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Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting Demand习题及答案详解.docx

1、Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting Demand习题及答案详解Chapter 4: Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting DemandGENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONSMultiple Choice 1. _ is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing

2、 the company. a. Marketing intelligenceb. MIS (marketing information system)c. Marketing researchd. Demographicse. Marketing managementAnswer: c Page: 102 Level of difficulty: Easy2. Marketing research is now about a _ billion industry globally. a. $50b. $21.5c. $16.5 d. $10e. $7.5Answer: c Page: 10

3、2 Level of difficulty: Hard3. Companies normally budget marketing research at _ percent of company sales. a. 1 to 2 b. 2 to 3c. 4d. 6.5e. 10 to12 Answer: a Page: 103 Level of difficulty: Medium4. Which of the following types of marketing research firms would best be described as being one that gathe

4、rs consumer and trade information which they sell for a fee (e.g., Nielsen Media Research)? a. Custom marketing research firms.b. Syndicated-service research firms.c. Specialty-line marketing research firms.d. General-line marketing research firms.e. Non-profit marketing research firms.Answer: b Pag

5、e: 103 Level of difficulty: Medium5. If a marketing research firm were also known as a field-service firm (e.g., it sells its field interviewing services to other firms), it would be called a _.a. custom marketing research firmb. syndicated-service research firmc. specialty-line marketing research f

6、irmd. general-line marketing research firm e. systematic marketing research firmAnswer: c Page: 103 Level of difficulty: Medium6. All of the following would be among the ways that small companies can conduct marketing research in creative and affordable ways EXCEPT _. a. using the Internetb. engagin

7、g students to design and carry out projectsc. checking out rivalsd. engaging professors to design and carry out projectse. hiring syndicated-service research firms to conduct projects Answer: e Page: 103 Level of difficulty: Hard7. The first step in the marketing research process is to _. a. develop

8、 a research planb. define the problem and research objectivesc. analyze the internal environment d. read marketing research journalse. contact a professional consultant Answer: b Page: 103 Level of difficulty: Easy8. Which of the following is considered to be the last step in the marketing research

9、process? a. Present the findings.b. Analyze the information.c. Control the environment.d. Make the decision.e. Draft the report.Answer: d Page: 103 Level of difficulty: Medium9. The marketing manager needs to know the cost of the research project before approving it. During which of the following st

10、ages of the marketing research process would such a consideration most likely take place? a. Step 1defining the problem.b. Step 1creating decision alternatives.c. Step 1drafting the research objectives.d. Step 2develop the research plan.e. Step 3information collection. Answer: d Pages: 104112 Level

11、of difficulty: Medium10. Designing a research plan calls for decisions on all of the following EXCEPT _. a. drafting research objectivesb. data sourcesc. research approachesd. research instrumentse. sampling plans Answer: a Page: 104 Level of difficulty: Medium11. _ are data that were collected for

12、another purpose and already exist somewhere. a. Primary datab. Secondary datac. Tertiary data d. Inordinatee. OrdinateAnswer: b Page: 104 Level of difficulty: Easy12. Primary data can be collected in several ways. Which of the following primary data collection methods would be exemplified by constru

13、cting see-through mirrors in a retail store whereby consumers actions could be recorded? a. Focus groupsb. Surveys c. Observationd. Behavioral datae. ExperimentsAnswer: c Page: 105 Level of difficulty: Medium13. A _ is a gathering of six to ten people who are carefully selected based on certain demo

14、graphic, psychographic, or other considerations and brought together to discuss at length various topics of interest. a. market maven b. virtual research market c. consumer dyad d. focus groupe. Nielsen sample family Answer: d Page: 105 Level of difficulty: Easy 14. Companies undertake surveys to le

15、arn about peoples knowledge, _, preferences, and satisfaction, and to measure these magnitudes in the general population. a. beliefsb. psychec. inner idd. deepest secretse. intelligence and literacyAnswer: a Page: 105 Level of difficulty: Medium 15. The most scientifically valid research is _ resear

16、ch. a. observation b. focus groupc. surveyd. behavioral datae. experimentalAnswer: e Page: 106 Level of difficulty: Medium16. All of the following would be among the “dos and donts” of questionnaire design EXCEPT _. a. make questions as simple as possibleb. make the questions specificc. ensure that

