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1、专题六英语短文改错专题 高三英语(人教版)第二轮专题辅导讲座专题六:英语短文改错专题【命题趋向】短文改错是一项主要测试考生的判断能力,观察能力、纠错能力语言基础知识及语言的综合运用能力。短文改错的趋势:1改错短文以以记叙文和说明文为主 。2文章内容贴近学生生活,没有生僻词汇和复杂的结构,文章简单易懂,错误设置也很简单,多为学生平常作文中常出现的错误。3短文一般100词左右,错误有9处。4 常见错有三种 ;错词;多词; 缺词;错词占60%左右【考点透视】一错词的热点1 动词时态 语态 非谓语 ;主谓关系2 联系词关系代词和关系副词;连词;连接词3 名词可数名词 、不可数名词,可数名字的单复数变化

2、。4 介词介词和动词的搭配错误5 形容词/副词词类错用6 冠词定冠词和不定冠词的错用7 代词人称代词;物主代词;反身代词8 惯用法固定句型,固定短语。二多词和缺词热点 1. 冠词2.介词3.副词4.代词5.关联词6.小品词 to【例题解析】一 错词1.动词错误:(1) 时态和语态、主谓一致的错误。【1】整体时态: *We had guests last night who have not stayed in a B& B hotel before . 定语从句的时态在主句之前发生,故have改为had。*High over the water ,they discover a hole in

3、 the balloon .The hole became bigger and bigger.全篇使用过去时态,故改discover- -discovered【3】主谓一致*Having fun with their friends make them happy .动名词短语做主语,谓语动词用单数形式makes。*But the most wonderful thing about jack were his musical ability。主语为the most wonderful thing 故此,系词为was*But not all information are good to s

4、ociety .主语不可数,所以动词用is。(2.)动词错误:*In American big cities ,thousands sell tickets to watch football or basketball games .(buy)根据句子意思,数千人买票去看比赛。故sell改为 buy。(3)非谓语动词【1】动名词错误*I am looking forward to see all of you again in the near future.(seeing)解析:to 为介词,故此see改为seeing* Not only it makes us grow up tall

5、and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit .解析:主语应为动名词,故Play football改为Playing football【2】现在分词*The air keeps the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down .解析:分词做定语,故keeps 改为keeping*I found a small house standing in a field with a light shone from the sit

6、ting room.解析:with a light shone 改为with a light shining。a light和shining为主动关系。【3】不定式*I just want to thank you for helping me becoming a different person.(become)解析:help sb do sth 故改becoming为 become *He did not want share things with others .解析:want to share sth . want后可跟不定式做宾语。【4】过去分词*I have some reco

7、rds giving to me as birthday gifts .解析:have sth done , some records和give是被动关系,故改为given。2连词错误:*I came into the living room and saw one of them just go through the kitchen door but turn on the light .解析:根据句意,“我看到他们中的一个人走进厨房,并且打开灯。”两个分句子之间是并列关系。故改but为and*We would return at night to hear that hed picked

8、 up from the radio in the day .解析:考查宾语从句,pick up 缺宾语,故改that 为what*The classes helped me understand what the world works 解析:根据句子意思,“这些课程有助于我了解世界是怎么运转的”故改what 为how。3.形容词/副词错用:*You always gave me specially attention . 解析:名词应该被形容词special修饰。*It is real a good chance to have met all of you here .解析:副词real

9、ly修饰系词,故改real为really。*My hometown has taken on a new look .How great it has changed !解析:great修饰动词,故改为:greatly 4.冠词错误:*This is my first visit to a American family .(an)解析:American 第一个音标的音素是元音,故用an .*Each player must obey captain ,who is the leader of the team .解析:有定语修饰,the特指captain .*Suddenly ,I caug

10、ht a sight of my English teacher in the crowd .解析:固定搭配catch sight of .故此去掉冠词a。5.代词错误:【1】反身代词*I just smiled to me and thought ,解析:主语和宾语相同,故此memyself 。【2】形容词性物主代词*Besides ,the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities lively and interesting .(his -their)解析:主语是第三人称复数,因此try

11、 ones best 【3】it/that/them /us*I thought that was dull to watch a game in which players kicked a ball to each other .解析:that不可以做形式主语,故改为it。*It was about noon when when we arrived at the foot of the mountain .The three of them were very excited .前后人称错误。故此改them为us .6.名词单复数和名词的所有格的错误*She marked strictl

12、y on students performance .(students)解析:根据句意,学生们的表演,故改为students performance*Physics is one of the most difficult subject for us (subjects )解析:one of说明后面为复数形式。*We practice three times every week and often watch football match on TV together .解析:常常看比赛,故此match改为matches.* I have no papers to write on .解

13、析:纸不可数,所以改为paper7.介词错误*He left Shanghai at a cold night.解析:一天的部分被修饰时,介词用on,*I am a new comer of a small town.解析:根据句子意思,来自一个小镇come from a small town .* I was caught by the rain last night 解析:固定短语be caught in the rain 遇上雨。8.语意错误*Thousands sell tickets to watch football or basketball games .解析:句子意思:数千人

14、卖掉票去看足球或者篮球比赛。故此错误,sellbuy *Not all people like to work and everyone like to play .解析:句子意思:并非所有的人都喜欢工作,并且所有的人喜欢玩。语意错误,应该为转折关系,andbut 二多余词多词一般为:冠词/连词/介词/系词be 助词等。【1】连词多余:*They did not want breakfast because that they were going out early in the morning .解析:连词多余,故此去掉 (that),原句是状语从句。【2】介词多余:*The crowd

15、waiting for to greet them in England was very surprised .(for)解析:没有宾语,所以去掉for。【3】冠词多余:*Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.解析:固定短语,catch sight of :偶然看见。【4】系词/助词多余:*My mother was asked : “Have you taken medicine ?”解析:根据句意,是妈妈问:故为主动语态。三:缺词缺词一般为:冠词/连词/介词/系词be 助词/【1】缺介词*He was looking for a glass the cupboard (in)解析:根据句意,in the cupboard 做状语。【2】缺冠词*However ,the popular teacher is at same time the one who should be strict with students .(the)解析:形容词same 和the

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