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最新推荐用名物造句精选word文档 19页.docx

1、最新推荐用名物造句精选word文档 19页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 用名物造句篇一:名物化论文标题:从功能语法角度看英语中的名物化现象An Analysis of Nominalization in English From the Perspective of Functional Grammar 论文作者 仇伟论文导师 许汝民,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 外国语言学及应用语言学 论文单位 曲阜师范大学,点击次数 21,论文页数 77页File Size2113k201X-04

2、-10论文网 /lunwen_287998377/ 元代;量词;断代描写 Yuan Dynasty;quantifier;dynastic description自从美国学者Lakoff&Johnson出版了我们赖以生成的隐喻一书以来,国内陆续发表了许多介绍和研究隐喻的文章。隐喻成为人们关注的热点之一。以Halliday为代表的功能语言学派从语言的功能角度出发,认为隐喻还涉及语法隐喻,开辟了隐喻研究的新视角。当我们用名词来表达动作时,或用动词表达某些概念,这就与我们原有的期望不一致,在功能语法中称为语法隐喻。功能语法所说的隐喻包括词汇隐喻和语法隐喻两种,而语法隐喻又可根据纯理功能区分出经验、人

3、际、语篇这三类语法隐喻。我国学者胡壮麟(1996;201X),朱永生根据韩礼德(1994) 的观点,名物化是语法隐喻的主要手段。遗憾(1994;201X)和杨信彰(1998)都曾撰文论及语法隐喻。的是,至今还没有人对这一结构进行详细地探讨。因此,本文尝试就名物化结构进行研究,并且就相关课题提出自己的观点。从而推动这一课题的研究。 本文共分五章,另外最后还有一个 总结 。 第一章是对名物化和语法隐喻及其他相关概念的介绍。这一章主要区分了词汇隐喻和语法隐喻,一致式和隐喻式,介绍了许多基本概念,如词汇隐喻、概念隐喻、一致式、隐喻式、名物化等等。并且探讨了名物化和思想体系之间的关系。 第二章重点阐述了

4、名物化的语义特征和这一特征可能带来的缺陷。名物化的语义特征主要包括四个部分:门)名物化结构具有双重语义特点;Q)乏词义结构是名物化结构的体现形式之一;臼)名物化在科技英语中主要体现为关系化;U)名物化可能带来的缺陷。 第三章论述了名物化的形式特征。名物化主要有加后缀和转化法这两种方法实现,并且以加后缀的方法为主。 第四章详细讨论了名物化和书面英语的关系,指出名物化是书面语的典型特征之一。这一章包括两个部分:()词汇密度和语5去复朵性的关系:书面语的特点是irfJ汇密度大,而名物化是实现这一特点的主要手段。门)嵌入和从属关系:名物化是嵌入的一种,它不属于从属关系。 第工章对名物化的应用进汀了阐述

5、。这一结构可以实现卜位连接、科技英语中的“压缩”,以及语法结构的简洁。 结束语在对全文进行简要回顾的基础上,指出了本文的个足之处以及今后努力的方向。 Since the publication of Metaphor We Live By by American linguists Lakoff & Johnson, there have emerged some articles introducing and doing research on metaphor. Metaphor has become a subject of general interest. With Hallida

6、y taking the lead, the School of Functional Grammar holds the view that metaphor also involves grammatical metaphor, thus opening up an approach for the research on metaphor. When we use nouns to express actions, or to employ verbs to convey some concepts, this is in marked contrast to our expectati

7、on, thus generating what functional grammar labels grammatical metaphor. Metaphor comprises lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor. It can also be subdivided into ideational, interpersonal, and textual metaphor. Some scholars, such as Hu Zhuanglin (1996; 201X), Zhu Yongsheng (1994; 201X) and Yang

8、 Xinzhang (1998), have written articles on grammatical metaphor. According to Halliday (1994: 352), Nominalizing is the single most powerful resource for creating grammatical metaphor . It is a pity that so far no thorough and detailed research has ever been conducted in this regard. As a result, th

9、is paper attempts to make an analysis of nominalization, and puts forward some viewpoints with regard to the uesolved subjects, thus promoting the research on nominalization.This paper falls into five chapters, with a conclusion at the end.Chapter 1 is an introduction to grammatical metaphor, nomina

10、lization and the relevant concepts. We will identify the distinction between lexical metaphor and grammaticalmetaphor, between congruent form and grammatical form, and introduce such concepts as lexical metaphor, ideational metaphor, congruent form and metaphorical form. In addition, we will look at

