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1、高二英语Unit7Livewithdisease知识精讲教案高二英语Unit7Livewithdisease知识精讲教案高二英语 unit 7 live with disease 知识精讲教案一. 本周教学内容unit 7 live with disease二. 教学目标1. master some difficult phrases and sentence patterns.2. subjunctive mood3. practise supporting and chanllenging an opinion三. 教学重点与难点subjunctive mood四. 具体内容backgro

2、und information1. the seven deadly diseases:number 1 is heart disease. one in two persons has this disease now.number 2 is cancer. though there is a lot of research on dealing with cancer, there still be 80 percent of those with cancer will die.number 3 is stoke, mainly referring to cardiovascular d

3、isease. a stroke is the same basic disease as heart disease. with a heart attack it is the blood vessles going to your heart muscles; with a stroke it is the blood vessels going to your brain.number 4 is diabetes. it has increased about 50% in the last decade. it is very diet related.number 5 is ost

4、eoporsis.number 6 is arthritis.number 7 is alzheimers disease.2. aids(1)what is aids?aids stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. it results form infection with a virus called hiv, with stands for human immunodeficiency virus. this virus infects key cells in the human body which are part of

5、the bodys immune system, which fights infections and various is transmitted through blood and other body liquids and spreads through unprotected sex, infected blood transfusions and through birth. medical studies show that the aids virus can not be transmitted via the following routes: c

6、ups, glasses, toilet seats, swimming pool, mosquitoes, other insects.there is no cure for aids now, but medical treatment can slow down the rate at which hiv weakens the immune system. few people survive five years from the time they are diagnosed with aids.five people worldwide die of aids every mi

7、nute of every day. hiv has hit every corner of the globe, infecting more than 42 million men, women and children, 5 million of them last year alone.this disease is spreading fast in areas where there is a lack of proper health care, prevention and education.(2)something about world aids dayif it is

8、the only thing you do for world aids day, wear the red ribbon on 1st december. it is the international symbol of hiv and aids awareness. by wearing it, you are showing your support for over 42 million people across the world who are living with the disease. we must learn to treat them properly and m

9、ake their life more difficult. language points1. infect 传染;感染;传播病菌于be infected with 感染上共8页,当前第1页12345678we are often infected with flu in spring.its dangerous to become infected with bird flu.2. by doing 通过做某事(介词短语作方式状语)she taught herself to play the violin by practising in her spare time.fishermen

10、make a living by fishing.only by working hard will be able to win success.3. get tested 接受检查get married; get injured; get hurt; get drunk; get broken; get engaged to; get burnt; get wet; get sick; get angry; get excited; get caught in the rain; get lost; get wounded; get destroyed; get started; get

11、cold; get old; get warm4. need(1)need 用于肯定句时,属行为动词,后接动词不定式做宾语。(2)need 做情态动词时,多用于否定疑问句中。(3)need / require / want doing 表示被动。(4)need 做名词用。some doctors were sent to the front where medical workers were _.a. in great need ofb. in great needc. needed greatd. in need ofyou will never _ about him.a.need wo

12、rryingb.need to worryc.need to worriedd.neednt worry_ for you have come so early.a.its no needb.there is no necessaryc.there is no is not needwhat _is to make life easier for people with disabilities.a.needs to dob.need doingc.needs dod.needs to be done 5. via (1)by means of by airmail = vi

13、a airmail(2)by way ofill send a message to you via a friend.they went to beijing via zhengzhou. 6. have a knowledge of: understand a. baby has no knowledge of good and evil. 7. explain sth. to sb. ; explain to sb. sth.please explain this problem to me.please explain to me what this means.8. persuade

14、 劝说;说服; 使某人相信persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人做某事persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事how can i persuade you of my sincerity?persuade sb. into / out of doing sth.can you persuade her out of her foolish plan?try to persuade 劝而不服i try to persuade him to adopt my idea, but the didnt li

15、sten to me.9. with : because of ; owing tosilent with shametrembling with fearshaking with coldbe absent with illness10. break downvt. 毁坏:a group of naughty children broke the window down.分解:sugar and starch are broken down in the 出故障;坏了:the machine broke down while we were operating it

16、. 身体出毛病:his mind has broken down from overwork. 11. break a promise 违背诺言break away from 放弃;背离break into 破门而入break off 中断break up 拆散;解散break through 突围;突破 break a record break prison共8页,当前第2页12345678 break the law 12. manage(1)manage + n. 经营;管理manage a firmmanage a school(2)manage to do 设法做成某事(3)与can

