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春季13八年级英语培优版下册Unit6 Travel教师版.docx

1、春季13八年级英语培优版下册Unit6 Travel教师版 教师姓名 学生姓名 年 级初二上课时间 学 科英语课题名称Unit6 Travel同步教案 . Important words: 1. _ n.吸引(力),吸引人的事物_ adj.吸引人的,有魅力的_ v.吸引2. _ v.意思是,指的是_ v.打算(跟不定式to do)_ n.含义,意义3. _ v.组织_ n.组织4. _ adj.完全的_ adv.完全的5. _ adj.滑稽可笑的_ n. 乐趣6. _ adv.往国外_ adv./ prep. 在(上)船/飞机/车7. _ adj.令人惊奇的_ adj.感到惊奇的8. _ v.

2、生产的_ n.产品9. _ n.文化_ adj.文化的10. _ adj.有能力的_ n.能力_ v.使能够,有机会11. _ adj.表示程度深远的原级-比较级-最高级_ _ 12. _ adj.表示距离远的原级-比较级-最高级_ _ 【小试牛刀】. Complete the sentences with proper words according to the given meanings. The first letters are given.(根据英语解释填入所缺单词完成句子,首字母已给出)(错误率: 掌握情况: )1. The French Film Festival is we

3、ll-known t_ (in every part of) the world.2. Its one of the most popular d_ (places that someone is going to) in Germany.3. Hundreds of years ago, the kings and queens used to live in the c_ (big and strong buildings).4. She thought of an e_ (very good) idea at once.5. Its reported that there will be

4、 a typhoon in the seaside r_ (a large area within a country).6. Beijing is the c_ (the most important city where the government is in) of China. . Choose the right word or phrase to complete the following sentences(选择最恰当的单词)(错误率: 掌握情况: )1. Tom is_ (A. similar, B. familiar) to his twin brother.2. You

5、d better go_ (A. abroad, B. aboard) the plane to fly to France. Its faster.3. Please_ (A. take, B. bring) my bag here as soon as possible.4. Police will make_ (A. further, B. farther) investigation about the traffic accident.5. (A. In addition, B. Such as)_ , many adults are also interested in the f

6、ilm “Xmen”.6. Wed better have no rest and go on_ (A. to work, B. working), or we cant finish the task today.7. The left_ (A. bank, B. coast) of The Seine is the centre of artistic and student life. Important phrases: the channel tunnel海峡隧道now that既然think about going abroad for the summer holidays考虑暑

7、假出国旅游go aboard上车/船/飞机spread ones wings远行spread on the bread 抹在面包上world-famous landmarks驰名世界的地标wide tree-lined streets绿树成荫的宽阔街道in about three hours 用大约三个小时the centre of France法国中部agricultural region农业区one of the scenic areas 风景最美的地方之一in some ways在某些方面the influence of France法国的影响further ones study 深造l

8、eaders in art and culture文化和艺术的先锋go on to visit Britain继而前往英国other popular French products其他受欢迎的法国特产. Important sentences: 1. Now that winter is behind us, many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays. 【记忆链接】now that =since, 引导原因状语从句。Now that you have already known it

9、, I will say no more. 既然你已经知道了,那我就不多说了。【辨析】abroad与aboard的区别 go abroad出国 go aboard上车,上船,上飞机2. A lot of young students from different countries go to France to further their studies. 【记忆链接】further ones study深造,further education进修, 深造。I plan to further my study after graduation. 毕业后我打算去美国深造。3. go on to

10、 do sth. 继续去做(另一件事)【记忆链接】After he finished his homework, he went on to read China Daily. 他完成作业后,接着读英文版中国日报。【对比】 go on doing something继续做某事(与原来相同的事)He relaxed for a while and went on writing the report.(注意:继续做同一件事)他休息了一下后继续写报告。4. It is + adj. +for sb. + to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是的【记忆链接】It is +adj. + of sb.

11、 + to do sth. 某人实在是太来adj.修饰人用of,修饰物用forIt is important for us to protect the environment.It is kind of you to help me.5. in some ways 在某些方面【记忆链接】in some (many) ways在一些(许多)方面 by the way顺便问一下 on the way在路上 in the way 挡道,妨碍人的. 考纲词汇梳理:1.The pilot had enough experience to deal with danger when the plane

12、was out of control and finally he succeeded in landing on the ground safely. 那位经验丰富的飞行员在飞机失控时处理了危险,最后安全降落。 【拓展1】experience cn.经历 un.经验experienced adj.经验丰富的 inexperienced adj.缺乏经验的【拓展2】what to do with .= how to deal with. 如何处理【拓展3】be out of control 失控 be in the control of . 在.的控制下【拓展4】succeed in doin

13、g sth. = be successful in doing sth. = mange to do sth. = be able to do sth.成功做某事2.Every summer holiday, a lot of male students and some female ones pretend not to notice the rule on the board that the teenagers under the age of 18 mustnt enter the Internet bar and spend amounts of time in it. 每个暑假,