11、 the relationship between nominalization and ideology.In Chapter 2 we mainly investigate the semantic features of nominalization, and some defects as a result of this structure. This chapter consists of four sections: (1) Nominalization enjoys a dual semantic feature. (2) Delexical structure is a ty

12、pical occurrence of nominalization. (3) Nominalization arises as relationalization in scientific English. (4) Nominalization may result in some defects.Chapter 3 takes the formal feature of nominalization into consideration. Generally speaking, both suffixation and conversion contribute to the estab

13、lishment of nominalization, where suffixation is the principal one.In Chapter 4 we will look at the relationship between nominalization and written language, suggesting that nominalization is a typical occurrence in written language. This chapter is made of two sections: (1) the relationship between

14、 lexical density and grammatical metaphor. Lexical density is characteristic of written language, and nominalization is one of the principal means to realize it; (2) embedding and hypotaxis. Nominalization does not belong to hypotaxis, but to embedding.Chapter 5 examines the applications of nominali

15、zation, which can make contribution to thematic connection, encapsulation in scientific English, and conciseness of the grammatical structure.The last part is the conclusion, hi which a brief summary, the limitation of this thesis and the further prospect for the investigation of nominalization are

16、presented. 论文标题:英语名物化的功能研究A Functional Approach to English Nominalization论文作者论文导师 董俊敏,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 英语语言文学论文单位 河北师范大学,点击次数 15,论文页数 60页File Size1108K201X-04-02论文网 /lunwen_859628917/ nominalization; grammatical metaphor; functions; written language名物化又叫名词化,是指小句的任何一个成分转换为具有名词或名词词组句法功能的语言单位过程。名物化结构在科技语篇、

17、法律文件、 新闻报道 、学术语篇等正式文体中被大量使用。名物化的使用被认为是英语书面语和正式语体的重要特征。因此名物化结构受到各学派语言学家的重视。其中,系统功能语言学家韩礼德提出的语法隐喻理论较为突出,他指出名物化是隐喻式的表达,是语法隐喻的表现形式。本文在系统功能语言学的框架下,从语法隐喻的角度,对名物化的功能进行研究。 本文分六部分,第一部分对文章的目的和布局作了简单介绍。第二部分回顾了不同学派对名物化的研究,介绍了不同学派对名物化所持态度和见解;并且对功能语法作了简单介绍,重点讨论了功能语法的三个元功能-概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能。 第三部分讨论了名物化的定义、分类、模式以及构成方式


19、行简要回顾的基础上,指明了本文研究得的理论与实践意义以及本文的不足之处和今后努力的方向。 Nominalization is the process by which either a noun or syntactic unit functioning as a noun phrase is derived from any other kind of unit. Nominalization is regarded as one of the most prominent features of scientific and technical writings. This thesis

20、is an attempt to analyze nominalization in a functional approach. In this thesis, nominalization is discussed from the functional approach based on Hallidays functional grammar. The study of the nominalization in English is well developed: almost all the linguistic schools concern themselves more or

21、 less with this topic. It is a pity that so far no thorough and detailed research has ever been conducted in this regard. This paper attempts to make an analysis of nominalization and puts forward some viewpoints with regard to the uesolved subjects, thus contributing a little to the research on nom

22、inalization. This thesis is divided into six parts: the first part offers an introduction on the motive and configuration of the thesis. The second part makes a survey on the study of English nominalization, and a brief review of Functional Grammar. The third part discusses the nominalization in fun

23、ctional assumption: its definition, types, patterns, and its formation, as well as grammar metaphor. In the fourth part, the paper makes a discussion of the four functions of nominalization, involving the ideational, interpersonal, textual and stylistic functions. In the fifth part, the paper discus

24、ses the relationship between nominalization and written language, pointing out that nominalization plays the significant role in the English writings. The last part is the conclusion, summarizing the previous chapters and suggesting the theoretical and practical value of English nominalization. 论文标题

25、:中国学生对英语名物化的习得L2 Acquisition of English Nominalization by Chinese Learners论文作者 刘春燕论文导师 刘书林,论文学位 硕士,论文专业 英语语言文学论文单位 江西师范大学,点击次数 13,论文页数 69页File Size2498k201X-04-01论文网 /lunwen_451771857/ 江西士绅;太平天国;辛亥革命;互动the gentry of Jiangxi;Taiping heavenly kingdom;Xinhai revolution;mutual effect本研究探讨中国学生对英语名物化习得问题。

