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1、新视野大学英语3单词讲解U6ANew Words: earthquake n. C (also quake) a sudden shaking of the Earths surface 地震EG: In 1906 an earthquake destroyed much of San Francisco. 1906年,一场地震摧毁了旧金山的大部分地区。Did you feel the earthquake a few hours ago? 几个小时前,你感觉到地震了吗?detect detect (v.) -detection (n.) -detective (n.);vt. notice

2、or discover sth. that is difficult to see, feel, etc. 发现;查出EG: Financial experts have detected signs that the economy is beginning to improve. 经济学家们已经觉察到经济开始改善的迹象。I detected a slight change in his attitude. 我察觉到他的态度有微妙的变化。experimentalexperimental (a.)-experiment (n. /v.);a. used for, relating to, or

3、 resulting from experiments 实验的;根据实验的EG: The drug is still at the experimental stage. 这种药还处在实验阶段。The changes to the distribution system are purely experimental at the moment. 分配体制的一些变革目前只是实验性的。data n. U facts; information 资料;信息EG: The data is/are still being analyzed. 那些资料仍在分析中。How much data can we

4、store on one disk? 一张电脑磁盘可储存多少资料?radon n. U (Rn) 氡(一种由镭的衰变而产生的放射性气态元素)EG: He said detecting radon in drinking water would be extremely expensive and might not help public health. 他说,检测饮用水中是否含有氡将会非常昂贵,而且并不一定有益于公众健康。wax vi. become bigger or stronger 变大;增强EG: The fame of the film star waxed. 那个电影明星的知名度

5、有所提高。Her feelings for John wax and wane. 她对约翰的感情时好时坏。n. U a solid substance made of fat or oil and used to make candles, polish sth., etc. 蜡EG: She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle. 她注视着蜡油从蜡烛的边上滴落下来。The envelope was sealed with wax. 信封用蜡封了口。withstand vt. (withstood, withstoo

6、d) be strong enough not to be harmed by sth. such as great heat, cold, pressure, etc. 承受;顶住EG: The region needs housing which is strong enough to withstand severe wind and storms. 这个地区需要结实的房屋来抵抗狂风和暴雨的袭击。He managed to stay in power for over five years, withstanding all the criticism and the pressure

7、on him to leave. 他承受着所有的批评及要求他离职的压力,还是掌了5年多的权。weld vt. join metals by melting their edges and pressing them together 焊接EG: The door was sheet metal welded on to the frame of iron. 门是焊接在一个铁框上的金属薄板。EG: The car has had a new wing welded on. 这辆汽车焊上了一个新的挡泥板。joint joint (a. /n.) -join (v.); n. 1. C a plac

8、e where two parts of sth. are joined together 接头;接缝;接合处EG: Repairs have involved replacing the joints between each 20-metre stretch of road. 修理包括更换公路上每隔20米处的接缝。Check the pipes for leaks at the joints. 检查一下管子的接缝是否有漏缝。The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 拖延打乱了整个计划。2. C a place where two bon

9、es are connected 关节EG: There are three main types of joints that allow either some, slight or no movement of the bones. 有使骨骼能够活动、轻微活动或不能活动的三种主要关节。Sports shoes are now designed to help protect the knee and hip joints. 现在设计的运动鞋有助于保护膝关节和髋关节。a. belonging to or shared between two or more people 共有的;联合的EG

10、: This point is particularly important for joint venture projects. 这一点对合资企业项目来说尤其重要。By our joint efforts we managed to push the car back on the road. 我们一起努力,终于把汽车推回到公路上。architect architect (n.)- architecture (n.); n. C sb. whose job is to design buildings 建筑师;设计师EG: He was one of the principal archi

11、tects of the revolution. 他是那次革命的主要发起者之一。column n. 1. C a tall solid upright stone post used to support a building or as a decoration 柱;支柱EG: The roof of the temple was held up by a row of thick stone columns. 这座庙宇的屋顶是由一排粗大的石柱支撑着的。What did it cost to put up those columns? 建造那些圆柱花了多少钱?2. C a line of n

12、umbers or words written under each other that goes down a page 列;栏EG: Turn to page 5, column 2. 请翻到第5页第2栏。I didnt have time to read the whole articlejust the first column. 我没有时间读整篇文章只读了第一栏。horizontal horizontal (a.) -horizon (n.); a. flat and level 水平的EG: Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of

13、the page. 在此页底部画一条水平线。Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised. 让病人保持平卧,双脚略微抬高。beam n. 1. C a long thick piece of wood or metal that supports a roof 梁;横梁EG: The sitting room had exposed wooden beams and a large fireplace. 客厅里有几根裸木横梁和一个很大的壁炉。The beams cracked and the top floor caved

14、in. 横梁断裂,顶楼陷了下来。2. C a line of light 光线;光束EG: I could see the beam of his torch waving around in the dark. 我能够看见他的手电筒的光在黑暗中四下晃动。The beams of searchlights are scanning the sky. 探照灯的光束在天空扫过。 vertical a. pointing up in a line that forms an angle of 90with a flat surface 垂直的;竖的EG: His shirt was a patter

15、n of vertical and horizontal lines. 他的衬衫上是一种纵横线条的图案。By the time the lifeboat arrived, the ship was almost vertical in the water. 救生艇到达时,那艘船差不多已是竖着立在水中了。pillar n. 1. C a tall upright round post used to support a building 柱子;柱状物EG: Concrete pillars support the bridge. 水泥柱支撑着大桥。A characteristic feature of this area is the detached pillars of rock that stand in the sea. 这个地区的一个典型特征就是那些散落矗立在海中的石柱。2. C sb. who is important and respected within a group 顶梁柱;骨干

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