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111128流行美语pop american english.docx

1、111128流行美语pop american english(111-128)流行美语pop american english流行美语广播【111】李华刚下课,走出课堂就碰上Larry。李华在和Larry 谈话中会学到两个常用语:to go off on someone 和whats the deal. (School building lobby SFX) LH: Hey, Larry. 你刚下课啊?对了,我刚好要问你,今天你有没有见到Dave? LL: Dave? No, I havent seen him anywhere since professor Jones went off o

2、n him yesterday morning. LH: Jones教授对Dave怎么啦?你说他went off on Dave? 那是什么意思呢? LL: To go off on someone means to suddenly get very angry at someone. To go off can mean to explode- for instance, something like a bomb or a gun can go off. LH: 噢,to go off on someone就是突然对某人大发脾气,就好像炸弹爆炸,枪支开火那样。那Jones教授为什么突然对

3、Dave大发脾气呢? LL: Dave asked Professor Jones if he could turn in a paper a few days late, and Professor Jones just went off on him. LH: Dave 怎么经常要求晚几天交报告呐?唉,也难怪Jones教授要go off on him对他发脾气了。Larry,你再给我举几个go off on someone的例子吧! LL: Hmm, let me think. I remember when I was in Beijing I tried to pay a taxi d

4、river, and he went off on me for several minutes. I had no idea why he was so angry. It turned out, what I gave him was a counterfeit note. LH: 你给出租车司机假钞票,那他当然要对你大发脾气咯! LL: Li Hua, have you ever gone off on someone here in the U.S.? LH: 我啊,我英文还不是很好,轻易不敢和人吵架。我只有对我过去那个同屋发了好几次脾气,因为她实在太脏,而且还想偷偷搬出去,就是为了想

5、赖掉一个月的房租呢! LL: She tried to cheat you out of a months rent? If my roommate did that, I wouldnt just go off on him, Id take him to court! * LL: So anyway, whats the deal with Professor Jones lately? He always seems to be in a bad mood. LH: Whats the deal? 你在说什么啊?deal不是交易的意思吗?你是问我,Jones教授在和什么人作交易? LL:

6、 No, no, Li Hua. When I ask whats the deal, I mean what is the situation? I was asking why he is in a bad mood. LH: 噢,我知道了,whats the deal就是我们中文里常说的“怎么回事”。你刚才是问我,Jones教授心情不好到底是怎么回事。我听说,他对今年没能升上正教授的职位好像挺失望的。 LL: Really? Whats the deal with that? Hes been in this department for years! LH: 就是啊! Jones教授在

7、我们系上教书也有好多年了,不给他提升,究竟是怎么回事,谁也不知道。 LL: That seems to be unfair. Well, Li Hua, whats the deal tomorrow night? Is everyone still planning to go together to that concert? LH: 明天晚上是这样,我和另外三个同学会去听演唱会,可是我的车出问题了,现在还在修车厂呢。Larry,我们能搭你的车去吗? LL: Well, heres the deal: Ive got class until six thirty tomorrow, and

8、 the concert is at eight. Its probably best if you meet me here at school, since I might not have enough time to pick you all up. LH: 哼,你明天6点半才下课,而演唱会8点就开始。对,要你去接我们恐怕是来不及。那就照你说的吧,我们到学校来等你!噢,对了, Ed明天不想去,他和Jill刚分手,不想和Jill见面。 LL: Really? Whats the deal with those two? I thought they were really happy t

9、ogether, but I heard that Jill went off on Ed the other night. LH: 他们俩到底是怎么回事?谁知道!大家都以为他们在一起很高兴。Jill 那天晚上对Ed大发脾气是因为Ed没跟她商量就决定明年到国外去念书。 LL: Oh well. Thats too bad. Anyway, the deal tomorrow is you and your friends will meet me here at school, and well all leave together. OK? LH: 没问题,那就明天晚上在校园见了! 今天李华

10、学到两个常用语。一个是:to go off on someone, 意思是突然对某人大发脾气。另一个常用语是: the deal with something, 这是指情况如何,怎么回事。 流行美语广播【112】李华在学校体育馆里碰到Larry,今天李华会学到两个常用语: flab和ripped. (Ambience sound in a busy gym) LH: 哇!Larry! 你怎么满头大汗的?你在做什么啊? LL: Ive been out running. Im trying to burn all this flab on my stomach! LH: 噢!原来你刚才是去跑步啦

11、,怪不得一身都是汗。哎,你还说你是要燃烧掉什么?哎!该不是要靠锻炼来去掉你身上多余的脂肪吧? LL: Thats right! Flab means fat, especially loose fat that hangs off the body. LH: 原来flab就是脂肪的意思,特别是指身上那些鼓出来的肥肉。哎呀,其实我不觉得你胖啊!你现在比我刚认识你的时候要瘦多了! LL: Sure, I might be thinner, but I still have more flab than I need. I want to look good when I visit the bea

