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四级必背核心高频词 4000.docx

1、四级必背核心高频词 4000四级必背核心高频词Three types of auxiliary conditions are of interest.三种辅助条件是有意义的。Chinese commodities available for export are varied.中国可供出口的商品种类繁多。He asked several awkward questions at the press conference.他在记者招待会上提了几个难回答的问题。Hes very awkward, he keeps dropping things.他很笨,总是丢东西。The balcony juts

2、 out over the garden.阳台突出在花园上方。The barrel would hold 100 litres.这桶能装一百升 。The police put a barrier across the road.警察设了路障。He was informed beforehand.他预先得到通知。The blast from the bomb blew out all the windows in the area.炸弹爆炸的冲击波震破了这个地区的所有窗户。The river is the boundary between the two countries.这条河是两国的界河。

3、The brakes have to be replaced.刹车需要更换。Whats the breadth of this river?这条河的宽度是多少?Some animals will not breed in cages.有些动物在笼子里不产崽。She tried to keep her monthly budget below $400.她试图将每月的开支限制在四百元以下。He produced from his pocket a bunch of keys.他从口袋里掏出一串钥匙。They bundled the children off to school.他们匆匆忙忙把孩子

4、送去上学。The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back.老人因背着重负而弯腰。The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis.卫生局采取措施控制肝炎。They burst out laughing.他们突然大笑起来。He calculated the costs very carefully.他仔细计算开支。They are asked to live on campus.校方要求他们住校。They were in favor of the Democratic candidate for P

5、resident.他们支持民主党总统候选人。The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city.罪犯在企图逃离这座城市时被捕获。We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion.我们装着一船生铁从佩思启航。The cargo has been transshipped into a river steamer.货物已载入一艘内河轮船上He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones.他穿着他的便服,不是他的校服。These name

6、s are to be listed in the catalog.这些名字将列入目录。The marriage ceremony took place in the church.婚礼在教堂举行。A coarse texture will not take a high finish.质地粗糙的东西是涂不光滑的。Students must observe the code of the school.学生必须遵守校规。The snake coiled round the tree.蛇盘绕在树上。As a result of the collision, the first two cars

7、telescoped.由于相撞,头两节车厢叠嵌在一起了。The dome was supported by nine columns.这圆顶由九根柱子支撑。The actress made her debut in the new comedy.这位演员在那出新喜剧中首次登台演出。He made a comment about the bad road.他对这条糟糕的路发表评论。They would commit every crime short of murder.除谋杀外,他们无恶不作。He did it for the interests of the community.他为了公众的

8、利益才这么做的。Two competent witnesses testified.两个有资格的证人作证。I asked my mother if I could go out, and she consented.我问妈妈我是否能出去,她答应了。There is a need for the conservation of trees, or there will soon be no forests.有必要保护树木,否则不久将会没有森林了。His conservative views made him unpopular.他保守的观点使他不受欢迎。He is not consistent

9、in his action.他的行动前后不一致。The birth rate in this city is almost constant.这城市的出生率几乎是不变的。His old car consumed much gasoline.他的旧汽车耗油很多。Yes, I can cope.是的,我能对付得了。Cut out the core of the apple.除去苹果的核。The wolf dashed through the woods.狼突然跑进树林中。She is deaf in one ear.她一只耳朵是聋的。Debts of blood must be paid in b

10、lood.血债要用血来偿。Are you decent?口你穿好衣服了吗? 体面的She declined their invitation.她婉拒了他们的邀请。They wish that prices would decline.他们希望物价能下降。Of course, seconds have some defects.次货当然有些毛病。The accident delayed the train for two hours.事故使火车耽搁了两小时。She has long delicate fingers.她有着长而纤细的手指。Delicate plants must be prote

11、cted from cold wind and frost.娇弱的植物必须妥为保护以避免风霜的侵袭。You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room.你要预订房间,就得先付定金。John will be my deputy while I am away.我不在时, 约翰将是我的代理人。Many English words are derived from Latin.许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。 取得、源于These people deserve our help.这些人值得我们帮助。Modern devices facilitate

12、domestic work.现代设备使家务活便利了。Students must learn to discipline themselves.大学生必须学会自律。;大学生必须学会约束自己。Discrimination against women is not allowed.歧视妇女是不能允许的。I have disposed of my old clothes.我已处理了我的旧衣服。He can distinguish a genuine antique from a reproduction.他能区别真正的古董与复制品。The mother was in great distress wh

13、en her baby became ill.当她的小孩子生病的时候,母亲非常苦恼。The mayor ordered that free food be distributed.市长命令发放免费食品。Im sorry to disturb you so early.对不起,我这么早打扰你。The word is now used in a sense diverse from the original meaning.在某种意义上说, 此词现在的含义与最初的含义完全不同。Modern devices facilitate domestic work.现代设备使家务活便利了。They rema

14、ined dumb at the meeting.他们在会上保持沉默。There are specialplaces where you can dump things you dont want.有一些指定的地方,你可以把不需要的东西倒在那里。They chose to concentrate on simpler and more durable hardware.他们选择加强更简单牢固的武器。She was invisible in the dusk of the room.她在昏暗的房间里别人看不到她。Mrs. White is earnest about community work

15、.怀特太太对社区工作十分认真。This wall is famous for producing echoes.这墙壁因能发出回声而出名。It is an elaborate project that answers many purposes.这是一项适用于多方面需要的精心完成的设计。The child drew out the elastic until it measured a yard.这小孩将橡皮筋拉至1码长。有弹性的He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rostrum.他用肘推着从人群中向讲坛挤过去。He emphasized the need for hard work.他强调了苦干的必要。The football field is enclosed by a wall.足球场被一道墙围了起来。The young scientists encountered many difficulties during their explor

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