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5Cognos Report Studio 练习.docx

1、5Cognos Report Studio 练习0Demo 6-1: Create a Complex Report 演示-:建立一个复杂报表Purpose:We have been asked by the Vice President of Sales to provide a report showing the quantity sold, revenue and gross profit on all products and related ordering information. 目的:销售副总要求我们提供一个报表显示所有产品的销售数量、收入和毛利以及相关的定购信息。To do

2、 this, we will include a list, chart, and crosstab in the same report each reporting on a different measure. 为此,我们将在同一个报表中引用一个列表、图表和交叉表,对不同的度量进行报告。We will also add a header to the report to explain its content. 我们将给报表添加一个表头解释其内容。“Samples”-“Model”-“GO 销售(查询)”0Task 1. 任务1.Add items to a list report. 将

3、对象添加到列表型报表。Create a new Blank report. 创建一个新的Blank报表。In the Insertable Objects pane, click the Toolbox tab, and then drag and drop a Table onto the work area. 在Insertable Objects(可插入对象)窗格中点击Toolbox标签页,然后将一个Table(表格)拖放到工作区。Leave the number of columns and rows as 2 and 1 respectively, and click OK. 让列数

4、和行数分别为2和1,点击OK。一个有左右两个单元格的表格出现在工作区顶部。Drag and drop a List into the left cell of the table. 将一个List(列表)拖到表格的左边单元格。出现Create - List对话框。Under Based on, with New query selected, type List to name the query, and then click OK. 在Based on区域中的New Query处输入List,对查询进行命名,然后点击OK。结果显示如下:Notice that the list does n

5、ot take up the entire left table cell. 注意该列表并不会占用整个左边的表格单元格。The space to the right of the list is still part of the left table cell. 列表右边的空间仍然是左边表格单元格的一部分。The right table cell is the thin cell on the far right. 右边的表格单元格是最右边的窄单元格。Drag and drop a Chart into the right cell of the table. 将一个Chart(图表)(柱状

6、图)拖放到表格的右边单元格。Name the new query Chart, and then click OK. 把这个新查询命名为Chart,然后点击OK。In the Insert Chart dialog box, accept the default setting of a column chart, and then click OK. 在弹出的Insert Chart对话框中接受柱状图的默认设置,然后点击OK。Drag and drop a Crosstab to the right of the table to place it below the table. 拖放一个

7、Crosstab(交叉表)到表格最右端,这实际是要将图表放在表格下面。Name the new query Crosstab, and then click OK. 对新的查询Crosstab进行重命名。The results appear as follows: 结果显示如下:We can now add query items to each of the report objects. 我们现在可以给每个报表对象添加查询对象。Task 2. 任务2。Add Items to the report objects. 将对象添加到报表对象。In the Insertable Objects

8、pane, click the Model tab, expand Orders, and then drag and drop Order number onto the first column of the list when a flashing black bar appears as shown below: 在Insertable Objects窗格中点击Model标签页,展开-,然后拖放产品系列到列表的第一个列,出现一个闪动的黑色条:Double-click Order date to add it to the list. 双击- 产品类型将其添加到列表。Expand Pro

9、ducts, double-click Product name, and under Orders double-click Quantity to add them to the list. 在下双击数量,将它们添加到列表中。On the Chart, drag and drop Revenue onto Measures, Product Line onto Categories, and Order method onto Series. 在Chart上,将下的收入拖放到Measures区,将下的产品系列拖放到Categories区,将下的订购方法拖放到Series区。On the C

10、rosstab, drag and drop Product type onto rows, Order method onto Columns, and Gross profit onto Measures. 在Crosstab上,将下的产品类型拖放到行,下的订购方法拖放到列,将下的毛利润拖放到Measures区。Run the report. 运行报表。Report Viewer中出现一个大的报表,列表的右边显示图表,底部显示交叉表。We will now add a header to provide users with information about the report. 我们

11、将添加一个表头,给用户提供报表信息。Task 3. 任务3。Add a header to the report. 给报表增加一个页头Click Close, and then on the toolbar click Page Header & Footer . 在工具栏点击Page Header & Footer 。In the Page Header & Footer dialog box, click the check box beside Header, and then click OK. 在弹出的Page Header & Footer对话框中点击Header旁的复选框,然后点

12、击OK。一个空页头出现在工作区顶端,下面以红色点线作为强调。From the Toolbox tab of the Insertable Objects pane, drag and drop a Block into the header. 在Insertable Objects窗格的Toolbox标签页上,将一个Block(块)拖放到页头。结果显示如下:Drag and drop another Block into the header, to the right of the first block, when a thin black line appears to the righ

13、t of the first block. 将另一个Block拖放到页头,放在第一个block的右边,这时一个窄的黑色线条出现在第一个Block的右边。鼠标松手后第二个Block排列在了第一个Block的下面。结果如下:Drag and drop a Text Item onto the top header block. 将一个Text Item(文本项目)拖放到顶部的header block。In the Text dialog box, type Product Report, and then click OK. 在Text对话框中输入Product Report,然后点击OK。Rep

14、eat steps 5 and 6 to add a text item to the bottom block reading, Product Orders by Quantity, Revenue, and Gross Profit. 重复第5和第6步,再把另一个Text Item加到下面的block,输入文本为 Product Orders by Quantity, Revenue, and Gross Profit。表头的层次结构为:页头(Page Header) Block 文本项(Text Item)Task 4. 任务4.Apply style to the header. 给

