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1、真菌性脑膜炎Cryptococcal meningitis in children: description of 3 cases.Article in FrenchNdiaye M, Diagne NR, Seck LB, Sow AD, Sne MS, Diop AG, Sow HD, Ndiaye MM.SourceService neurologie CHU Fann, Dakar, Sngal.AbstractCryptococcal meningitis is much less common in children than adults. The purpose of this

2、 report is to describe 3 cases of cryptococcal meningitis observed in children admitted to the Neurology Department of the Fann University Hospital Center in Dakar, Senegal between July 2003 and November 2008. There were 2 girls whose ages were 8 and 15 years and one 9-year-old boy. All 3 patients p

3、resented acute or chronic meningoencephalitis. Diagnosis was based on direct microscopic examination of India ink preparations of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showing Cryptococcus neoformans at direct exam. Two patients were immunocompromised including one presenting severe protein-caloric malnutrition

4、 and one infected by HIV-1. The third patient was immunocompetent. All 3 patients were treated by intravenous Fluconazole. The immunocompetent boy died after 1 month of hospitalization due to cardiovascular and respiratory insufficiency. Both girls survived with severe neurosensory sequels. Cryptoco

5、ccal meningitis that is relatively frequent in adulthood may be underestimated in children and should be tested for in any children presenting meningoencephalitis of undetermined cause.隐球菌脑膜炎的儿童:3例说明。第在法国阿耶米,狄亚尼,塞克磅,播广告,新的女士,迪奥普,播高清,阿耶毫米。sourceservice楚语范,达喀尔,氮的加摘要隐球菌性脑膜炎是更常见的儿童比成人。本报告的目的是描述3例隐球菌性脑膜炎

6、的儿童观察考入神经学系的范在达喀尔大学医院中心,塞内加尔在七月2003和十一月2008。有2个女孩的年龄是8和15年和一个9岁的男孩。3名病人提出急性或慢性脑炎。诊断是根据直接镜检查印度墨水筹备脑脊液(细胞集落刺激因子)显示新型隐球菌直接考试。2例免疫功能低下其中提出严重蛋白质热量营养不良和感染的HIV - 1。第三个病人是免疫。3例患者经静脉注射氟康唑。免疫男童死亡后1个月住院治疗的心血管和呼吸功能不全。两个女孩存活,严重的神经后遗症。隐球菌性脑膜炎是相对频繁成年可能被低估,在儿童和应测试的任何儿童提出不明原因脑炎。The ability of fungi to transition bet

7、ween unicellular and multicellular growth has a profound impact on our health and the economy. Many important fungal pathogens of humans, animals, and plants are dimorphic, and the ability to switch between morphological states has been associated with their virulence. Cryptococcus neoformans is a h

8、uman fungal pathogen that causes life-threatening meningoencephalitis in immunocompromised and, in some cases, immunocompetent hosts. Cryptococcus neoformans grows vegetatively as a budding yeast and switches to hyphal growth during the sexual cycle, which is important in the study of cryptococcal p

9、athogenicity because spores resulting from sexual development are infectious propagules and can colonize the lungs of a host. In addition, sexual reproduction contributes to the genotypic variability of Cryptococcus species, which may lead to increased fitness and virulence. Despite significant adva

10、nces in our understanding of the mechanisms behind the development of C. neoformans, our knowledge is still incomplete. Recent studies have led to the emergence of many intriguing questions and hypotheses. In this review, we describe and discuss the most interesting aspects of C. neoformans developm

11、ent and address their impact on真菌的能力之间的过渡单细胞和多细胞生长具有深刻的影响我们的健康和经济。许多重要的真菌病原体的人类,动物,植物二相性,和能力之间切换形态已经与他们的毒力。新型隐球菌是人类真菌病原体,造成致命的脑炎的免疫功能低下和,在某些情况下,免疫主机。隐球菌生长的植物作为一个芽殖酵母和切换到菌丝生长在性周期,这是很重要的研究隐球菌致病性,因为孢子造成的性发展的传染性繁殖和殖民的肺主机。此外,有性繁殖有助于基因变异性隐球菌物种,这可能导致增加健身和毒性。尽管取得了重大进展,我们的理解背后的机制的发展,新生隐球菌,我们的知识仍然是不完整的。最近的研究已

12、导致出现了许多有趣的问题和假设。在这次审查中,我们描述和讨论的最有趣的方面,新生隐球菌的发展和解决他们的影响A case of mania due to cryptococcal meningitis, successfully treated with adjunctive olanzapine, in a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.AbstractWe report on the case of a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome- and Cryptoc

13、occus neoformans meningitis-related mania in which olanzapine was successfully used adjunctively and transiently to antifungal therapy.摘要我们报告的情况下,患者获得性免疫缺陷综合症和新型隐球菌性脑膜炎相关性躁狂症奥氮平是成功地用于辅助和瞬时抗真菌治疗。Candida parapsilosis meningitis as the first manifestation of AIDS: case report.Sidrim JJ, Perdigo-Neto LV

14、, Cordeiro RA, Brilhante RS, Teixeira CE, Castelo-Branco DS, Costa AK, Arajo RM, Mesquita JR, Gonalves MV, Lima DT, Rocha MF.SourceDepartment of Pathology and Legal Medicine, School of Medicine, Specialized Medical Mycology Center, Postgraduate Program in Medical Microbiology, Federal University of

15、Cear, Fortaleza, Cear, Brazil.AbstractCandida meningitis is a rare condition that occurs more frequently in premature infants, immunocompromised patients or patients after neurosurgery. We describe a case of a previously healthy 41-year-old man with Candida parapsilosis meningitis associated with or

16、opharyngeal candidiasis as the first manifestation of AIDS.平滑念珠菌脑膜炎作为第一表现艾滋病:病例报告。sidrim杰杰,perdigo-neto吕郭利民,类风湿性关节炎,brilhante,特谢拉策,卡斯提罗朗科,哥斯达黎加,阿糖胞苷乔,麦斯奇塔,坤阿尔维斯,利马,罗查。sourcedepartment病理学和法医学,医学院,医学真菌学研究生专业中心,计划在医学微生物学,联邦大学塞阿拉,福塔莱萨,塞阿拉,巴西。摘要念珠菌性脑膜炎是一种罕见的疾病,更频繁地发生在早产儿,免疫功能低下患者或患者术后。我们描述一个案件一个先前健康的41岁男子平滑念珠菌脑膜炎与口咽念珠菌作为第一表现艾滋病。Frequency of cryptococcal meningitis in HIV-1 infected patients in north central Nige

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