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高考英语 复习讲练测单元精练9.docx

1、高考英语 复习讲练测单元精练92014高考英语复习讲练测:单元精练9重点单词1._ vt. 使失望_ adj. 对失望的_ adj. 令人失望的_ n. 失望2_ n. 表演_ v. 表演_ n. 表演者3_ adj. 创造性的_ v. 创造_ n. 创造4_ vt. 使(人)印象深刻_ n. 印象_ adj. 给人深刻印象的5_ adj. 移民的;移居的_ vi. 移民_ n. 移民6_ adj. 有责任的;应负责任的_ n. 责任7_ n. 允许;许可_ vt. 允许;许可重点短语1._ _ _习惯于2._ _以为基础3_ _ _ 换句话说 4._ _ _ 在某些方面5_ _ _ 对负责任

2、 6._ _ _ 承诺;答应 7_ _ _ 忍受重点句式1.He was made to practise the piano so much that, at times, he thought about giving up.2It sold 15 million copies and made her world famous.3One of the most famous ballets is called “Swan Lake”. Another famous Russian ballet is called “Sleeping Beauty”4At_the_end_of the t

3、hree hours, Morissette showed that she was a true performer, singing a wellknown song “Heartache”核心语法状语从句自我校对重点单词:1disappoint; disappointed; disappointing; disappointment2.performance; perform; performer3.creative; create; creation4.impress; impression; impressive5.immigrant; immigrate; immigration6

4、.responsible; responsibility7.permission; permit重点短语:1be used to2.base other some responsible for6.make a up with重点词汇探究1effect n. 结果;效果;作用;影响 vt. 使发生;实现;引起effective adj. 有效的;生效的; 实际的in effect 实际上;在实施中;有效take effect 奏效;生效cause and effect 因果come into effect 开始生效

5、;开始实施be of no effect 无效;没有作用bring / carry.into effect 使实行;使生效have an effect on / upon 对有影响;对起作用/产生效果1)The drug _ _ _ _ _ the pain. 这药对止痛能立即生效。2)The economic problems of one country often _ great _ _ the whole world. 一个国家的经济问题往往会对全球产生巨大的影响。3)It will be a few minutes before the drugs start to _ _. 几分钟

6、后药物才起作用。4)His opinion _ a change in the plan. 他的建议使计划改变了。【答案】1) has an immediate effect on2)have a great effect on3)take effect4)effected(1)用effect的适当形式填空1)The medicine works more _ if you drink some hot water after taking it.2)His poetry has _ great _ _ readers for more than a century.3)Officials s

7、ay that few patients are infected with the virus owing to the _ prevention.【答案】1)effectively2)had; effect on3)effective(2)名校押题(2010青岛市一模)Doctors say it will be many years _ scientists develop an effective treatment for AIDS.AwhenBsinceCbefore Das【答案与解析】C考查时间状语从句的连词。 题意:医生说要找到一种有效的治疗艾滋病的方法还需要很多年。2per

8、mit vt.&vi. 认可;允许;许可 n. 许可证;执照permit doing. 允许做某事permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事weather / time permitting. 如果天气/时间允许的话permission n. 许可;准许;批准permissible adj. 容许的;可准许的1)The rules of the club do not _ _. 这个俱乐部规定不允许抽烟。2)_ _, the party will be held in the garden. 如果天气允许的话,聚会将在花园里举行。3)Will you _ us to use thi

9、s room for a meeting this afternoon? 你会准许我们今天下午在这个房间里开会吗?【答案】1)permit smoking2)Weather permitting3)permitallow, permit和letallow 暗含有默许、放纵的意思。permit 指强调权威性的正式批准。let 指允许或无力阻止某事,暗指对某事采取漠不关心、听之任之的态度,后面的宾补不带“to”。(1)用permit的适当形式填空1)The party will be held in the garden if the weather _.2)You cant work here

10、without a work _.3)The council will not _ you _ build here.【答案】1)permits2)permit3)permit; to (2)名校押题(2010山东聊城一中高三模块测试)Students are not permitted _ noises in class. Amake Bmaking Cto make Dmade【答案与解析】Csb be permitted to do sth “某人被允许做某事”。 题意:学生不允许在上课时大吵大闹。3impress vt. 使(人)印象深刻;使铭记;使敬仰impress sth on /

11、 upon sb (ones memory) 使某人铭记某事impress sb with / at sth 某事给人留下印象be impressed by / with sth 被某事深深打动impress sb that 令人感动的是impression n. 印象;感想;影响;效果make a(n).impression on sb 给某人留下印象leave / make / have a(n).impression on sb 给某人留下印象impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的;感人的1)My father _ on me the value of hard work. 我父

12、亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。2)The teachers were most _by your performance in the exam. 老师们都被你在考试中的表现深深打动。3)It _ me that she remembered my birthday. 令我感动的是她记住了我的生日。4) What is your first _ of our country? 你对我们国家的第一印象如何?【答案】1)impressed2)impressed3)impressed4)impression(1)用impress的适当形式填空1)His words are strongly _ on

13、my memory.2)I _ _ _ _ the change brought about by the project.3)The little girl has a gift for painting and her works have made a deep _ on me.4)This is the most _ architecture Ive seen on this trip.【答案】1)impressed2)was deeply impressed with / by 3)impression4)impressive (2)名校押题(2010烟台市重点中学二联) Darwins Origin of Species, probably ranking second only to the Bible, has _ on Western thought.Ataken immediate actions Bhad a great impactCleft a deep impressionDproduced lots of pressure【答案与解析】B题意:达尔文的物种起源排名仅次于圣经

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