26、所谓名物化,就是将动词或形容词变成名词的过程或结果。如discoverdiscovery,carelesscarelessness,hopehope,X insists on Ythe insisting of X on YXs insistence等。 由于英语名物化是一个既涉及形态变化又涉及句法的复杂过程,且在书面语和正式文体中普遍存在,它是高级学习者所要学习的一种主要语言形式。同时,名物化与学习者的句法成熟和创造性有关,因此,对名物化习得的研究就显得 非常有必要。 本研究首先对英语名物化进行语言学分析。名物化就其本质而言具有名词和动词的双重属性,其内部具有小句特性而外部则是名词词组。在小

27、句转换成名词词组的过程中有些信息被丢失,因而名物化结构常产生歧义。本文通过对名物化内部各种隐含的格关系的分析,探讨了名物化结构的深层句法语义关系。文章还从功能主义观点出发讨论了名物化的文体特点和功能。 汉语名物化与英语有很大不同。汉语动词无形态变化。由于汉语是主题显著型语言,可出现不完整句,而英语为主语显著型语言,因此英汉名物化的功能也存在很大的差别。这些差别增大了中国学生学习英语名物化的困难。 虽然有关名物化习得方面的文献极少,但对词素和句法结构习得的相关研究为本研究铺平了道路。而关于名物化的一场著名的论争-乔姆斯基的“词汇说”与Lee的“转换说”之争则为我们认识名物化的心理表征和心理过程提

28、供了有益的启示。笔者在心理语言学理论的最新发展和对学习者 中介语的细致观察的基础上,提出了名物化心理表征的第三种观点,即双表征假设。所谓双表征就是词汇表征与转换规则在名物化过程中并存。语言使用者对那些熟悉的动名词和派生词可直接从心理词库中提取,而对那些不熟悉或不知道的则根据转换规则生成或创新。双表征假设是一种折中方式,它能较好地解释名物化的心理表征。 二语习得总的来说就是一个信息加工和认知过程。本文采用认知学习理论作为解释名物化习得的理论基础。其中操作原则及多维发展模型论述了工作记忆的容量在第二语言处理与习得中作用。由于名物化的形态句法的复杂性和心理复杂性对工作记忆容量提出了更高的要求,在考察

29、学习者学习名物化时应考虑工作记忆的处理问题。 本研究采用横断法研究大学生习得名物化的规律、英语名物化发展顺序以及影响名物化习得的诸因素。在进行正式实验之前进行了两个先行研究,以便形成假设和现场试验研究方法。在先行研究的基础上形成了三个研究问题和假设。被试是96名来自英语专业的各年级大学生。研究过程分三个阶段:(1)学习者语言分析;(2)理解测试;(3)阅读广度测试和访谈。 迎山寸研穴结采的分析,义章得出三条纠沦。第一,有允分证据证明名物化 二J得1现八;l叩勺发展W则卡。中国大学!:从间隶和乞物化内邢乡;巾J的女朵性发展火 ,喜有着父lrf的顺序和次),丑名物化随荷语六水下的捉山门以氏 第、,

30、乞物化是一十【。复杂的语六现象,亡既涉及问上义沙及st法。它在英洽 学习叶m勺地V比较独特,囚为它介于i小与语法之D“。I,我什J休上为形态句法。名 物化的治;”旧为性和心川食杂性f吏得它在实;时处川川寸不要史引 处理容垦。 第二,义门议出了彬响名物化习得的主要囚余。它们包扒:母语迁移、语六 共性和认知闪紊。其中认知囚素,特别足工作记忆在名物化习得中起关键作用。 文章最后指出了本研究对二语习得、英沿教学及大纲设计的启示。广义地说, 本文还探讨了语六学习3认知发展的关系,以及名物化学习促进认知发展的作 用。 This thesis is an attempt to investigate how

31、 Chinese students acquire English nominalization. By nominalization I mean the process or result of forming a noun from a verb or adjective. For example. discoverdiscovery, carelesscarelessness. hope hope, X insists on Y the insisting of X on Y X s insistence.Since English nominalization is a comple

32、x combination of morphological and syntactic process, and since they prevail in written English and formal style, it is a main linguistic form for advanced learners to acquire. Also, nominalization relates to syntactic maturity and creativity. This makes the investigation necessary and worthwhile.Th

33、e thesis begins with a linguistic analysis of English nominalization. Nominalization by its nature has properties of both nouns and verbs, and it combines the internal characteristics of a clause with the external characteristics of a noun phrase. During the process of converting a clause into a nou

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