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1、八年级英语下册全册期末知识点汇总2018八年级英语下册全册期末知识点汇总2018鍏 勾绾嫳璇 笅鍐屽叏鍐屾湡鏈 煡璇嗙偣姹囨?Unit 1 What鈥檚 the matter?鐭 锛?1. have a cold鎰熷啋2. have a stomachache鑳冪柤3. have a sore throat 鍡撳瓙鐤?4. too much 澶 5. lie down and rest 韬轰笅鏉紤鎭? tea with honey 鍔犺渹铚滅殑鐑 尪7. see a dentist 鐪嬬墮鍖?8. take one鈥檚 temperature閲忎綋娓?9.feel very hot

2、鎰熷埌寰堢儹10. have a fever鍙戠儳11. take breaks 浼戞伅12. in the same way 鐢悓涓鏂瑰紡13. go to a doctor鐪嬪尰鐢?14.go along 娌跨潃鈥蛋15.on the side of the road 鍦璺 竟16.shout for help 澶鍛兼晳17. get off涓嬭溅18.without thinking twice 娌湁澶氭兂19.have a heart problem 鏈夊績鑴忕梾20. take sb. to the hospital 甯煇浜哄幓鍖婚櫌 one鈥?s surprise 浠煇浜

3、哄悆鎯婄殑鏄?22. to one鈥檚 surprise鍑轰箮鈥剰鏂?23. agree to do sth.鍚屾剰鍋氭煇浜?24. thanks to 澶氫簭锛涚敱浜?25. in time 鍙婃椂 a life 鎸芥晳鐢熷懡27.get into trouble 闄峰叆鍥板 28. think about 鑰冭檻29. right away 绔嬪埢锛涢涓?30. fall down鎽斿?31. get some rest 澶氫紤鎭?32.get hit on the head 澶撮儴鍙椾激33. feel sick鎰熻 涓嶈垝鏈?34. have problem doing

4、sth.鍋氭煇浜嬫湁鍥伴毦35. be interested in 瀵光劅鍏磋叮36. be used to涔犳儻浜庘?37. take risks (take a risk)鍐掗櫓38.becasue of 鐢变簬锛涘洜涓?39. run out (of )鑰楀敖40. be ready to do sth.鍑嗗 鍋氭煇浜?41. cut off鍒囬櫎42. get out of浠庘嚭鏉?43.hurt oneself 鍙椾激44.have problems breathing 鍛煎惛鍥伴毦45.mountain climbing 鐧诲北杩愬姩46. be in control of鎺岀 4

5、7. keep on doing sth. 鍧氭寔鍋氭煇浜?48. make a decision 鍋氬喅瀹?49.give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. 鏀惧純鍋氭煇浜?50.see sb. doing sth. 鐪嬭 鏌愪汉姝湪鍋氭煇浜?see sb. do sth. 鐪嬭 鏌愪汉鍋氫簡銆佸父鍋氭煇浜?鍙瀷锛?1.What鈥檚 the matter with you?= What鈥?s wrong with you?= What鈥檚 the trouble with you?2. 鈥昗hat did you do on the weekend?鈥旾 playe

6、d computers games.3. 鈥旾 have a headache and I can鈥檛 move my neck.鈥旾t doesn鈥檛 sound like you have a fever.4. 鈥昗hat should I do? 鈥旾 think you should lie down and have rest.5.You need to take breaks away from the computer.6. If you head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.鐪熼 婕旂粌锛?1.(骞夸笢涓

7、?To keep children safe, we _ put thethings like knives and medicine away in our house.A. may B.shouldC. can D. might2.锛堣嚜璐腑鑰?鈥旸id you make the kite_ , kids?鈥昇o, our uncle made it for us.A. yourselves B. yourself C. themselves3. (涓滆惀涓 ?鈥旽ave you read the book Harry Potter?鈥昐ure. Eric is also _ it and

8、 we become friends because of that.A. proud of B. afraid ofC. serious about D. interested in4. (x鐤嗕腑鑰?I used to _ newspapers and watch TV after dinner. But now I鈥檓 used to _ a walk.A. read; take B. read; takingC. reading; taking D. reading; take5.锛堟嘲宸炰腑鑰冿級The energy from the sun and wind is very che