15、表头应用样式。Click Product Report in the header, and then on the toolbar click Font. 点击页头中的Product Report,然后在工具栏上点击Font。确保仅选择文本对象而不是整个block。In the Font dialog box, click Arial Black and 20pt, and then set the Foreground color to Red. 在“属性”的Font对话框中点击Arial Black和20pt,然后将Foreground color设置为Red。Click Apply t

16、o see the new font settings, and then click OK. 点击Apply查看新的字体设置,然后点击OK。在工具栏上点击Container Alignment,然后点击 Align Top Center . 在工具栏上点击 “居中”,使标题居中显示 Format the text item in the bottom block to be Arial, 14pt, and italics, with a Foreground color of Red. 将第二个block中的文本对象格式化为Arial、14pt和Italic, Foreground col

17、or为Red。Align the text item in the bottom block to be Align Top Center. 使用 “居中”对第二个block中的文本对象进行排列。Run the report. 运行报表。页头出现在报表的上中部。Click Close, and then save the report as Demo 6-1. 点击Close,然后保存报表为“演示 6-1”。Leave Report Studio open for the next demo. 保持Report Studio处于打开状态用于下一个演示。Results: 结果:We create

18、d a report containing three different report objects. 我们创建了一个含有三种不同报表对象的报表。Each type reports on different measures relating to product orders. 每种类型都对与产品订单相关的不同度量进行报告。We then added a header to explain to users what this report contains, and applied style to it to add emphasis. 然后我们添加了一个表头向用户解释报表包含的内容

19、,还给其应用了样式。Workshop 6-1: Custom Design a Prompt Page 练习- 1:定制设计一个提示页。The Vice President of Sales wants to analyze sales representative performance for different countries, over different time frames, and for varying levels of sales revenue. 销售副总希望对各种销售收入级别、不同国家在不同时期的销售代表绩效状况进行分析。Rather than creating

20、new filters for each request, you will create a prompt page for the Sales Representative Performance Report that will include filters for Order date, Country, Revenue less than, and Revenue greater than a certain amount. 我们将给Sales Representative Performance Report创建一个提示页,其中包括Order date、Country、Reven

21、ue小于和Revenue大于某个数值的过滤。The Order date prompt will be mandatory, but the other prompts will be optional. Order date提示是强制的,但是其它提示则是可选的。To accomplish this: 要完成这个工作:0创建一个列表,包含-的日期创建0创建报表;-0的零售商国家/地区、零售商城市和零售商名称;- 的收入。将日期从列表中剪切,注意不是删除。0Build a Prompt page and add a 2 column, 2 row table to it. 创建一个Prompt页

22、面并给其添加一个2行2列的表格。(在页面资源管理器中插入一个页面)Add a Date Prompt to the top left table cell using the Order date query item and an in_range operator. 使用日期查询项和一个 in_range 运算符给左上表格单元格添加一个Date Prompt。 Add a Value Prompt to the top right table cell using the Country query item from the Sales branch address subject qu

23、ery and an in operator. 使用来自查询主题的国家/地区查询项和一个 in 运算符给右上的表格单元格添加一个Value Prompt。 Add a Text Item to the bottom left table cell to serve as a header reading Revenue Less Than. 给左下的表格单元格添加一个Text Item,作为Revenue Less Than表头。Add a Text Box Prompt after the Text Item using the Revenue query item and the less

24、 than () operator. 使用收入查询项和小于( )运算符在Text Item后添加一个Text Box Prompt。Add a Text Item to the bottom right table cell to serve as a header reading Revenue Greater Than. 给右下表格单元格添加一个Text Item,作为Revenue Greater Than表头。Add a Text Box Prompt after the Text Item using the Revenue query item and the greater th

25、an () operator. 使用收入查询项和大于( )运算符在Text Item后添加一个Text Box Prompt。Return to Page 1 of the report and set the Revenue filters to filter after aggregation. 返回报表的Page 1并设置收入过滤在汇总后进行过滤。 Run the report and test the prompt page to view data for 2002, for Canada, Mexico, and the United States for revenue grea

26、ter than $1,000,000. 运行报表并测试提示页,查看2005年中国的收入大于$2,000,000的数据。 Save the report as Wkshp 6-1. 将报表保存为练习 6-1。For more detailed information outlined as tasks, see the Task Table on the next page. 更多细节信息,参见下一页的任务表。For the final query results, see the Workshop Results section that follows the Task Table. 最后

27、的查询结果,请参见任务表后的练习结果部分。Workshop 6-1: Task Table 练习- 1:任务表Task 任务Where to Work 任务完成地点Hints 提示Open Wkshp 4-2b and delete all filters. 新建报表,添加对象。 0Toolbar Tabular filters: Order date, and Revenue -的日期创建0创建报表;-0的零售商国家/地区、零售商城市和零售商名称;- 的收入Add an Order date prompt. 添加一个日期提示。ToolbarBuild Prompt Page ToolbarBuild Prompt PageInsertable Objects paneToolboxDate Prompt Insertable Objects paneToolboxDate PromptParameter name: Date_Range 参数名称:Date_RangeItem: OrdersOrder date 对象:日期Operator: in_range 运算符:in_rangeAdd a Country prompt. 添加一个国家/地区提示。Insertabl

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