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Unit9Myfavoritesubjectisscience教案 1.docx

1、Unit9Myfavoritesubjectisscience教案 1Unit 9 My favorite subject is science教案-学情分析:本单元是人教版新目标英语七年级上册第九单元,也是最后一个单元。主要围绕“School subjects”这个话题展开讨论,并懂得询问和回答最喜欢的学科和喜欢的原因,以及星期的表达。学生学过了八个单元的新目标英语,对整个课程的教学模式有了一定的了解,具备一定的听、说、读、写的基础。对于特殊疑问句的句型和相关的形容词及日期的表达已经有所接触,为本单元的学科和星期的表达打下了基础。通过本单元的进一步学习,使学生能够更加熟练地运用目标语言进行交

2、际活动。教材分析:Unit 9 以“School subject”为话题,选材于学生的日常生活,十分符合学生实际。七年级的学生开始学习各种科目:语文、数学、英语、生物、历史、地理、美术、音乐等。学习生活有了紧凑的安排,每天的课程都排得满满的。他们也一定会有自己喜欢的科目,有自己的学习计划。通过讨论学习,能够提高他们的学习兴趣,进行合理的学习安排。Section A 主要通过听、说和讨论的活动让学生了解怎样用英语询问和回答最喜欢的学科和喜欢的原因,以及这些学科的课任老师。并学会用fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing等形容词来表达自己喜欢某个学

3、科的原因。学会新词汇和用特殊疑问句Whats your favorite subject. Why do you like.? Who is your .teacher? 等句型来进行口语交际。Section B 讨论课程表的安排,星期几,几点上什么课等。学生学会星期的表达并结合学科的表达进一步提高口语交际能力,并过渡到阅读理解和书面表达,培养其阅读和写作的能力。并把英语运用到日常邮件写作和表达,培养学生在实际生活中运用英语表达的能力。单元教学安排:1. 本单元分为5个课时,每个课时为45分钟。课时 教学内容 课型第一课时 P49-50 1a-2d 听说输入课第二课时 P51 3a-3c 综合

4、应用课第三课时 P52-53 Section B 1a-2a 听力课第四课时 P53 2b-2c 阅读课第五课时 P54 3b-3c+self-check 写作课2. 总体设计思路:整个单元的教学我们是围绕着学科和星期的表达为主线的,Section A 是有关学科的表达,询问和回答最喜欢的学科和喜欢的原因。Section B是有关星期的表达。在课时的安排上我们基本按照了教材的编排思路和顺序,并在课时安排的过程中做了一些调整。主要是在最后一节写作课中,我们把self-check 作为写作课上对前面内容的复习作为导入,并开始写前活动。单元目标:(一)语言知识目标1. 词汇:favorite, su

5、bject, science, P.E. Music, math, Chinese, geography, history, why, because, Monday, Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, for sure, free, cool, A.M. P.M., useful, from,, Mrs., finish, lesson, hour.2. 句型:Whats your favorite subject?Why do you like.?Who is your.teacher?When is the cl

6、ass? It is on.(二)能力目标:1. 掌握特殊疑问句的句型特点。2. 学会用特殊疑问句提问和回答。(三)情感目标:让学生讨论自己最喜欢的学科,培养他们对学习的兴趣,感受学习的成就感。谈论课程表的安排,让学生能够对自己的学习生活有个合理的规划,养成良好的学习习惯。(四)学习策略:1. 自学策略:调动已有的知识,根据情境推测所表达的意思,能自己总结归纳学过的知识。2. 合作学习策略:能参与对最喜欢的学科及其原因,学科的课任老师的讨论,表达自己的观点,学会与他人合作学习。第一节分析:本课时unit 9 的第一课时,在本单元的教学中起导入作用。起教学目标是让学生掌握并学会运用学科的表达方式

7、 并且学会运用有what 引导的特殊疑问句。本课时主要以听说为主进行教学,为本单元接下来的语言学习和运用打基础。课型:听说输入时间:45分钟教学目标:1. 认知目标(1) key vocabularyMath, science, P.E, history,geography, art, music, computer(2) key structureWhat is your favorite subject?My favorite subject is Why do you like?Because it is2.能力目标(1) communicative function: to ask q

