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1、现代电力市场研究 毕业论文外文翻译现代电力市场研究电力市场是一个新的科学的营销,我们有了建设社会主义市场经济条件下,完全改变观念,了解和掌握的权力营销目标市场的特点,正确地选择的营销策略,以保护电源,促进社会和经济发展的宗旨。电网企业营销作为一种重要的业务内容,不仅关系到电网的发展,同时也为企业自身等其他行业和类别的用户都带来了巨大的冲击。它不仅是密切相关的,但建设节约型社会也紧密联系在一起的以建立和谐社会。因此必须要转变观念、加强营销理论的力量,提高他们的学习方式将营销技巧,加强电力营销管理、营销能力创造出一个新的局面。首先,目标市场的特点,电力营销1整体的通过电力交换网络、网络覆盖面积范围


3、用电只有几打千瓦时。第三,对时间的需求。不同性质的需求电力用户有不同需要的时间。化工行业需要 24小时不间断的电源供应。只需确保在日夜电源的商业企业,夜负载需求是很低。第四、 消费。热转化的电能消耗、 功耗和消费模式照明消费属于不同的目标市场。这种差异的存在是区分不同地区和不同规模的电力企业基于不同的目标市场,一般特性研究的目标市场力量,变化规律和趋势。因此,必须划分研究与目标市场的权力。3.相对稳定,不要放弃性 电力市场,目标市场是动态的,不是一成不变的,一旦选择了市场。这种动态是相对于电力市场的整体稳定。电力的目标市场是发展的,而不是频繁或突然变异的变化,逐步实现。电力在一定时间内的每个目

4、标市场,并在一个相对稳定的状态。与此同时,目标市场力量的选择应考虑为供电企业的目标市场的专营权方面的国家,社会和其他因素,都必须满足,不以盈利或减少很难完全放弃了市场。 4.它是密切关联的国民经济 目标市场是不是一个独立的电力市场,电力市场要发展,很明显在对宏观经济环境的依赖性。这是因为商品最大功耗是工业负荷,以商业,服务业,农业和生活之后。无论工业,农业,商业或服务业是国民经济的重要组成部分,国家宏观经济政策的调整,直接体现在这些行业的调整。任何一个行业的变化调整,是目标市场力量的因素,这些因素的作用必然是市场发展的总体战略目标,制定目标和一系列活动。 其次,电力营销策略 1,电力市场营销战

5、略指导 1)建立一个全体员工的营销理念。电力公司有其自身的特殊性,它的输出变量安置过程是相同的时间,对合作与各部门需要完成的业务流程,任何一个环节不能充分参与的错,因此电力公司必须建立一全体员工的合作,参与生产和销售的想法,所有工作人员的营销理念。 2)建立和完善电力营销系统。建立和完善电力营销系统是对电力营销实施的关键。供电企业开拓市场,应根据短期利益的平衡和长远利益,以建立更完整的营销系统,它应包括:理念:以市场为导向,以客户需求,提高竞争,优质的服务,品牌和价值感;信息:市场信息收集子系统,信息处理子系统,市场报告子系统,市场决策子系统;人才:招聘,培训,考核营销等。客户管理:客户关系管

6、理(CRM),客户服务系统,业务咨询,投诉的处理。 3)发展潜力的市场,培育新的增长点的电力。这是永久供电企业永恒的主题,也是供电企业开拓电力市场的源头。目前,虽然低于电力供应方面有着共同需求的矛盾,但低功率水平的不平衡。从长远来看,电力会像最终产品的买方市场,像其他商品,电力公司不能有“和”的思想,实现企业效率最大化,延长电力要培育市场,及时调整电力市场结构,积极培育新的增长点的电力。 4)科学的激励和约束机制的建立。向现代企业成功的关键,最大限度地人类主动性和工作,电力业务在未来的市场发展和创造力的培养很长的路去动员,如何销售电力和工作业绩挂钩的工人,如何利用人才,用好人才的任务,并大大提

