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1、届高考英语竞赛试题 阳光高中高三英语竞赛试题 满分150分, 时间 120分钟 第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分)1. Where does this conversation thake place?A) On the sea. B) At a hotel. C) In a restaurant.2. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A) Classmates. B) Husband and wife. C) Teacher and student.3. W

2、hat does the woman mean?A) The childrens aunt will look after them.B) The children will be away for some time.C) The children usully live in their aunts house.4. What can we learn about Alice?A) She likes talking. B) She speaks slowly. C) She knows all the news.5. What does the man mean?A) The woman

3、 should take No.72 bus.B) The woman should take No.73 bus.C) The woman can walk to the post office.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6-8小题。6. When does the conversation take place?A)8:25 p.m. B) 9:25 p.m. C) 7:25 p.m.7. What are the two speakers talking about?A) A TV program. B) A football game on

4、TV. C) Things that they are going to do.8. What are the two speakers going to do after talking?A) Take a walk. B) Watch the TV program. C) Go back home for sleep.听第7段材料,回答第9-11小题。9. Why does Billy worry about his English?A) Because he failed his English exam.B) Because he has no chance to practise E

5、nglish.C) Because his spoken English is not very good.10. What does the woman advise the man to do?A) Go out and join some clubs.B) Make English people speak first.C) Talk about food with English people.11. What can we learn about English people?A) They never talk first.B) They like talking about th

6、e weather.C) They are not easy to make friends with.听第8段材料,回答第12-14小题。12. When did the woman come back from America? A) On July 5th. B) On August 5th. C) On August 25th.13. Why did the woman like staying with the Smiths? A) They were her parents friends. B) She could speak English with them. C) She

7、could eat western food every day.14. what can we know about English classes? A) Teachers are excellent but serious. B) Students can sit anywhere in the classroom. C) Students can ask questions at any time after class.听第9段材料,回答第15-17小题。15. where are the two speakers? A) At a bag store. B) At a depart

8、ment store. C) At a store for childrens clothes.16. What was the mans trouble? A) He forgot to carry some money with him. B) He couldnt afford to buy a bag for his mother. C) He found it difficult to choose a present for his mother.17. what did the man finally decide to buy for his mother? A) A nice

9、 dress. B) A beautiful bag. C) Some skirt materials.听第10段材料,回答第18-20小题。18. What were the man and his girlfriend doing when the horse appeared? A) Walking in the country. B) Swimming in the river. C) Climbing the mountain.19. How many times did the man jump into the river?A) Twice. B) Four times. C)

10、Six times.20. Why did the man come out of the river? A) Because he didnt want to swim. B) Because he was afraid of the water snake. C) Because he thought that the horse had gone away.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每题1分,共15分)21. -Come to my wedding party to be held next Friday evening. -_. A) I

11、 must. No problem. B) I will. I promise. C) All right. That depends. D) Thats all right.22. In face of _ faiure, we should keep up _ good state of mind instead of being depressed. A) / ; the B) a ; the C) the ; a D) / ; a 23. I wouldnt speak to him, _ trust him and lend him some money. A) let alone

12、B) let out C) leave alone D) leave out24. Was it in the white building, if I may ask, _ he made a speech to thousands of people? A) that B) where C) which D) when25. Smoking is one of the _ causes of cancer, killing millions of people each year. A) commercial B) similar C) major D) chemical26. At th

13、e end of the course, special prizes were _ to the winning participants. A) won B) awarded C) earned D) deserved27. With the marriage broken up, the man regrets _ about the small things with his wife. A) to quarrel B) being quarrelling C) having quarrelled D) to be quarrelling28. In our city there ar

14、e several big public parks _ many people can go to enjoy the beautiful scenery. A) to which B) at which C) from which D) in which29. This piece of furniture is really inexpenive with a price of _ forty dollars. A) other than B) more than C) less than D) rather than30. As a matter of fact, we go out

15、for dinner now and then, but not _. A) regularly B) actually C) grdually D) normlly31. -I drove my car at a speed of 150 kms an hour this afternoon. It was great fun! -Did you go crazy? You _ yourself . A) might kill B) could have killed C) could kill D) mut have killed32. -I seem to have too much t

