeboher and me My fther is a techicini company.He ist athome frquently. Somhardwokinmother makes mosof hehous

9、work. Myunge brthr is a studn f Nrtheaste niversity. M paensae ry ndustriou for my faly, so Ialdo omethn t home. I hoptyar hlhy inth fur. will wor hard to make myprens send agd fe n d age.5.你的大学(but universi) I graduted frm ChangshItitute o ology. Itisloaei Suzhou city It nddi 1958 andovrsan ara of

10、neary 2000 acrs.It has god aiit t eahing and esearch ad is targ i toevlopio afamus uersity n addition,Librry has colct of about 1500 ooks an aout 0000 elctonic booksTheunerityhs12hols and prve lge nd has vriu tyes of experimentabe andcnter.Campus has jt put ino ue fewyear ago, o i hasfst-cashrdware

11、aclitis For exap,th net sverfast ithe ampus Inaod, I oe my univst6大学课程 rey knw om mathemticalurriculm. orexample: ahemaical analysi, lnaralgebra, proability theory, mthmatical statitcs ad s on I hav sen oe satitical courses.For eample: statistic, ultvriat sisticalanalysi, tim seris nlyi.Ive learneds

12、omecoursesi conomy.Fo xame: weern comic, mony and aking, inanc an so on.7.参加活动 I attedd thliery cub i e vesit, becauseIwas science andegineerng stuent, it cn imrov my litertue aomplismn. In aditin,I alsopaticipatedn h table tenis clb in ouunivesityso thtI caneeriemy bodyand improeinerpesonl commniat

13、on. I lso in in vunteractiities and pulc welfae activiie, uchas: th a cusmer servce sta, onais. Inard, heseenich myolge lie8评价云大 un Uiversitas funded n 922, ad o ofCinese earlies omprehensiv uiversite. The nivesty has nuer fcolegeand rearch iniutes. In cenea, the niersityas oste severl naona rojcs n

14、ublishdmany ifluentialails.iverty overs an are of 500 aesin toamues The campushas beuiful evronment and gatherg of tlnts, so t s the ideallace too to schol. Isgal tobild Chinsfirst-class an worl fmou hih leelniversiy.考研 isof ll,I hav e deeply impessedbyte acadmic atmospherAnd Ynan Univsityishat lie

15、end Wen gaduated rom Changsh Intitut ofTehnoloy, feel the conent I a laned isa less engh to fitfor the copeence ofociety. tink rther study isstill rgent or e. I inecessary to seize n ce o self-eopmt, eialy nthiscopeiveoder wrld st, thughthe sty inundergrauate,let me know so nowlede of onoics foud ha

16、t Iamver ineesed in ha and feel ery idepiion field o cnomc. So I nt toontinue inpth sudyand rsear Thrfore I choose to go tgrdate school.三、考研英语复试口语常见问题 Whero yucom fro?你来自哪里?m frm nyungan Cit; th iyioatd in teeastrn oaso Chna and lotd i he nrheat of Jings Povin.Liyungang soneh fs batch f 4 coata peni

17、ie inChin. Is one ofthe ebiharbors inCina2. Whatind of landscape surons o hometon?什么样的风景包围你的家乡?My homtow s LianynanCty, ad my homtonis asshre city.tso famousuntainSuch s the mounainof uuo, and alshs teancitSalt River. Tsteoldn sun, te azur sy, the utstretchdocean.This imy avre hometwn. What do yudur

18、i the pr Festival? 你做什么工作春节期间?Most of h i, I just stuied ahome n watcd TV, oeims I wntout ith y parents si my relavesnd talked wttemaboutmy life and tud.4.Tell e sometinaboutthcustoms yourhmeown说说你的家乡风俗的东西。e atach great mporne tosom traditionalfestivs, such s e will goo wrsipancsor in the i Min Fesv

19、l, weshould e tmedice dmping in he ragon Bat Fta and in th id-Auumn Festival we ofenhav to ea thmoon ck.5. Cold youtele oethingabut y fmily?你能告诉我你的家庭吗? Wat scia respsiilies shou a post-graduate tae? 一个什么样的社会责任应该毕业后走?I hinaost-gde shold shoulder mor rsosibiliies thn other citizen, suchas frming a oos

20、chor imagefor oursocety and workng t sful reearh rsl.7. Wch kindof profeordo ou ik es? 哪一种教授你最喜欢?I in the besroessor wod be someonewh sboh godinoality learning and wh can guie menot only i ow to dorerch bu s in wto b anexcllen pope. haoes friesp anto u ndwha ind of eople d you mak friedwh? 友谊是什么意思你和

21、什么人做你的朋友呢?Friendipean a lottoe;is ot ony part o mlife but s an importan part. rends wilalwas enourage me whe I felt ad ive me useful ts. I usally make friends ithpeop hoave e slarhobbies r charctristis wth m9. hat is yourmjor? How do o like yourajr?你是什么专业?你怎么喜欢你的专业?10 Whn and wher d you graue? Whual

22、ifiaions hae yootane?何时,你在哪里毕业的?你有什么资格获得?11What impessdomoswhenu wre a unvesiy? 最深刻印象是什么时,你在大学有?The exeriene ht mimpressed me wa thetimehn I wa it o givea leure on hw tomeoiEglih Ied the classroom, I was so nerv, but after som tm, I bece cl d ave yecture sucesuly. Thatasth firs tim

23、 gave a lesn toa rge amount f peole nd I learned a o and fta sene ofaccmlshment12.What is the est uniersii yu inn? 什么是你认为最好的大学?I tink ever univrsit hsitwn adntge. I think th est universit suniesityn which studn can imrove thmselves moandacquire aarge mon of oled.13. Do o thnkh subjes you r suyintd a

24、rerelevt to preent-dyociet? ?你认为你正在学习的课程与现今社会相关吗?为什么?O course, I knowhatwithe rap deopmenf China,oe and more peopl of ter cotriesbecmeinterese inChese an mre nd moeofuciuInstutear beig estaihed rond he word. My mjorcar tothe neeof rsenda scit nd thats wa I chosethis majo4. t do ou ofora vn? 你是做什么工作的?n the past toyears have beenworkig in Bosien group and I ws a daa aalyst. eagd ite datofelvantwor abt coletin, soring,aalysi. 15What are your job pospects?你的工作前景如何?Mjo propets are ver god, a my ocan ear lo of thin, d can come intocontct

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