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教案 Unit Seven 新编实用英语2教案.docx

1、教案 Unit Seven 新编实用英语2教案天津冶金职业技术学院分院课程指导方案(首页)2014 2015 学年第 2学期课次23课时2班级电气一班电气二班电气三班周次12日期5.305.295.29上课地点教室教学实施资讯示范小组讨论计划或项目实施实验实习实训学习情境名称Section I & II , Unit 7能力目标1. Talk about farewell.2. Be able to see off a friend and wish him a pleasant journey.知识目标1. Learn to make a farewell speech to express

2、 thanks for the hosts hospitality.2. Learn to express good wishes for the future.教学资源Textbook, teachers guide for the textbook教学方法Talk in groups; use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach,考核与评价作业1 Act out the task on Page 151.2 Memorize the key words or phrases in Section I and

3、 Section II. 教研室主任意见:签字:日期:课程学习指导意见天津冶金职业技术学院分院课程指导方案(首页)2014 2015 学年第 2学期课次24课时2班级电气一班电气二班电气三班周次13日期6.26.16.2上课地点教室教学实施资讯示范小组讨论计划或项目实施实验实习实训学习情境名称Section III, Unit 7能力目标The students should be able to learn how to write a farewell letters.To master the knowledge of emphasis, ellipsis and inversion.知

4、识目标To master how to read a farewell letters.教学资源Textbook, teachers guide for the textbook教学方法Talk in groups; use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach,考核与评价作业Do the exercise on Page. 162 教研室主任意见:签字:日期:课程学习指导意见天津冶金职业技术学院分院课程指导方案(首页)2014 2015 学年第 2学期课次25课时2班级电气一班电气二班电气三班周次13日期6.6

5、6.56.5上课地点教室教学实施资讯示范小组讨论计划或项目实施实验实习实训学习情境名称Section IV, Unit 7能力目标The students should be able to describe a person who influence him most.知识目标To master some useful expressions and phrases.教学资源Textbook, teachers guide for the textbook教学方法Talk in groups; use task-based language teaching method, communi

6、cative approach,考核与评价作业1 Review the passage that learnt.2 Do the exercise on Page. 166 and Page 167. 教研室主任意见:签字:日期:课程学习指导意见Unit 7 Farewell Section I& Section II: Talking Face to Face & Being All Ears1. Teaching Objectives:1.1 Talk about farewell.1.2 Make a farewell speech to express thanks for the h

7、osts hospitality.2. Time Allotment:1st Period: Learning the conversation in Section I.2nd Period: Listen to the conversation and do the exercise in Section II.3. Teaching Procedures:Section I: Talking Face to Face3.1. GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.3.2 Lead-in Questions:A. Have you seen off

8、 a friend?B. Do you know how to communicate in English when seeing off a friend?After the lead-in, learn the dialogue together. 3.3 Read and Recite3.3.1. Lead the students to read the new words firstly and correct the wrong pronunciation. 3.3.2. Encourage the students to volunteer to read the dialog

9、ue in pairs. The main aim of the dialogue is how to talk about farewell. 3.3.3. Key words learning.Hospitality 盛情款待Reception 接待See off 送行Fruitful 卓有成效的Stay in touch 保持联系Pack 打包3.4 Study and ImitateSome useful sentences for saying goodbye.Thank you for your warm reception and hospitality.I wish you a

10、 pleasant journey.Id like to see you off at the airport.Have you got everything ready for the trip?Have a good flight.How time flies!Lets stay in touch.a) Section II: Being all ears:Listening Exercises (It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies.)Pre-listening: provide the studen

11、ts with the new words and expressions; read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.While-listening: ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the first time and ask them just to understand the main idea of the dialogu

12、e not to finish the exercises; listen to the dialogue again and ask them to finish exercise 1; ask the students to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence after the tape while the teacher will press the button “Pause” on the tape recorder; listen to the dialogue as a whole for the last time.Post-li

13、stening: ask the students to finish exercise 2, i.e. answering questions. This step aims to change listening to speaking.The following dialogue and the passage listening can be done in a more or less similar procedure. The students should grasp the useful expressions and they should translate the wo

14、rking schedules correctly.b) ConclusionMake a conclusion about the key words and expressions in this class and ask the students to master them 3.7 Teaching reflection3.8 Homework1. Act out the task on Page 155.2. Memorize the key words or phrases in Section I and Section II.3. Preview Section III.Se

15、ction III: Trying your hand1.Teaching Objectives: 1.1 The students should be able to write farewell letters. 1.2 To master the knowledge of emphasis, ellipsis and inversion in grammer.2. Time Allotment:1st Period: Learning the samples of farewell letters.2nd Period: writing sentences and reviewing g

16、rammar.3. Teaching Procedures:3.1 AppliedWriting Readthefollowingtwosamplesof e-mail andlearntowriteyourown. 2 2 Write a farewell letter according to the information given in Chinese.3.2 Grammar and Practice 英语强调句型:强调句型的构成是:It is (was) + 被强调部分+ that (who) + 句子的其他成分.被强调的部分放在 It is (was) 之后,其它部分置于that

