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Module 5《A Trip Along the Three Gorges》学案1外研版必修4.docx

1、Module 5A Trip Along the Three Gorges学案1外研版必修4Module 5A Trip Along the Three Gorges 基础自主回顾.课标单词1_同事(n.)2_向下游;随波而下(adv.)3_做生意(vi.)4_迂路;绕行之路(n.)5_禁止(vt.)6_多山的(adj.)7_极大的(adj.)8_肥沃的(adj.)colleaguedownstreamtradedetourforbidmountainousimmensefertile9_遥远的(adj.)10_景色;风景(n.)11_围绕;环绕(vt.)_周围的(adj.)_环境(n.)12

2、_变狭窄(vi.)_狭窄的(adj.)_勉强地;仔细地(adv.)remoteviewsurroundsurroundingsurroundingsnarrownarrownarrowly13_遥远的(adj.)_距离(n.)14_开发(vt.)_(n.)15_多变化的(adj.)_(使)不同(v.)_多样性;种类(n.)_各种各样的;不同的(adj.)_可变的;易变的(adj.)16_自然地(adv.)_ (adj.)_(n.)distantdistanceexploitexploitationvariedvaryvarietyvariousvariablenaturallynaturaln

3、ature.常用短语1_在的边缘2_有大量的3_被所包围4_敲竹杠;敲诈5_(俚语)从中得到乐趣6_利用7_至少8_在远处9_经过;经历;通过10_反对at the edge ofbe heavy withbe surrounded byrip offget a kick out oftake advantage ofat leastin the distancego throughbe against.重点句型1_ youre going on a trip through the Three Gorges.想象一下你正在穿过三峡旅行吧。答案:Imagine2He and a colleag

4、ue _ two years there _ English at a teacher training college.他和另一位同事将在那里的一所教师进修学院教两年英语。答案:were to spend; teaching3We could _ the sun _ behind the white pagoda.我们目睹太阳在白塔后西沉。答案:see; setting4Nearly 100 million people live here, _.差不多一亿人口住在此地,绝大多数住在东部。答案:most of them in the east.模块语法1I wonder why Mr. Gr

5、een hasnt showed up at the meeting yet.Im not sure, but he _ in a traffic jam driving here.A. could be stuckB. might stuckC. might have been stuckD. must have stuck答案与解析:C从句意知是对过去事实的一种可能的推测。2Why didnt you come to Mikes birthday party yesterday?Well, I _, but I forgot it.A. should B. mustC. should ha

6、ve D. must have答案与解析:C表示客观事实上的一种可能性。3Janes pale face suggested that she _ ill, and her parents suggested that she _ medical examination.A. be; should have B. was; haveC. should be; have D. was; has答案与解析:B考查动词suggest的用法。第一个suggest意为“表明,暗示”,其后宾语从句用陈述语气;第二个suggest意为“建议”,其后宾语从句用虚拟语气。4He _ the job well,

7、but he _ so careless.A. had done; had beenB. could do; wasC. could have done; wasD. hadnt done; had been 答案与解析:C本题考查虚拟语气。由句意:他本可以把工作做好,但他却是如此粗心。知选C。考点探究解密考 点 解 读1surround vt.包围,环绕 v围绕n.围绕物(尤指)围饰精讲拓展:be surrounded with/by.被环绕着;周围都是surround oneself with.喜欢结交(某类人);喜欢身边总有(某类东西)surrounding adj.周围的;附近的sur

8、roundings n环境误区警示:surroundings n环境(通常用复数形式)The house is in beautiful surroundings.这座房屋四周的环境优美。朗文在线:The city is surrounded on all sides by hills.这个城市四面环山。How can I work when Im surrounded by idiots?和那么多白痴在一起,我怎么能工作呢?David loved to surround himself with young people.戴维很喜欢和年轻人在一起。命题方向:surround的各种形式及意思是

9、考查的重点。活学巧练:(1)She has always been_(包围)with fashionable friends.(2)He likes to_(生活在)beautiful things.(3)The house is situated in very pleasant_(环境)(4)There are some strange things_(环境)her.surroundedsurround himself withsurroundingssurrounding2trade n&v.生意;做生意The company trades mainly in furs and anim

10、al skins.精讲拓展:trade with与做交易trade in sth.经营trade name商标名,商品名trade mark商标trade union工会trade on sth.(贬义)利用牟取私利活学巧练:(1)He _(以牟利)his fathers reputation.(2)The old man_his house_(用交换)a car.(3)He tried his best to develop_(贸易)relations between the two nations.(4)Shoemaking is a useful_(行业)trades ontradedf

11、ortradetrade3forbid v禁止;不许精讲拓展:forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid sb.(to do)sth.禁止某人(做某事)forbidding adj.可怕的;令人难亲近的forbidden adj.禁止的;严禁的the Forbidden City紫禁城误区警示:forbid直接接动词的ing形式,不可接不定式形式。朗文在线:You may not go to the partyI absolutely forbid it!你也许不参加聚会我绝对不许你去。Who would run the business if, God forbid, you

12、were to die?假如你死了,但愿不会发生这样的事,谁来打理生意呢?He was forbidden to leave the base as a punishment.作为惩罚,他被禁止离开基地。命题方向:forbid doing与forbid sb. to do是重要考点。活学巧练:(1)The school_(不允许)the students to smoke.(2)The storm_(禁止)us to go out.(3)We_(禁止抽烟)here.(4)He was_(不允许)access to the club.forbidsforbadeforbid smokingforbidden(5)He was in poor health, so the doctor_him to drink wine.Ahoped BdemandedCforbade Dprevented答案与解析:C“因为身体不好,医生禁止他饮酒”,句意理解。4mark n符号,记号;污迹;斑点;分数v.留下痕迹;标示;标志;打分;作记号精讲拓展:pass mark(考试的)及格分数question mark问

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