12、ch next spring. LH: 原来你是为了明年春天到海滩去玩的时候身材看起来更漂亮?你既年轻又健康,只要少吃一点,多余的脂肪就会消失的。 LL: Its never that easy. A lot of westerners are like me, they grow flab very easily. If I dont exercise, the flab wont go away. LH: 西方人好象是很容易发胖,一旦胖了就很难瘦下去。如果不运动,肥肉就不会消失?我倒不认为所有的西方人都像这样。 LL: Well, no, of course not. For instan

13、ce, my friend Pete eats like a pig, but there isnt an ounce of flab on his body. Its amazing. LH: 噢!你那个朋友Pete啊!他真的是很能吃,可是还那么瘦。我猜有些人就是不容易发胖。一般来说,我也不太会发胖!不过最近我发现我的手臂好像越来越粗了. LL: Really? Maybe youd better join me next time I go running. You dont want that flab to get worse, do you? * LH: 对了!Larry, 你怎么突

14、然间决定要开始运动了呢?噢!该不是.有新女朋友了? LL: Pfft. I wish! Its just that last month when I was in Florida, I saw a lot of ripped guys on the beach there. I felt like a real loser after seeing them. LH: 你上个月到佛罗里达去玩,看到海滩上好多ripped guys。什么是ripped guys? 这些人让你觉得自己很失败,那是为什么呀? LL: If someone is ripped, it means that they

15、are very strong, and have lots of muscle definition. You can see their muscles clearly. LH: 啊,ripped原来是指那些身体很强壮、肌肉很发达的人,就像那些健美先生,或者是奥林匹克运动会的那些短跑选手嘛! LL: Thats right. Sprinters usually are pretty ripped - too much flab would slow them down. LH: 没错,短跑运动员身上有太多脂肪,那怎么跑得快呢!对了!Larry,你大概要花多长时间才可以锻炼成像你在海滩上看到

16、的那些身材健美的人呢? LL: Oh, I dont know. I dont really care if Im ripped or not. I just want to lose some flab so that I can go to the beach without being laughed at. LH: 我同意你的想法,不管健美不健美,只要把多余的肥肉去掉,到海滩去不给人笑就好了。其实,对大多数女人来说,健美倒不一定是她们心目中理想的男人的主要条件! LL: Really? So youre saying women dont really care if a guy is

17、 strong and ripped? LH: 是呀!至少我是这么想的。当然太胖,flab太多也不行。 今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是flab, 是指身上股出来的脂肪肥肉。另一个常用语是ripped,形容人身材健美、肌肉强壮。 流行美语广播【113】今天Larry要开车去接李华一起去上课。李华会学到两个常用语:get it together和tough。 (Doorbell Rings) LL: Hey, Li Hua!? Youre not ready for school! We need to go now! Its already 8:30. LH: (Yawns)

18、Larry? 你怎么这么早就来啦!现在几点了? LL: Get it together, Li Hua! Its already 8:30! We need to leave in fifteen minutes, or well be late to class! LH: Get it together? (Groans and yawns) 把什么放一起啊?你在说什么嘛? LL: I said get it together! That means, get organized, focus on what you need to do. LH: 噢,你是要我赶快准备好上学。Get it

19、together就是要人打起精神做该做的事。那除此之外,Larry,get it together还能用在什么场合呢? LL: To get it together , or get ones act together can also mean something very general, such as arranging ones life for the better. LH: 哎哟!get it together既可以指准备去上学,又可以指把一个人的生活安排得更好。Larry,这听起来很复杂,我都有点糊涂了。 LL: Heres an example: After finishin

20、g college, I didnt work hard to plan for the future for several years. But finally I got my act together, and got accepted into graduate school. LH: 大学毕业后悠闲几年,没有长远打算这在年轻人里也是常事。不过,你们这些生在美国的孩子真幸福。要是在中国,错过一次机会以后恐怕就难了。 LL: Thats right. here in the U.S. people usually have several chances to get it toget

21、her. One of my friends almost failed his first semester of college. But he got his act together, and now hes a Ph. D. candidate at Yale. LH: 哇!你这个朋友还真是好样儿的。大学第一学期差点儿不及格,现在居然是耶鲁大学的博士生了。可有的人犯了错,一开始失败了就很难再振作起来,做好事情了! LL: Right, right. enough talking! Get it together, Li Hua. If youre not ready in ten m