8、uestions and talk something about subjects(2) language skills: listening and oral skills(3) learning strategies: cooperative learning, apperceive, experience3.情感目标Tell the students to learn their subjects well and love their teachers教学方法:task-based language teaching method, situational and communica

9、tive approach, video-audio method ,cooperation.教学过程:Teaching steps Name of the task Teachers activities Students activitiesStep 1Lead in Guessing and expressing Lead in with an interesting question: what is your favorite fruit? Show a picture in pptAnd then show the new unit: my favorite subject is

10、science. Students listen to the teachers question and answer the question.Purpose 通过一个有趣的问题引起学生的兴趣,同时可以帮助学生复习过去学过的句型:my favorite fruit is 很自然地引出今天的学习课题。Step2Language points teachingVocabularySentence structurePair workRole-playing The teacher raise a question again: how many subjects do you have at

11、school? And then show some word about subjects in ppt. there are Chinese, math, science, music, art, and so on.Play a game. Show some pictures in ppt and ask students to guess what subject it is.And then ask students to finish the excise 1a.Show the main sentence structure in ppt : what is your favo

12、rite subject?My favorite subject is.Why do you like ?Because it is Listen and match the subjects with the descriptions. 2bTeacher picks up a student to read the conversation with her in 1c. and then ask student to read the conversation with their partner.Ask students to make a new conversation.Ask s

13、tudents to read the conversation with their partner. Students pay attention to the teachers question and answer the question.Students look at the ppt and guess.Students finish the excise 1a.Students listen to the tape and finish the excise.Students read the conversation with their partner.Students m

14、ake new conversations.Read the conversation with their partner.Purpose 通过师生的猜科目单词来活跃课堂气氛,同时又让同学们轻易地学会这节课的单词。然后再通过练习对话让同学熟悉今天课题的句型,有助于锻炼学生的英语表达和运用能力。Step 3 Play a game Show some famous peoples picture and their favorite subject in ppt and ask students to keep them in mind.And then ask what those famo

15、us peoples favorite subjects are. Students look at the ppt and keep them in mind.Students answer the questions.Step 4Fill in the blanksAsk students to finish the excise in pptStudents fill the blanks in ppt.Translation exercise Show some useful related sentence structure in ppt.When do you have + su

16、bject?I have + subject on Ask students to translate the sentences in ppt into English. Students pay attention to the ppt.Students finish the translation exercise.Purpose 通过利用有些明星的照片以及他们喜欢的科目来引起学生的兴趣以及加深学生对单词和句型的理解与运用。 再通过填空练习和翻译练习来巩固学生的知识。Step 4Homework 1. 制作一个班级的英文课程表上交。2. 完成练习册的unit9的section A 部分。

17、Purpose 帮助学生复习单词和检测学生对本节课的掌握程度。1板书设计language goals: different name of different subjectssentence partners:What is your favorite subject?Why do you like ?Because it is 课后反思: 第二节本节与上一节相关性分析:在第一节课学生已经对各种学科的表达和形容学科的形容词有所了解,也接触了相关询问和回答最喜欢学科以及课任老师的表达方式,本节课继续就学科的表达等知识进行回顾,并在此基础上拓展特殊疑问句的句型用法,让学生学会运用特殊疑问句的句型

18、进行提问和回答。并通过调查的方式让学生互相了解各自最喜欢的学科和原因,并做成小报告,让学生学会在真实情景下使用目标语言,提高语言交流能力。课型:综合应用课时间:45分钟教学目标:复习学科的表达和询问和回答最喜欢的学科及喜欢的原因,拓展运用特殊疑问句的句型。并在真实背景下练习句型。情感目标:通过互相了解同学之间最喜欢的学科,增进同学之间的感情。教学策略:Communicative approach, task-based language teaching method, cooperation .教学过程:Teaching steps Name of activity/task Teacher

19、s activities Students activitiesStep1 Revision Warming upAsk and AnswerAsk some of the students whats their favorite subject and why do they like the subject. The student being asked should use the sentence pattern: My favorite subject is.; Because it is. Then the student being asked should ask othe

