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1、中考看图说话可直接打印听力考试之看图说话考前准备:1.多练习(熟能生巧)2.积累常用的短语,并背诵 Then.After that.At last, (Finally) In the the the evening. fall illnot feel well.go to see a doctor fall off the bike; sendto hospital; look over.; take some medicinehave a good rest see sb.doing.;hear sb. Shouting for help看图说

2、话的几种题材1.某天的活动(学习、外出等)2.助人为乐(拾金不昧、借伞、救人等)3.车祸4.生病就医5.节日6.环保7.其他Tom is a middle school student. Today is Monday, he got up at about 6:30, and then he did some morning exercise. He went to school at 7:00. At school, he listened to teachers very carefully. After school, he played volleyball with his cla

3、ssmates. He had supper at about 7 oclock in the evening. After supper, he did his homework. What a hard-working boy he is! 本类型常用句型 is a middle school student. . is kind and helpful. studies hard at school. Today is .The weather was fine In the noonin the afternoon in the evening. Then aft

4、er last. What a hard-working boy/girl! What a busy day! What a wonderful/fun day!It is Sunday today. I was very busy today.In the morning, I had a piano lesson. After that, I came home and read English. At noon, I had a nap. In the afternoon, I painted a picture. The picture was very beautif

5、ul. I liked it very much. What a busy day!It was Sunday. Julie neednt go to school, but she got up early in the morning. She washed clothes. In the afternoon, she went shopping to buy some meat, eggs and vegetables. When she got home, she cooked supper. In the evening, she did her homework for hours

6、. What a busy day!It is National Day today. The weather was fine. Jack didnt need to go to school. His parents didnt go to work, either. His father was reading a newspaper. His mother was washing clothes. Jack was listening to the radio and thinking about playing football with his classmates in the

7、afternoon.It was Sunday yesterday. Tims family had breakfast together. Then they went to the Book City to buy some books. They had dinner at a restaurant. After that, they went to sea a film. They enjoyed themselves yesterday.It was a fine day. Our school had a sports meeting on the playground. My c

8、lassmates did very well. Wiki won the first place in boys 100-meter race. Sam jumped the furthest in the boys long jump. Jack was the second in the boys high jump. Our boys team won the relay race. We were very happy and excited that day. I am proud of my classmates.救、助人 1.借伞 2.过马路 3.送.去医院 4.救落水人 5.

9、拾金不昧 6. 让座 多数发生在放学、上学路上 时态用过去式本类型常用句型 1.on the way home; on the way to school 2. cross the road / go across the road 3. fall off the bike/ fall down from the bike 4. a car hit sb. / sb. ones leg was hurt badly 5.sendto the nearest hospitalat once 6.suddenly; see sb. doing sth. hear sb. shouting for

10、help 7.fall into the river; jump into the watersave sb. 8.pick up the purse; give back to sb. 9. be thankful to sb. / thank sb. a lot 10.share the umbrella with sb.过马路 on the way home/ on the way to school see sb. Waling across the street help sb cross the street be thankful to sb. What a kind girl/

11、boy!Tom is a middle school student. One day, he went to school on foot. On the way, he saw an old blind man. The blind man wanted to cross the road. So Tom went to help the blind man. The blind man thanked Tom very much.One day Mary and I saw an old lady going across the street with a basket of appl

12、es. Suddenly she fell down and the apples fell out of the basket everywhere. We helped the old lady stand up at once and pick up the apples for her. The old lady was grateful to us. They felt very proud of what they have done.Mary is a middle school student. One day, she saw a man riding a bike in f

13、ront of her. Suddenly, a purse dropped from the mans pocket. Mary shouted but the man didnt hear and rode away. Mary picked up the purse and found the mans address in it. Then she went to return the purse to the man. The man thanked Mary a lot. How kind Mary is!拾金不昧 Seedo/doing sth. A purse fall dow

14、n onto the floor Pick up Give back to What a kind girl/boy!Today is Sunday. Tom and Jim had no classes. So they went to see a film together. On the way, the found a purse. Tom picked it up. Then they go to the police station and gave it to the police. After that, the hurried to the cinema. Luckily,

15、they were just in time for the film.送院就医 1.see sb. do/doing sth. 2.fall off the bike 3. hurt ones leg badly 4.send/carry/take sb. To the nearest once 5.stay in hospital for days thankful to sb. 7.What a kind girl/boy!Tom is a middle school student. One day, Tom was on his way home.