17、fixed responses overlapd. avoid hypothetical questionse. avoid questions with a negative in themAnswer: c Page: 107 Level of difficulty: Hard17. The most common instrument used to collect primary data is the _. a. human eye (through observation)b. Internetc. bar code reader (behavioral data research

18、)d. video camera (e.g., focus group research)e. questionnaireAnswer: e Page: 107 Level of difficulty: Easy18. Some marketers prefer more _ methods for gauging consumer opinion because consumer actions do not always match their answers to survey questions. a. quantitativeb. qualitativec. psychographi

19、cd. coverte. subliminal Answer: b Page: 107 Level of difficulty: Medium19. If a marketing researcher observes people using products, shopping, going to hospitals, taking the train, or using their cell phones, the researcher would most likely be using which of the following qualitative research gathe

20、ring methods? a. Behavior mappingb. Consumer journalsc. Shadowingd. Extreme user interviewse. Unfocus groupsAnswer: c Page: 107 Level of difficulty: Medium20. If a questionnaire designer decides to use a scale that connects two bipolar words wherein the respondent selects the point that represents h

21、is or her opinion, the designer is most likely using what is called _. a. a dichotomous questionb. a multiple-choice questionc. a Likert scaled. the semantic differentiale. word association question Answer: d Page: 108 Level of difficulty: Hard21. If a marketing researcher chooses to use a word asso

22、ciation question (e.g., “what is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the following: airlineAmericantravel, et cetera), the researcher has chosen which of the following type of question for his or her research questionnaire? a. Closed-end questionb. Likert scale questionc. Open-end q

23、uestiond. Rating scale question e. Semantic differential question Answer: c Page: 108 Level of difficulty: Medium22. Which of the following types of tests matches to a question that shows a picture and respondents are asked to make up a story about what they think is happening or may happen in the p

24、icture? a. Word associationb. Completely unstructured questionc. Story completiond. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)e. Holistic associationAnswer: d Page: 108 Level of difficulty: Hard23. _ is a qualitative research approach for getting inside a consumers mind and finding out what they are thinking

25、or feeling (e.g., a consumer says that the John Deere brand makes them think of a rugged Midwestern male who is hard-working and trustworthy). a. Word associationb. A projective techniquec. Brand personificationd. Ladderinge. Visualization Answer: c Page: 109 Level of difficulty: Medium24. Mechanica

26、l devices are occasionally used in marketing research. For example, _ flashes an ad to a subject with an exposure interval that may range from one hundredth of a second to several seconds. After each exposure, the respondent describes everything he or she recalls. a. a tachistoscopeb. the galvanomet

27、er c. an eye-tracking camerad. an audiometere. a pupilometerAnswer: a Page: 110 Level of difficulty: Hard25. With respect to the sampling plan, three decisions must be made. The decisions are: the sampling unitwho is to be surveyed? Sample sizehow many people should be surveyed? And _. a. sample cos

28、thow much does sampling cost?b. surveyor skillwho will do the surveying?c. sample securityhow to protect the sample data?d. sampling procedurehow should the respondents be chosen?e. sample supervisorwho will lead the sampling effort?Answer: d Page: 110 Level of difficulty: Hard26. If a marketing res

29、earcher selects the most accessible population members, he or she would have selected the _ sampling method. a. simple randomb. stratified random c. clusterd. judgmente. convenienceAnswer: e Page: 110 Level of difficulty: Medium27. If a researcher finds and interviews a prescribed number of people i

30、n each of several categories, the researcher is using the _ sampling method. a. judgmentb. quotac. convenienced. clustere. simple randomAnswer: b Page: 110 Level of difficulty: Hard28. If a marketing researcher wished to reach people who would not give personal interviews or whose responses might be

31、 biased or distorted by the interviewers, he or she should choose the _ as the best way to reach people. a. mail questionnaire b. telephone interviewc. online interviewd. focus group interviewe. cell phone interviewAnswer: a Page: 111 Level of difficulty: Medium29. Which of the following is considered to be the most versatile of the questioning or interviewing methods

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