17、/ could/ be able 连用, 表示“对付;吃”can you manage another slice of bread?.13. be available for 可利用的;有用的 there are three small boats available for hire. this service is available to all of us. 14. discourage(1)使沮丧dont be discouraged at the news.(2)打消.劝阻her parents tried to discourage her from being her fro

18、ming becoming a singer.15. choose(1)choose from 从.挑选these samples are for you to choose from.(2)choose sb. sth. 为某人挑选某物he chose her a nice present.= he chose a nice present for her.(3)choose sb. +( as / for )+n. 选某人作we choose him as our monitor.(4)choose to do sth. 宁愿/愿意做某事kirby choose to stay at ho

19、me rather than go fishing.(5)choose that从句 决定he choose that we should change our plan.(6)cannot choose but + do 只好he cannot choose but give in.16. diedie away 减弱die down 渐平息die off 先后死去die out 绝种die of 死于17. cheer sb. up 使某人充满欢喜、希望your visit has cheered up the sick man.18. notuntiljack didnt underst

20、and why she was angry with him until her mother told him everthing. 倒装句not until her mother told him everything that jack understood why she was angry with him.强调句19. be free from 摆脱., 没有the sentence is free from free ofthis booklet is free of charge.20. appreciatehe appreciated your gen

21、ius of frank. 欣赏i appreciate your reasons for objecting to the proposal. 理解i appreciate what you have done for me. 感激i appreciate your calling on me. 感激21. on the contrary 相反的you are nothing to do now, i suppose.on the contrary, i have piles of work.22. take chance 利用机会;碰碰运气we will take chance on th

22、e weather and have our party outside.dont take chance by driving too chance 偶然的on the chance of doing sth. 希望能够做某事;指望【典型例题分析】例1 could people become infected _ hiv by swimming in a pool or sitting in a bath?a. withb. of c. intod. to例2 runners for the olympic games have to _ before and after t

23、he race.a. get test b. get testing c. get testedd. get to test例3 our football team will compete against the japanese team this evening. lets go and _ , shall we?a. cheer them up b. join them up共8页,当前第3页12345678c. add them up d. pick them up例4 i would like to book a room for tonight.sorry, sir, but w

24、e dont have any rooms _ at the moment. a. availableb. usablec. suitabled. comfortable 例5 news reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached.a. have broken downb. have broken outc. have broken ind. have broken up例6 generally it is _ bad manners to blow your nose at _ t

25、able or spit(吐痰)in _ public places.a. ; the ; the b. the ; a ; c. ; ; d. the ; ; 例7 the exam was easy , wasnt it?yes, but i dont think _ could pass it.a. somebody b. anybody c. nobody d. everybody例8 would you please give me a hand and carry the bookcase upstairs? _.a. with pleasure b. my pleasure c.

26、 go ahead d. it doesnt matter例9 at present, the chinese government is _ a great many experts who have mastered the rules of the w.t.o.a. calling on b. calling for c. calling at d. calling up例10 in britain today, women _ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work

27、.a. take up b. make up c. pick up d. give up例11 it is said that in australia, there is more land than the government knows _. a. how to do with it b. what to do with c. what to do with it d. how to do with 例12 was it because it rained heavily last night _ you didnt come?a. that b. why c. so d. what例

28、13 you didnt hear me until now? no. i must _ soundly(沉)when you came in. a. have slept b. be sleeping c. sleep d. have been sleeping 例14 youve agreed to go. so why arent you getting ready right now? but i _ that you would like me to start at once.共8页,当前第4页12345678 a. dont realize b. havent realizedc

29、. didnt realize d. hadnt realized例15 the experiment turned out to be a complete failure, _ wasnt _they wanted.a. it ; what b. as ; that c. which ; what d. that ; what例16 when did you go to shanghai? i remember _ there when i was a boy of ten. a. to be taken b. being taken c. to take d. having taken

30、例17 robert is said _ abroad, but i dont know what country he studied have studied b. to be studyingc. to study d. to have been studying例18 i seldom watch tv, but i listen to the radio a lot. _. a. so do i b. neither do i c. the same to me d. so it is with me. 例19 in china, all the students work hard at school _ going to university for higher education in the future. a. in the habit of b. in the hope of c. in search of d. in honour of 例20 havent i told you that the computer wants _? sorry, i forgot _ it fixed. ill send it for repairs right away. a. repairing; to hav

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