14、许多男女学生会假装看不到板上有关十八岁一下青少年禁止去网吧,也不能上网太久的规定。【拓展1】pretend v.假装 pretend (not) to do sth. 假装(不)做某事【拓展2】teenagers under the age of 18 年龄用介词under/ overkids below 130 cm 身高用介词below/ above【拓展3】enter sp.= go/ walk into sp. 进入某地enter 不与into连用3.It is a precious memory that when he was still a Young Pioneer from

15、the primary school, he went to the estate to sweep the floor, pick up the litter and water the plants every March the fifth. 这是一段珍贵的记忆,当他是个小学少先队员时,没到三月五日他就去别人家拖地板、捡垃圾、浇花。 【拓展1】be in memory of 为了纪念 have a good memory of 对.有一个好的记忆力common knowledge 常识 have a good knowledge of 对.掌握很多be in favor of 支持 do

16、 sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙have pity on 同情. What a pity! 多遗憾【拓展2】sweep v./n. 打扫,清理 sweep-swept-sweptsweep up 清扫 sweep away 扫除【拓展3】pick up 捡起;接送=collect from【拓展4】water n. 水 v.浇水 water-watered-watered milk n.牛奶 v.挤奶. Choose the best answer. (单项选择)(错误率: 掌握情况: )1. Which of the following words matches the sound

17、/ka:sl/?A. class B. cupboard C. castle D. concert2. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with the others?A. I would like some wider ideas. These are too narrow.B. They became soul mates.C. She gave up the idea of going abroad.D. Empty boxes float easily.3. Daisy is _

18、 11-year-old girl. She has _ uncle in Shanghai.A. B. an.a C. a D. a.a4. Movie music can be unforgettable because it is repeated _ the film.A. across B. around C. throughout D. through5. This photo reminds me _ my school life.A. of B. in C. from D. for6. Youd better _ the map carefully before y

19、ou go to the Pudong Shangri-la Hotel. A. read B. see C. notice D. watch7. Action movie is my favorite, _ I dont think the movie is boring. I think its exciting.A. and B. because C. but D. so8. France, like China, _ many kinds of famous delicious food.A. have B. has C. is D. are9. Why not _ to bed ea

20、rly? Its a good habit to develop your memory.A. to go B. going C. gone D. go10. Dr. Richmond _ several results of the new experiment recently. Most of us are surprised at the results.A. announces B. will announce C. has announced D. had announced11. In a few years time, these hills _ with trees.A. c

21、over B. will cover C. will be cover D. will be covered12. The goal-keeper acted _ to catch the ball.A. enough quickly B. so quickly C. quickly enough D. such quickly13. Ill never forget the days _ I spent in the countryside.A. when B. that C. on which D. where14. Our life is influenced by the advert

22、isements _ .A. on the way B. in many ways C. under the way D. by the way15. With the help of TV programmes, many of the worlds top designers names _ us.A. are familiar to B. are familiar with C. are similar to D. are similar with16. People grow crops in the center of France. _, they grow wheat and s

23、unflowersA. Such as B. Just like C. Firstly D. For example17. My family are discussing _ in holiday this year.A. what things we would do B. where would we like to goC. what things we would like to do D. where we would go18. I have no idea _ .A. when does the plane fly B. when the boarding gate will

24、be open C. when the plane would fly D. when will the boarding gate open w19. - May I park my car here? - _. Theres too much traffic here.A. Of course! B. Yes, please.C. What a pity! D. Youd better not.20. - Hi, may I get some information about this tour route? - _ . A. Sure, here is the tour guide b

25、rochure. B. Are you kidding?C. Ill call you to make a reservation.D. That sounds good. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)(错误率: 掌握情况: )1. All staff must dress _ (them) properly in the office.2. Are you _ (amaze) at the news?3. The _ (France) are very proud o

26、f their fashion culture.4. You can enjoy the _ (attraction) view from the top of Jinmao Mansion.5. Eleven _ (Germany) girls formed a football team and won the woman football game last summer holiday.6. Whenever Mike drives out, his parents always remind him “ _ (safe) first”.7. The pair of glasses _

27、 (able) me to see everything clearly. 8. Bali Island has beautiful beaches, so it attracts lots of _ (tour) from all over the world. . Rewrite the sentence as required. (按要求改写句子)(错误率: 掌握情况: )1. She wore sunglasses to protect herself from the sunlight.(改为一般疑间句)_ she_ sunglasses to protect herself fro

28、m the sunlight?2. Lets start to communicate with each other in English from now on.(改为反义疑问句)Let start to communicate with each other in English from now on, _ _ ?3. The coach will take you through the most scenic parts of Africa.(对画线部分提问)_ _ of Africa wil the coach take me to visit?4. These students couldnt have a discussion because they were in a public library. (对画线部分提问)_ _ these students have a discussion? 5. The book makes every student able to develop morally and intellectually. (保持句意基本不变)The book_ every student _ develop morally and intel

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