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1、高分作文常用过渡词语高分作文常用过渡词语、典型句型及背诵佳句 记住一些常用句型、过渡词语以及佳句对于考作文非常有用;句型就像一块一块的模板,积累了足够的模板,考试时就能信手拈来,轻松对应。而过渡词语的使用,能使作文条理分明,逻辑性强,佳句可以增加写作素材,提高写作速度:我们不仅要牢记下面的句型、过渡词语和佳句,还要善于在阅读中发现和分析这类句型、过渡词语、佳句的运用。写作时我们还反对生搬硬套的滥用,否则容易产生僵化的、蹩脚的劣质作文。 第一节 英语高分作文常用典型句型 一、用于驳斥的比较的常用句型 1. In general, I dont agree with. 2. In my opini

2、on, this point of view doesnt hold water. 3. The chief reason why., is that. 4. There is no doubt that. 5. It is not true that. 6. It can be easily denied that. 7. We have no reason to believe that. 8. What is more serious is that. 9. But it is a pity that. 10. Besides, we should not neglect that. 1

3、1. But the problem is not so simple. Therefore. 12. Others may find this to be true, but I believe that. 13. Perhaps I will question why. 14. There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to. 15. Though we are in basic agreement with., but. 16. What seems to be

4、the trouble is. 17. Yet differences will be found, thats why I feel that. 18. It would be reasonable to take the view that., but it would be foolishto claim that. 19. There is in fact no reason for us to believe that. 20. What these people fail to consider is that. 21. It is one thing to insist that

5、., it is quite another to show that. 22. Wonderful as A is, however, it has its own disadvantages too. 23. The advantages of B are much greater than A. 24. As advantage sounds ridiculous when B , s advantages are taken into consideration. 二、用于描写图表和数据的常用句型 1. It has increased by three times as compar

6、ed with that of 1998. 2. There is an increase of 20% in total this year. 3. It has been increased by a factor of 4 since 1995. 4. It would be expected to increase 5 times. 5. The table shows a three times increase over that of last year. 6. It was decreased twice than that of the year 1996. 7. The t

7、otal number was lowered by 10%. 8. It rose from 10 -15 percent of the total this year. 9. Compared with 1997, it fell from 15 to 10 percent. 10. The number is 5 times as much as that of 1995. 11. It has decreased almost two and half times, compared with. 三、解释原因、分析影响的常用句型及例句说明 1. Everybody knows that

8、. 2. It can be easily proved that. 3. It is true that. 4. No one can deny that. 5. One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is. 6. The chief reason is that. 7. We must recognize that. 8. There is no doubt that. 9. I am of the opinion that. 10. This can be expressed as follows: 11.

9、 To take., for an example . 12. We have reason to believe that. 13. Now that we know that. 14. Among the most convincing reasons given, one should be mentioned. 15. The change in. largely results from the fact that. 16. There are several causes for this significant growth in., first . second., final

10、ly. 17. A number of factors could account for the development in.18. Perhaps the primary reason is. 19. It is chiefly responsible for. 20. The reasons for., are complicated. And probably they are found in the fact. 21. There are several possible reasons, except that. 22. Somebody believes/ argues/ h

11、olds/ insists/ thinks that. 23. It is not simple to give the reason for this complicated phenomenon. 24. Different people observes it in different ways. 例句说明 1. There are many (different/several) reasons for this change (decrease/growth) of. For one thing,.For another,. ,In addition,. 例:There are se

12、veral reasons for his decision of studying law. For one thing,he is very interested in social affairs and it seems the best way to enable him to engage in these activities. For another, his father is a lawyer, who has always encouraged him to do something similar. In addtion, he is sure that he can

13、get a job after graduation. 2. A number of factors contribute to (something/doing). . and. 例: A number of factors contribute to changing moral values-self-indulgence,the lack of social consciousness and the degeneration of the society itself. 3. We may (regard/think of/take/consider) the (phenomenon

14、/decrease/development) as a (n) (sign/evidence/symbol) of.,but the truth is that. 例:We may take the change as a sign of social development, but the truth is that it will only lead to social corruption. 4. The explanation for the phenomenon of . involves many (different/complicated) factors.例:The exp

15、lanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suicide rate involves many complicated factors. Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success, others point to mounting peer pressure, and still others to confusion over changing social values. 5. The reasons for . are many, but for the