20、r students what are their favorite subjects? And use the sentence pattern: whats (his, her, Bobs.) favorite subject?; Why does Bob like.? When is your.class? Whos your.teacher? And answer like: His/her favorite subject is.Purpose 帮助学生回顾已经学过的学科表达,拓展运用特殊疑问句句型。Step2 Grammar focus Explaining Guide stude

21、nts to understand how to use what, who, why, and when to ask questions and how to answer the question including what, why, how, and when. Listen carefully and answer the teachers question.Purpose 通过解释特殊疑问句的提问和回答,让学生做下一步的活动做好准备。Step3 Guessing game Game playing Show some pictures of the students in th

22、e class and ask other students to guess their favorite subjects. And use what, why, who, and when to ask and answer questions. Guess the favorite subjects of the students in the pictures. Ask and answer questions.Purpose 通过游戏引起学生兴趣,并在实际口语交际中应用特殊疑问句的句型。Step4 Practice Pair work Ask students to make di

23、alogue with their partner use the sentence pattern: Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is.Why do you like.? Because it is. Who is your.teacher? My.teacher is. When is your.class? It is on. Discuss and make dialogue with their partner and show thir dialogue to the class.Purpose 通过对话练习让学

24、生学会运用特殊疑问句提问和回答问题。Step5 The usage of the language points Fill in the blanks Guide students to do the exercise in 3a and 3b, and then check the answers. Do the exercise carefully and exchange their answers with their partner to make sure the answers are correct.Purpose 巩固语法知识,通过练习让学生掌握特殊疑问句的句型特点和运用。S

25、tep6 Interview and report Guide the students to do the interview in 3c. The students are divided into several groups. Then give the survey to the students to discuss and show an example for them how to fill out the survey and do a report. Whats more, they should find out the one who has the same fav

26、orite subject. Students are required to do the survey in their groupName Favorite subject Reason Teacherand then the group leader should make a report in front of the class. Find out those who has the same favorite subject.Purpose 让学生在掌握了目标语法知识的基础上进一步把重要语法和句型应用到真实情景中,实现语法知识与交际活动的结合运用。SummaryReview t

27、he sentence patternsWhats your favorite subject?Why do you like.?.HomeworkReview what we have learned this class.Do the after-class exercise on Grammar.板书设计Unit 9 My favorite subject is science?Whats your favorite subject? My favorite subject is.Why do you like. Because it is.Who is your.teacher? My

28、.teacher is.When is your.class? It is on.课后反思:。第三节本节与上一节的相关系分析:本课时是这个单元的第三个课时,学生在前面的课时里已经学习了许多关于学科的名词以及描述对某一学科的情感态度。本课时主要是通过听力理解来让学生进一步巩固这部分基础知识,在具体语境中锻炼听力理解能力。听完本节材料后,学生还将与同伴进行讨论,谈谈自己最喜欢的学科,这是学生情感态度与价值观的培养,还可以帮助学生发现自己最喜欢和最擅长的学科,引导其进一步学习。课型:听力课型 (Listening Comprehension)时间:45分钟教学目标:At the end of the

29、 lesson, students can be able to:1. Be more familiar with expressions of describing attitudes: boring, difficult, busy, interesting, fun, cool, easy, free etc.2. Describe their favorite subjects to their partners.3. Discover what they like most and tell the reasons.教学重点:1. While listening, students

30、can circle some key words which are required to be mastered.Students can be brave and confident enough to express their favor in a certain subject.教学难点:1. Students should know what a schedule means.2. Students should learn to understand what a schedule involves and how to make it clear.教学方法:Task-bas

31、ed teaching method教学步骤:Steps Name of activity/task Teachers activities Students activitiesStep1:Warming-up and revision Ask and say 1. What day is it today?2. Whats your favourite subject and why? Answer the questions individually.1. Today is Monday.2. My favourite subject is English because its interesting.Purpose本活动主要是帮助学生复习一周每天以及各个学科的英语表达和why 问句的意义。Step 2: Pre-listening 1. Assign the task of doing the exercises in 1a.2. Play the recordings and instruct students about what they are going to do. 1. Finish the exercises in 1a.2. Listen to t

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