9、ap and it will never _锛?A. come out B. put outC. carry out D. run out6. (娉稿窞涓 ?You should _ smoking. It鈥檚 really bad for your health.A. put up B. give up C. get up D. set up7. (娴庡崡涓 ?鈥旸id you watch the soccer game last night? Our school team won the game in the last minute!鈥昚es. I was _ excited _ I

10、could not fall asleep.A. as; as B. so; asC. too; to D. so; that8.(瀛濇劅涓 ?鈥旾s Jack in the next room?鈥昗ell, it鈥檚 hard to say. But I heard him _ loudly when I passed by just now.A. speak B. to speakC. spoken D. speakingUnit 2 I鈥檒l help to clean up the city parks.鐭 锛?1. clean up鎵撴壂2. cheer up (浣?鍙樺緱鏇撮珮鍏达

11、紱鎸 璧锋潵3.give out鍒嗗彂4. come up with=think of /think up鎯冲嚭锛涙彁鍑?5.put off 鎺繜6.make a plan 鍒跺畾璁垝7.make some notices鍒朵綔閫氱煡鍗?8.hand out鍒嗗彂 up 鎵撶數璇濓紱寰佸彫10. used to鏇剧粡鈥紱杩囧幓鈥?11. care for 鐓【锛涢潪甯稿枩娆?12. help out with 甯 姪13. at the age of.鍦瞾鏃?14. try out 鍙傚姞锛涢夋嫈15. at the same time鍚屾椂16. put up涓捐捣锛涘紶璐?17

12、. be busy with 蹇欎簬18.less lucky 鏇翠笉骞歌繍鐨?19. be worried about鎷呭績20.think about 鎬濊冿紝鑰冭檻21.stop doing sth鍋滄 鍋氣 top to do sth.鍋滀笅鏉幓鍋氣? their free time 鍦粬浠 殑绌洪棽鏃堕棿23.raise money绛归挶 out of 鐢畬25. take after鐪嬭捣鏉儚26.fix up 淇 悊27. give away璧犻侊紱鎹愯禒28. be similar to.涓庘浉鍍?29. set up寤鸿捣锛涜 绔?30. make a

13、difference to 鈥 鈥骇鐢熷奖鍝?31.used to do sth. 杩囧幓甯稿父鍋氭煇浜?32.a friend of mine=one of my friends 鎴戠殑涓涓 湅鍙?33.have difficulties/ trouble/ problems(in) doing able to do sth. 鑳藉 鍋氭煇浜?35. be excited about 瀵光緢鍏村 36.volunteer as鑷 効鎷呬换鈥? strong in 鎿呴暱38. work out瑙喅锛涘疄鐜? wishes鏈濂界殑绁濈 40.send

14、 sb. sth. =send sth. to sb.瀵勩佸彂閫佺粰鏌愪汉鏌愮墿鍙瀷锛?1.I鈥檇 like to help homeless people.2.You could help to clean up the city parks.3.She volunteers there a week to help kids learn to read.4. I鈥檓 making some signs to put up around the school.璇 硶锛?鍔瘝涓嶅畾寮忕殑鐢硶锛?(1)浣滃 璇 細would like to do sth.甯歌 鍔瘝鏈墂ant, help, le

15、arn, hope, decide, volunteer, expect绛?(2)浣滃 璇 瓒宠 锛歛sk/tell sb. to do sth.甯歌 鍔瘝鏈?ask, help, want, tell, invite, expect(3)浣滅洰鐨勭姸璇?鈥滀负浜嗭紝鐩 殑鏄 ?To get a good job, we must work hard.=We must work hard to get a good job.(4)浣滃悗缃 畾璇?Reading is a good way to learn English.(5)鈥滅枒闂 瘝 +涓嶅畾寮忊濈粨鏋勫仛瀹捐 锛?I don鈥檛 know what to do. Please tell me how to do it.鐪熼 婕旂粌锛?1. (鑻忓窞涓 ?鈥?Jack锛寃h

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