16、 most part center on. 例:The reasons for poverty are many, but for the most part center on illiteracy, the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness. 四、有关文章、段落起始的常用句型 I. With the (rapidly) growing popularity of Internet surfing ( computers /cars/mobile phones/pagers/.PDP television/. ) in

17、 China, the quality of our lives is improving for the better. 2. With the (rapid) growth of our economy ( heavy industries/transportation system/market economy/population/private enterprises/housing industry/. ), an increasing number of problems, such as (water shortages/traffic jams/industrial poll

18、ution/ waste of energy/desert spreading/. ), are beginning to surface. 3. As the proverb says. ( It goes without saying that. /Generally speaking,. /It is often said that. ) 4. With the (rapid) development of science and technology ( market economy/electronic industry/information industry/higher edu

19、cation/.) an increasing number of people come to realize that (knowledge is power/a weak nation has no International prestige/education is of vital importance/.). 5. Currently, there is a widespread concern over drug abuse (high unemployment rate/wildlife extinction/environmental pollution/desertifi

20、cation/organized crime/widespread corruption/energy crisis/water shortages/traffic jams/increasing traffic accidents/. ). 6. It is quite clear that (Them is no doubt that/ Some people believe that).,because. 7. There is a wide spread concern that many large state-owned companies are in deficit (quit

21、e a few Chinese cities face the problem of water shortages, industrial pollution and waste of energy/various kind of superstition flare up/. ) 8. The government is (We are) seriously concerned with wildlife extinction (drug abuse/widespread corruption/organized crimes/high unemployment rate/.). 9. M

22、any people often ask such question:”.? ( More and more people have come to realize.) 10. In the past two decades ( In the past five years), millions of private enterprises( private schools/supermarkets/fast food restaurants/. ) have mushroomed all over China. 11. In recent years, many Chinese famili

23、es have owned cars (computers/mobile phones/video cameras/houses/. ). 12. Recently the issue of. has been brought to public attention. (Currently there is a widespread concern that. /Now people in growing number are coming to realize that. ) 13. Nowadays, a heated debate (discussion) about the acces

24、sion to WTO (private cars/stocks/brain-drain/Chinas football/. ) is under way in China. 14. As the market economy (the legal system/the living standard/the higher education system/the highway network/the infrastructure/.) improves in China, free competition will increasingly replace all sorts of mon

25、opolies. 15. One great man said that. 16. As the public awareness of the market economy (population control/socialism and communism/wildlife preservation/environmental protection/higher education/human rights/anti-monopoly/creativity/competition/laws and regulations/.) heightens, the gap between Chi

26、na and the developed countries will gradually vanish (many social problems will be solved gradually). 17. Recently, extensive studies (statistics/surveys/investigations/.) show (reveal/indicate/demonstrate/prove/.) that 107 Chinese cities and 1231 small towns suffer water shortages. 18. These days w

27、e often tell that., but is this really the case? 19. There are three major values of owning a car (a computer/an apartment/a mobile phone/a beeper/.). To begin with . Next . Last . There are, on the other hand, more reasons against it. First (ly). Second (ly) . Finally . 20. There are some reasons f

28、or owing a car ( traffic accidents/big fires in big cities/water shortages/destruction of virgin forests/. ). 21. In the past several years there has been. 22. Now an increasing number of people come to realize that time is money ( knowledge is power/science and technology energize economic growth/w

29、e must learn to live in harmony with wildlife/weak nation has no international prestige/cheating never pays/science and technology constitute the primary productive force/. ). 23. There are three basic differences between the large and small universities (cities and countryside/ceramics and plastics

30、 materials/. ). In the small university, you. In the large university, you. 24. There are various ways (at least three ways/possible techniques/problems/methods/approaches/. ) to do something. 25. Now it is commonly held that. but I doubt whether. 26. The policy ( The president/The major/The reform/

31、The bidding for the 2008 Olympic Summer Games) enjoys grass-root support for three main reasons, 27. Smoking (alcoholic beverage/Drugs/Guns/Firecrackers/. ) should be banned from college campuses for two reasons. The first reason is that. The other reason is that. (on the one hand . On the other hand . ) 28. There is a general discussion today about the issue of. 29. No pains , no gains. No money , no honey (friend

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