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新版四上Module 3.docx

1、新版四上Module 3Unit 5 单词听写:1. 我们的_2. 课室_3. 图书馆_4. 池_5. 游泳池_6. 在对面_7. 运动场_8. 有时_9. 体育_10. 音乐_11. 课_12. 上课_13. 教师办公室_14. 工作_15. 艺术;美术_16. 饭堂_17. 体育馆_18. 吃(饭)_ 课文再现: 短语再现:游泳池 swimming 上课 have 教师办公室 room饭堂 在 旁边 to在操场的对面 the playground我们的新学校 new 在那边 over 上体育课have lessons计算机教室 room音乐教室 room上计算机课have computer

2、 在 前面 in of 玩游戏 句型检测:根据中文提示把句子补充完整。1. Let show you our . (让我带你们参观我们的新学校)2. It is a very school. (漂亮的)3. is your ?(你们的教室在哪里?)4. Its , next the library. (它在那里,图书馆旁边)5. there a swimming ? (有游泳池吗?)6. It is the playground. (它在操场的对面)7. We sometimes have lessons there. (我们有时候在那里上体育课) 重点精析:【知识考点一】上课: have l

3、essons 可以在lessons 前加科目名词。上体育课 have PE lessons 上计算机课 have computer lessons上美术课 have art Lessons【知识考点二】教师办公室:teachers room 有些名词可以加s来表示所有关系,带这种词尾的名词形式成为该名词的所有格。如: 一本教师用书 a teacher book 儿童节 Children Day. 如果名词本身已经是复数了,则只需要加表示所有格。如:十分钟的路程: ten minutes walk. 【知识考点三】Over there: 在那边,是个副词短语,一般放在句子的结尾。句子:Whos

4、that man over there? Your classroom is over there. 【知识考点四】 计算机教室 computer room 音乐教室 music room 美术教室 art room【知识考点五】in front of 和 in the front ofin front of: 指在某物的前方in the front of: 指在某物内部的前面如: sit in the front of the classroom. 坐在教室的前排(教室里面的前面) sit in front of the classroom 坐在教室前面(教室外面的前面)【知识考点六】 祈使

5、句: Let me show you our new school. 结构: let + 宾格+ 动词原形祈使句特点: 没有主语。祈使句另一个句型: No +动词ing. No fishing! No parking! No smoking! Show 可以做动词,也可以做名词。Let me show you my house. ( )This is a TV show. ( )【知识考点七】一般现在时的常见频率副词: always (总是), usually(通常) , often(经常) ,sometimes(有时), never(从不). 一般现在时中,动词要不用原形,要不加s或者es.

6、 【知识考点八】感谢的表达和回答:Thanks . Thank you. Thanks a lot.Many thanks. Thank you very much.回答对方的感谢: Not at all. Thats all right. My pleasure. Its my pleasure. 即时演练:一、 判断每组词划线部分的读音是否一致,一致的填“T”, 不一致的填“F”( ) 1. is fine ( ) 2. girl birthday ( ) 3. right high ( ) 4. bike pig ( ) 5. leg ball ( ) 6. hello doll二、 根

7、据句子意思和首字母填空,使句子完整1. I like to play on the p .2. The teachers w in the teachers room. 3. I like m , I often sing songs.4. We have 6 l every day. 5. We can e in the dinning room . 6. This is the a room, we can draw here. 三、 选择题( ) 1. Let me you my house. A. show B. to show C. showing ( ) 2. We sometim

8、es TV there. A. watch B. watches C. watching( ) 3. Its near the room. A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers( ) 4. Let me show new school. A. you I B. your our C. you our( ) 5. draw here. A. Let B. Lets C. Lets me( ) 6. This is our , we can read a book here. A. library B. gym C. playground( ) 7. The pla

9、yground is in front the classroom building. A. on B. to C. of四、 找出合适的活动,连线。We read books on the playground We sometimes have PE lessons in the libraryWe play games in the dinning hallWe have English lessons in the swimming poolWe eat meals in the teachers roomTeachers work in the classroom五、 根据实际情况回

10、答问题。1. How many classrooms are there in your school? 2. Is your classroom next to the art room? 3. Where do you eat lunch? 4. Is there a gym in your school? 六、 看图填写所缺的单词。1. This is a room.2. The children read in the .3. There are some boats on the .4. The children in the garden5. Mrs White is on the

11、 .6. Dont in the computer room.7. This is a big .8. This is a monkey in the .9. This is the room.七、 阅读短文,判断下列句子,用“T”和“F”表示。Welcome to our new school. There are two buildings in our school. This is the classroom building. There are 24 classrooms and five teachersrooms in it. In front of the classroom

12、 building, there is a red building. In this building,there is a computer room,an art room, a music room,and a library. I like reading books in the library. Behind the red building,there is a playground. We have PE lessons on it. But there isnt a swimming pool in our school.( ) 1. There is one buildi

13、ng in our school.( ) 2. There are 24 classrooms in our school.( ) 3. There are four teachers rooms in our school.( ) 4. There is a music room in our school.( ) 5. There is a gym room in our school.( ) 6. There isnt a swimming pool in our school. 课后作业:看图写出地方的名称。a a a a a a Unit 6 单词听写:1. 或,或者_2. 树_3. 十一_4. 十二_5. 十三_6. 十五_7. 十八_8. 二十_9. 三十_10. 四十_11. 五十_12. 八十_ 课文再现: 短语再现:多少 many英语教师 teacher50台电脑 三十五棵树

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