16、Suddenly, he saw a boy fall off his bike and hurt his leg badly. Tom ran up to him and took him to the nearest hospital. The doctor looked over the boy carefully and said there was nothing serious. Then Tom sent the boy home. The boy thanked Tom a lot.共伞 It rained heavily See sb. Walking in the rain

17、 Have no umbrella Go up to sb.(走向某人) Share the umbrella with sb. Send sb. Home Be thankful to sb. What a kind girl/boy!Mary is a middle school student. One day, it was raining hard and Mary was on her way home. Suddenly, she saw a little boy crying. He didnt have any umbrella, so he couldnt to home

18、because of the rain. Then Mary went up to him and sent him home. The boys parents thanked her a lot. How kind Mary was!Tom is a middle school student. Last Sunday afternoon, it rained hard. Tom was on the way home. Suddenly, he saw an old man walking in the rain. Tom went up to him and shared his ow

19、n umbrella with him. Tom sent him back home. The old man thanked Tom a lot.Jimmy is a middle school student. One day, it was raining hard. On the way home, Xiao Ming saw an old man walking in the rain. The old man had no umbrella, So Jimmy went up to him and wanted to share the umbrella with him. Bu

20、t the old man was too tall. Suddenly, he had an idea. He tied the old mans stick to the handle of the umbrella. At last, they shared the umbrella and went away together.救落水人 1.on ones way home/to school 2.hear sb. Shouting for help 3. look around 4.jump into the water at once ones life t

21、hankful to sb. 7.What a kind boy/girl!Last Sunday , Lucy and Lily went to play at the park. They had great fun there. Suddenly, they heard someone shouting “Help! Help!” They looked around and saw a little boy in the river. He couldnt swim. So Lucy jumped into the river and saved the boy at once. At

22、 last, the boys mother came and thanked them very much.Today is Sunday. The weather was fine. Lily and Lucy had no classes. So they went to the park to have fun. Suddenly, they heard someone shouting for help. They looked around and found a little boy in the river. Then Lily jumped into the river an

23、d saved the boy at once. At last, the boy was safe and thanked them very much. What kind girls they are!Tom is a middle school student. Last Sunday, the weather was very fine. Tom came to the beach to have fun. He was lying on the beach and listening to the radio. Suddenly, he heard someone shouting

24、 for help. He looked around and saw a little boy in the sea. So he ran and jumped into the sea to save the boy. At last, the boy was safe. What a good student Tom is!车祸 fall off the bike a car came and hit ones leg was badly hurt 或:hurt ones leg badly sendto the nearest hospital或 be sent to the near

25、est hospital call 120 One day, an old man was fishing by the river. Suddenly, he fell into the river. He couldnt swim and he shouted for help. Just then Lucy and Lily passed by. They stopped a car and asked the driver to save the old man. The driver saved the old man and sent him to the nearest hosp

26、ital. The old man thanked them a lot.Tommy is a middle school student. One day morning, he got up late. So he had breakfast quickly and hurried to school by bike. Suddenly a car came and hit him. He fell off the bike and his leg was hurt badly. Soon some one called 120 and then he was sent to the ne

27、arest hospital. What a terrible day it was for him!One day, Mrs. Smith went shopping to buy some meat, eggs and vegetables. After shopping, she went home. On her way home, a car ran over quickly and hit her. She was badly hurt. A policeman showed up and called 120 at once. Soon Mrs. Smith was sent t

28、o the nearest hospital.生病 not feel well 觉得不舒服 Have a headache头痛; have a stomachache胃痛; have a cold感冒; have a fever发烧;have a cough咳嗽; take to see a doctor带去看医生 Look over检查; there be nothing serious 没什么问题 take some medicine; 吃点药 drink some water 喝多点水 stay in bed for one or two days 在床上躺1-2天 be much be

29、tter now现在好多了Nancy had a bad cold. Her mother took her to see a doctor. The doctor gave her some medicine and asked her to stay in bed. Her mother didnt go to work and stayed at home to look after her. Mary and Tom, Nancys classmates went to see her after school. They helped Nancy with the lessons .

30、Nancy thanked them for their help.This morning, Ken didnt feel very well. So his mother took him to the Childrens Hospital. The doctor looked over him carefully and said it was nothing serious. He just had a cold. The doctor told him to take some medicine and drank more water. One or two days later,

31、 she will be all right.Nancy thanked them for their help.Lucy is a middle school student. Last week, she fell ill. Her teacher and some of her classmates came to see her after school. Her teacher Miss Li told her not to worry about her lessons. Three days later, Lucy came back to school and her teacher and her classmates helpe

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