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1、最新中考英语总复习教案一一般现在时态中考英语总复习教案一一般现在时态语法重点:一般现在时态 (Simple Present tense)难点突破:一般现在时态中第三人称时动词加“s”的用法知识目标:通过操练、点评、专项练习等方式复习“一般现在时态”的时态结构。复习步骤设计:(一)词汇复习 Revision of the words and phrases learnt in Unit One,dictation of the main ones。(此环节也可根据中考词汇表顺序进行听写检查)(二)对话操练 Dialogue Actingask Ss to act out some dialogu

2、es about What do you usually do on Sundays/in the evening? (此 环节也可以采取学生达标积分制进行,即复习阶段课前对话必须人人参与)(三)语法复习: 一般现在时态:(A) 概念:表示某人/某事物经常发生的动作、习惯、状态等。 (B) 时态信号:常与sometimes, often, usually, always, every day, in the morning, on Sunday 等词连用。 (C) 动词形式:用实义动词原形,第三人称时用动词加“s”形式,简称“三单动s”形式,“Be”动词用“am/ is/ are ”的形式。

3、(D)情态动词后面直接加实义动词原形。(E) 在某些动词后面须用动词原形进行搭配,如let sb do sth, Youd beterr do sth 等。 例解:1、Now let me _ your names, OK? A. call B. to call C. calling D. calls此题应选用“A”项。在 “Let sb.”后面的结构中应该用 动词原形结构,不可以用其它形式,所以B项、C项和D项都是错误的。2、He _ the washing on Sundays. He _ it on Saturdays. A. doesnt/ does B. dont do/ does

4、C. doesnt do/ does D. not does/ does此题应选用“C”项。在第三人称“He”为主语的否定句中应该用助动词“does ”加“not ”构成否定式,再加动词原形“do”,所以B项和D项是显性错误,而A项中“doesnt”后面缺少动词原形,故也是错误的。3、There _ some pieces of paper on the desk. A. is B. are C. have D. has 此题应选用“B”项。在以“There”为开头的句子中应该用 “There be ”结构,不可以说 “There have ”,所以C项和D项是显性错误,而A项中“is ”,把

5、“paper”当成是单数了,而“some pieces of ”表示了纸张的间接可数性,故A项也是错误的。4、I _ we cant go. Its going to rain. A. will hope B. will be afraid C. will think D. am afraid此题应选用“D”项。在表示心理情感的词汇如“ like/hope/ wish/ think/ guess/be afraid/ be sorry/ be sure/be surprised”等不可以用将来时态,故只能用“am afraid”。 5、Paul _ into the lift and the

6、lift _ him down to the first floor. A. gets/ took B. got/ takes C. gets/ takes D got/ kept此题应选用“C”项。在 “and”前面与后面的结构中应该用动词相同的时态结构,不可以用一个过去时态和一个现在时态的形式,前后时态应该是统一的。所以A项和B项是显性错误,而D项中的动词“kept”不符合句意,故也是错误的。中考英语模拟试卷含答案注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写

7、,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。二、单项选择(每小题1分,计15分)从A、.B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21. He missed the gold in the high jump, but will get second chance in the long jump.A. an B. the C. a D.不填22. The wonderful video you look forward to w

8、ell these days.A. sell B. selling C. sells D. sold23. When will Uncle Sam come to see us?Hell visit us this weekend. He _ me that by email.A. told B. is told C. will tell D. was going to tell24. useful news youve told me! Thanks a lot.A. What B. What a C. How D. what an25.Look!There are people in th

9、e shopping mall.A. two thousands of B. thousand of C. two thousand of D. thousands of26. Tom,are you _ boy in your class -No, but John is. Im shorter than him.A. the shortest B. the tallest C. the youngest D. the oldest27. A new study shows there are many of fast walking.I agree. Its good for the en

10、vironment and it can also save money.A. instructions B. products C. instrutnents D.advantages28.I agree to her suggestion_let her down, though mine was better.A. in order dont B. in order not to C. not in order to D. in order that not29. The table too much room. -OK. Ill take it away.A. takes up B.

11、takes off C. takes out D. takes on30.The man sat in the black car is Mikes uncle.A. who B. whom C. which D. whose31.We find impossible for us to learn physics well in a short timeA. that B. it C. this D.once32. Did you watch “The Reader yesterday?Yes. I never miss it - I have something really import

12、ant to do.A. although B. unless C. until D.but33.Whats your plan for the coming May Day holiday?Ill devote as much time as I can some voluntary work.A. to do B. doing C. do doing34. Judy, do you know ? Sure, two days.A. when did the sports meeting begin B. where the sports meeting was heldC. ho

13、w often the sports meeting is held D. how long the sports meeting will last35. What English saying can I use to encourage my friend to study hard?You may say A. the early bird catches the worm B. Many hands make light workC. Too many cooks spoil the broth D. Dont put all your eggs in one basket三、完形填

14、空(每小题1分,计15分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A wise man was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers, and they happened to pass a lake. So they stopped there to 36 for a while, and the wise man said to one of his followers,I am very 37 , Could you please 38 me some water from the lake?”The follower walked to the lake_39 the wise man requested. Some people were washing clothes in the water, and right at that moment, several carts started crossing the lake. 40, the water became very muddy.Then he went back and told the wise man that the water was ve

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