17、之后.被强调部分可以是主语,宾语,表语或状语.强调的主语如果是人,可以由who代替that.1.被强调的成分举例:原句:Tom found my pen in the classroom yesterday.强调主语:It was Tom who / that found my pen in the classroom yesterday.强调宾语:It was my pen that Tom found in the classroom yesterday.强调地点状语:It was in the classroom that Tom found my pen yesterday.强调时间状

18、语:It was yesterday that Tom found my pen in the classroom.2.强调句型的一般疑问式:直接把is或was提到it之前即可.例如:Was it Tom that found your pen in the classroom yesterday?3.强调句型的特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词+ is (was) it + that +句子的其他成分.特殊疑问词即是被强调的成分.例如:Who was it that found your pen in the classroom yesterday?4.that (who) 有时可以省略:这种强调句型中

19、的that或who有时可以省略.例如:It was my brother (that / whom) you saw the other day.5.强调原因状语从句要注意:若从句由as或since引导,强调时则改为because,这是因为,because引导的原因从句表示的意义非常强烈,符合强调句的目的.例如:As she got up late,she missed the first bus.变为:It was because she got up late that she missed the bus.6.强调句的否定转移:有些否定句在变成强调句时,要把否定转移到被强调的词语之前.尤

20、其是“not.until.”句式的强调要特别注意.例如:He didnt realize his mistake until the teacher had told him.变为:It wasnt until the teacher had told him that he realized his mistake.【注意】 在强调句式中,虽然not被提前,但“not.until.”句型不要倒装.高考中强调句型考查热点考点一:强调句型的基本结构强调句型“It is / was + 被强调的成份 + that + 其他成份”用来强调主语、宾语和状语等成份.that只起连接作用,不作成份,但不能

21、省略.有时强调的部分比较特殊,如主语从句、状语从句、名词、不定式短语、V-ing的复合结构等.如:It was in the library that I saw her yesterday.我昨天正是在图书馆见到她的.考点二:特殊句式中的强调句型1.如果强调的是特殊疑问句中的疑问词,表示“到底”、“究竟”等语气时,就用如下结构:“特殊疑问词 + is / was + it + that + 该句的其余部分”.如:How is it that you usually go to work?你通常是怎样去上班的?2.在强调“not.until”结构中由until所引导的短语(或从句)作时间状语时

22、,要用固定的强调句型:“It + is / was + not until.+ that + 该句的其余部分”,that所引导的从句中的谓语动词用肯定式.如:His father didnt come back from work until 12oclock.= It was not until 12 oclock that his father came home form work.直到12点他的爸爸才下班回家.考点三:强调句型与时间状语从句、定语从句的判断强调句型要注意和it代表时间、距离、温度、自然现象、具体事物或人物等时所构成的各种句型的区别.试比较:It was on March

23、 1 that I had my hair cut.(强调句)It was March 1 when I had my hair cut.(后面是定语从句)判断是否是强调句,可采用“还原法”.如果还原为一般句式后,句子各种成份完整,则是强调句.否则不是.如第一句可还原成:I had my hair cut on March 1.考点四:偶尔考查谓语动词的强调句式英语中常用助动词do、does或did强调谓语.如:He did go to the airport yesterday,but he didnt find you.他昨天确实去了机场,但他没有找到你.Six minutes are g

24、iven for the students to do the exercise on Page.161and check the answers, explain each in details. 3.3 Homework Exercises on P.162 are assigned.Section IV: Maintaining a Sharp Eye1. Teaching Objectives:The students should know how to write an impressive person.To master some useful expressions and

25、phrases.2. Time Allotment:First 30 minutes, students presentation appreciation.Middle 40 minutes, passage appreciation together. In this section, detailed language points will be explained.Last 20 minutes, in-class exercise time.3. Teaching Procedures: There will be before reading, global reading, d

26、etailed reading, and after reading. 3.1 Before reading In the section of before reading, lead-in and students presentation appreciation will be given. Lead-in Firstly, students can recall the most unforgettable character. Secondly, the teacher make a summary. After their presentation, give them prai

27、se and objectively comments. Encourage them to learn in advance and by their own. 3.2 Global readingTen minutes are given to have a global reading of the passage to grasp the main idea and give part division of the passage. Afterwards, encourage students to speak out their answers. Through this step

28、, students should be aware that global reading is the first step to do a reading comprehension in an exam. 3.2.2 Questions for reading comprehension Students are required to bring the questions on P. 165 and P.166 to read the passage. It is expected to know about the main idea, cultural background i

29、nformation and the skill to get the main idea. 3.3 Detailed reading In this section, language points, beautiful sentences, set phrases and translation will be analyzed.3.3.1 Difficult sentences1. (Para. 1) Before long, through the door came in a tall, unimpressive-looking man of about 40.Analysis: T

30、he sentence . through the door came in a tall, unimpressive- looking man of about 40 takes the structure of full S-V inversion. Inversion includes two types: full inversion and partial inversion. Full inversion is usually used in a sentence beginning with an adverbial of place (through the door in this sentence). Inversion is used to emphasize the ending part of the sentence, a tall . man of about 40 in this case.Translatio

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