7、高员工的积极性和创造性,是高层管理人员要深入思考的问题。可以说,建立科学的激励和约束机制,以激发人们的积极性是在一个安全的主导地位在未来的市场竞争力的供应企业。2,电源产品策略 1)电源质量战略。在当前能源和替代能源的竞争日趋激烈和产品在能源供应过剩的情况,电能质量将要采取的业务决策是:提高电能质量,提高企业盈利和市场份额。 2)执行的能源产品的差异化战略。为了满足对电力客户,电力,吸引更多的客户,开拓电力市场,电力供应企业加大产品结构的深度大多数人的不同需求。对于一些特殊的业务,如特殊冶炼,高新技术企业,其电力供应,供电频率,供电电压和可靠性等技术指标有特殊要求,应其电源高品质的产品。 3)

8、能源产品,品牌战略的实施。目前,以下两种类型供电企业面临的竞争主要是:在与其他替代能源,能源产品,有自己独特的位置,可以实施品牌战略能源产品的竞争,在电力行业的竞争,产品的能级在核心产品而言是一个同质产品,但由于在质量,服务,提供不同的企业形象,因此仍存在不同的差异。所以有形产品和附加产品水平,可作为能源产品和异构的产品,因此电力公司可以实施品牌战略。 3.电力定价策略 目前,中国仍然是一个国家控制电价,国家规定的价格以下原则:以成本为基础,合理利润,资源,公平的报酬,平等交流的合理使用,促进电力客户的合理使用。目前的价格水平和我们的一些用户相比,承载能力较高,在电网高峰负荷较大的差异。因此,

9、企业能够提供充分的权力做市场研究与销售利润和损失成本分析的产品定价原则的基础上,采取一些价格策略:1)管理的中间层,以减少电力消耗; 2)继续清理整顿不合理收费; 3)以优惠折扣价格,对一些特殊电力公司,如高耗能企业,电力公司可以根据分销成本的前提下全额赔偿,必要时按价格的具体情况; 4 )的实施分时电价政策; 5)可中断电价政策的执行情况; 6)供电企业可以实施差别定价策略。 4.电源质量战略 加强对供电企业的优质服务,促进地方经济发展和社会进步具有积极的作用,其主要特点:1)电力品质的服务是开放电力市场的重要手段,扩大电力销售; 2)电服务是提高供电企业经济效益的重要手段; 3)电源优质的

10、服务是一个重要的手段,提高员工的素质; 4)电力服务,是建立一个供电企业的良好形象,提高知名度信和成绩单的重要途径。并加强供电企业营销人员必须提高服务,服务质量管理和营销人员,开始积极主动。 结论:电力市场营销是基于经济科学,行为科学,现代管理理论对科学的综合应用。由于电力营销过程中有其独特的特点,在新形势下建立以市场为导向的营销体系,支持深化深度营销体系,市场营销,业务发展,进一步渗透到目标市场,加大市场营销的宽度,提高服务水平和供电服务深度,提高电力产品的市场竞争力,直接关系到企业和人民的力量发展水平的生活。因此,我们必须重视市场营销的力量。显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典 译文:Electr

11、icity Market Research The electricity market is a new science of marketing, we have the construction of the socialist market economy, completely changing concepts, understand and master the power of Marketing target market characteristics, correct choice of Marketing strategies in order to protect t

12、he power supply, to promote the social and Economic Development purposes. Power grid enterprises Marketing as an important business content, not only related to the Development of power grid enterprises themselves, but also for other industries and categories of users have a huge impact. It is not o

13、nly closely related to building a conservation-oriented society, but also inextricably linked with the establishment of a harmonious society. So must change their concepts, to enhance the power of Marketing theory approach to learning, improve their Marketing skills, strengthen the power marketing m

14、anagement, marketing power to create a new situation. First, the characteristics of the target market power marketing 1, With overall Power exchange through network, network coverage area is the scope of the electricity market as a whole. Grid is unified, in the same area may have different needs of