22、inutes, Im leaving! LH: 好啦!好啦!别催我嘛!再给我5分钟! * LL: All right, lets go. Now. LH: 等一等!还不能走啦!我还没吃早餐呢! LL: Well, thats tough. Youll just have to wait until after your first class to eat something. Now lets go! LH: Tough? 你是要我坚强一点,就这么饿着啊? LL: No, thats not what I mean. When I say thats tough that means too

23、 bad. Sometimes, you can just say tough by itself. Anyway, Its too bad that you cant eat breakfast, but we have to go now. LH: 噢!tough就是指:没办法了,你就忍着点吧。哎,Larry,你真不讲道理! LL: Thats right, its not very polite to say thats tough! when someone complains or has a problem. Usually when you say thats tough it

24、means you dont care about their problem. LH: 原来你真的一点都不同情我啊!Thats tough, 是不太礼貌的用法,表示你根本不在乎别人的问题。哎呀,Larry我们可不可以至少去一下麦当劳买点吃的!我这样肚子空空的上课也不能专心。 LL: Thats just tough, Li Hua. We dont have time to get you breakfast. You should have gotten up earlier. LH: 可是. 起的晚又不是我的错,是我的闹钟坏了嘛! LL: Tough! I dont care why y

25、oure late this morning, I just want to get to class on time. Lets go. LH: 你真是毫无同情心。我既没有吃早餐,我连今天上课要用的材料都还没看呢! LL: Tough. You can look at you notes in the car. Im leaving right now. youd better come with me if you want a ride to school. LH: 好啦!好啦!我来了啦!噢!我真的好饿噢! LL: Tough, Li Hua. If youd just get your

26、self together, this kind of thing wouldnt happen. Lets go! 今天李华学到两个常用语,一个是get it together, 也可以说get ones act together, 意思是打起精神,做好该做的事。另一个常用语是tough, 意思是:情况就是这样,没办法了。这是不太礼貌的说法,表示你对别人的困难不在乎。 流行美语广播【114】李华和Larry在学生中心的咖啡馆里休息。今天李华会学到两个常用语:cop out和to get worked up. LL: Hey Li Hua. Some friends and I are pla

27、nning to go camping and hiking next month. Do you want to come along? LH: 嗯.去露营啊?嗯,下个月我可能会很忙耶!噢!对!那个周末我已经答应帮我邻居照顾他的狗。 LL: What? I didnt even tell you when were going! Sounds like a cop-out to me! LH: 对,你还没有告诉我是哪个周末。不过,A cop? cop不是警察吗?我不去露营和警察有什么关系? LL: No, no, I dont mean cop as in police officer. A

28、 cop out, is a weak excuse for not doing something. LH: 噢,原来cop out是想推脱做某件事,但是理由又很牵强。哎呀,好啦!我招了,我是不喜欢露营!要走那么多路,又会被虫咬,还得睡睡袋,而且我还听说美国有很多熊呢! LL: Bears? Dont tell me you wont go just because youre afraid of bears. Thats an even stupider cop out. LH: 好啦好啦!跟熊没有关系,我就是懒惰!不喜欢露营嘛! LL: Thats what I thought. Wel

29、l, its better to be honest than to cop out. So do you understand what cop out means now? LH: 嗯,我想我大概懂cop out的意思了!给你举个例子吧!我的朋友Jeanna老是说她想学中文,可是当我主动提出要教她时,她又总是说没时间。这就是cop out喽! LL: Yeah, that sounds like a cop out to me. Most people just arent willing to put the time and effort into really learning an

30、other language. LH: 说到学外语,Larry,我记得不久前,你也叫我教你读中文报纸,怎么样?你明天有时间吗? LL: I, um. I think Im busy tomorrow. The plumber is coming to my house sometime in the afternoon, so I have to wait for him, and. LH: 得了吧! 什么等工人来修水管?谁会相信这种借口。你这才是真正的cop out! * LH: (Growls) 嗨!这些学中文的学生,我真不想教了!怎么考试考得这么糟!我看啊,这学期他们一个也别想拿A! L

31、L: Calm down, Li Hua. Dont get so worked up over it. LH: 你要我别work up?你是说我不必那么努力,那什么意思呀? LL: No, I dont mean you have to work harder. I mean, you shouldnt get worked up. To get worked up means to get angry or excited. LH: 噢,dont get worked up是别生气的意思!不生气?你看看他们写的中文有难看,而且还老是写错别字。 LL: Let me see those. Hmm. Wow, this isnt bad at all. I can tell theyre a lot better than they were a few weeks ago. Dont get so worked up over a few small mistakes! LH: 你觉得他们比几个星期前进步多了?我看看.嗯,也许你说的对,也许我对他们要求太高了。 LL: Thats right. I can tell most of these students want to learn Chinese. If you always get w

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