16、rouble with my new work, sir. -I dont think so. You _ very well. A) are doing B) will do C) will be doing D) had done33. He had to be called two or three times _ he would come to his dinner. A) after B) unless C) before D) that34. If only he _ himself and explained who he was, then, of course I shou

17、ld have given him proper service. A) had introduced B) introduced C) has introduced D) have introduced35. _ the flight to Australia will be delayed is _ Im especially worried about. A) If ; what B) Whether ; that C) When ; that D) Whether ; what 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) An eight-year-old child

18、heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money left. When she heard her daddy say to her 36 mother with whispered desperation(绝望), 37 a miracle(奇迹) can save him now, the little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She

19、 38 all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Then she 39 her way six blocks to the local drugstore. And what do you want? asked the chemist. Its 40 my little brother, the girl answered back. Hes really, really sick and I want to buy a 41 His name is Andrew and he has something 42 gr

20、owing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. We dont 43 miracles here, child. Im sorry, the chemist said, smiling 44 at the little girl. In the shop was a 45 customer. He stooped down and asked the little girl, What kind of miracle does your brother 46? I dont know, she repli

21、ed. Hes really sick and mommy says he needs 47. But my daddy cant pay for it, so I have brought my 48.How much do you have? asked the man. One dollar and eleven cents, 49 I can try and get some more, she answered quietly.Well, what a coincidence(巧合), smiled the man. A dollar and eleven cents the 50

22、price of a miracle for little brothers. 51 me to where you live. I want to see your brother and 52 your parents. That well-dressed man was Dr Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon(外科医生). The operation was completed without 53 and it wasnt long before Andrew was 54 again and doing well. The little girl was ha

23、ppy. She knew exactly how much the miracle cost . one dollar and eleven cents . plus the 55 of a little child.36. A). tearful B). hopeful C). helpless D). kind37. A). Simply B). Just C). Only D). More than38. A). drew B). pulled C). put D). pushed39. A). followed B). made C). gave D). found40. A). t

24、o B). as C). for D). on41. A). hope B). doctor C). favor D). miracle42. A). bad B). small C). extra D). impossible43. A). use B). offer C). sell D). store44. A). roughly B). sadly C). strangely D). coldly45. A). well-dressed B). kind-hearted C). well-behaved D). good-looking46. A). have B). need C).

25、 care D). like47. A). a doctor B). a surgeon C). an operation D). a kindness.48. A). savings B). wishes C). ideas D). suggestions49. A). since B). as C). after D). but50. A). same B). exact C). proper D). necessary51. A). Show B). Help C). Take D). Follow52. A). help B). encourage C). persuade D). m

26、eet53. A).difficulty B). delay C). charge D). result54. A). happy B). well C). strong D). home55. A). cleverness B). faith C). courage D). devotion第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)AClive was climbing an old tree on Butter Hill. His father and Mr. Drew were deeply absorbed in conversation not far away, whi

27、ch Clive could overhear. “.North Dakota, capital Bismarck, ”said Clives father. “Yes; and of South Dakota its Pierre. Delaware next, capital Dover, with a population of only 5, 000”Clive listened, checking the names. When they got stuck on Indiana(印第安纳州), he came down the tree and went across to the

28、m. “Let me see now, ”Mr. Drew was saying, “Indiana, Indiana. the capital must be Fort Wayne. ”“No, ”said the other, “I think its Evansville. ”“Indianapolis, ”said Clive. “Thats the easiest of all to remember. ”Both the men laughed. “Hes right, you know, ”Mr. Drew said. Clives father agreed, “Yes, ye

29、s. Indiana, Indianapolis. Now Kansas.”Clive, who was thirteen then, was not very clever at school. But at that moment he felt rather proud of himself. Looking back now, after many years, Clive remembers some of the ways he learned geography. One thing he remembers clearly is the “test”that took plac

30、e every other week. The teacher used to pin up a big map on the boardChina perhaps, or the United States, Australia or Europe. The map would have everything on it, except the names. The teacher, pointing with a long, wooden stick, began. “Ready? Fifty questions. Number 1write the name of this river.

31、 Number 2the name of this State. 3its capital, here. 4the name of this bay. 5.”Clive has quite forgotten whether he enjoyed learning geography or not. He didnt consider the rights or wrongs. Though he has never studied geography since he left school, he has never forgotten it. He is glad about the way he learned. The work might have been dull, unexciting; but if so, the dullness has give

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