15、 customers, electricity sales to the same general area as only a market, the overall sales services, therefore, different from the target market of electricity grid connection as a whole. 2, With differences Although the target market of each power type of product, customer classification and many o

16、ther aspects of the same nature, but otherwise there are very significant differences, mainly in the following areas: First, the plan arrangement. A different way of electricity supply customers with different requirements. Some need direct supply of power suppliers, and some indirect supply electri

17、city supplier is required. A large number of users need to supply long-term relationship, a small number of users only temporary power. Second, the demand. Of different sizes have different requirements for electricity consumers. Large enterprises can reach hundreds of millions of electricity consum

18、ption in kilowatt hours or even several dozens. Small user, such as residential electricity only a few dozen kWh. Third, the demand for time. Different nature of demand for electricity users have different needs time. The chemical Industry requires round the clock uninterrupted power supply. Commerc

19、ial enterprises only required to ensure power supply during the day and night, night load demand is very low. Fourth, consumption. Thermal conversion of electrical energy consumption, power consumption and lighting consumption into consumption patterns belong to different target markets. The existen

20、ce of such differences is to distinguish between different regions and different scale of power enterprises based on the different target markets, the study general characteristics of the target market power, changes in laws and trends. Therefore, the power to divide the target market and Research i

21、s essential. 3, Relatively stable and not give up sex Electricity market, the target market is dynamic, not static, once selected to the market. This dynamic is relative to the general stability of the electricity markets. Electricity target market is the progressive realization of the Development a

22、nd changes, rather than frequent or sudden mutation. electricity market in each target within a certain time and are in a relatively stable state. At the same time, the choice of target market power should be considered national, social and other factors, for the franchise area of power supply enter

23、prise target market must all satisfied, not for profit, or less difficult to completely abandon the market. 4, It is closely associated with the national economy Target market is not an independent power market, as the electricity market to be developed, it is apparent in the dependence on the macro

24、Economic environment. This is because the maximum power consumption of goods is an industrial load, followed by commerce, services, agriCulture and living. whether industrial, agricultural, commercial or service industries are an important pArt of the national economy, national macroEconomic policy

25、adjustments, directly reflected in the adjustment of these industries. Any adjustment of an Industry changes are the target market power a factor, the role of these factors necessarily the target aggregate market development strategies, goal setting and a series of activities. Second, the power of m

26、arketing Strategy 1, The electricity market guiding marketing Strategy 1) Establish a marketing idea of all employees. Power companies have their own particularity, and its output variable placement process is the same time, the need for co-operation with various departments to complete the business

27、 process, any one link can not go wrong with full participation, so power companies must establish a collaboration of all employees to participate in the production and sale of the idea that all staff marketing concept. 2) The establishment and improvement of electric power marketing system. Establi

28、sh and improve the electric power marketing system is the key to implementation of power marketing. Power supply companies to develop the market should be based on short-term interests and long-term interests of a balance, to establish a more complete marketing system. It should include: the concept

29、: the market-oriented to customer demands, enhance the sense of competition, quality service, brand and values; information: market Information collection sub-system, Information processing subsystem, market reports subsystem, the market decision-making subsystem; talents: Marketing of recruitment,

30、training, assessment, etc.; customer management: Customer relationship management (CRM), customer service systems, business consulting, complaint handling. 3) Developing potential markets, and cultivate new growth points of electricity. This is the constant theme of the permanent power supply enterp

31、rises, but also supply enterprises to open up the source of the electricity market. At present, although less than the demand of power supply common contradiction, but low power level is the imbalances. In the long run, power will be like the final product to a buyers market, like other commodities,

32、 power companies can not have and thinking, to achieve the maximization of business efficiency and extend electricity to be nurturing market, timely adjustment of the electricity market structure, and actively cultivate new growth points of electricity. 4) Establishment of a scientific incentive and restraint mechanisms. The key to the success of modern enterprises to maximize the mobilization of human initiative and creativity of the work, power business in the future market development and the cultivation of a long way to go, how to sell ele

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